Beyond Time: A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel (The Dark Order of the Dragon Book 2)

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Beyond Time: A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel (The Dark Order of the Dragon Book 2) Page 8

by Sandra Bischoff

  Alex groaned. “I don’t think I can take much more of this.”

  Jared crossed the room to sit on the bed next to her. He lifted her hand in his and kissed her fingertips. “It’s alright. We’ve all got you covered.” He sent his mother a meaningful glance. “You just need to relax. Right, Mom?”

  “We will keep you as comfortable as possible.” She patted Alex’s hand. “I have given you a slight reprieve from the pain. Get some sleep.”

  Alex nodded with a tired smile. “Thank you.” A yawn escaped her lips, she stifled it with her hand. “Even five minutes would be a godsend.”

  “You will have much more than that, I promise. Jared, can I speak to you for a moment?” Sam drifted toward the door motioning for him to join her.”

  Leaning down, he kissed Alex. “I’ll be right back, don’t worry.”

  She laced her fingers with his. “Now that you’re here I’m not.”

  He stood and started for the door, their hands remained linked for a moment. As he moved away, hers fell onto the bed. Jared looked back to see Alex had fallen asleep with a peaceful look on her face. The corner of his mouth turned up. He didn’t know what he would do without her. Both, she and the baby had to make it through this.

  Sam stood at the door, waiting for him concern written on her face. Jared joined her and closed the door quietly behind them. “What aren’t you saying, Mom?”

  “First things first,” She wrapped her arm in his leading him to the staircase. “Why isn’t Zephyr with you? He should be here.”

  “He is, or he was.” His brow furrowed. “He came in the house before I did. I assumed he went right upstairs. He didn’t?”

  “I wouldn’t be asking if he did.” She tilted her head, listening. “He has left this time. Strange. I’m sure he will return soon enough.”

  “Left this time? Don’t start talking in riddles to me, mom. What the hell is going on?”

  They descended the stairs into the foyer. His gut twisted with each step. When they hit the marble floor below, Sam faced him. “It’s too soon for the baby. Echelon means well by saying its false labor, but that’s not completely true. Being a half-breed, we don’t know exactly how long her pregnancy will be. Typically, for a full blooded vampire it is longer, twelve months. However, we all have unknowingly placed undue stress on Alex.”

  “By sending Lance away.”

  Semiramis nodded. “Having the gypsy here is a good first step at correcting that. We need to keep her calm. I will do what I can to keep Alex’s labor at bay, but there are no guarantees.”

  “Guarantee of what?” Jared pulled up short.

  “The child will come anyway. I may have powers, but that doesn’t mean they are unlimited. If the fates deem your child is to be born, I am overridden. We must keep her as stress free as possible.”

  He nodded. “This is why we brought in Echelon. Lance is gone for an undetermined amount of time. She needs someone here she can trust. And that brings me back to my earlier question, why are you here instead of with him?”

  “Christian is fine. He no longer needs me with him. I am here for you, Alex and the baby.”

  Jared pulled her into an embrace. “And for that, I will be eternally grateful.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  What had started with a test of wills a few weeks ago, turned into an easy camaraderie between father and sons. The three of them trained before the morning meal, then Lancelot would attend the King. His sons commenced with guarding Lady Elizabeth. It wasn’t exciting, but it at least kept Lance’s mind off why Sam ditched him. He still couldn’t believe it. Especially since the goddess gave her word, she would be there for the duration.

  Either shit got real intense back home or he finally disgusted her to the point of abandonment. He couldn’t blame her, but part of him hoped that wasn’t the case. Every day, he busted his ass to prove himself worthy and every day it seemed he got the shit kicked out of him.

  Hell, he was sore in places he never knew he could be sore in.

  Nothing a trip to a masseuse couldn’t cure. Among other things.

  Letting out a sigh, Lance surveyed the land around him. It truly was beautiful. Rolling green hills dotted with patches of heather soothed and relaxed the anxiety building inside him. The castle loomed in the distance, reminding him his little reprieve was only temporary. His father would be waiting, sword in hand, for their next go around as soon as he walked through the gate with Lady Elizabeth and her maid.

