Beyond Time: A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel (The Dark Order of the Dragon Book 2)

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Beyond Time: A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel (The Dark Order of the Dragon Book 2) Page 4

by Sandra Bischoff

  “And they may be?”

  “None of your concern.” He brushed past her, heading toward the lake. There was one person who had his answers, and it wasn’t a Lady of King Arthur’s court. He would make sure a certain goddess spilled her guts. Lance heard Elizabeth fall into step behind him, but didn’t slow his pace.

  As they approached the water’s edge, Sam stood where he left her, petting the muzzle of Elizabeth’s steed. Two other horses were tied up nearby. She lifted her gaze, and her lips curved. “I take it all is well now?”

  “Yeah Sam, just peachy.” You owe me some answers.

  All in good time, Christian. She faced Elizabeth. “My Lady, he hasn’t caused you any harm, has he?”

  Elizabeth raised her chin. “Nay. I am well. My Lord was well behaved.”

  Lance’s brow rose. She lied to Sam. Interesting.

  “Excellent. Now, it’s very late and we are due to meet his Majesty in court.” Lance stepped forward to help Sam onto her horse. She waved him off. “I can manage on my own. However, would you please help Lady Elizabeth mount up?”

  Their gazes met over Semiramis’ head. Elizabeth rolled her eyes heavenward. “I thank thee, but I do not need assistance from his Lordship. Although, mayhap if Lord Christian required a boost, I would gladly give him one.” She smiled angelically as Semiramis stifled her laughter behind a hand.

  “My dear Lady Elizabeth, I was riding a horse long before you were born. I don’t need any help.” He smirked.

  “Aye, if you say so, My Lord.” Her sweet smile remained plastered on her face as she easily swung up onto her mount’s back. “Then I shall see thee back at the castle.” Elizabeth kicked her horse into motion, galloping full speed through the forest.


  Jared stared at the spot where Lance vanished. He couldn’t believe his friends was gone. It was the wolf’s own fault. He should have known when to hold his damn tongue. Obeying orders was not one of his better qualities.

  “So, how long do you think he’ll be gone?”

  Zephyr shrugged. “Don’t know. Maybe his father will kill him. My life would be much better for it.”

  “Z.” Jared’s voice held a warning. “Aside from you, he’s the only one who ever stood beside me.”

  “I know, Copil.” Zephyr slapped a hand on Jared’s shoulder and directed him toward the blue Victorian home on the hill. “As much as the pup annoys the hell out of me, I’m sure he will make it out alive. He’s lucky that way. He should be a cat with all those lives of his. Remember, where he is, there is no wolf. He must rely on everything I tried to drill into that thick skull of his.”

  Shaking his head, Jared faced Zephyr. “What if he can’t? What if he is so reliant on the damn animal he can’t focus? Lance will get himself killed.”

  “Listen, your mother is there with him. Pain in the ass or not, she won’t let him die. His tail will be yanked out of Camelot the first sign he’s in over his head, or if he screws up history. Whichever comes first. One way or the other, he’s coming back.” The vampire smirked. “Just like a rancid bag of blood, he will be back to haunt us.”

  “You can’t find anything nice to say about him, can you?” Jared laughed and continued toward his home. Zephyr fell into step next to him.

  “Oh, there are plenty of nice things I can say. How about, I think his pelt would look great mounted on the wall over the fireplace. That’s my favorite, you know.”

  “I really wonder why he sticks around. He could have bolted a long time ago, especially the way you treat him.” Jared opened the sliding door to the family room. “I mean it, Z, we have no idea what’s happening to him there. He might come back completely different. We have to be prepared for it.”

  Zephyr’s jaw clenched. “Don’t worry, Copil. I will be.”

  Nodding, Jared closed the slider. A current of awareness shot through him, and his mood lightened. He looked past Zephyr’s grim face and found Alex watching them from the kitchen. Four months pregnant, she was even more beautiful than the first time they met. Her long dark hair fell in thick waves over one shoulder and her chocolate eyes zeroed in on him.

  Jared swallowed hard. “How long have you been up?”

