Immortal Cravings: Boxed Set

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Immortal Cravings: Boxed Set Page 14

by Ainsley Cole

  “And?” she fished. Maybe he would tell her something? Anything.

  “Korin is having a hard time of keeping his Coven. There are some in his ranks who think he is too weak. Like him allowing a human woman to help find the killer of his Mated, when they couldn’t find them.”

  “You think someone came after me? Against Korin’s wishes?”

  “Yes. Tony and Maddison would have taken them out, back to Korin.”


  “I am about to have a nice long chat to my cousin. Not only about this, but a few other things as well.”

  “Me?” she squeaked, wondering if the vampires would discuss her. She didn’t know if it would turn out well.

  Absinthe was bigger than his cousin, but she knew he wouldn’t be quicker. It wouldn’t take Korin much to get the upper hand on the bigger man.

  “Yes, you will definitely be part of the conversation Marley. Whether you want to be or not. He has to know you are not to be tampered with.”

  “Tampered with? I’m not a food product Abe.”

  “To vampires, you are Marley. You would be the perfect meal for someone like Korin James and he has to know that is not an option,” His voice was strained, and she heard a door opening somewhere in the back ground. Abe hissed. “I have to go.”


  The phone clicked, and she frowned. Someone had shown up and caused him to hang up. “Rhayden”

  Well, at least he was back in Miami, not wandering around here; feeling sorry for himself.

  Sighing, she picked herself up off the bed and wandered to the table, rifling through the things the vampire had left.

  A small black box lay on the table, a small cord attached to it and she picked it up, turning and walked to the computers, plugging it in. The box lit up, the computer screen suddenly becoming clogged with folders and she blinked, sitting back, “Holy shit.”

  This was going to be a long day.


  The phone buzzed by her elbow, rousing her from sleep. Opening her eyes, looking over at the screen, she blinked at the name on it.


  She scrambled for it, pressing answer, holding it to her ear, “Tony?”

  “Hey, it’s me.” The voice was female, soft and Marley sighed, relaxing into the chair.

  “Maddison! Oh my god, are you okay?”

  “Yes, we’re fine. Lord Absinthe called, told me to call you, tell you we were okay.”

  “You’re at Korin’s?”

  “Yes, the, stupid ass. He’s currently flaying one of his soldiers.” Her voice was tinged with disgust and Marley grimaced.


  “Yes, literally flaying him.”

  Her stomach roiled as she thought she heard a distant scream, “Oh my god.”

  “Look, I can’t chat long. Tony and I are going to head back to the hotel, grab our things, feed quickly and then we will be there to keep you company by sun-up okay?”


  She liked that idea more than anything.

  She didn’t want to be alone and the idea of them keeping her safe was comforting.

  “In the meantime, I have forwarded Korin’s files to the computer at the safe house. On the computer is a program, it can filter through the files, connect them together. Makes your job a whole lot easier. Use it, and get some sleep.”

  Marley smiled at the idea of her task becoming easier, “Okay, I will.”

  “Good. We shouldn’t be too much longer. I think Tony just wants to get the hell out of here, before he does the flaying to Korin. He is so pissed right now. I already had to break up one fight.”

  “Oh, wow,” She couldn’t believe Tony would go Korin… but then again, he had been tasked with keeping her safe. One of Korin’s soldiers had broken into her hotel room with the purpose of either attacking or killing her. “Ok, well I will see you when you get here.”

  “Will do. Don’t let anyone in Marley.”

  “I won’t. Promise.” She replied, and the phone clicked.

  She stood, walking to the desk with the computers. Bringing up the email Maddison had sent, the moment she opened it, another program opened, displaying both Korin’s and Absinthe’s files. It started to work, bringing up folders, cross-matching them, bringing up percentages and she watched as it closed them down, bringing up more.

  “Okay then, this might take some time.”

  Standing up, she walked toward the back of the building, knowing there was a shower around the place. She needed one.


  The computer beeped, loud and shrill in the room.

  Marley jumped to her feet, racing to the monitors. Looking at the photo on the screen, her nose screwed up.