  If he had grown up here, would he be different? Would he have become the son Lancelot wanted him to be? Would he have been indestructible? Those questions were with him twenty-four-seven, and he still didn’t have the answers.

  Maybe that’s because you can’t change your own past, only build on the future. Make it what it needs to be, for me, no one else. He snorted. And if I knew how to accomplish that, I wouldn’t be stranded here.

  Stranded in Camelot. Now that would make an excellent movie. I could definitely give Spielberg some pointers.

  Lance watched Lady Elizabeth wander the field with her maid. A slight breeze caught a few loose tendrils of red hair making them brush across her face. Without pausing in her quest, she pushed the hair aside, tucking it behind her ear and continued to search for whatever elusive treasure she looked for.

  He shook his head, chuckling under his breath. There were only weeds scattered here and there in the tall grasses. No usable herbs. Well, none he could smell from where he was perched. This little excursion of hers had to be a joke, but he wasn’t about to cut it short given what waited for him.

  Maybe that’s why Galahad bolted the second she mentioned her plans. His brother had no intention of planting his ass in the middle of an empty field to babysit. Lance could see the guard duty bored him. Fortunately for everyone else, he was here to pick up the slack. Thus, here he sat, official babysitter to her ladyship, lapdog to her every whim.

  It was far better than getting his ass kicked all day long.

  She dipped out of sight behind a hill. Lance rose to his feet to get a better view. There was no way he’d let her slip off to the forest again. Look what happened to her the last time. If he hadn’t been there . . . .

  “Lord Christian!”

  Elizabeth’s maid came running toward him, waving her arms for his attention. Lance frowned the closer she got to him. It didn’t escape his notice that her Lady was nowhere to be seen. The maid arrived only seconds later breathing hard, wide eyed.

  A chill went through him.

  “Beatrix, what happened?” He placed his hands on her shoulders to keep her steady while she fought to catch her breath. “Where is Lady Elizabeth?”

  She pointed at the field. “We were walking around that hill and she vanished.”

  Lance glanced at the direction she came from. His heightened hearing picked up no call for help, nothing at all. “Vanished? What do you mean?”

  “I was trailing behind her by a few yards, so I saw nothing. I only know she wasn’t where she should have been when I came around the hill.” She grabbed the front of his tunic and lifted her scared gaze to meet his. “You have to find her.”

  Closing his eyes, he willed his powers to work, but because of Semiramis’ binding, nothing came.

  Damn it to hell. Thanks Sam.

  “It will be alright. I promise, Bea. I’ll find her. Show me where you saw her last.” He let her go.

  Beatrix dabbed at her eyes with her sleeve and nodded. “Just this way.”

  Lance followed not far behind as she started back toward the hill, coming up short where her basket lay. It was turned over, and all her treasures discarded when she ran to get him. He picked it up and handed the basket to her.

  Inhaling deeply, he caught Elizabeth’s scent. She was still close by. Nothing carted her away. “Bea, why don’t you go back to the tree and relax. I think I know where she is.”

  “Truly? Thank you Lord Christian.” She stepped forward, tears in her eyes and grabbed his hand in hers. “
God speed to you finding her.”

  He shrugged off her praise, urging her back where they came from. Once Beatrix was out of sight, he got on his hands and knees, feeling for the pit he knew was hidden there. His hands skimmed over the ground as Elizabeth’s scent filled the air, getting stronger every inch he traveled.

  Pushing through the tall grass, his hand slipped over the edge of a well-camouflaged hole. Lance cleared away the grass laying over the opening. It wasn’t large, but apparently deep enough to capture an unsuspecting animal.

  “Lady Elizabeth?” He peered through the shadows below. The wolf’s eyesight allowed him to see her lying unconscious on the dirt floor. From where he was perched, the hole was a couple feet wide. Below, it was a spacious cave. At least it wasn’t the trap of a poacher. It was a vent for an underground cavern. Wonderful.

  How do these things always happen around her?

  “Elizabeth, come on, cher. You need to wake up for me.” She stirred ever so slightly and moaned becoming still again.

