Beyond Time: A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel (The Dark Order of the Dragon Book 2)

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Beyond Time: A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel (The Dark Order of the Dragon Book 2) Page 2

by Sandra Bischoff

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  Jared Bonatelli, heir to the Dark Order of the Dragon throne, leaned back in his chair behind the large mahogany desk pinching the bridge if his nose. He listened to Zephyr’s rant for well over an hour, and it did nothing for the migraine pounding in the frontal lobe of his brain. If anything, the bitching only enhanced it. While he sympathized with his father in-law and closest advisor, he was at a loss as to where he could be helpful. He and Lance had been close friends before his true identity, and birth right, was revealed. Since then, there had been a shift in their relationship; unfortunately it didn’t seem for the better.

  When Zephyr finally ran out of breath, Jared grasped his chance. “He’s a royal pain in the ass. I get it. But Z, we both know he’d be the first to have our backs if the opportunity arose. Cut him a little slack.”

  “Cut him some slack? Are you serious?” Zephyr jumped to his feet and began pacing all over again.

  Jared groaned. Here we go again.

  “I’ve given him all the slack I can afford right now. If it were up to me, I’d have put him in a zoo somewhere already. He’s useless, pampered, and without any real work ethic. I’ve never seen anyone so lazy.”

  “Alright calm down,”

  “Calm down! I have to make sure he’s trained to protect you. Lance is your first in command. How can I make sure he’ll lead the Royal forces when the time comes if he doesn’t seem to care?”

  “He cares. If he didn’t I would have been dead a long time ago.”

  Zephyr snorted. “No, Copil, he would’ve been dead. It was you who got him out of trouble in your youth.”

  Jared leaned forward on the desk, hands linked loosely on the top. “Listen, I know how difficult he can be. He’s a smart ass, yes, but when it comes down to a true fight, he would move Heaven and Hell to fulfill his duty.”

  “But that’s just it.” Stopping to lean against the edge of the desk, Zephyr growled in frustration. “He has to learn other skills besides turning into a wolf. Sure the wolf is useful, but what happens if he’s not in a position where he can change? Du Lac is not invincible. He’s more human than you or I could ever hope to be. And his humanity is weakening him.”

  The faint murmur echoed from the hallway. Jared held a hand up to silence Zephyr. He immediately recognized the soft feminine lilt of his mother as she spoke to Lance. The shifter was more than just a friend to him. He was family. Although he wasn’t raised by Sam and Lance was, Jared never held any ill feelings over it. At no time did he feel neglected by the adoptive parents Sam placed him with. They gave him the world and more.

  “Sam babies him. You have to see that.” Zephyr listened to the cajoling tone of Semiramis’ voice. “He’s never had to work at something. It’s always been handed to him. His powers are a crutch he leans on all too often. All I’m asking is, try to get him to take it seriously. I don’t want to be put in the position of burying you both.”

  A single set of footsteps headed toward the open doorway. Jared raised his head warily. “Okay, I’ll talk to him, but you have to understand Lance is genuinely stubborn. Whatever I say may be like talking to a brick wall.”

  “Understood. Now if you don’t mind, I’m off to find my bed. I can feel the daylight’s pull already.” He offered Jared a shallow bow. “Good-night Jared.”

  “Night Z.”

  Zephyr nodded, and with one last meaningful glance toward the door, vanished. A moment later, Jared found himself staring into a face full of exhaustion. He offered Lance a half-hearted smile motioning for him to enter. “Rough night?”

  “You don’t know the half of it.”

  “Want to talk about it?”

  The shifter draped across the worn leather couch against the wall. “Not really.” He peeked out from under the arm across his eyes. “Why aren’t you in bed?”

  “I could ask you the same thing. After all the bitching earlier, I would have half expected you to be locked in a room licking your wounds.”

  Lance smirked. “I never lick my own wounds. I have an app for that.”

  “Ha. Ha.” Jared pushed away from the desk and crossed the room to tower over his best friend. “That’s not what I mean, and you know it. Look, I’m not going to lie to you, Z came to see me.”

