Beyond Time: A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel (The Dark Order of the Dragon Book 2)

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Beyond Time: A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel (The Dark Order of the Dragon Book 2) Page 6

by Sandra Bischoff

  His father lifted his sword and held out his free hand. Lance took it and rose to his feet. “I wasn’t underestimating you. I wasn’t ready for the attack.” He retrieved his sword and returned to face his father. “Now that I know the game, I’m ready.”

  “The game?” Lancelot let out a short laugh. “Christian, ‘tis no game we are playing.” Once again, he raised his sword. “’Tis life and death here.”

  Lance sized him up and attacked. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end as their swords clashed. He swung from the outside as his father thrust and rolled his blade away. Lance’s strike never hit its target. He cursed and tried again, only to find himself on his ass in the dirt for the second time. He wasn’t even sure how he got there.

  “You are attacking blind. Keep your blade up and always stay behind your sword.” Lancelot circled his son. “Do not swing wild. ‘Tis all about control.”

  A growl rumbled in Lance’s chest. He pushed to his feet once again. These little dirt naps were getting ridiculous. Why couldn’t he stay on his feet? He used every move he knew, everything Zephyr tried to teach him, and he wasn’t even making his father break a sweat.

  He followed Lancelot’s lead and circled, shifting his sword so that it was in front of him where he could keep an eye on both the blade and his father. This time when his father lunged forward, he sidestepped and spun away, keeping his feet under him. Using the momentum from the spin, he came back to land a strike with the broad side of his blade on Lancelot’s side.

  His father stumbled slightly, but regained his footing. He swung back around to face Lance. “Just because you land one blow does not mean you have won the fight.”

  “No, but at least I’ve proven I can land one on you.” Lance smirked. “Come on, Dad. Bring it.”

  Lancelot let out a roar and came at him. The next onslaught wasn’t as manageable as the first. While his feet stayed under him, his father pushed him back forcing him to block more than his share of blows. When his foot hit something solid behind him, he knew he was in too deep.

  His father’s sword thrust up between them, locking their arms. “Yield now and you’ll get out in once piece.” His father snarled.

  Lance glared. “Not a chance in hell.”

  “Have it your way.” His father brought an elbow up, smashing it into Lance’s nose.

  Pain exploded across his face. Lance fell back against the wall, cursing. Blood and mucus flowed over his upper lip and chin. He tried to focus as the throbbing took over. His knees buckled, if not for the wall behind him and his father holding him up; he would have been sprawled on the ground.

  Lancelot freed himself from their locked blades and retreated, watching his son collapse. He wiped the blood spatter from the blow he landed to Lance’s nose off his cheek with the back of his hand. The First Knight curled his lip. “Mayhap next time, when you are told to yield, you will obey.”

  Rolling to his side and coughing, Lance glared up at his father. “I will never yield. Not to you, not to anyone.” He spat at Lancelot’s feet. “It’s not in me to give up a fight.”

  “Lad, I admire your spirit.” His father crouched down and grabbed his chin. “Your skill and strength are lacking. Until we improve both, you will do as you are told.”

  Lance shoved his father’s hand away and sat against the wall. He wiped the blood from his face on the edge of his tunic. “What you’re saying is, I’ve been weighed, measured and found wanting.”

  His personal tormentor sat beside him. “Aye, but ‘tis fixable. With plenty of work, we will have you ready. Mayhap in time for the tournament.”

  “Tournament?” Pinching his nose, he tilted his head back. Shit, this is gonna leave one hell of a mark.

  “Aye, ‘twill be held in honor of the Lady Elizabeth’s coming nuptials.” Lancelot waved to his squire. The boy trotted over with a bucket of water at his side, dipped a rag, and handed it to Lance. He took it without hesitation and placed the cool fabric over his nose. Sighing, he smiled his thanks. The boy bowed and ran off again toward the stables.

  “A good lad, that one. Too bad his sire was an arse.”

  “Ah yeah, whatever you say.” Pot calling the kettle black. Lance digested what his father said about the woman he rescued. “She’s getting married?”