  “Huh?” Vince’s face stared back at her. “What the hell?”

  Abe had killed Vince.

  What was going on? Had the computer malfunctioned?

  Reaching for her phone, to call Abe, she froze.

  The clang of metal against the outside of the building loud and unnerving. With fingers tightening around the phone, Marley dialed, she held the device to her ear, glancing around.

  “Absinthe Raynes.” His voice was on loud speaker. Distorted and distant.

  “Abe.” She whispered.

  “Marlene?” The worry in his voice was evident. “Marley, what’s wrong?”

  “Abe, there’s something outside the safe-house,” she whispered, her voice almost non-existent as she heard another bang, making her jump. “It’s trying to get in.”

  Something in the back ground of the phone call slammed and the phone was picked up, “Marley, get the key card Rhayden left, the one to the weapons gates. Open them.”

  She scrambled through the objects on the table, grabbing the key card. Running to the gates keeping her from the weapons, she slid it through the slot, hearing it pop. pulling it open, Marley looked at all the guns, knives and grenades. “It’s open.

  “There should be a small panel in the back, you will need the code. It is 11 05 1993.”

  Marley blinked. Her birthday?

  Punching in the code, the door sprung open, exposing the small box and she dragged it out. Opening it, bright bullets sat inside, filled with blue liquid and she frowned. “What are—?”

  “Daylight. In a bullet. They are ultraviolet rounds Marley. Grab the gun with the blue grip, it is designed for them.”

  Looking around, the small gun was sitting to her left and she grabbed it. Dropping the magazine out, she wedged the phone between her ear and shoulder. Quickly loading the rounds into the magazine, she shoved it back into the gun and cocked it.

  Another bang had Marley turning, holding the weapon to the door, the window, any place she thought someone might get in. Her hand shook, and she reached up for the phone.

  “Abe…? Abe I’m scared.”

  “Fuck! Marley, I know, honey, I’m sorry. I should be there.” The anguish in his voice ripped at her and a tear slipped down her cheek. “I should never have let you go on your own.”

  A window smashed, and Marley squealed. Turning, the shutter was dented, and Abe’s voice grew louder as he yelled down the phone. “Marley?!”

  “Abe, they’re almost in!” she cried, holding the gun aimed to the shutter. It bowed and flexed with the pounding and her knees weakened with the glint of light which invaded the building from outside. “Abe?”



  The shutter popped open, flung to the side.

  Marley dropped the phone, popping the gun off at the intruder. They squealed in pain, falling back from the window in a bright flash of light. Another took its place and she fired the gun again, Absinthe screaming down the discarded phone.


  She ran out of bullets—

  Thick furred creatures were now streaming into the room and she turned, running to the cabinet. Picking up the pump-action shot gun, she turned, bringing it to her shoulder.

  Letting off the rounds, tw
o Lycan fell.

  More took their place and she stepped back, cocking the gun again, shoving another two cartridges into the breach. Again, she let the gun off. Another two down, screaming in agony as the silver buck-shot ripped through them.

  But there were too many of them—she had no-where to go.

  Something thudded against the side of her.

  Crash-tackled to the ground, her head smacked against the cabinet.

  Marley’s consciousness started to wane, blackness encroaching her vision.

  From that blackness a figure emerged—a ghost from the past, casually striding toward her. A wicked grin on his face. Vince grinned, looking down at her.

  His hand came out, brushing the blood-soaked strands of hair from her face as her eyes rolled. Her eyelids slid closed, as the Lycan slowly climbed from her, growling, heaving with excitement at the smell of her blood.

  Vince lifted his fingers to his mouth, sucking the blood from the tips, savoring the tangy sweetness of her blood. He smiled, looking back down to her again, before whispering, “Revenge is so sweet.”


  Maddison picked up Tony’s phone, holding it to her ear as Tony’s tongue licked along the edge of her thigh, tracing small patters of coolness over her sex, making her moan. “This is Maddison.”

  “Maddison, where is Tony?”