  Lance cursed under his breath, running a hand over his face. Without his powers this would be impossible. He skimmed the area looking for something, anything that could assist him in getting her out of there.


  Damn you Galahad for bailing on me

  “Guess I’m going in. Hope like hell, there’s a way out other than what I’m looking into.” He walked back to where Beatrix could see him. “Bea, go back to the castle and get Galahad or one of the others. I found her, but I’m going to need help getting her out. Tell them to bring some rope.”

  “Thanks be to God! Right away, Lord Christian.” She beamed and darted off to do his bidding.

  He paced back to loom over the dark opening. “Your luck has got to get better. This damsel in distress routine is getting old, Beth.”

  He stabbed his sword in the dirt next to the hole so whoever Bea brought back would know exactly where he was. Looking up to the heavens, he laughed. “You really enjoy testing my sorry ass don’t you, Sam.”

  He got nothing in return, not that he expected anything.

  “Okay, here goes.”

  Lance stepped off the ledge and dropped twenty feet to the cavern below. Landing in a crouch his eyes adjusted quickly to the darkness. Cautiously, he moved over to where Elizabeth lay. Rolling her onto her back, he noted a gash across her forehead. The blood ran across her brow and cheek. Gently, he tapped the other cheek with his hand.

  “Time to wake up, cher. Sleeping Beauty has to get back to the castle now.”

  Lance brushed his knuckles over her soft cheek. Still she didn’t stir. If she were awake, it would be so much easier to get her out of here. Right now as it stood, he would have to carry her. But which way to daylight, other than above his head?

  He leaned in closer, his cheek close to her lips. Her breath fluttered lightly across his skin. He relaxed. At least she still breathed --check in the plus column. Now if he could only wake her up.

  Sitting back on his haunches, he paused to look around the cave. Rock walls and compacted soil surrounded them on all sides. Scattered around the dirt floor were the bones of hapless animals that must have had the same luck as they did. There was no way he’d allow the two of them to end up like the animals did. Unfortunately the only other exit appeared to be a crevice big enough for one of them to squeeze through at a time. But who knew where that would lead to? Not to mention the comatose beauty next to him.

  His gaze refocused on his charge. Her brows pulled together as if she were in pain. Lance ripped off a piece of his tunic and blotted the blood on her brow. He tried not to press too hard when he held it over the gash to stop the bleeding. Luckily, it had slowed and clotted. One less problem to deal with.

  Leaving the cloth on her forehead, he took inventory of her limbs, checking for any broken bones. Again, he gave thanks that she seemed unharmed. When his hands roamed over her ribs, her lips parted, and he heard her gasp. His gaze shot to her face hoping to find her looking back at him, but no.

  He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and held her close. “Come on, Beth. I need you to wake up.” His lips were a fraction of an inch from hers now. “Cher, if you’re playin’ opossum with me, it ain’t funny.” No reaction.

  The sounds of their impending rescue began to drift through the opening overhead. Apparently Galahad, the knight in shining armor, had arrived.

  Once more, his fingers brushed her cheek. He cupped it in his hand. Lance nudged her nose with his. Their breath mingled in the small space between them. He closed his eyes and inhaled her sweet heather scent. Without another thought, he lowered his lips to hers, claiming them gently. A slight brush, nothing more.

  She stirred in his arms, and he pulled back. Holy shit! That actually worked? Her hand covered his on her cheek, and she opened her eyes. Drowsily, she looked up at him.

  He smiled at her. “Hello there, cher. You took a nasty fall, so don’t try to move.”

  Elizabeth nodded and cringed. “My head hurts.”

  “As well it should. I think you landed on it. You really should pay more attention to where you’re walking.” He lifted the cloth from her brow inspecting the cut there. “At least the bleeding finally stopped. How do you feel besides that? Dizzy? Anything else hurt?”

  Shaking her head, she pulled free from his arms and scooted away putting some distance between them. Lance immediately felt the loss. Something in him cried out for her to come back. He quickly tamped it down. She belonged to someone else.