  Hazel eyes rolled back into Lance’s head. “And he says I whine like a bitch. What did the nurse maid say about me now?”

  “Easy. Zephyr isn’t out to destroy you. He’s on your side. ” Jared perched on the arm of the couch at Lance’s feet, his arms crossed. “He’s concerned about your attitude when you train. He thinks you rely on your powers too much.”

  “Does he?” Lance replied, completely bored with the whole conversation.

  “Yeah, he does. Honestly, I tend to agree with him.”

  “Screw. You. Both.” He snarled.

  “Hey don’t get all wolfy and defensive about it. I’m telling you the truth. Too bad if it hurts your pride.” Jared walked back to the desk. “You know I actually envy you in a way.”

  “Me? Why?” Lance sat up, watching Jared move idly around the room.

  “Why? You had everything growing up, your full powers, and the love of my mother. You had it all.” A wave of sadness swept over him. “I’m not saying I would have had anything different. Not at all. Anna was the best mom I could have hoped for. I miss her with all my heart.” He sat on the edge of the desk, arms braced at his sides. “No, I just wish I knew about my lineage earlier. However, living as a human, I was forced to protect myself as such.”

  Lance sighed. “I know what you’re going to say and-”

  “Do you? Do you really? Because I don’t think you do.” Jared’s jaw ticked. “Lance, you pulled me out of some bad situations, as a wolf. But not once have I ever seen you in a hands-on fight. Yes, your powers are a part of you, just like everything else, but you can’t rely on them alone.” He shook his head. “You aren’t immortal, bud. Sure you’ll live longer than most, but you can still die. We just want to give you even more skills to prevent it.”

  “Okay, okay. What is it with your blood line? You all feel the need to lecture me lately.” He pushed up from the couch and stretched. “I’ll put more into the training and less into pressing the Terminator’s buttons. Promise.”

  Jared chuckled. “It’s all I ask.” Glancing at the clock, he grimaced. “She is definitely going to stake me. I should have been up there hours ago.”

  “I find that hard to believe. Alex loves you too much.” A wave of sadness settled over Lance’s heart at the mention of his best friend’s wife. “She may make your life a living hell, yes. But she’d never kill you out right. Go find your woman. I’ll lock up down here.”

  Jared nodded to Lance brushing past the wolf in the doorway of his study. The soft glow from the light at the top of the stairs illuminated the foyer. When Jared was about half-way up the stairs, he glanced back over his shoulder. A shadow from the light above fell across his face. “Don’t worry, if all else fails, we have a back-up plan.”


  The trencher lost its appeal the moment the food was placed before her. It wasn’t Cook’s fault. Elizabeth had no desire to pick through the ample fare of roasted venison, vegetables and assorted meat pies. Like everything else in her life as of late, she wanted something more, something completely out of reach.

  With a disgruntled sigh, she pushed the food away and reached for her cup of mulled cider, taking a sip. The sun already set and she felt the pull of what lay beyond the edge of the forest calling to her. When the minstrel began his song, she would slip away undetected. Only this time she intended to head toward the source rather than the tower room. She took another sip and placed the heavy pewter cup back before her, grimacing.

  “Something not to your liking my lady?”

  She turned toward the knight sitting beside her and smiled. “Nay, I seem to have no appetite this night. Mayhap I spoiled it with sweet cakes earlier.” She clasped her hands on her lap to hide them from his view.
Surely, he would see their nervous shaking and expose her lie.

  But rather than comment on it, Galahad only raised his cup, saluting her. His blue eyes twinkled in conspiracy, letting her know he understood. “Cook’s fare has that ability I fear, my lady. I’m sure the longer you are here you will learn to adapt. Mayhap you will even find it palatable, with wine of course.” His smile widened. “Or not.”

  Her jaw dropped. If he saw her shock, Galahad didn’t let it show. He merely laughed at Sir Geraint’s quip to his lady. This at least allowed her time to regroup before she gave herself away. It would do her no good to bring more attention than necessary to herself if she intended to sneak away. Yet, as the bickering between husband and wife continued she found herself caught up in the merriment of the moment, thoroughly enjoying their contest of wills.