  Their Lord’s voice was rough, tortured and she sat up, pushing Tony away.

  “Absinthe? Is everything okay?”

  “Put him on the phone. Now.”

  She shoved the phone at Tony, his gaze confused that she would push him away. He took the phone, holding it to his ear. “Yeah?”

  His eyes changed as Maddison over-heard the torrent coming down the line. Shutting off her hearing at the use of cuss words from Absinthe, she was appalled. He never swore, he was so calm and professional.

  Tony dropped the phone, staring at the floor. His eyes faded to silver, his bottom lip trembling and she rushed forward, gripping his face, “Tony? Tony!”

  His gaze slowly lifted to hers, mouth opening, and she heard the words she never hoped she would hear, “The Lycans. They took Marley.”


  Head pounding, Marley winced, trying to move. Pain thudded through her and she groaned, laying still, “Ah, you’re awake Miss Brennan…”

  Her eyes opened slowly, and she turned her head to the owner of the voice. Vince leaned against the wall, looking down at his nails.

  “Vince? Abe… he killed you.”

  The man chuckled, “Yes, he did kill Vince. But I am not Vince. I am his twin, Norman.”

  Norman? What a crappy name for a vampire. If she wasn’t in so much pain, she would have laughed, “What did you do to me?”

  “Not much really,” he said, walking closer, sitting in the chair beside her bed. “Drained you within an inch of your life.”

  “You what?” With her body so weak, had he tried to turn her? Was she going to become his fledgling? What would that do to Absinthe and Rhayden?

  “Don’t worry, you won’t become one of us,” He sniggered, “I’m not stupid. I just wanted to see what the murderer of my brother tasted like.”

  “I didn’t kill your brother,” Marley spat. A dizzy spell overcame her and she winced, hand rising to her forehead. “Absinthe killed him.”

  “Ah, always quick to blame another. Yes, Absinthe did kill him, in the end. But if you hadn’t come along and taken all Raynes’ attention, Vince wouldn’t have gone through with the killings. So,” he grinned, the same evil grin his twin had. “I rest the blame solely on your shoulders.”

  Marley slowly sat up, noticing the thick rope around her ankles. She was restrained. She looked up to Norman, his gaze on the rope, “That’s for our safety.”

  “That worried about me?” she asked, her voice dripping with acid. “What’s wrong? Think I’m going to hurt you?”

  “No, not me. You did kill six of my Lycan and one of my fledglings though. So, I had to take precautions.”

  Marley blinked. “Your Lycan?”

  “Oh yes, A gift.”

  Someone gifted Lycan to him? The species hated each other. Neither side had worked together for centuries.

  “From who? Who would give you a gift like that?”

  Norman smirked, turning his head.


  Turning her head, Marley’s stomach roiled in disgust. “Johann.”

  The man smirked, leaning against the doorframe, “Hello there, Miss Brennan. It’s been such a very long time since we’ve had the pleasure of being in each other’s company.”

  Scrambling to the edge of the bed, Marley launched herself at him. But with her ankle held down with rope, she only managed to fumble, cracking her knees on the hard floor.

  Johann chuckled, “Wow. Such anger in someone so pretty.”

  “Fuck you, you murderer. Let me go and I’ll show you how much anger I have.”

  “Tsk tsk,” He smirked, tongue sucking over his teeth. “You know, you should have taken the contract when Absinthe first offered it to you.”

  Marley blinked, her mind teetering on the edge of insanity, just needing the right push to send it over.


  “If you had taken the job with Absinthe, your sister wouldn’t have been killed.”

  “Are you saying Abe had something to do with this?”

  Johann shrugged and Marley’s stomach roiled again.

  Had Absinthe contracted Johann to kill her sister? Had he done it to get her to work for him?

  He had threatened he’d kill the ones she loved if she had told anyone of him and his kind.

  “Ask him yourself, if you get out of this alive,” Johann chuckled, turning his gaze to Norman. “She’s all yours. Have fun. Make sure you leave something for Absinthe to find.”

