Immortal Cravings: Boxed Set

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Immortal Cravings: Boxed Set Page 5

by Ainsley Cole


  “Make it stop Rhayden. It hurts so much.” Whimpering she rested her head against his chest as he put his hand on the back of her head.

  “I know sweetheart. Hang on. I will seal it,” Rhayden pushed her back a bit, leaning forward. His tongue ran along the gash, his saliva sealing the cut with a slight hiss. “I have to get you back to Abe.”

  Marley didn't hear him, her head swimming, skin crawling. Closing her eyes, she just wanted to sleep forever. Consciousness slipped from her, her vision blackening.

  She didn't even hear as Vince came into the room— brandishing head of the Hunting Alpha Lycan.


  Rhayden picked her up, carrying her out to the car. He turned to Vince, noticing the head of the Lycan had been discarded into the dirt, “Clean this up. Seal the Archives and burn the building. It’s no longer a safe-site.”

  Vince nodded and Rhayden left with Absinthe's human almost on the verge of death.


  Absinthe was waiting as his brother sped into the driveway. He stepped forward, opening the door of the car, pulling Marley from the confines.

  His anger hit its peak, as he smelt death wafting from her. The wound on her shoulder was festering. He glared at Rhayden as his brother stepped out of the car, gaze going to the woman in his arms.

  “What happened!?” Absinthe’s voice was acidic, anger coloring it and the paler vampire cringed.

  “A Lycan. It attacked her.”

  “And you killed it?”

  “Of course I did. I cleaned and sealed the wound. But I think the taint is in her. I-I'm sorry Abe.”

  Absinthe heard the pained tone in his brother's voice and suddenly realized his sibling’s aversion to Marley—the reason he had been so adamant not to go with her; leave her to do her own thing—might have been a ruse.

  Abe turned, taking Marley into the mansion.

  The hallway was lined with vampires, all staring at their Lord and the unconscious woman in his arms. He looked at the closest one, a woman of only a few decades old.

  “Get the serum,” The fledgling looked at him, eyes wide. Her mouth popped open to object at the thought of helping a human—and his anger peaked, voice booming through the mansion. “Now!”

  The creatures scattered, as Absinthe climbed the stairs. He took the human hunter to his room, kicking the door closed and lay her on his bed.


  Smoothing back her copper hair, he looked down at the wound. Ragged gashes, the bruising, the blood. Rhayden had sealed the wound well and he was glad, she would be dead right now if he hadn't.

  Lycan bites were notorious for bleeding out. Something in their saliva acted as an anti-coagulant.

  The door to the room opened and Rhayden walked in, brandishing the serum. Handing it to Absinthe, his gaze moved to the tiny woman lying on his brother’s bed. “Is she—?”

  “Still alive? Yes, thanks to you,” Abe replied, pulling the cap off the syringe. He pushed the needle into Marley's skin, watching as the pale red liquid slowly flowed into her veins. “Are all the Lycan dead?”

  “Yes. Vince was sealing the archives and destroying the building. He’ll be there for the rest of the night.”

  “Good, we don't want anything left for them to find. How did they know the Safe-house was there? And why wait until night to attack, they could have done it during the day. Taken Marley and left you in ashes.”

  “We haven't worked it out.” Rhayden said, taking the syringe from his brother, putting the cap back on the end of it. He put it in his pocket and Absinthe looked back to Marley.

  “Find out,” Absinthe said, smoothing the hair back from the woman’s face. “I will keep an eye on Marley. She should be fine after the serum kicks in.”

  “Yes brother.” Rhayden replied, closing the door quietly behind him as he left.

  Abe sighed, lifting her the woman slightly. He removed her ruined shirt, leaving her only in a bra and undid the buttons on her jeans, pulling them down; removing them as he pulled off her boots.

  As he turned back to her, a small scar glistened pinkly in the light and he stopped.

  On the inside of her thigh was two puncture marks and he leaned in.

  Too fresh to be his, their lovemaking had never gone this far. It was casual, not warranting his mouth on her.