  She lifted a single brow. “Long enough to know the two of you conspired against Lance.”

  “The wolf will be fine. He has the lives of a feline, amazingly enough.” Zephyr grimaced moving forward to greet his daughter. He kissed her cheek and placed a gentle hand on her rounded abdomen. “How are you feeling today, draguta? You and the baby doing okay?”

  “I’m tired, but we’re doing fine, father.” She narrowed those beautiful eyes on him. “Don’t think you can change the subject. What did you do?”

  “I didn’t do anything. I went out to find the little bast . . . . wolfie for another round of training. Your husband,” He pointed at Jared. “And Semiramis decided it was time to amp things up.”

  “Mmhmm.” She glared between them. “Why don’t I believe you?”

  Jared chuckled. “I told you, Z, she can smell bullshit a mile away.”

  Alex turned her frown on her husband. “And you” she poked him in the chest. “Did you really think letting me sleep in followed by breakfast in bed would distract me long enough so I wouldn’t know you were up to something?”

  “Hey, this had to be done, Alex.” All humor left Jared’s face. “Lance knew what was asked of him. He wouldn’t get serious about it. It was time for a drastic move.”

  “And you didn’t think to discuss it with me? He doesn’t just protect you, he protects all of us.” She rested her hand on her baby bump. “All three of us, Jared. If the two of you are off with your father or on business in New York, who will be here for me and the baby? With Lance and Sam gone, there is no one to protect us.”

  “Draguta, I am but a call away. You know I --”

  She held up her hand, cutting her father off. “No. That’s not a solution. None of you took into account that your sister is still out there. She holds a serious grudge and with the baby on the way, she has more than enough reason to come after us again. Lance being here with me, regardless of what you might think of him, made me feel better. Safer.”

  Jared wrapped an arm around her. At first, she tried to push him away, but he insisted, steering her to the couch. He sat with her, holding her hands in his. “I promise the first sign of anything, your father and I will be here. We would never let Absinthe hurt you again.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “You don’t know what it was like being locked up in that cell. Having her repeatedly drain my blood. Never knowing if I would see the light of day again. The only thing that kept me going was thinking of you. I can’t let her get her claws on the baby. She’s evil, Jared. She nearly killed me the last time. What would she do to our child? You have to get him back here.”

  Bringing her hands to his lips, he kissed her knuckles. “I’m sorry, but it’s out of my hands. Sam is with him. She’ll make sure he comes back when he has to.”

  “I hope you’re right.” She withdrew her hands from his and dabbed her eyes with a tissue. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m so upset. I know this had to happen but . . .” Alex sighed. “It’s really a shitty time to do it.”

  “I know and you have every right to be pissed off at us. Not every day you’re responsible for the next generation of an entire kingdom.” Jared winked.

  “Well when you put it that way, I have absolutely no reason to want to keep all of us safe and sound.” She gave him a harsh glare. “You make sure he comes back unharmed, or you’ll have a very pissed-off wife to deal with.”

  Smirking, Jared saluted her. “Yes, ma’am. Your wish is our command. Z?”

  Zephyr rolled his eyes. “Very well. I will figure out a way to go get him if the training takes too long. Anything for you, draguta, and the babe.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  A shrill whistle greeted them as they rode through the gate. In a matter of minutes, the bailey was full of armed guards, swo
rds pointed in their direction. Their horses pawed the ground, shying away from the weapons.

  Lance lowered the hood of his cloak, leaning toward Semiramis. “Did you order up a welcoming party?”

  She sent him a warning glance and moved her horse to the front. “We are here to seek audience with his Majesty, King Arthur.”

  The guard at the gate stepped forward grabbing the reins of her mount. “My Lady, do you know how late it is? His Majesty is not to be disturbed.”

  “Stand down!” A deep bellow filled the bailey.

  The guard released her horse. The men surrounding them lowered their blades but remained on guard. In a collective movement, they parted. The guards bowed, stepping back even further as a small party made its way from the castle.

  There were three men in all. Each held their chin with regal bearing. One stood out from the rest. He led the pack the other two men flanked him on either side. These men weren’t what Lance expected to find.

