Grayslake: More than Mated: Bear My Heart (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Grayslake: More than Mated: Bear My Heart (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 4

by Cynthia Garner

  Cullen lifted his chin in acknowledgment. Before he could nudge Ivy to get a move on, Mia spoke again, this time her words directed to Ivy. “Cullen is a master carpenter,” she said, pride brightening her tone. “He makes furniture but can make the most awesome statues, small like this one—” she gestured to the bear on the desk “—to carving them out of tree trunks using nothing but a chain saw.”

  “Wow.” Ivy looked at him, brows lifted. “That’s so cool.”

  “I know, right?” Mia grinned at Cullen’s discomfort with the effusive praise. “He’s only a deputy part-time. The rest of the time he keeps Grayslake furniture needs taken care of.”

  Finally, Ty took pity on him. Grabbing his mate around the waist, he pulled her back against his front, wrapping his arms around her. With a grin on his face, he repeated, “Go. Eat. Have fun.”

  Cullen nodded and put a hand at the small of Ivy’s back, guiding her down the hallway. His bear lumbered inside him, nudging against the mental bonds he, and all shifters, kept in place to keep the animal locked inside. They entered the large communal area that was packed with clan members.

  Ivy drew in a breath and scuttled closer to him. He slid his arm around her waist, pulling her to his side while his bear roared with approval. It seemed his animal clearly knew what he wanted to do with Ivy Fitzhugh.

  Cullen wasn’t far behind.

  Chapter Five

  Cars continued to pull into the Itan’s driveway, meaning more and more of the clan rambled through the house and cavorted on the lawn. From what Ivy could tell, it was mostly bear shifters gathered at the cookout, but there were some werewolves and, if she wasn’t mistaken, a couple of werehyenas as well.

  Two tall, muscular men ambled toward her and Cullen, and she moved Bella to her other hip, putting the little girl farther away from the strangers.

  Cullen remained relaxed, even grinning when the men stopped in front of him. “Ivy,” he said, “I’d like to introduce you to my brothers, Liam and Bode. Liam here is a building contractor and has built many of the houses here in town, and Bode has a custom car shop.”

  “Car and motorcycle shop,” the younger man corrected.

  With them standing so close, she could see the familial resemblance. Both had dark brown hair, though Liam’s was closer to black, and while Liam had green eyes and Bode blue, their facial features were almost identical to Cullen’s.

  “Boys, this is Ivy Fitzhugh and her daughter Bella.”

  “Ladies,” the brothers drawled in unison. It was friendly and flirty, and set Cullen to letting out a low growl.

  His brothers took a few steps back, and he stopped his aggressive posturing. He looked over their heads at the crowd and asked, “Where’s Shelby?” To Ivy he said, “Our sister.”

  She looked out over the crowd, too, even though she didn’t know the other woman.

  “She and Dad are comin’ later,” Bode said.

  An uncomfortable silence settled on them, leaving Ivy to look down at Bella and pull a funny face, which made the toddler giggle.

  “Well, then…” Liam glanced toward the table.

  “Let’s eat!” Bode shot a grin at Ivy. “I’ve been lookin’ forward to this shindig. My belly’s been gnawin’ on my backbone all mornin’!” He and Liam moved off, heads bent as they talked to each other. She caught her name and Cullen’s, and knew the two men were talking about them.

  It was too much too soon for her. All she wanted to do was go back to the bed and breakfast and lock herself with Bella in the room, hunker down, and wait for Presley to arrive.

  Bella, however, had other ideas. “Down,” the little girl demanded, her gaze on a gaggle of children several feet away. When Ivy didn’t immediately comply, the toddler kicked her legs. “Down, Ee-ee. Down.”

  “Sounds like Bella wants to play,” Cullen said. “She’ll be safe here, Ivy. All the adults watch out for the cubs.”

  Reluctantly she bent and placed Bella on the ground. The little girl immediately toddled over to the group of children, screeching and babbling in excitement, making the other kids laugh. But it wasn’t mean laughter, not like Bella would have gotten from their old clan. It was laughter in response to a cute kid doing cute things.

