The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series

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The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series Page 40

by Jenika Snow

  Bella was one of the women who’d made sure to take the precautions against getting pregnant. He’d been there with her when one of her customers had knocked her up; she’d given the little boy up for adoption. Zeke had only allowed himself to give one woman he hated his kid; he wouldn’t be doing it again.

  The moment he was finished, he pulled out of her ass. He captured his semen in tissue, cleaning her up. The welts on her ass were going to bruise, and make it impossible for her to sit comfortably for a few days. When he was finished, he threw the tissue into the trashcan and pushed his dick back into his pants; he’d clean up the moment she was gone.

  Moving toward his desk, he pulled out the check, handing it to her. She took the check, going to her robe, and leaving at the same time as she was putting the robe on. Bella knew him well. He didn’t want her around him.

  The hard sex hadn’t done anything to ease the torment inside him. His daughter was still gone, and he was still fucking alone to deal with the consequences.

  “Where the fuck would Shakes go?” Demon said, pacing the floor of the clubhouse. Joker, Steel, and the rest of the club were watching him, waiting for him to blow.

  Deanna was in bed, where he’d sent her after Zeke had left. He was going to fucking kill Zeke when he got his hands on the bastard.

  “None of us know. Shakes wasn’t exactly very forthcoming,” Joker said.

  “Are you going to let Zeke take him?” Steel asked.

  “I don’t know what the fuck I’m going to do.” Demon ran fingers through his hair. He was so damn angry and tired. Fuck, this should have been a day for celebration; instead, it was a day of fucking mourning. He couldn’t allow Zeke to kill Shakes, but Demon didn’t know if he’d allow the bastard to live.

  Either way, right now, Shakes was in some serious shit. It was only a matter of time before someone caught up with him. Demon couldn’t let anyone hurt his woman. He loved Deanna, and he wouldn’t allow any harm to come to her or their unborn child.

  Chapter 7

  Daniella stared in awe at Shakes, knowing without a doubt they were really going through with it. Of course, the dangers and ramifications of what they’d done, of running, was certainly on her mind, but she was more focused on what was going on right now. She was about to do this, really do this, with Shakes; she knew she’d never be the same afterward.

  “Although I want to fuck you raw, have nothing between us when I pop that cherry of yours, that probably isn’t the best route to go.”

  She swallowed after he spoke. “I’m on the pill,” she said softly. She’d been on birth control since she was seventeen to help regulate her periods. The thought that she could be with Shakes without any barrier thrilled her, but there was also a part of her that worried because she assumed he’d been with many women.

  He groaned, clenched his hand around the condom, and stared at her. “Baby, you can’t say shit like that,” he said gruffly. It took him a few seconds to speak again. “I’ve always worn protection with women. Always. And I’m clean, baby.” So, he moved a step closer, this dark arousal covering his face. “So, if you really fucking mean it, then I want that too, baby.”

  Nodding, she knew this was what she wanted. “I want that, Shakes.” Oh God, she’d actually said it out loud. He tossed the condom aside, and there they were, about to do this. There would be no going back.

  “I’m going to claim you so hard, Daniella.” He placed a knee on the bed and placed his hands on her inner thighs.

  Before she could say anything or react to what he was doing, he moved his hands over her legs, smoothed them along her inner thighs, perilously close to her pussy, and then moved them back around so he could grab her waist. He moved her up the bed so he could be between her legs. The feel of his warm, humid breath right along her sensitive folds had her resting her head back on the mattress and closing her eyes. Her fingers itched to hold onto him, but instead she tightened her grasp on the sheets beneath her.

  “You smell so fucking good, look so damn amazing.” His hands were on her inner thighs again, and the way he dug his fingers into her flesh was both painful and arousing. “I’m going to eat you out so damn hard you won’t be able to stop yourself from grinding your cunt all over my face.” And then he had his mouth pressed right to her pussy and was delivering on that promise.

  He licked and sucked at her soaked flesh, tugged at her labia until a sting accompanied the pleasure, and then sucked her clit into his mouth. For several seconds, he pulled at her nub until she felt it swell with blood. She knew she was going to come all over his face, just like he’d said.

  “Go on, baby, grind your pussy all over me. Get your cream on my mouth and pull at my hair. Make me fucking hurt.” The vibrations of his voice went right to her core until she shook all over.

  Lifting her hands and spearing them into his hair was easier said than done. She was weak, trembling, and so damn needy under his touch. Shakes was an animal as he licked her, bit her gently, and shoved his tongue into her pussy over and over again. She tugged at the strands of his hair and started pressing her pussy against his face. The act was wanton and dirty in only the best of ways. He groaned against her flesh, and when he started sucking on her clit again, he pushed a finger into her pussy slowly, almost softly. Even if she weren’t a virgin, having that thick, long finger inside her would have probably been painful and pleasure-filled.

  While he sucked at her and gently pushed his finger in and out of her, she felt the pleasure mounting. And then her climax exploded from her fast and hard until she grew lightheaded, saw stars dance behind her closed eyelids, and had perspiration lining her flesh. She strained against him, seeking more, needing more. But Shakes was never-ending and seemed to like exerting his dominance over her, liked to prolong this for her. She was sensitive, had a euphoric feeling moving through her, and knew this was only the beginning.

