The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series

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The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series Page 32

by Jenika Snow

  Slamming his lips down on hers, he fucked her mouth with his tongue. Her hands held onto his hips, digging her nails into his flesh.

  “That’s it, baby, mark me just as I’m marking you.” Wrapping his hand in her hair, he held her tightly against him. “In this room when we’re alone, you’re going to be my little pain slut. I don’t want you thinking you’re anything else; you’re not. You’re mine and I’m not going to let you go. When we’re in here, I’m going to remind you exactly who you belong to and you’re going to love every second of what I do to you.”

  He kissed her one final time before letting her go so she flopped onto the bed. Gripping his cock, he stared at her beautiful body.

  “Open your legs wide,” he said.

  She opened them.

  “Lift that cunt to me.”

  Eloise lifted herself up so that her pussy was close to his cock.

  “Yeah, that’s what I want. I’m going to fuck your pussy and when I’ve filled you up with my spunk, I’m going to fuck your ass.”

  Tonight, he wasn’t going to leave any part of her empty. He needed her to know who she belonged to.

  “Yes, Steel, I want that. Please, give it to me.”

  He was going to give it to her all right. Steel was going to have her addicted to his hard cock.

  Aligning the tip of his dick against her opening, he slid inside, groaning as her tight pussy walls squeezed him.

  He pounded inside her. The odd angle had Eloise falling back. Gripping her hips, he slammed every inch of his dick inside her, making her take it all and beg for more. The tips of his fingers were white where he touched her. There would be bruises on her body in the morning. He didn’t give a fuck.

  “Please, Steel,” she said, begging so beautifully.

  He fucked her hard. Eloise had to reach out; grabbing the headboard, otherwise her head would be banging against the wall.

  Throughout it all, she screamed for more.

  Steel didn’t let up his strokes even as he leaned down, sucking on a tight nipple, then the other. Rearing back, he slapped her breasts, watching them darken a little from the taps.

  Eloise lapped it up like a bitch in a heat. It was such a beautiful sight to see. He couldn’t stop it nor did he want to.

  Pulling out of her, he flipped her onto her stomach, dragging her onto her knees until her ass was in the air. He slid back inside her gaping cunt. Steel watched her pussy taking him in, swallowing him up. Licking his fingers, he smeared his saliva over her puckered asshole and started to work into her ass.

  He’d meant every word he said. Once he was done in her pussy, he was going to fuck her ass, and spill his load inside her. She was going to be drenched and beg him for more.

  “Please, don’t stop,” she said.

  “I’m not going to stop.” He slapped her ass, using his palm for her right cheek and the back of his hand for her left. Over and over he marked up her ass then her thighs. She kept pushing back against him so that he could go deeper. He couldn’t take his eyes off his cock. The length was covered in her cream, glistening in the light with each thrust he made. Wet sounds of flesh hitting flesh echoed around the room.

  She begged, moaned, screamed, and gave as good as she got. The woman in his bed wasn’t trying to satisfy him or the club. No, she was here because she wanted to be here. She needed his dick, wanted it.

  Pounding inside her tight pussy, he stopped slapping her ass to tease her clit. She was so close that a few strokes over her clit had her hurtling into a screaming orgasm. Her pussy latched onto his cock, and he pounded inside her, finding his own release. His balls grew tight and seconds later he filled her snatch with his cum. By the time it was over, he struggled to even see clearly it was that fucking heady.

  Seconds, minutes, hours, time was irrelevant yet it passed. Eloise lay beneath him. He pressed a kiss to her shoulder, pulling his fingers out of her ass in the process. Steel slowly left her body, making sure he didn’t hurt her in the process.

  Her body was decorated in red stripes from the belt. She looked utterly beautiful with his cum spilling from the lips of her pussy. Coating his fingers in his cum, he pushed more of it inside her.

  “Wow,” she said.

  Steel looked up to see her glancing at him. He helped her roll over.

  “I was so scared.”

  “Why?” he asked.

  “I’ve never been open with anyone about what I want. I figured I was a freak.”

  “Hey, baby, you’re a freak, it just so happens you’ve found another freak to share it with.” He smiled at her to show he was teasing. After such a heady, intense sexual encounter, emotions were raw. “You’re not a freak. We just like things a little differently.”

  Tears filled her eyes. Lying down beside her, he frowned. Seeing her on the brink of tears made him want to find the source of her pain and take them out.

  “What is it?” he asked. “Tell me.”

  “It’s so silly and stupid.”

  “It’s not. You tell me now; I want to know.” He’d kill anyone who made his woman cry.

  “I loved every second of what we just did and now I don’t know how I’m going to handle you finding someone else.”

  Her words registered and Steel chuckled.

  “It’s not funny,” she said, pressing her face into her hands.

  “Baby, there isn’t going to be anyone else. You’re mine. I’m not going to give you up nor am I going to share. You’re fucking mine. If you want, I’ll have my name inked over these tits, this ass, and this cunt, and over your heart. I expect you to have feelings for me, Eloise.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close. “I do. I really do.”

  “Good. I don’t want any more talk of you leaving or going somewhere to do some shit. You’re all mine, you got that.”

