His Sassy Intern (Insta-Love on the Run Book 6)

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His Sassy Intern (Insta-Love on the Run Book 6) Page 4

by Bella Love-Wins

  “Yes. I parked about a block away.”

  “Take her home. I’ll get Reese out of the coffin and make sure she’s not dead,” I tell her, smiling inwardly because what I just uttered can only be said on Halloween. On any other day of the year, that statement would land me in a mental hospital for observation as an unstable necrophiliac-slash-sociopath, or in an interview room down at the police department. I fucking love this holiday. “And Holly, get your credit card ready, because you’re replacing all the pink shit you almost lit up in flames.”

  “Okay,” she slobbers, getting to her feet with Wendy.

  “I’ll stay with her until you get in,” Wendy adds.

  We have a group hug. “Thanks, hun. I’ll see you ladies back at the dorm,” I say, and head toward the door to the basement.

  Unsure of what state of panic and delirium Holly will be in, I don’t waste any time. I take the broad, smooth concrete steps to the well-lit lower level, and I follow Holly’s exact directions until I get to the room in question. Crossing over the barrier, I push open the door. Yes, this is the place. Dim large room, sleek black casket on a wheeled copper stand in the middle. It’s the same coffin those frat boys were bringing in earlier. The only problem is it’s eerily silent in here, even though right outside, I can still hear Every Breath You Take playing pretty loudly from upstairs. Which incidentally, makes me even more nervous. Who needs to listen to a song by a band called the Police, one that promises to stalk and monitor your every movement when you’re up to no good?

  “Reese?” I say, stepping around to unlatch the top of the coffin. I hope to God she’s alive in there. It takes all my strength to open the thing. Reese is inside. Awake. Taking selfies on her smartphone.

  “Oh hey, Mary Anne,” she says nonchalantly.

  “Are you all right?” I put my hand out to help her sit up, studying her carefully. Why is she not freaking out right now?

  “Yes, I’m good.”

  I look around the room. “Let me find you something you can use to step down more easily.”

  “All right,” she answers, taking another photo of herself with her head turned to one side.

  I drag over a wooden turn-of-the-century armoire covered in dust. “How long were you in here?”

  “Not long,” she answers and gets on her knees to keep the box stable. She flings one leg over the side. “Maybe an hour?”

  I help her dust off her Wonder Woman costume when she’s safely on solid ground. “So, uh, Reese, are you sure everything is okay? I mean, I’m helping you get out of a casket right now, and you don’t look upset at all.”

  She draws her eyebrows together and heads for the door. “Why would I be? I got almost an hour of silence from the chaos upstairs. My uncles have done way worse pranks at Halloween. If you think this is bad, try waking up at three in the morning to the buzz of a real-life chainsaw going off eight feet away from your head.”

  “You have no idea how happy I am to hear that,” I say, relieved. She’s unperturbed, and I’m feeling lucky, so I add, “Hey, there was also a little accident up in your room with some, uh, lighter fluid. I have to apologize in advance. Pretty much everything you own that’s pink got trashed. But I swear it’ll all be replaced. The girls and I will take you shopping next weekend or whenever you’re free. We’ll make a day of it.”

  “Sure,” she utters. I tilt my neck to see what she’s so busily tapping into her phone. She’s on Instagram, asking if the shots she took while inside the coffin look real enough to send to her uncles as payback for the chainsaw wake-up call.

  Clearly Holly messed with the right person this time.

  “Feel like a drink?” she asks me after locking her phone screen.

  “Hell yeah. Lead the way, Amazon princess. Just keep me away from heat, sparks and open flames, and we’ll be golden.”

  After all this, I don’t want shots anymore. I want a whole bottle of bourbon. A bottle. Or two. Or more. That will help. And maybe when I see Levi again, my mood will be much improved.

  I forget all about any residual fuel on my clothes and my Reese rescue after I guzzle drink after drink. Damn, I’m good at holding my liquor. It’s a gift. Reese and I dance in the corner, on tables, on one another, and at some point we get picked up—literally—by some massive footballer who carries us around, one on each shoulder. His name escapes me on account of the alcohol, although I distinctly remember telling myself this blond giant is a standup guy, to lug us around without ever once copping a feel.