  “Mmm, you taste so damn good; it’s so addictive.” He flattened his tongue and ran it from her pussy hole to her clit. He did that a few more times until she knew she’d come again from that act alone. “Look at me.”

  Daniella had to force her eyes open, and when she braced her upper body on her elbows and stared sown the length of her body at him, it was to see the glossy sheen that covered his mouth. That was her wetness, her arousal, her climax on his lips. Despite her orgasm just seconds before, she grew hot again as her lust intensified from that very sight. But clearly Shakes wasn’t ready to fuck her, because he reached out, took hold of her waist once more, and flipped her onto her belly. Did he want to take her this way? Did she want to lose her virginity this way?

  He pulled he legs apart until he could fit his wide shoulders between them again, took an ass cheek in each of his hands, and spread her bottom wide. The chilled air moved along her anus, and although she was hot from coming and just from the heat that was Shakes, she shivered. Her wetness had slipped down the crease of her ass until it was nearly as lubed up as her pussy was, but that was clearly what he liked.

  Shakes grunted and growled out curses as he clenched and unclenched his hands on her bottom, not doing anything more but staring at her ass. And then he was licking at her pussy again, sucking at it like he was drunk on the flavor of her. God, he was making her feel so good.

  “Christ, you taste so good, baby.” He moved his hand between her body and the mattress, moved it down her belly, and pressed his thumb to her clit. And then he surprised the hell out of her by spearing a finger into her body, and coating the digit with her juices. He then pressed his finger to her anus, teased the puckered hole for a few seconds, and then pressed it inward gently. It wasn’t uncomfortable, didn’t hurt, but the sensation was unusual.

  The feeling of having his finger slightly in her ass, of his mouth back on her pussy, and his thumb rubbing slow circles around her clit had a crescendo growing inside of her. It was a torrent of sensation, one she couldn’t handle any longer.

  “Oh, God, Shakes.” Burying her face in the mattress
she cried out as she came for the second time. When he pulled his mouth away and slapped the left cheek of her bottom, and then the right, her pleasure intensified.

  He spanked her repeatedly until her ass burned and then grew numb, and only when she pleaded for him to stop did he remove his finger from her body and flip her on her back once more. Her tits shook from side to side from the sudden movement, and her legs fell open to the side, her strength leaving as her desire for this man grew. He was breaking her in, that was for damn sure, but she liked it all. She was at his mercy. Two orgasms later and she was still greedy for him.

  “You’re going to be screaming a lot more than the word God when I’m done with you, Daniella.” He framed her pussy with his hands and moved his thumbs back and forth along the edge of her labia. That small touch, although highly erotic and tantalizing, screamed a lot more than just sex. It was a touch that meant her pussy was his, he owned it, and there was nothing that could be done to change that.

  Daniella’s emotions were high, and everything that happened right now in this room with Shakes was something that would forever shape her. She still had her eyes open, still watched him, but his focus was between her legs. And then he was taking hold of his shaft and leading the thick crown to her entrance.

  “I’ll try and go slow, try and not to hurt you too badly, baby, but fuck, Daniella, I am so damn turned on right now.” His chest expanded, his muscles contracted, and he looked up at her. “I want to tear you the fuck up, make you not able to walk without feeling my cock inside of you, stretching you and filling you with my cum.” He held her gaze for several seconds, maybe seeking her approval of actually going this far. No way in hell Daniella was going to stop this.

  “I just want you, Shakes. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be in this room with you right now, spread out like an offering” She lifted her hand, dug her nails into his thick biceps, and felt the muscles clench under her hold. She knew the touch had to be painful, but she could also tell he liked receiving that sting of pain as much as she had. They both liked their ecstasy as much as their agony, and maybe that was what had drawn them together.

  God, where the hell had that thought come from?

  He pushed the head of his dick inside of her, and all thoughts left her. The pain was sudden, the burning and stretching causing her to gasp out. Their gazes locked as he shoved every last inch of his thick cock into her so hard and fiercely that she jerked up on the bed. She knew he’d done it to make it quick, but tears lined the corner of her eyes still. Her mouth parted on a silent cry.

  “Christ,” he gritted out as he let his head fall forward slightly. The tendons in his neck became visible as he strained. He didn’t move within her, didn’t pound his shaft into her cunt even though she could tell he wanted to, but instead stayed within her, motionless.

  The seconds moved by, and she knew he was grappling with his self-control. She swore she could see his body growing tenser. Maybe Daniella should have been frightened, but the thought a man like Shakes couldn’t control himself with her was a heady, intoxicating feeling. He might be physically superior to her, and be a dangerous MC member, but in this instance she was the stronger one, she was the one that held the power. He started thrusting back and forth, harder and faster until small gasps left her. She dug her nails even further into his flesh, and he hissed, and looked down at her.

  “I’m trying to be a man and not an animal, Daniella.” His pupils constricted and dilated over and over again, as if he was fighting with himself. The sound that came from him was so masculine and untamed; she had never heard anything like it before. And then he was pulling out and slamming back into her, faster and more forcefully than he had when he first penetrated her. All she could do was hold on and ride out the wave of pleasure he was creating inside of her, to grab onto the pain and let it morph into ecstasy.