  Hearing her laughter, Galahad focused his attention on Elizabeth once again. Her hand returned to the edge of the table, and the laughter subsided. The growing silence engulfed them, making her feel like they were the only two people in the room. He covered her hand with his hesitantly, content with gazing into her emerald-green eyes.

  “Lady Elizabeth, would you like to join me for a breath of fresh air? I need it before the entertainment begins.”

  Elizabeth was speechless. No one had ever asked for her private company before. She was promised to another. She should not want to be alone with the knight. Her heart beat fast and felt lighter as she nodded, accepting his offer. It was all she could do not to pinch herself to make sure she was awake.

  After making their excuses to King Arthur and the rest of their company, Galahad rose and held out his hand, sending her heart into another set of back flips. Taking it, she allowed him to guide her from the dais in the great hall, and out to the inner courtyard. It wasn’t until they escaped the confines of the castle she could breathe easier.

  Torches were lit around the perimeter giving a warm glow to the vacant courtyard. A few guards watched over the land on the battlements surrounding them while others went about their rounds. Halfway across the courtyard she slowed to a stop and gazed up at him, smiling. “Thank you.”

  “For what exactly, my lady?”

  “For knowing exactly what I needed.”

  Now it was his turn to smile. “And what might that be, Lady Elizabeth? I only desired fresh air and a companion to share it with. I would prefer it to be you rather than Sir Bohrs. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  The corner of her mouth twitched. “I would have to say, I agree. He tends to boast over much.” Her hand flew to her lips when she realized what she had said. “I am sorry. I did not mean to. . .”

  His hand covered his heart in mock hurt. “Lady, you wound me with your venomous words. If that is your opinion of my fellow knight, what might you say of my own chivalrous nature?”

  The only thing stopping her from being even more mortified was the mischief etched upon his face. She gave him a playful slap on the arm. “I dare say you are the image of perfection where chivalry is concerned, Sir Galahad.”

  “I am, am I?” They continued their leisurely stroll across the bailey, receiving a few glances from the guards. “What say you then about my skill with a sword?”

  “Your skill with a sword? I’ve never had the pleasure, my lord. Though, I cannot say I am not curious.”

  A burst of laughter came from the shadows. Galahad shot the guard a look promising immanent pain when next they trained. The guard in turn winced and returned to his rounds.

  Galahad stopped and twirled her to face him. “Something which can be remedied, Lady Elizabeth. Meet me here tomorrow morning where you can watch me train. We can break our fast together after. Say you will join me.”

  The warmth of his hands on her arms relaxed her, made her want to do as he said, but she was promised to another. A fact which hung which over her head like a black cloud. Sighing, she shook her head. “I am sorry, I cannot promise you that. ‘Tis not to say I do not want to. I do.”

  His finger hooked under her chin, raising her eyes to look at him. “I am not asking anything other than friendship from you. Though I would be lying if I did not tell you I wish there could be more. Please, at least say you’ll consider it.”

  Elizabeth bit her lip while she contemplated his proposal. What would it hurt to watch him train and share a meal? Nothing she could see. Slowly, she nodded. “Sir Galahad, I accept your invitation and will meet you at the training field on the morrow.”

  Galahad wanted to shout his joy from the battlement, but instead lowered his head and stole a kiss, leaving her frozen in place. Pulling back, he noticed the shock on her face. “My lady, I am truly sorry. I did not mean to be so forward.”

  Her fingertips touched her lips gingerly, and she still felt the velvety softness of his mouth on hers. His kiss was her first, and he had taken her completely unaware. She stared at him blankly blinking back her surprise. She was betrothed to another but her heart wanted to know the knight before her. Not to mention she still had to find a way to escape into the forest.

  “I think I would like to return inside now. I hear the music beginning.” She pivoted away from him and slowly walked back to the keep, Galahad following in her wake.

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  Just a little further . . . .Yeah, you know where I want you . . . .Come on . . . .