  “Are ye daft? ‘Tis what I said, was it not?” Lancelot chuckled, but sobered quickly. “Christian, did the Lady Semiramis warn you about changing history? Do not get any fool ideas in your head.”

  Lance grimaced under the rag. “Yes she did and no I wasn’t. When I helped Lady Elizabeth last night, she didn’t mention a wedding. Maybe that’s why she was running.”

  “Running? Is that what she told you?” Lancelot filled a ladle with water and handed it to his son. “The marriage was arranged, but I thought Lady Elizabeth was in agreement.”

  Taking the ladle, Lance drank his fill shrugging. “Just my guess. Why would a woman risk her life in the woods, knowing the danger, without an escort? To me, it’s a no-brainer that she was running. Then again, I’m an innocent bystander.”

  Lancelot mulled that over. “In truth, I have wondered the same. His Majesty arranged the marriage with her father’s blessing when she was born. We cannot pass judgment on it.”

  “Well, seems to me if the Lady is unwilling there must be a reason. Maybe she loves someone else?” He sent a meaningful glance in Galahad’s direction.

  “Hold your tongue, Christian. Love rarely factors into these arrangements.”

  He shrugged again. “I’m just sayin’”

  “Well do not just say anything. You have no understanding of the ways here. Your tongue will most definitely get you into trouble.” His father waved at Galahad, beckoning him over. “Now that we have assessed your knowledge and skill, the real work begins.”

  “The real work? Please tell me you’re kidding.” He banged his head lightly on the stone wall behind him.

  “Nay, Christian.” Lancelot rose and slapped the dust of the training field from his clothes. “This was child’s play. Now, ‘tis your brother’s turn.”


  Alex stood, breathing deeply. One hand rested lightly on her belly as the other had a death grip on the kitchen counter. She closed her eyes and tried to relax. The cramps were coming irregularly for the past few weeks, and right now she wished she mentioned them before everything turned upside down. Not telling Jared or her father seemed like a good idea at the time. Why give them another reason to hover and mother hen her? They were only false labor pains. Why add that to everything else Jared dealt with on a daily basis? Now, it didn’t look like she made the right choice. God forbid she went into labor with no one here.

  She slowly ran her hand over the baby bump. “Not yet, Annabelle. Please.” A sharp pain shot through her abdomen. Alex gasped, doubling over. She eased herself down to the cold tile floor and lay on her side, trying to breathe.

  “Sam, where are you? I need you.” A single tear escaped the corner of her eye. “I can’t lose this baby. I just can’t.”

  A knock echoed through the house from the front door. Alex tried to push up to a sitting position. Another sharp pain sliced through her. “Help me! Please!”

  The pounding became louder. “Highness?” A woman’s voice called from outside.

  “Please help me.” Alex’s plea was barely a whisper. Her eyes slid closed.


  When no answer reached the woman outside, she pulled out a cell phone quickly hitting one of the presets. Her call was immediately answered. “I’m here and there’s no answer. I need you to pull down the protection. I think there’s something wrong.”

  There was a long silence on the other end. “Go ahead.”

  The woman reached for the door. It opened on its own. “Okay, I’m going in.” She cut off the call and pocketed the phone, replacing it with a pair of short swords. Her black eyes scanned the foyer and stairwell. Seeing no threat, she advanced slowly toward the kitchen. She rounded
the corner. A pair of pink bunny slippers peeked out from behind the kitchen island. Alex lay on the tile floor, her hand clutching her abdomen.

  Falling to her knees beside Alex, her swords clattered across the floor. “Highness, can you hear me?” A quiet groan answered her. “I’ve been sent to help by your father. My name is Echelon.”

  She felt Alex’s face. It was cool to the touch. A good sign. Her hands hovered over Alex starting at her neck slowly traveling down her body until they reached the baby. Echelon gasped. It was too soon for the child to be coming. She pulled out her cell and called Zephyr again. “As soon as the sun goes down, get your ass back here.” She didn’t even give him a chance to bitch at her for ordering him around.