  He leaned back enough that he could watch as he moved in and out of her. “Put your hands above your head,” he said but didn’t look at her face.

  She did has he said, and when she was stretched out before him he took hold of both of her wrists in one of his hands and tightened his hold on her. Sweat coated her skin, and his body moved along hers, slicked with his own perspiration. Their breathing was loud in the small room, and even though she wanted to cry out because it felt so good, nothing came from her.

  The sounds Shakes made had goose bumps popping out along her flesh, and had her pussy even wetter. His dark hair brushed his chin, but because he was just as sweaty as she was it stuck to his face. A powerful expression was on his face, but he was looking at her now, right at her.

  He slammed into her hard. “You think I’ll ever be satisfied if you’re not mine, Daniella?” He pumped into her again, harder than last time, and hit something deep and sensitive, something had had her pussy clenching around his cock uncontrollably. “That’s it, fucking milk my cock until we both come.” He thrust again and again. Shakes was sweating heavily now, and those beads of wetness dropped onto her belly. The feeling was hot and then cooled, but everything else faded away when he placed his thumb on her clit, pressed on the nub, and rubbed it back and forth.

  Daniella exploded right then and there for the third time, but it was different; it stole her breath, had her heart stalling in her chest, and had her wetter than she’d ever been before. Shakes cursed wildly as he started to find his own release. Daniella arched her back, unable to control even the most basic movement at that moment. It seemed like an eternity passed before she heard the sounds of the room saturate her senses.

  “Look at me.”

  She forced her head off the mattress, but it was hard as hell as the sensations washed through her. He was still pounding in and out of her, and the sweat that covered his body made his ink and muscles stand out in stark relief.

  “You are so fucking beautiful like this.” He breathed out, closed his eyes, and growled low. His thrusting increased impossibly faster, and she knew he was close to coming. He stared right into her. “So open and coming so hard you are getting everything fucking soaked.” And then he stilled deep inside of her, bottomed all the way out, and roared as he came.

  It was the most intense thing Daniella had ever seen. When his body stopped shaking violently he collapsed over her, and braced his hands right beside her head before he crushed her with his massive weight. His face was close to hers, and their breath mingled together. It still looked like he was trying to get control of himself even though he had just gotten off. He pulled out of her, and a soft whimper left her at the feeling of being suddenly empty. When he was beside her, they lay there in silence for a few minutes, both trying to catch their breath.

  This MC member was risking everything to be with her, was being hunted by her father, and all she could think about was the fear and worry of what was happening. Their lives were different, she was different, and hadn’t she trying to get away from the bad shit that followed her because of her father? Daniella might not agree with everything an MC did, what her father did, too, but she also knew that for every violent and illegal act they committed in the name of their club, they also protected the ones they cared about with their lives.

  There were many obstacles that could get between them and they still had to deal with her father, but she wanted this for herself, and wasn’t about to let it go, not even for her father.

  Chapter 8

  Daniella woke up to Shakes gripping her hip. Last night had been out of this world. She’d never expected to be taken to heaven multiple times in one night, especially since she’d been a virgin. He was an expert in the bedroom in more ways than one, and although there had been pain, the pleasure he’d given her had far outweighed it.

  “We’ve got to go, baby,” he said, kissing her neck.

  She was sore from spending the night with his dick inside her. They’d taken a shower together but it didn’t help to ease the soreness between her thighs.

  “What?” she asked, confused. Pushing some hair off her face, she stared
around the crappy motel room. They’d only been here for such a short time, and already he wanted to go? Everything else that had happened in the last twenty-four hours rushed over her. Shit, crap, fuck. Her father and his minions were out there hunting them, and she knew staying in one place for far too long would have their location being found easily enough.

  Wiping the sleep from her eyes, she pulled out of Shakes’ arms.

  “We’ll eat while we’re on the road,” Shakes said.

  She nodded, grabbing her jeans, and dragging them up her thighs. Out of everything she expected from her life, losing her virginity in a crappy hotel hadn’t been one of them. She’d really thought her virginity would have been taken with a bit more class. She didn’t regret giving her virginity to Shakes; her biggest regret was doing it while they were running.

  Leaving him in the main room, she closed the bathroom door and went to the toilet. Once she was finished, she flushed then washed her hands. She didn’t even have a toothbrush with her as her teeth were the last thing on her mind.

  Her first night away from the comforts of blood money, and she was already missing some of the creature comforts that Zeke had provided for her.

  Daniella didn’t look at Shakes when she went back into the bedroom.

  “We’re going to be trading in the bike for a car today,” he said.


  She pulled her backpack on then moved toward the door. Daniella pulled the curtain back, wondering if anyone was out there waiting from her father’s crew.

  “Dani?” Shakes asked.


  “Are you okay?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be okay?”

  He moved up behind her, gripping her shoulders. “Last night was your first time.”

  “So. I thought first times weren’t a big deal.”

  “It’s not for guys. You’re not a guy though.”


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