  “Yes, I got that.”

  He’d only just found the one woman he was looking for. There wasn’t a chance in hell he was going to give that up. Cupping her face, he claimed her lips, determined to complete what he’d started. Next on the menu was her ass.

  Hanson rubbed his hands together while also staring over at the Soldiers of Wrath MC compound. A party was in full swing and it made him sick to his stomach to see them all partying and having fun. The men were scum and the women just whores. He was sick and tired of them getting everything in town while he got fucking nothing.

  He’d been priming Eloise for months, putting up with her around the store. The moment he first saw her, he knew he wanted to fuck her. Then that bastard Steel had to storm in and ruin fucking everything. He was so pissed off. Now, his face was a fucking mess and the bitch that had replaced her wouldn’t take any of his shit.

  In one night he’d lost his little toy, and he hated it, seethed because of it. Eloise was supposed to be his, all his.

  Gritting his teeth, Hanson smiled. Well, Steel could have Eloise but he wondered if the rough biker would like her once he got a hold of her. He’d cut up that pretty face; scar her for life until she was unrecognizable. She’d come begging for his attention then.

  When she was begging him to take her, then he’d really get what he wanted.

  He started to plan. All he needed was a moment when Steel and the guys weren’t looking. A small moment where they were looking at everything else and they lost Eloise then he’d get what he wanted.

  Chapter 14

  Eloise finished drying off the counters, went behind the bar, and grabbed the filled trash bag.

  “I’m going to take this out,” she told the sweet-butt, or club whore, or whatever the hell the guys decided to call the girls that were easy at the club. The girl, Berry, nodded, her focus on one of the prospects as he pushed hair off her shoulder and looked down at her breasts.

  She pushed the backdoor open and made her way to the trashcans off to the side of the club, hidden in the shadows. There were a few lights on the outside of the club, illuminating the perimeter, but not reaching this part of the p
roperty. Steel was with some of the other club members, working on club business, and she’d decided to stay back here while they did their business. She didn’t want to think about what they’d talked about, what they did, or whom they had to hurt to make sure they got the job done.

  She glanced to her left and saw a Harley of the prospect that was inside probably getting head by Berry. The music from inside came through loud, and she tossed the trash in the cans and shut the lid. For a moment, she stared up at the moon feeling like her life had finally come round full circle, and she was right where she was supposed to be. Steel had opened her eyes, made her feel the euphoria that came with the pleasure and pain, and she felt like she was falling so hard and fast for him. She felt like she loved him, like she really, really loved that hardened biker.

  She wiped her hands on the apron she wore, turned around, but the sound of shoes on the pavement had her stopping. Looking around, she thought she’d see a prospect, or one of the club members that had stayed back coming outside. She didn’t see anyone though. Eloise was a few steps away from rounding the corner of the side of the club when someone grabbed her from behind, slammed a hand over her mouth, and hauled her backward. Whoever had her was strong, but she could feel him behind her, and knew he wasn’t very large, not compared to Steel.

  She struggled, but he dragged her deeper into the darkness. The sound of the front door opening and closing, of men laughing and cursing, came through, but the hand that covered her mouth was unyielding and she couldn’t make a sound for help. The stench of garbage and alcohol filled her nose. Eloise was pressed up against the side of the garage, the trashcans surrounding her making her gag.

  It took a moment for her eyes to adjust, but when she saw who held her against her will she fought harder. Hanson, that piece of shit was right in front of her, his body pressed to hers, and his smile wide even in the shadowy recesses of this space.

  “You know, this was a lot easier than I thought it would be.” His breath smelled so heavily of liquor and stale cigarette smoke.

  She gagged, and the fear that she would choke on her own vomit slammed into her.

  “I’ve been waiting, bitch, waiting for the right time. Your little boyfriend and his asshole friend came to the store, trying to scare me into staying away.”

  Eloise felt her eyes widen at his words.

  He chuckled almost sinisterly. “Yeah, I want you, and our little party was stopped by that asshole.” He looked at her right in the eye. “It’s a shame he got in the middle of it, but it doesn’t matter, because I have you now, and he isn’t here.”

  Eloise shook her head and struggled against his hold, but it was no use. He was bigger and stronger than she was. She needed to play this safe, and maybe she could get out of this intact.

  “Before it was me wanting you, and although it still is, it is also about making my fucking point. No one messes with me, no matter what club they are in.”

  There was laughter in the front of the clubhouse, and Eloise struggled harder. She tried to bring her knee up and get him in the crotch, but he had his leg wedged between her thighs, making that impossible.

  “Next time those MC fuckers want to hurt and threaten me, there will be repercussions involved.” His words were slurred, but his drunkenness wasn’t what frightened her. He pressed his crotch into her and ground his erection into her belly.

  Bile rose in her throat. He took a step back from her, and the surprise that she had enough room to breathe, and to even kick and fight back had her reacting instantly. But he had planned this, and when she went to make that first move he brought his fist to the side of her head. He used so much force her entire body spun around and crashed back into the brick wall. The force went through her whole body, but before she could regain herself, he had his hand wrapped around her throat and lifted her off her feet.