  I haven’t seen Levi this whole time, so I figure I’ll enjoy the atmosphere and the booze. If he shows up, cool. If not, I won’t have waited around missing out on all this fun. I eventually get separated from Reese, who is swept up in the crowd. I can’t blame her for wanting to drink. This is kind of her house, and she’s got to stick around until the party’s over. I want to drink to forget how far Holly almost took this stupid payback prank. Since when was the “trick” in “trick or treat” taken this seriously?

  I’ve consumed so much alcohol that both my stomach and my bladder are full. Taking a trip to the same powder room where Levi and I were making out is in order. Maybe it will get me in the mood again, and he’ll magically show up. I head over there with a little chip in my semi-inebriated step. Just outside the bathroom, there’s a guy slumped on the floor. He’s wearing just a gladiator costume bottom and a matching helmet with a red feather plume on top. His cape, chest armor, and braided sandals are in a pile beside him. I gingerly step over his legs and knock on the bathroom door in case someone is inside. A second later, I’m face-to-face with Levi. I hold my breath, taking in the image in front of me. At the moment, Levi Eldridge has an unconscious, half-naked woman thrown over his shoulder. Her ass and legs are hanging down his bare chest, and her head and arms dangle behind him. I can’t even begin to guess what her costume is. Or was. She’s barely got anything on.

  His face freezes when he realizes it’s me. “Crap. Mary Anne, this is so not what it looks like,” he says, taking a step toward me. “If you’ll just give me one second to find this girl’s clothes and put her down somewhere, I can explain.”

  Famous last words before the woman scorned unleashes her fury.

  I don’t know how much I’ve had to drink up to this point, but it’s not nearly enough.

  Chapter 6


  This is not what it looks like. There’s a reasonable explanation for all of it, and it has to do with the roofie-pushing douchebag passed out on the floor beside the bathroom. I can take responsibility for knocking him the fuck out, but everything else is on him. He's the one who slipped the date rape drug in this girl’s drink, and he also undressed her. The one fortunate mistake he made was he didn’t lock the door, so when I walked in without knocking to take a piss, I found him, and well, the rest is what has led to this disturbing image that Mary Anne is now witnessing.

  “Did you do this to her?” she asks calmly, pointing at the girl.

  “Of course not.” I nod over at the sicko on the floor. “He did it. I gave him a black eye and the chance to sleep it off. He’s damn lucky, too. I would have had the cops here by now… not that I’m looking to guilt-trip you about the phone.”

  “Do you need me to call 911?”

  I show her the door down the hall that leads to a sitting area and connects to the kitchen. We start walking. “I’ll put her down and get her some water. Let’s see if she can wake up on her own first. If not, then yes, you can call an ambulance.”

  “No problem.”

  “You’re taking this quite well,” I mention, gesturing at the unconscious girl.

  “Any other day…” Mary Anne starts. She grins as she makes the throat-cutting gesture with one finger along her neck.

  “I can pretty much assure you that something like this can and probably will happen again, and probably not on a ghoulish night. We live on campus, or in my case, near campus. I’m at football game after-parties all the time, and other shindigs that a
ttract pricks like 300 out there.” I deposit the girl on the only empty wingback sofa in the busy sitting room and pull Mary Anne into my arms. “But you know what, kitty cat?” I ask, tucking some stray strands of her hair behind her ear.

  She sinks into my warm chest and stares up at me. “What?”

  “We’ve wasted enough time here. We’re going to get this girl some water or medical care, and after that, I’m throwing you over my shoulder and taking you to my off-campus condo, caveman-style. I’m not letting you out of my sight until morning. Maybe longer. I will be inside of you,” I whisper as I trail my hands down her arms, settle them on her hips, and pull her in to feel my erection against her stomach. “My tongue, my fingers, and my cock, probably in that exact order.”

  She groans, and I lean down to kiss her. I tug her bottom lip between my teeth for a second, and pull back to look into her eyes again. “Deal?”