  He envisioned larger than life legends. What greeted them were ordinary men. All around six-foot tall. Their clothing, while richer in color, was no different than what he wore. A tunic, leather vest and pants, long flat boots laced up to their knee. The only differences were their cloaks. While his was plain wool, theirs were made of pelts –deer, wolf and bear. The only way to mark their station.

  Sam dipped her chin. “Majesty, ‘tis a pleasure to see you again. I hope we didn’t make you wait long.”

  King Arthur stepped forward, taking Sam’s hand in his. “Lady Semiramis, we would wait forever if need be to lay eyes on your timeless beauty again.”

  She laughed. “Always the charmer.” Sam waved toward Lance. “I am returning my charge to complete his training. May I present Christian Du Lac.”

  Murmurs were heard from the men surrounding them. Clearly, His name meant something to them. The knight on the King’s right pinned him with a narrowed gaze already sizing him up. Lance swallowed hard. Staring at the man’s hard blue gaze, Lance knew right away it was his father, Sir Lancelot. That meant the knight to the Arthur’s left, a younger image of the First Knight, was his brother, Sir Galahad.

  Family reunion time, oh joy.

  “Du Lac, so glad to have you home again, boy. Don’t worry, we’ll make a fine warrior out of you.” The king inclined his chin in Lance’s direction.

  “I look forward to it, Your Majesty.”

  Arthur laughed and helped Sam from her horse. “I’m sure you won’t be saying that in the morning.”

  Lance swung down and slung the bow across his shoulders. Before he could step around to help Lady Elizabeth, Galahad was already there. Apparently, legend didn’t lie, his brother truly is the ultimate gentleman. He observed the way Galahad’s eyes softened when he looked at her. His brother had a soft spot for the girl. Poor bastard. I don’t envy him in the least. He has no idea of the trouble she’s worth.

  The King offered Sam his arm. She wrapped her hand about his forearm allowing him to lead the way back to the keep. Galahad and Elizabeth fell in step behind them. The guards filed out of the courtyard back to their respective posts, leaving father and son assessing each other. Awkward didn’t even begin to describe the silence filling the air. Lance had no idea how to begin, and looking at his father he realized he wasn’t the only one.

  Lancelot cleared his throat. “You look as though the Lady treated you well. Can you wield a sword?”

  “I can hold my own.” Lance shrugged.

  “Aye? We shall cross blades at sunrise then, Christian. Until you can best me, your training will continue. I will not have a son of mine unable to protect his king.” His father touched the brooch pinned to Lance’s cloak. “I have seen this before. Your mother had one like it long ago.”

  That surprised Lance. If his mother had worn a brooch like the one he had, was it possible his father knew their secret? Did Galahad share their powers? “You know?”

  “Aye.” Lancelot nodded. “But that is her story to tell. You will attend her soon enough, when you have shown your worthiness to be here.” He inclined his chin to Lance. “Who is it you protect in your time? The Dragon?”

  “His name is actually Bonatelli but Dragoni is his father. Jared is next in line for the throne where I come from.” He shifted uneasily under his father’s scrutiny. “I’ve been with him since I left here. We grew up together.”

  The First Knight nodded his approval. “You are brothers in arms.”

  “You might say that. We have each other’s backs when we need to.”

  “Perfect.” He slapped Lance on the back and guided him toward the castle. “Knowing the one you protect is half the battle. Too many times we do not see the truth for what it is. That alone can destroy the trust between you. Never forget it.”

  Lance nodded. “Jared trusts me with his life, his wife’s and their unborn child. I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize that. They are the only family I have.”

  Pausing on the steps, Lancelot frowned. “What you are not saying is what concerns me. You speak with your heart and not your head. Do you trust him? Do you believe your future king will stand with you and fight, or leave you to the wolves?”

  “Jared has pulled my ass out of the fire more times than I can count. I trust him. I didn’t think I had to defend that, not to you, not to anybody.” Lance glared at his father. “Look, you don’t know me. That kid you sent off to live with Semiramis at the age of six is gone. I fended for myself in a world you can’t even begin to understand. Until you have experienced my life up close and personal, don’t you dare question it.”