  “I just wanted to play,” he ground out. He brought his fist to the side of her head again, and again. Blood filled her mouth, and she couldn’t hold it, especially not when he hit her again. A mouthful of spit and blood sprayed from her mouth and covered his face and chest.

  “Please,” she wheezed out.

  “You stupid fucking cunt. I’m going to make you pay for that.” He spat out, and spittle came from his mouth with as much force as his anger. He tossed her against the brick wall once more.

  The pain was like nothing she had ever felt before, so mind numbing and crippling that even breathing hurt. But he wasn’t done yet, that was clear from his words and his anger as he kicked her when she was down. Eloise knew one thing: she wasn’t going to go down without a fight. He derived his strength and pleasure from hurting others.

  He came after her again, and when he wrapped his hand around her throat once more, hauled her up, and pressed her to the wall, she used that moment to bring her knee up. Her entire body protested as pain washed through her.

  He wasn’t prepared for her act of rebellion, and that worked in her favor as she made contact with his dick. He grunted and the hold on her throat loosened. He tossed her aside like she was nothing but a rag doll, like she was nothing but the trash that surrounded them.

  Hanson stumbled back a few paces after she kneed him, but she saw his rage start to escalate and numb out his pain. He charged at her once he seemed to get his bearing again, and she tried to move forward, out from the side of the garage so she could be seen. This low sound left him, one that sounded like he housed the very devil himself inside of him. She wanted to scream, but her throat was so raw from him choking her, and her jaw hurt from his blows that her breath came out like wheezes. She tried to stand and run, but he kicked her in the belly, and she fell back to the ground.

  “Eloise, you out here? Berry said you took out the trash a while ago.”

  She struggled to stand when she heard Greys voice, a prospect in the club.

  “Eloise? Where the fuck are you?” Greys called out again. “Come on. Steel will have my balls for lunch if I lose track of you.”

  Reaching her hand out, she prayed to whoever would listen to her that Greys saw her, or came looking for her over here.

  “Shh.” Hanson said and pulled her up off the ground. He pulled her to his body, breathed his rank breath in her ear, and cupped her breast.

  A small whimper left her, but even that tiny noise hurt her throat. Eloise closed her eyes when he breathed against the side of her face harder this time. “Help…” That lone word sounded pathetic coming from her.

  “Come on, girl. I don’t want my ass kicked by Steel or the other patched in members.” A beat of silence passed. “Fuck, where the hell are you?”

  Hot tears were a steady stream down her cheeks when she heard the gun cock behind her, and felt the cold, hard butt of the barrel press against her temple. All she could do was close her eyes and wish things had been different.

  “If you’re quiet, you’ll be okay.”

  No she wouldn’t. Death might be welcome compared to what Hanson had planned for her. He started dragging her backward, but she saw an opportunity and went for it. Kicking her leg out, she knocked over one of the aluminum trashcans, sending it crashing to the ground. Trash fell from the inside, but the sound was what she’d been aiming for.

  “You fucking cunt,” Hanson said low.

  He pushed her forward, and she landed on her hands, the gravel scraping up her palms. Then the sound of a gun firing was so close that her ears rang. Then another shot was fired; Hanson grunted, and she felt something warm and wet land on her bare calf.

  Eloise looked behind her, saw Hanson holding his stomach, and then he ran off in the other direction. She looked in front of her, saw Greys running toward her, this horrified look on his face, and all she wanted to do was go to sleep. Her heart thundered, but she couldn’t move, couldn’t even think straight.

  “Oh shit,” Greys said.

  Everything was becoming more distant, her eyes heavier, and she just rested her head on the gravel, wanting to sleep and forget about all of this. E
very part of her body hurt.

  “Shit, Eloise. Stay with me,” Greys said, pushed her hair out of her face, and then shouted out to someone else that they needed to call Steel immediately. “Stay with me; everything will be okay.”

  She sure as hell hoped so because right now it seemed far from it.

  Chapter 15

  Steel paced in the hospital waiting room while he and most of his brothers waited for the doctor to come back. Eloise had been unconscious when Greys had brought her here. There hadn’t been any time to call an ambulance or the cops. It was easier to bring her here themselves. It had taken Steel over an hour to get back to the club after handling business with Zeke. He didn’t like being away from Eloise any length of time, but when it came to business with the club, he didn’t have a choice. Demon didn’t mind who he fucked as long as the club came first and would always come first.

  “She went out to take the trash?”

  “Yes. We didn’t suspect anything threatening, Steel. I swear it to you on my very life,” Greys said.

  “Where the fuck is Hanson now?” Steel wanted to kill the bastard when he first attacked Eloise, now he was going to take his time in killing him.

  “Locked up in the shed I keep at the back of the clubhouse,” Demon said. Deanna wasn’t with him as all the other women had been told to remain at home or the clubhouse.

  “I’m going to kill him, Demon. He’s done, finished.”

  “I agree. The moment we know Eloise is safe, we’ll finish him, brother.”

  He turned to look at Greys. Steel respected the kid and would one day make a great brother. He was close to being patched in after showing the whole club his loyalty.


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