  Still as a statue, Lance held his compound bow ready with a finger on the trigger of a touchy release. He felt anticipation flow through him but he didn’t move. The buck raised its head in the moonlight, pausing to listen for danger. His breathing shallow, Lance watched while his trigger finger itched. Just a little closer and he’d have his shot. The arrow quivered slightly, but remained on point. Nothing would stop him from his prize.

  “Du Lac!”

  The buck bolted.

  Lance cursed.

  He dropped the compound bow from his shoulder and hung his head back. Why did they always fuck things up for him? All he wanted was a few moments alone, but they couldn’t give him any peace. No, with them, it was all about making him something he wasn’t, -the perfect fighting machine. Obviously, he would never be what they wanted, so why not give up already?

  Yeah right, not gonna happen.

  With a sigh, he jumped to the leaf strewn ground below and headed toward the bellowing voice beyond the wall of trees separating them. A growl vibrated in his throat. He broke through the tree line, meeting the dark penetrating gaze of Zephyr, his tormentor.

  “Forget something?”

  Lance gave him a thoughtful look. “Nope.” Pushing past the vampire, he continued across the lawn.

  “What the hell is your problem?” Zephyr was once again before him, blocking his way. “All I’m trying to do is help.”

  “Help? Is that what you call it?” He tossed his bow aside and sneered. “Torture is more like it.”

  The vampire’s eyes narrowed. “You have no idea what torture is. I pray you never find out, kid.”

  “Whatever, Zephyr. I’m done playing war games with you. From now on, we’re going to do this on my terms. Not yours.” Lance continued past him. He knew the impending explosion was about to go off but didn’t care. Being Zephyr’s personal punching bag just wasn’t doing it for him.

  But, instead of a nuclear bomb, all he heard was a grated, “See Jared, I told you this was useless.”

  Lance spun around to face the vampire and found Jared and Semiramis joining them. He glared at them. “Oh nice, I love it when you bring Mom and Dad in. Sorry, but I meant what I said this time. I’m not taking the abuse anymore.”

  Sam held up her hand and silenced him. His mouth opened and closed repeatedly while no sound fell from his lips.

  “Thank you for small favors.” Zephyr smirked.

  “Zephyr, don’t make me zip your lips too.” Sam glared at Lance. “We all told you, begged you even, to work with us, and still you gave us a hard time. No more, Christian! You think Zephyr tortures you? You think your training is above and beyond what you need?
You have no clue.” Her lips curled sadistically. “However, you will. You will learn from the best, the one and only champion.”

  Lance swallowed hard. What the hell? The Champion? He barely had a second to absorb what she said when everything went black.


  “Sam, this shit ain’t funny!” Lance bellowed. The only sound greeting him was crickets and sloshing water.

  He stood in the black void surrounding him. He reached out, touching nothing. The dark fog swirled in response, swallowing his movement. How many times had the goddess threatened him but failed to make good on it? More than he could count. Only this time he went too far, and he knew it. She banished him to this place. Wherever that may be.

  Eyes closed, he inhaled the scent of marsh. He frowned. It wasn’t the marsh he was used to, definitely not the banks of the Hudson River. Where the hell was he? Lance opened his eyes. The fog around him dissipated and forest took shape. A full moon hung low in the sky above the lake. It illuminated the mossy shoreline with an eerie glow.

  Beyond the shore, trees stood dark and imposing against the stars. The whole scene reminded him of a painting from his youth. He remembered staring at it endlessly in New Orleans where it hung on Sam’s living room wall. She told him then he would understand it someday. He never knew what she meant.

  Where the hell am I?

  Holding up his hand, Lance noted his black long sleeve T-shirt was gone, replaced by an itchy brown tunic that felt like burlap and a leather vest. His jeans had vanished. In their place, a coarse pair of pants fitted to his legs. On his shoulders was a wool cloak fastened by a gold brooch in the shape of a wolf. His feet lost the hiking boots, instead he wore a pair of tall flat boots. The clothing threw him for a loop.

  Reaching up to his shoulder, his hand touched . . . . a bow, not his compound bow. He lifted the bow and quiver off his back. A long bow? Something he wasn’t exactly used to. This one was primitive, as were the arrows in the leather quiver. He slipped the primitive weapons over his shoulder and swallowed.


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