  Alex moaned and cracked open her eyes. The moment she saw Echelon, she screamed. “Who are you? How did you get in here?” She tried to back up, but the pain was too intense to move.

  “Easy, Highness, I am here to help. Your father sent for me. My name is Echelon.” She handed the cell phone to Alex. Placing it to her ear, Alex held back her cry of relief when her father’s deep voice filtered through the phone.


  “Father? Who is this woman?” Alex grimaced and placed a hand on her belly. The pain wasn’t as bad this time, but still too much for her to move very far. She would be at this woman’s mercy.

  Zephyr’s voice was calm. “She’s one of our warriors. Her name is Echelon. She was a gypsy princess and can help you.”


  “Alexandra, she can protect you and the child. She is highly trained. Do you trust me?”

  Alex inhaled and closed her eyes. “Of course, I trust you.”

  “Good. Jared and I will be there as soon as possible. Now let her help you to bed and relax. This is the best solution for the Lance problem.”

  “Yes, you’re right. I will.”

  “I love you, draguta.”

  “I love you too.”

  She handed the phone to Echelon who had been watching her with those intense black eyes. “You understand, it’s not that I don’t trust you.”

  Echelon smiled. “Highness, in your position, I wouldn’t trust me. Now let’s get you upstairs where you can be more comfortable.” She helped Alex to her feet, supporting her full weight assisting her to the bottom of the stairs. “Just lean on me.”

  Alex did. Slowly they made it to the top and into the master bedroom. Echelon helped her into bed and pulled the covers up. “Highness, I’ll return in a few minutes.”

  When she turned away, Alex grabbed her arm lightly. “You know it’s too soon, don’t you.” The gypsy cast her eyes downward, silently answering her question. Echelon patted her hand and started toward the door.


  The warrior looked back at her.

  “Please call me Alex. We don’t rely on titles here.”

  “As you wish.”

  “And Echelon, please think of us as family.”

  A sad look came over her features. She masked it as quickly as it surfaced. “If only I could. My family was slaughtered over three hundred years ago by a demon warlord. I honestly wouldn’t know how to be a part of a family again.”

  Alex screamed as another contraction tightened deep within her womb. The pain cut through her body like lightning. Her hands gripped the sheet, knuckles stark white against its pale blue. Eyes closed, she tried to breathe through the latest onslaught of agonizing torture. But try as she might, it was no use.

  This child wanted into this world regardless of the fact it was too soon.

  A slender hand pried her fingers from the sheet as her contraction began to ease. Alex opened her eyes. Seeing concern etched on the olive toned face and dark eyes of the woman next to her, she sighed. “Thank you for being here, Echelon. I don’t know what I would have done had you not shown up when you did.”

  “You can thank his Highness and your father for that. I came as soon as I was summoned.” Echelon smoothed the damp hair back from Alex’s brow. “This little one of yours seems determined to arrive.” She felt for the pulse in Alex’s wrist. “You have got to try and relax. I promise it will be better for both of you that way.”

  Alex let out a short laugh. “Relax, that’s a good one.”

  She gripped Echelon’s hand like a vice, jaw clenched as another contraction tore through her. Panting in short breaths, Alex focused on the one thing that gave her strength. On the dresser, Jared stared back at her in their wedding photo. His electric blue gaze calmed her and she was able to regain control over her body.

  The pain ebbed and slowly faded. Within a matter of minutes, she was able to inhale deeply and relax again. Releasing Echelon’s hand, Alex gave the woman an apologetic look.

  “There is no need for that, Alex. I fully understand what you are going through.” The gypsy lifted a wash-cloth from the bowl of cool water on the nightstand and rung it out. She bathed Alex’s face. Afterward, she folded it and laid it across Alex’s brow.

  “Do you have children of your own?” A tired smile curled Alex’s lips.

  Echelon glanced away, but Alex caught the hint of pain in those dark eyes. “No. I never had the honor of holding my own child. I assisted in many births for my people, but . . . .”

  Alex grasped her arm when Echelon tried to move away. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

  Placing her hand over Alex’s, she gave it a light squeeze. “You could never do that. After all the time that has past, there are just some things that can not heal. Betrayal by a loved one is the worst of all.” She stood and started for the door.