  He frowned, wondering what happened in the safe-house; for the marks had not been there the previous night when he had made love to her. He would have noticed them under his touch.

  Abe reached out and measured the bite mark with his fingers. He knew the gap between his vampire Coven Member’s fangs. He kept a record, so if a human was attacked, he could find the culprit and deal justice out to them.

  Absinthe closed his eyes, hanging his head. He turned to the door, his eyes opening again, knowing the vampire who had done it—had just left the room.


  Marley woke with a headache, mouth tasting sour. She was in her bra, panties and she hoped to god it hadn't been Rhayden who had undressed her. That was the last thing she needed, “You’re awake.”

  She turned to Abe's voice and smiled weakly at him. He leaned against the carved doorframe, watching her.

  She was in his room. He had the most magnificent carvings on his door-frames, it was like a palace.

  “Just. What happened?”

  “You were attacked.”

  “The Lycan. Yes, I remember. Rhayden, he sealed my wound,” Marley looked down at the gash and saw it was only a thin silvery line on her skin. “What the—?”


  “Oh, your kick-ass antibiotic.”

  “Yes, we injected you with it.”

  “Lovely. So am I going to turn now?” Marley knew of the serum. She’d seen it used on Rhayden before, but she didn’t know what it was exactly. She’d never had the guts to ask.

  “No. It is only a derivative. Not our full blood. You won't turn.”

  “Right, that's good to know,” she said. “And when Rhayden cleaned the wound? Or when you take my blood during sex?”

  “Same thing. We do not exchange blood, so you cannot turn. But if one of us bit you, then our blood got into the wound, then yes, you would start to turn. But it is a long, painful experience and only the strongest humans are chosen to be turned,” Abe looked at her, gaze steady as she moved around, stretching her muscles. “It is the Mated who produce offspring, it is safer, more productive.”

  “Right, which is why you need me to find the killer.”

  Abe nodded, watching as she walked towards the bathroom, “Where are you going?”

  Marley turned to him, “I’m covered in Lycan stuff. I need a shower.”

  “I have to see to other matter. I will see you when you are done.” Absinthe turned, not even glancing back toward her and Marley frowned.

  Something was wrong.


  Marley stood in the hot water, head down, eyes closed. She knew she was healed, but she still felt exhausted.

  Whatever the Lycan had done to her, sapped of all her energy, and she decided doubly—she hated the overgrown fur-balls. She’d already had a run in with them before.

  She hoped she never had another one in her life.

  Groaning, she picked up the soap and started to wash herself, scrubbing the smell of Lycan blood off her. The soap lathered in her hands and she washed down her thighs; needing to be clean.

  Raised bumps met her fingers on the inside of her thigh and she stopped. Dropping the soap, she moved her leg, so she could see what could be felt.

  Two neat, silvery puncture marks sat on the inside of her thigh and Marley’s hear started to contract intensely.

  Could she get out of the mansion before Absinthe came back? Had the vampire Lord noticed the fang marks his brother had left on his human?

  The water suddenly felt cold and she started to shiver in the almost scalding shower, “Crap!”

  “Marley?” Absinthe's voice floated
through the room and her heart ratcheted up another gear.

  Why did she have to let Rhayden touch her? Why did she do such a foolish thing and kiss the pale man? This could only end in someone’s death.

  Marley slowly turned off the taps, the last drips of water loud in the bathroom. She reached out, grabbing the towel and wrapped it around her. Climbing out of the shower cubicle, she could see Absinthe pacing beyond the glass bathroom door.

  He must be pissed—for he rarely paced.

  Reaching for another towel, she quickly dried her hair and dropped it to the floor, opening the door. No use in delaying the inevitable, she wouldn’t be able to hide in the bathroom from him and she knew she didn’t want to die in there either.

  Absinthe paced still, and as she came from the bathroom, he turned his attention to her, his gaze dark.

  Marley unconsciously moved the towel, trying to cover the marks on her thigh.

  The vampire’s gaze dropped to her hand, before slowly lifting back to her and she knew he’d seen them. Whether is was then, or when she had been only in her panties and bra.