  Ivy’s heart expanded. Her chest warmed. She bit her lip and fought back tears. They could build a home here with this clan, she knew it. She wanted it. But it was too close to Chattanooga for comfort. And she still didn’t know if her clan’s Itan or Garland had friends here in Grayslake.

  No. It was better to stay focused on her plan. As soon as Presley arrived and rested up, they’d get back on the road and make their way to the Everglades. They could lose themselves there.

  “Hey, hey.” Cullen turned her to the side, using his broad back to shield her from the others. “What’s this for?” One big hand came up and gentle fingers brushed away a tear lingering on her lashes.

  “It’s just…” She shook her head. “It’s been hard for me, not being a full-blood. I was afraid she wouldn’t find her place in this world, either.”

  “You were afraid neither one of you would be accepted?”

  She gave half a shrug. “I don’t care about me. I can manage. I’ve had to my entire life. But her…” She looked up into his face. “She’s just a little bit. I won’t let her go through what I have.”

  He cupped her face with his hand. “You’re a good mother, Ivy.”

  She swayed closer. His scent threatened to overwhelm her, and her bear chuffed happily. Finally, they’d found a man they both agreed was worthy.

  “Cullen,” she breathed.

  “Ah, Ivy.” He cupped her jaw and bent over her. “You make me want things…” His breath warmed her face before he brushed his lips against hers. Once. And again. Then his mouth settled over hers, open, seeking.

  With a hoarse moan she leaned into him, lips parting to allow him entrance. He stroked his tongue along hers, rolled his hips forward so she could feel his erection against her belly. She let the bag fall from her shoulder and lifted her arms, twining them around his neck, tangling her fingers in his dark hair.

  It was as thick and silky as it looked.

  His scent and heat permeated the air, her skin, her very being. Touching him this way, kissing him so deeply, felt right. He felt right.

  He felt like home.

  Mine. Her bear rolled around, delighted in the contact. Wanting more.

  With a groan, Ivy pressed even closer. He put one hand low on her back and the other on her buttock and hefted her up. She wrapped her legs around his lean hips, gasping into his mouth when the thick ridge of his cock fit perfectly against the jeans-covered cleft of her body.

  The sweet and earthy scent of arousal perfumed the air, mingling with the scent of forest and flowers. His own intoxicating scent grew, leather and cloves assaulting her senses with carnal delight.

  “God, Ivy,” he moaned, planting tiny kisses on her lips before moving to the side of her neck. A low rumble came from his chest. His hands tightened on her. She fisted his hair, her need threatening to—


  The shrill demand worked its way through the sensual haze engulfing Ivy.


  She jerked back from Cullen, unwrapping her legs from him, appalled she’d been climbing him like a tree in front of all these people. What would they think?

  Then she realized that the moment he’d leaned into her she’d completely dismissed Bella from her mind. “Oh, my God!” She was a terrible mother. She shot Cullen a look, seeing the tamped desire in his eyes, choosing to ignore it in favor of taking care of her “daughter.” She turned to see Bella standing a few feet behind her. Grabbing her purse by the long strap, she hurried over to the toddler. “What is it, baby?”

  “Hun-gee,” she chirped and patted her round little belly, seemingly unfazed by seeing Ivy wrapped around Cullen. “Cookies,” the little girl added in a tone both demanding and hopeful at the same time.

  Despite having
just been cock-blocked, so to speak, by an eighteen-month-old, Ivy grinned and swung Bella up into her arms. “How about we get some real food first, and then we’ll have a cookie, if there are any.”

  “Oh-tay, Ee-ee.”

  She really, really, really wanted to get back to what Bella had interrupted, and just as quickly decided she’d just as soon Cullen went and got someone else all hot and bothered and left her alone. No such luck, since he fell into step with her as she walked over to tables nearly groaning with the amount of food piled on top of them. But this was a gathering of mostly bears, and bears could shovel food away. A full-grown, full-blood bear could easily eat several large salmon and a couple dozen melons before he would call it quits.

  “What’s this ‘ee-ee’ she keeps calling you?” he asked.

  Ivy stuck with what she’d decided on earlier. She smiled and trilled a laugh. “Oh, isn’t she precocious? She won’t call me mama. Instead she tries to say my name, only it comes out as ‘ee-ee’ instead of Ivy.”

  She couldn’t tell if he believed her or not.