  Lancelot stiffened. “You will receive no special treatment in Camelot being my son.”

  “Do you honestly think I give a shit about special treatment?”

  His father’s jaw twitched. “Christian, hold your tongue when you address me. I am still your sire. You were brought here for a reason, and I will deliver on my promise to the Lady. She will have a knight capable of protecting the future king. I will personally make certain you do not fail. If I have to beat that attitude out of you in the process, so be it.” Lancelot shoved him forward. “Find your bed. Dawn comes quickly.” He stalked past his son, leaving him on the threshold.

  Lance stared at his father’s retreating back. What a way to make an entrance. The last time they saw one another was so long ago, he couldn’t even remember it. He must have spent at least part of his childhood here. Why couldn’t he remember any of it? Was there ever a time when his father looked at him with pride and not the contempt he saw tonight? This wasn’t the way he envisioned meeting his father an hour ago.

  Fuck me. When the hell am I going to learn to keep my damn mouth shut?

  “I’ve been wondering the same thing for the last twenty-five years.” Semiramis stepped from the shadows beyond the doorway. Her arms crossed. Hands tucked inside her sleeves, watching him intensely. “Your first impression has left a lot to be desired, Christian. I do hope you have better luck tomorrow.”

  “I’m not the only one with a problem here.” He pointed in the direction Lancelot disappeared. “That man is an ass-hole. There’s no way I’m dealing with that twenty-four seven.”

  “You can and you will. You will learn everything he has to teach you, and you will put a complete effort into it. Your father is the best of the best. He will not go easy on you.” She wrapped an arm around his, leading him inside. “Zephyr was nothing in comparison.”

  He thought of how Zephyr had ridden his ass, berating him about how awful he was. What would happen with Lancelot? He could never live up to the expectations of a living, breathing legend. He was not his brother, and he certainly was not his father.

  I’m a wolf from another century.

  There was no way he could give up the modern conveniences of the twenty-first century. It would blow their minds to see the things he used daily. The best he could get here was food and drink that may or may not kill him, a bed with unwanted visitors, and let’s not forget a daily ass beating by the Knig
hts of the Round Table.

  Yeah, life is good here, real good.

  He stopped at the bottom of the stone staircase. “What if I said I changed my mind? I’ll deal with Zephyr’s moody ass.”

  “I’m sorry, Christian. That boat has sailed. Welcome to the real world.”


  Lancelot slammed the door to the chamber he shared with his wife. He snarled in frustration as he stopped in front of the fireplace pulling off his gloves. Throwing them across the room, he knocked over an extinguished candle by the bed. Staring into the flames on the hearth he wondered if they made a mistake entrusting Christian to Lady Semiramis all those years ago.

  The covers rustled drawing his attention. Elaine propped herself up on one arm and yawned. “I take it by your foul mood Christian is here. It must have been some meeting.”

  “Aye, sorry if I woke you. The lad is going to be a handful.” He let out and exasperated breath. “I do not know if it is worth the aggravation to train him.”

  “Why? Is there something wrong?” She sat up, gathering the covers around her, concern lacing her brow.

  “Aye, you could say that.” He shrugged out of his armor and placed it on the stand next to the hearth. Stretching, Lancelot rolled his shoulders pulling the tunic over his head. “The lad’s mouth, he seems to have a problem controlling what comes out of it. If not for the simple fact it was the middle of the night, I would have drug him to the training field and beat some manners into him.”

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, Lancelot sighed. “Elaine, I do not know if sending him to the Lady was wise.”

  “My love.” She slid across the bed and wrapped her arms around him, molding to his back. “We did what we had to at the time. We both know it was for the greater good.” Kissing his shoulder, she rested her chin there. “You have to remember, he is not the boy we sent to the Lady. He is a grown man, has been for some time.”

  “I know.” He lifted one of her hands, caressing the back of it with his thumb. “T’would have been so much easier if he were still a child. He never looked at me with such defiance then.”


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