  There was no denying their existence.

  Absinthe as picked up his pacing, hand on his chin, the other wrapped around his stomach. Head down; hair curtaining his beautiful face— if he didn’t seem so angry, she would have gone to him, held him.

  “What happened at the mansion?” He asked, his voice barely a whisper.

  “What do you mean? You know what happened. We were attacked by—”

  “Before that,” Abe stated. He stopped and turned to her, making her nervous. She wondered how quickly she would be able to turn and run? Would he kill her quickly, or drag it out? “With you… and my brother.”

  Marley’s face burnished hot, heart hammering. Her gaze dropped to the ground.

  She was dead.

  She just hadn't realized it yet.

  He would kill her and Rhayden for this. For the betrayal of his trust, letting them work together—alone and she almost wanted to turn what had happened back on him.

  Blame him for what had transpired. The fact he had shoved her into his brother’s eye line and made her such a temptation for the beautiful vampire. He knew exactly what kind of man his brother was. He was seductive and crowed about his sexual conquests, whenever he could.

  “Did he touch you?” Absinthe's tone was not as angry as she thought it might be and she looked up at him. She had learned to tell a vampire's emotions from their eyes.

  When Absinthe was angry, he had a red twinge to them, just like Rhayden, copper in color.

  Marley could see no anger in them, only lust and desire; molten silver.

  “What do you want me to tell you?” she asked, unsure of what this vampire had in mind for her. Was he playing with her? Making her trust him, thinking it was fine, only to kill her?

  “I want you to tell me what he did to you,” He whispered his voice thick.

  Her face heated and her gaze dropped to the floor.

  Vulnerable in her towel, her hands started to shake, knees becoming wobbly. She needed to sit, lest she fall to the ground, becoming an easier target.

  “Do you want to hear what I think he did to you?”

  Marley didn't look up, as Absinthe walked toward her. Gripping her shoulders gently, he walked her to the bed, pushing her down onto it. Lying on her back, Marley’s body flushed with desire, tinged with trepidation.

  “He did this…” Absinthe knelt in front of her, pushing her legs up, as he flicked his tongue over her sex. His movements were fluttered and soft, not rough like his brother’s. He growled, digging his fingers into her hips, bringing her towards him, thrusting his tongue into her.

  Marley moaned, back arching, eyes fluttering, as Absinthe's tongue continued to stroke inside her. His mouth lifted, and he blew cold breath across her, making her shiver and moan. His mouth found her clit and he started to suckle it. Blunt teeth worked it, rolling between his tongue and his top teeth.

  Marley felt herself slide over the edge of control and she came, hard against his face, bucking her hips. Absinthe pushed his fingers into her, almost clawing at her from the inside, his own moans of pleasure joining hers. She pushed herself against him as his tongue lapped at her flowing juices and she moaned as the occasional flick of his tongue over her, made her weak with need.

  He gripped her wrists and pulled her towards him, making her slide off the bed, straddling him.

  Marley unbuttoned his shirt, pushing it back off his shoulders as he reached down and released his manhood from his trousers. It sprung free and he maneuvered it into place, making Marley slide down onto it, gasping as he filled her.

  It was one thing to have had Rhayden and now Absinthe send her over the edge with their mouths… but the feel of Abe's hard flesh inside her was so much more enjoyable.

  “Did he do this?” Abe growled, gripping Marley to him, hands holding her buttocks, making her move up and down on his shaft.

  Marley shook her head, dizzy with the pleasure of Absinthe, the feel of his hands on her backside, the stroke of his shaft inside her.

  “No,” she whispered huskily. “He only used his tongue….”

  “Did you enjoy what my brother did to you?” Abe nipped at her neck, catching his fangs on her flesh, ripping at it slightly. He licked the wounds and did it again, making her gasp.

  She nodded, wanting to say anything, just to keep him going, “Yes.”