  Alex watched her pause at the door. Her hand wrapped around the brass handle, head bowed.

  “Highness, I am here to protect you and the babe. I promise both of you will be just fine.” She turned the handle and the door swung open quietly.

  “I have every faith in you, Echelon.”

  “Please don’t. Putting all of your faith in me will only get you hurt. I destroyed so many lives because of blind faith. It’s why I am alone today.” Echelon ducked out of the room before Alex could say another word.

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  Sunlight filtered in through the stained-glass windows of the Queen’s solar, sending multicolored rays of sunshine all over the room. Lady Elizabeth’s embroidery lay in her lap uncompleted. A simple task that should have only taken minutes to finish sat in limbo for at least an hour as she stared out across the field. There, two men were locked in battle. She knew them both, and that was what held her interest.

  Brothers, not just in arms but of blood as well, set in a contest of strength and skill. Christian and Galahad. Which one would win, which would lose? She had no idea, but the battle in itself held her enthralled. She couldn’t make herself look away.

  “Lady Elizabeth?” The Queen, her aunt, tried to gain her attention.

  She gasped as Christian swept Galahad’s feet from under him. His sword trained on his brother’s throat. Her hand covered her heart and for a split second, she thought he might actually harm the knight. When both men laughed, she let out the breath she had been holding. The elder held out his hand to help his brother to his feet. The two walked off in easy camaraderie disappearing from her line of sight.

  “Lady Elizabeth.” This time the Queen’s voice was stronger.

  Blinking, she turned from the window and focused on the kind face of her aunt. “Hmm? I am sorry Your Majesty, I was . . . .”

  “Daydreaming. I know. I have been there.” Guinevere smiled gently and walked over to stand next to her chair. She looked out over the courtyard, seeing what kept her niece occupied. “They are an impressive pair, are they not?”

  “Aye, ma’am.”

  “Lady Elaine? What say you? Will your sons ever best their sire?” The Queen’s eyes sparkled with humor.

  Lady Elaine looked up from her mending with a frown. “If they know what is best for them, they won’t. I will never be able to live with
him if they do.”

  “What if they worked together to best him? What then?” The Queen tried to hide her laughter.

  “The two of them actually working together? I shall believe it when I see it.” Lady Elaine smirked, placing her mending to the side.

  “Then my dear friend you may want to come over here and watch. For I do believe they are about to make a believer out of you.” Guinevere pointed out the window.

  The three of them watched in awe as father and sons locked swords. Lancelot took them both on at once, a sword in each hand. Twirling and fighting first one then the other it was a beautiful dance of blades and footwork. The precision of each strike was a testament to his legacy.

  They matched him blow for blow, until in one swoop the First Knight disarmed them both. A sword aimed at their hearts, Christian and Galahad exchanged a quick glance. They fell upon the ground at the same time and each swept one of Lancelot’s feet out from under him. Their father hit the ground, swords skidding away across the dirt. Flipping over, he tried to sit up. Galahad tossed a sword to Christian, who had risen to stand over his father. Christian held the tip of his sword at Lancelot’s throat, smirking. Stunned at first, the First Knight paused and laughed. Christian held out a hand and helped his father to his feet. They shared a mutual look of respect before the three of them sheathed their swords and headed toward the castle.

  “Now that was impressive.” The Queen was the first to turn away from the window and return to her chair.

  “Aye, very impressive.” Elizabeth added a little breathless.

  “Lady Elaine, don’t you think its past time for you to be reunited with your son?” The Queen picked up her embroidery and began working her stitching as if she never stopped.

  “Perhaps you are right, Majesty.”

  “Of course she is right, Lady Elaine.” All of them turned to the door as Lady Semiramis walked in. “Christian needs answers and while I gave him the foundation, it is up to you to rebuild what was lost between you.”

  Lady Elaine ran her hand across the tapestry she was working on. It was of her now complete family, something no one would ever witness outside of this room. “Even if that means I never see him again after this?”


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