  Her gaze roamed around their prison. “How are we going to get out?”

  Before he could answer her, a shadow fell across their only means of light. “Christian? Are you down there?”

  Rising to stand beneath the hole, Lance sighed in relief and sent up a silent prayer of thanks. “Yeah, Galahad.” He heard a rumble of laughter from above.

  That’s it keep laughing my brother, until we meet on the training field later, and I wipe that smile off your face.

  “Fine mess the two of you are in. A good thing for you, I was wasting the day watching the clouds roll past.”

  “Ha ha, funny. Did you bring anyone else to help or are you my only hope?” He smirked.

  “I am hurt to think you do not believe I can assist you by myself.”

  “Yeah, yeah I can tell you’re all broken up about it. Are you going to get us out or what? Beth needs to have her injury looked at.”

  Galahad snorted. “Beth is it? That is a tad familiar for you, don’t you think?”

  Lance watched Elizabeth for her reaction. She merely blinked at him, her fingers lightly touching her lips. “Knock it off, bro.” He gritted his teeth. “Please get us out of here.”

  His brother’s lips twitched. “Since you have asked nicely, I will.”

  Galahad tossed a coiled rope over the edge. Lance caught it and tied a loop in the end. He motioned Elizabeth over. “I’m going to place this around you.” She nodded and allowed him to slip the loop over her head cinching it around her waist. Elizabeth held on to the rope above her head. “Hold on tight. We don’t need you slipping and landing right back where you started.”

  “She’s ready,” Lance called up to his brother.

  A whistle cut through the air. The slack from the rope tightened.

  “Wait.” Elizabeth yelled grabbing Lance’s arm. Another whistle sounded, the rope stopped. She stood on tiptoe and framed Lance’s face in her hands. “Thank you, Christian, for coming to my rescue yet again.”

  Pulling his face down to hers, she paused to gaze into his hazel eyes. Then, completely out of left field, she kissed him. Not a chaste, thank you very much, kind of kiss. It was the kind of kiss that seared the soul. When she pulled away and gave Galahad the okay, Lance stumbled back, watching her vanish through the hole above him.

  “Mon dieu, What the hell was that?” A burning sensation filled his chest almost as if she branded him. That was impossible. There was no way she could lay claim to him, unless . . . .

  The wolf in him growled its approval.

  Fuck me.

  The rope dropped in front of him, Lance looped it around his waist, still in a daze. This shit was not going to end well. He could see it already. Don’t do anything to change history. You are only here to train. Sam’s words came back and hit him full force.

  “To late for that. How the hell do I explain this one?” He muttered as he pulled himself up through the cave’s entrance.

  “How do you explain what? We got both of you to safety, there is nothing to explain.” Galahad stood over him, coiling the rope around his arm. “But I dare say, you will have a long walk home to think about whatever it is bothering you.”

  “And why is that?”

  Galahad pulled the sword from where Lance had left it and tossed it to him. Lance caught it as he rose from the ground. “Because, dear Christain, sadly there is room only for the Lady and myself on my horse.”

  His brother slapped him on the shoulder and headed for said horse with Elizabeth already perched on top of it. All Lance could do was watch him swing up behind her and ride off, leaving him to find his own way home.


  “Son of a bitch!” Lance cursed as he stubbed his toe on yet another boulder hidden in the knee high grass. What he wouldn’t give for a pair of Timberlands right now. At least then he might be able to salvage what was left of his feet when he got back to the castle.

  “Would it kill someone to take a machete or scythe to this shit?” he yelled across the field. A deer fifty feet away raised its head, continuing to chew lazily on the foliage. The deer watched him other for a few heartbeats then trod away ignoring his rant.

  Grumbling, he swung his sword low in an attempt to cut a path. It did no good. The dry blades bent and bounced right back up to stand straight and tall, mocking him.

  That pissed him off more.

  His stomach growled. An instant reminder he missed the noon meal. If it weren’t for Galahad leaving him stranded, he would have been relaxing in the great hall by now, mulled cider in his hand. Would it have been too much trouble for the guy to bring his horse back to him?


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