  With those words, her sister’s murderer left, closing the door behind him.

  Norman’s gaze slide to her, his eyes fading to silver as he grinned, fangs descending, “It will be my pleasure…”


  “Have you found her?”

  Looking at the man standing in the doorway, Maddison frowned. Rhayden’s eyes were red with anger, his body taut. Shaking her head, she put down the papers, the scent of Lycan still strong on them, “No. We haven’t.”

  Rhayden crossed the floor, footsteps light and she looked at Tony. Opening her mouth to ask him a question, Tony shook his head and she slammed it shut.

  Best to just let the vampire do his thing.

  They watched as his hand moved over Marley’s things. Ghosting over the fabric of her jacket, the bristles of her hairbrush. His anger was fading, the copper of his gaze shifting to silver. His voice cracked as he whispered to her things. “Oh Mars… What did I do?”


  Marley couldn’t take any more of this.

  Norman’s hand whipped across her face again, splitting the tender skin of her cheek. Sagging against the chair in agony, blood slid down her face.

  “So tasty”

  Lifting her gaze, she watched as Norman licked the back of his hand, savoring her blood. Frowning, tears streamed down her cheeks, stinging the cuts.

  This was it.

  She would never see Absinthe again. Never see Rhayden.

  Her eyes closed, wondering how deep the vampire’s deceit ran.

  Did Rhayden know about his brother? Did he know of Absinthe and Linda? That his brother had ordered her killing, so she would come back and work for him?

  Anger burned through her and she looked up at Norman. His gaze shifted to her, eyebrow raising at the look she was affording his way.

  She sucked her tongue over her teeth, trying to ignore the pain in her mouth, “How long are you going to keep this up Norman? I thought you would kill me and get it over with.”

  His arm swung again, slapping her across the face. Her head snapped to the side, blood splashing against the floor, “I want to have some fun first. Make you pay for killing my twin.”

/>   Turning her head, she glared at him through the pain.

  “You are a coward Norman,” She spat, the blood sailing through the air. It hit his dark pants, making his gaze drop. “You have me tied to a chair, while you slap me? Where is the sport in that? Even your brother had the balls to attack me when I wasn’t restrained. You said I was tied for your own safety. Show me what you are so worried about.”

  The vampire’s gaze moved from her restraints to her face and back. She could tell his mind was working overtime. He sucked his tongue over his teeth and his jaw clenched. He was fighting the urge to lash out at her.

  “Come on Norman,” his eye ticked and she knew she was getting to him. Being goaded by a human was annoying him. She saw her chance, smirking. “Wuss.”

  The vampire roared, launching toward her.

  Closing her eyes, she waited for the death blow from the powerful creature—

  The bindings around her hands were loosened and Marley opened her eyes. Staring up at the vampire standing over her, she blinked as a sadistic grin spread across his features, fangs descending, “Very well Miss Brennan. Let’s play.”


  Rhayden kicked the Lycan’s head, sending it sprawling. It landed on the ground, neck at an odd angle to its body.

  To the side of him, Tony ripped a Lycan’s head from its shoulders and tossed the appendage to the side, quickly stepping to the side as another Lycan came at him.

  Rhayden turned, engaging another which had come at him, “Tony!”

  Maddison’s voice called through the growls and Rhayden turned his head as he broke the Lycan’s neck. Racing to the side of the building, he watched as Tony lifted his fledgling to his chest. A dead Lycan lay at their feet.

  Maddison was covered in gashes, oozing blood and Tony looked up at him, worry in his dark eyes, “I have to get her away Rhayden.”

  “Then do it. I will find Marley,”

  Tony nodded, turning and started to run, carrying his lover away and Rhayden turned.

  Somewhere, in this vast building was his own lover. His beautiful, mortal Marley and she needed him.

  Picking the gap between two oncoming Lycan, Rhayden bolted for the door, daggers in his hands in an instant.

  Slashing the Lycan’s throats as he ran past, he slipped through the door. He knew if he didn’t hurry, Marley would die, and it would kill not only him—but his brother too.


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