  Mary Anne nods, grabs my arm and drags me in the direction of the kitchen. “A splash of ice water in the unconscious girl’s face ought to do it. Or a bucket. One of these wait staff can do the rest.” She looks back at me and winks as she clicks in her high heels. “Sorry if that sounds cold, but I’ve spent most of the evening cleaning up messes. I’m overdue for some ‘us’ time. Five minutes, then we get the hell out of here. Oh and let’s skip the caveman routine. I’m liable to barf all over your back.”

  I see now that Mary Anne is someone who knows exactly what she wants and isn’t afraid to be straight with me. Shaking my head, I let her lead the way. For now, anyway. In the bedroom, I call the shots, but fuck, I have to admit I’m starting to love this woman’s sassy attitude. Or maybe I always have.

  We drive to my off-campus apartment a few blocks away. Mary Anne has her hand resting on my leg the entire time. It takes everything in me not to stop the car and take her right on the hood. I can’t park fast enough, and soon, I hop out and get her door. She steps out and moves right into my arms, burying her head in my bare chest. I don’t know what’s changed for us, but I’m not questioning it.

  “Hey,” I say, running my hand down her back. She looks up at me. “I’m not letting you leave tonight. I hope you know that.”

  She wraps her arms around my waist. “As long as I’m getting what I need, I won’t want to leave.”

  “I'll remind you of that while my cock is buried deep inside you,” I whisper.

  I take her hand. Now I’m the one tugging her to get around the front of my apartment unit. Mary Anne pulls away, speeding up ahead as she takes the front steps in a bit of a jog. I smile. She shimmies her hips a little on each step, giving me the best view of her ass and legs in that cute little kitty cat outfit. Too bad she won’t ever get to use that costume again. I won’t be looking for a zipper on those. They’re getting ripped right off her body. My dick throbs from the image, and by the time I turn the lock in the door, show her inside and get her up to my bedroom, I can hardly wait a second longer. I push her against the wall beside the door and claim her mouth. It’s sweet from all the booze she’s had. I’m rushed and frenzied, wanting to touch and taste and feel everywhere all at once, as though there’s no next time, no tomorrow, no second chances.

  I pull away, lifting her chin. She stares up at my face, eyes flashing with excitement, and does me and her costume both a favor. She tugs apart some convenient snaps that run down her sides. The dress falls down her body, and she does the same for the frilly tutu and tiny pants underneath. She tugs off the kitty paw gloves and cat ears. It registers at the back of my head that Mary Anne is now standing in her bra, thong panties and sky-high heels, looking sexy as fuck in my bedroom. A low growl slips past my throat. She's so comfortable in her own skin she just stands there, allowing me the honor of taking in every line, contour, and curve. I should take more time to memorialize the moment, but before I know it, my hands are on her again.

  I turn her to face the wall and raise her hands high. “Don’t move unless I tell you to, sexy,” I say.

  She groans as I wedge my knee in between her legs, parting them wide. Pushing her hair to one side, I plant my lips against her neck and Mary Anne whimpers. Her torso elongates, ass pushing back toward me. I can’t help cupping her breasts while I’m licking and teasing parts of her body I'm willing to bet have never been touched this way. Tasting her skin compels me to move lower. I nip her skin, trailing hot kisses and tender bites down her back until I drop to my knees.

  Mary Anne tilts forward some more, sticking her ass out and spreading her legs so wide I can smell her sweetness. My hands run from her waist, down past her hips all the way down her legs and back up. She’s on edge and so ready. That’s when I turn her to face forward again. Looking up her body, I stare at her face while my fingers slip under the seams of her thong. Her breathing is labored, her hair is still pulled over one shoulder, and her eyes return my gaze with a dark intensity I can’t even begin to describe. With a smile, I rip her thong right off her body and let the shreds of fabric drop to the floor.