  “You’re so full of shit,” he said.

  Okay, so, he didn’t believe her. Damned bear sense of smell.

  “Language!” came a shout from Mia from across the lawn.

  “Damn it,” Cullen muttered and reached into his back pocket for his wallet.

  He walked over to a glass jar sitting on the top of a rail post and crammed a few dollars inside. When he rejoined Ivy, he said, “Mia doesn’t allow cussing. She’s got dam…danged swear jars all over the property and at the sheriff’s office. I figure in another year or so she’ll have enough to pay for Sophie’s college, plus another cub’s.” He studied her a moment, then said, “I know you’re hiding something, Ivy. I don’t know what it is, and I don’t know why you need to keep it a secret. But if it doesn’t bring trouble to this clan, I don’t care.” He tipped his head to one side and the black of his bear bled into the blue-gray of his irises. “Will it?”

  “Not as long as we move on once Presley gets here.”

  His nostrils flared. “Now, that. That smells like the truth. But it was a crock o’ bullshi…oot that you handed out earlier about Bella sayin’ your name.”

  She blew out a breath. “Then I guess you should just keep your distance, deputy.” She focused on Bella and blinked. She wouldn’t cry. She hadn’t cried yet, even after she’d given Bayleigh that extra hour and had never gotten a call from her friend. Even knowing she was probably dead, Ivy hadn't cried. She straightened her shoulders and smiled down at Bella. “Ready to get somethin’ to eat, sweetie?”

  The little girl nodded with such emphasis that Ivy couldn’t help but laugh. She hugged her and pressed a kiss to her tousled curls. “All right, then. Let’s go get us some barbeque.”

  ~ * ~

  Cullen watched Ivy walk to the end of the table with her daughter in her arms. After a minute or two he became aware that Ty was standing at his left side. “What’s her story?” the Itan asked.

  “I don’t know.” Cullen shoved his hands in the front pockets of his jeans and rocked back on his heels. “She’s hiding something, I can sense it. I can smell it. But I haven’t been able to pinpoint it. Yet.” He studied her a moment longer. “And something’s up about the girl’s father. Ivy won’t talk about him. If he was abusive, I’d get that. I can’t help but feel there’s more to the situation than just an abusive mate.”

  “But you don’t know what more there is?”

  “Not yet.”

  “But you will.” It was a statement of fact. At the same time, it was a command from his clan leader.

  “Yes, Itan. I will.”

  Chapter Six

  Ivy got Bella settled with a plate at one of the picnic tables, then sat next to her. She’d only taken a few bites when another woman sat beside her. Ivy glanced at the female werebear, a redhead with fabulous contouring and ice-blue eyes, and smiled in greeting, then put her attention back on her plate.

  “Cute kid.”

  Ivy glanced at the woman. “Thank you,” she said with a polite smile.

  The redhead leaned partially into Ivy’s space and inhaled deeply. Her eyes narrowed. “I scent you on her, but there’s another smell there, one that’s familiar…”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” Ivy muttered, leaning forward to force the other woman to move back into her own space. “Bella’s just Bella. She smells like me because she’s my daughter.”

  “What about the father?”

  Ivy drew in a breath. “Look, I don’t mean to be rude, but that’s none of your business. I don’t discuss her father with anyone.”

  “Couldn’t keep him satisfied, I bet.” She smirked and glanced over Ivy’s shoulder. “I hope you know, that kiss didn’t mean anything.”

  Ivy blinked and looked at the woman. “Pardon me?”

  “I saw Cullen MacAvoy kiss you. I just wanted you to know, you shouldn’t read anything into it.” When Ivy didn’t say anything, the werebear put a hand, fingers tipped with blood-red polish, on Ivy’s forearm and patted it. “He’s a player, honey,” she whispered with a pitying expression.

  Except the pity was a lie. Even with her limited abilities, Ivy could tell that what the woman really was trying to do was warn her away from Cullen. She stabbed her fork into a hunk of tender pork. “You saying he belongs to you?”

  “Yes, he does.” The woman’s voice went hard. Brittle. “So, keep your grubby little paws to yourself.”