  “Do you want more?” She tipped her head forward and looked at him. Absinthe's eyes were only silver, his pupils having been swallowed by lust and she nodded, her heart hammering. Knowing there was not an ounce of anger in his gaze, in his movements, she was confident in answering him truthfully.


  “Do you want him?” he asked, gripping her tighter, she nodded again. Absinthe growled, roughly shoving his hips against hers. “Tell me you want him.”


  “Tell me,” he growled again, his voice sending shooting spikes of pleasure and need to the pit of her stomach. Marley looked up at him, her heart in her throat and whispered.

  “I want Rhayden.”

  Absinthe turned to the side, laying her on the hard floor. Lifting her right thigh, hooking it over his shoulder, he started to ram himself into her. She moaned, as he pinned her hands above her head, leaning in, kissing her neck.

  His body slammed against hers as his fangs buried themselves into her flesh. He drew on her blood, heightening her pleasure and she moaned.

  “But I still want you Abe…”

  Absinthe growled in her ear and Marley closed her eyes as his movements became stronger, faster. She felt his shaft harden further inside her, his hard abs rubbing on her clit and he orgasmed, pulsing inside her. Marley’s second orgasm washed over her, making her head turn to mush and legs to jelly.

  Absinthe growled softly as he slowed his pace, his body rocking against hers. He let go of her wrists, letting her leg down and held himself above her.

  Locking his arms; looking down, he smiled as she opened her eyes to him, “You can have me, and him. I will just have to learn to share.”


  Marley was confused. The words Absinthe had spoken, still swirled around in her head.

  He had given her permission to sleep with his brother; and her body flushed at the thought of finally letting Rhayden do what he wanted to do to her, not worrying about what may happen if Absinthe found out.

  A knock at the door made her jump and Marley turned, hand coming to her chest, “Yes?”

  The door opened and Rhayden stepped in, a bag in his hand, “Are you ready?”

  “Ready? For what?”

  “We are leaving. We have gained Intel on the Mated-killer. He is about thirty miles from here. We have to get going,” Rhayden looked at her, seeing the confused look on her face. “Are you okay?”

  Marley blinked, then smiled, nodding her head, tucking her hands under her arms, “Yeah, just a little tired.”

; “You can sleep on the way. Come on we have to go.” He said, before turning and closing the door behind him and Marley sighed. This was going to be a long and awkward trip.


  “You smell like him again Mars,” Rhayden looked over at her as he put the car into gear. “Obviously you feel better?”

  Marley closed her eyes.

  This was the last thing she needed, Rhayden being such an ass, in such a confined space, especially the Alpha. He would make the trip a living hell for her.

  What Abe said needed to be relayed to the paler man, but she worried about the consequences.

  What would he do?

  Pull over and screw her in the driver's seat of his Alpha? It was obvious it was what he wanted, to screw her until she couldn’t handle it anymore, “I'm fine.”

  “Yeah sure and I am the Lord of the vampires.”

  “You are close enough Rhayden. You are his little brother.”

  Rhayden chuckled and Marley insides turned to jelly. She couldn't believe the same feeling of need and desire ran through her when she thought of Rhayden as when she thought of Absinthe.

  How could she possibly be able to satisfy both brothers? Her last couple of sessions with Absinthe had left her drained.

  Having Rhayden too would make her fatigued to the max, how would she work for Abe, or find her sister’s killer then?

  “Mars?” Marley's attention snapped back to Rhayden as he drove through the gates and she turned her gaze to him.

  “What?” she asked, her gaze flicking to his face. A wisp of hair covered his eyes and she found herself reaching out, smoothing it back behind his ear, so she could see his face.

  The touch of her fingers on his face, had Rhayden's eyes close for a moment and his silver gaze turned to her. His lips parted; and she took her hand away, dropping it back to her lap, “Rhayden, watch the road.”

  He smirked and turned his head back to the front. Wrenching the Alpha's wheel to the left, it overtook the car in front of them, earning an angry horn blast.

  Marley closed her eyes and gripped the side of the car seat, teeth clenching, “Jesus Christ Rhayden! Could you stop driving like you don't care about being dead!?”


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