  Mary Anne is not shy. She raises one leg over my shoulder, guiding my head to her mound. I remind her not to move, but as this is our first time together, I won’t punish her for disobeying me. Not when I’m finally this close to her pussy, immersed in her scent. My head tilts back slightly to position my tongue at her folds. There’s still an inch of distance between my mouth and her clit. Flashing her one final glance up her body, I ravage her completely. My hands grip her ass cheeks to press her tight up against my lips and tongue while I taste, lick, and bury my tongue in her center, feasting on her sweet juices. She's moaning so hard I can’t help the groan echoing in my throat.

  Mary Anne sways into me. Her body is pressed up against me, and the heat in my groin ramps up. Her stomach flutters each time my tongue invades her pussy. Her body trembles, her breathing ragged. Her panting sounds fill the air. She’s close. I notice her hands lowering from the wall. One buries into her hair and the other trails down to her breasts. She bites down on her bottom lip as her thumb circles one nipple, and I want to stop her from doing my job, but fuck, she looks too damn hot, stimulating herself while I tongue-fuck her. My cock is throbbing and aching to get in on the action, but the night is young. Her legs spread, tensing at the same time, hips rocking into my face. I wonder if she realizes what she’s signed up for by coming home with me.

  She calls my name as her body starts to buck hard through her first orgasm. I don’t stop. I drive two fingers into her pussy as she shakes. Mary Anne shrieks. I want her climax to go on and on until I make her come again. I won’t stop until she’s so weak that I have to carry her to the bed and take every inch of her.

  “Come inside me, Levi,” she begs. “Please.”

  I growl. She doesn’t realize I’m just getting warmed up. The problem is, as much as I want to make her wait so I can extract every ounce of pleasure, pain, and other sensations from our first night together, my cock is begging for the same thing she asks for. I can’t wait this time. So I don’t. I get to my feet and remove my shredded costume rags, leaving my boxers on. Tented boxers, I should add, because my bone-hard cock wants to be let out.

  She’s so weak against the wall that I should pick her up and take her to bed. I should, but I don’t. I back up to the center of the room, taking a seat on the side of the bed, watching her strain to keep herself propped up. Motioning with a finger, I invite her to come to me. I learn right then that Mary Anne is a tease. She slowly moves the hand from her hair down her neck, between her breasts, and inches it down her midline until she makes it to her pussy. She parts her folds, slipping a finger over her clit to continue pleasuring herself—without me. I’m loving the show and hating it at the same time, but soon, it’s too much. Getting back to my feet, I stalk over to her, pick her up, and bring her sexy ass to bed.

  Chapter 7


  I’m still intent on stretching out the time. It has to count. It must be memorable. Mary Anne has to walk away from this with every detail of our night perma
nently etched into her brain. I want her addicted to me, craving only me. I want to ruin her and keep her all to myself, and I don’t give a fuck how bad that sounds, because I don’t share.

  “Fuck me,” Mary Anne pleads as I take a seat on the bed and rest her in my lap.

  She brings one leg around and straddles me, pressing her hot core against my raging hard-on. I snake one hand up her back, pulling her down against my hard cock for all the contact she wants while my boxers are still on. She presses her eyes shut and takes my free hand, moving it over her breasts to show me what she wants. She grinds on my cock as I caress her breasts. I tweak and massage her nipples one by one through her bra. She arches her back and slides the bra straps down her shoulder, giving me all the room I want to nibble on her bare, perky breasts. Having her pink nipples so close to my face is invitation enough. My hands cup her flesh, and I drift forward, darting my tongue around in circles, licking and tasting as I lose control.

  “I want to get inside you so fucking bad,” I admit in a growl, lips still pressed against her skin.

  Mary Anne lifts her ass up a few inches from my lap and her hand reaches into my boxers. She grasps my cock around the shaft, pushing my boxers down and out of the way. I groan as she slides her hand up and down with firm strokes.

  “We need a condom,” I say. I don’t mean one word. My seed belongs buried in her womb. She's the only woman I want carrying my children. But we’re only in the early days of our college years, so I can’t strip her of an education or options just yet.

  “I know,” she whispers into my ear, but positions the tip of my cock at her pussy. “I’ve never said something like this, but I just want to feel you inside me… like this. Only for a little while.” Then she adds, “I’m on the pill.”


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