  Ivy stiffened. She had no plans to put her hands on Cullen again, no matter how good of a kisser he was. She was nobody’s doormat, though, and really didn’t want to take this woman’s attack lying down. But, still, she was a guest and didn’t want to call undue attention to herself, so she forced herself to remain calm. Quietly she said, “I really think you should be having this conversation with him, Miss…?”

  The woman lifted her chin, haughty condescension written in every line of her body from her thin nose to her bony feet. “Helen Vanderpool. I’m the daughter of the Itan of Scottstown, Alabama.”

  Ivy barely suppressed gulping a shocked breath. She knew of that clan—it was Garland Scott’s home clan. He was the Itan’s nephew. Which meant, as the Itan’s daughter, she was Garland’s cousin! Dear God, Ivy had to play it cool. She didn’t want to give Helen any excuse to pick up a phone and call him.

  Helen looked Ivy up and down and wrinkled her brow, clearly finding Ivy’s pedigree a notch or two or fifty below hers. “Cullen and I go back a long way.” She looked at him and pursed her painted lips in a kiss.

  Ivy shoved pork into her mouth and chewed. The fabulous succulence of the meat was lost on her as she chomped on it instead of on the haughty she-bear next to her. She glanced at Bella and saw the little girl was happily playing in her barbeque sauce, wearing most of it on her face and tee shirt. Oh, well, hopefully there was a laundromat somewhere in town, if not at the B & B.

  Swallowing, Ivy responded, “Well, as I said, you should have this conversation with Cullen. Tell him to stay away from me. I’m not interested in him.”

  “Didn’t look that way to me,” the she-bear muttered. Crimson nails morphed into black claws as the bear began to take over. She curled her fingers over Ivy’s forearm again and let the sharp tips prick her skin, drawing blood. “This is my only warning, skin. You stay away from him. He’s mine.” Without waiting for a reply, she got up from the table and sauntered toward Cullen.

  Ivy stared down at the table, fists clenched, and tried to hold onto her temper. She hated that term. Skin. It was used by elitists who thought humans were a subpar species because they had only one form they could inhabit. Damn the bigotry, the same fucking prejudice she’d been subjected to nearly her entire life.

  Her breasts rose and fell with her heavy, rapid breathing. Under the best of circumstances, she would’ve taken the bitch down for presuming to tell her who she could and could not be with. To try to tell her what she could and could not do, period. But with the
danger she and Bella faced, her inner bear, even though she couldn’t break free, was very near the surface.

  Which meant, in addition to the fear that seemed to always be swirling around inside her, the main emotion she felt right now was rage. Blinding, berserker rage. She forced herself to remain seated, slowed her breathing, and helped Bella finish her dinner. Then she grabbed a baby wipe from her purse and cleaned the little girl’s face and hands. She stood and lifted the toddler into her arms and went to say her goodbyes to her hosts.

  Cullen was there with Ty. When she was about ten feet away, his nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed. He strode toward her. “Where are you hurt?” he demanded, stopping in front of her.

  She had to come to a halt, too, and shook her head. “I’m not hurt.”

  “I smell your blood,” he insisted. His voice was rough, guttural, his eyes the black of his bear. Fur popped out along his corded forearms.

  Ivy waved one hand. “It’s nothing. Just a…few points your girlfriend was making to me.”

  He scowled. “I don’t have a girlfriend.”

  “Well, I guess you’d better tell Helen that, big guy. ’Cause she just warned me off.” She leaned forward and lowered her voice. “I don’t want to get involved in a romantic tangle, deputy. I don’t want to get involved, period. I’m leaving day after tomorrow.” She went around him and walked over to Ty Abrams. “Thank you for the meal,” she said.

  She ignored the huffing of her bear, the insistence that she get closer to Cullen. Mine. Mine!

  No, not ours, she told her bear. It’s not safe. Not safe for Bella.

  That mollified the animal, and she circled until she was quiet and in the back of her mind instead of beating on her brain matter for attention.

  “Looks like your little cub enjoyed hers.” Ty grinned and chucked Bella under the chin, making her giggle.

  “Yes.” Ivy couldn’t force a smile, not now. Not when she felt like her world was ending before it even got started. “We’re heading back to the bed and breakfast now, and we’ll be leaving in two days. If I don’t see you again before then, um, have a good life,” she finished lamely.


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