Kate: A Universal Truth (A Wish for Love Series Book 1)

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Kate: A Universal Truth (A Wish for Love Series Book 1) Page 12

by Shales, Mia

  Matthew felt a need to touch her. She suited this garden, this house, so well.

  She suited him so exceedingly well!

  "My affections and wishes are unchanged," he finally said, "but one word from you will silence me on this subject for ever."

  Her voice shook, her expression was earnest. “I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am for your help with Jemina.” She saw his look of surprise. “I know you told my aunt not to mention a thing, but a careless slip of Jemina's tongue led me to demand the truth from them. It was truly generous and noble of you, and if I'm bold enough to think that you did it for me, all I can say is that I don't deserve such consideration. I made a terrible error of judgment about you and I'll never forgive myself for that.” She saw the fire of the gleaming sparks and the golden ashes that gathered at the edges of his irises.

  He was the Lord's most perfect creation. A masterpiece!

  “I'm so ashamed of myself. Right after all that happened to Jemina I found out the true reason for Lindsay's dismissal from the university. When I recall the accusations I hurled at you, I just want to die.” She fought back her tears. She couldn't bring herself to look at him. If he's hard on me, I'll burst out crying, she thought, and that will be just too humiliating. She felt his hand cradle her chin, lifting her face to his. She felt an immediate sense of relief.

  And then of joy.

  And then of excitement.

  It was not difficult to interpret his look. The fire blazed, quickly igniting her body, kindling the repressed desire. He embraced her. His hungry mouth bore down on her passionate lips and time stopped still. His hand slid from the hair along her back and he clearly felt the outline of her body. She was so desirable, so sexy under the translucent layers of the delicate dress. Kate fired his blood, she was everything he had dreamed of, and as he held her in his arms he felt complete, one with the cosmos, with nature and with the transcendental. As in a dream he heard Emma and John calling them. Reluctantly, he lifted his head. When John and Emma appeared on the pathway between the trees Kate's hand was in his. Only when they were a few feet away from the other couple did Matthew release it.

  “We thought you got lost,” Emma laughed, “I see we had no reason to worry.”

  “I told you they would get along fine without us,” John chided.

  They all laughed and began to cross the lawn that separated them from the house.

  “By the way,” said John, “my two sisters and my brother-in-law will join us tomorrow evening for dinner.”

  “I'm eager to make their acquaintance,” said Emma, as Kate warmly seconded her.

  Kate spent a long hour enjoying the warm bubble bath in the luxurious bathroom. When she came out she looked about the bedroom with pleasure. The room was charming and she approved of each detail, beginning with the big, canopied bed with its coverlet richly embroidered with lilies and roses. She opened the large wardrobe and examined the clothes she had brought. Today she would dress simply, keeping the prettiest outfit for tomorrow. She put on black pants and a black sweater. You can never go wrong with black, she thought. She closed the door behind her and started for the small drawing room. Her room was in a separate wing than Emma's, a wing that had not been included in their earlier tour. Kate suspected this was Matthew's private wing. She met Matthew at the end of the hall. His hair was still wet and he was clean shaven. When he saw her he waited until she reached him. He took her hand in his, leaned down and kissed her palm. Her free hand caressed his cheekbones, sliding down to his neck.

  Matthew felt his pulse race. He would do everything for her. She could ask anything she wished now and he would get it for her - the sun, the moon and the stars. Everything!

  “She walks in beauty, like the night

  Of cloudless climes and starry skies;

  And all that's best of dark and bright

  Meet in her aspect and her eyes.”

  “Lord Byron,” she said, her voice choked with emotion. Kate felt the magic cast its spell again, as it did each time she looked into his eyes, as it did whenever he touched her, as it did every time he whispered sweet words into her ears. Her hand fell to his chest and when she tried to remove it, he grasped it and drew it closer to his heart.

  “I want you to stay with me. I won't let you go.”

  For a moment Kate was confused. Exactly what was he proposing? A fleeting love affair? But the important thing was that he wanted her, he wouldn't let her go. That was what he had said and that was enough for her to feel a rush of elation.

  “I think...”

  “Here you are,” John's voice cut her off. He looked neither surprised nor embarrassed to catch them in such an intimate pose. “Your grandmother is on the phone and I thought it best to let you know.”

  “Thanks. I'll take the call in my study and will join you in a few minutes.”

  When he returned, Kate could see something had angered him. His expression was calm as usual but the color of his eyes was gray-brown and Kate had learned to identify the mood behind the color. Kate behaved as though she noticed nothing and was relieved when after a short while the gold-green blaze lit up his eyes anew.

  After dessert, at Emma's and Kate's request, Roget, the chef of Bellewoodplain made an appearance to accept the compliments of the two women. He beamed with delight and thanked them warmly in English peppered with French phrases.

  They moved on to the spectacular room that Matthew dubbed the 'large' room. The predominant colors were green, cream and gold. A grand piano stood by the window and after coffee, as the postprandial brandy glasses were filled, Kate got up the courage to ask Matthew to play something for them.

  “He'll refuse,” said John before Matthew had a chance to utter a word, “Matthew never plays before an audience. Even I’ve rarely heard him play.”

  “I'm sorry,” Kate quickly said, “I didn't think. It was stupid of me to suggest it.” He rose and, removing the velvet covering, revealed the black and white keys.

  The three stared at him, not daring to utter a word. Kate stopped breathing. This gesture was in her honor.

  Matthew sat on the stool, his fingers gliding lightly over the keys. He turned to his eager audience and announced, “Mozart, Sonata in A-minor.”

  When he finished, they were silent.

  “I don’t hear applause. Was it so awful?” Matthew teased when no one spoke.

  “Matthew, it was glorious,” Kate whispered, “who taught you to play that way?”

  “I had good teachers, but I guess it was mainly long hours of exercises and a love of music. The past few years I haven't had much opportunity to practice but apparently what one learns at a young age stays forever.”

  “I had no idea you played so well and I'm your best friend. I am astounded,” said John excitedly.

  “The last piece of the evening, Chopin, Opus Number Two, I dedicate to Kate.” He looked at her before turning and leaning over the keys.

  Kate could not stop the tears that sprang to her eyes. He played for her and her heart swelled with love. The sublime notes enveloped her on all sides, brushed the skin of her face, played with her hair, enflamed her lips and melted her heart. At that moment nothing existed but the yearning for his embrace, for the touch of his mouth, for the soft glowing look in his eyes.

  She longed desperately for his love. She wanted to be part of him, an indissoluble part of his life. There was no meaning to her life without him. She could not take her eyes off him and only when he finished playing and lifted his head did she feel the wetness of her cheeks.

  “You're crying.” he said solicitously and she saw Emma and John look at her anxiously.

  “I'm simply overwhelmed. Nobody has ever played for me.”

  Emma and John burst into applause, demanding an encore. Matthew rose, shutting the lid over the keys. Slowly the enthusiasm subsided and the conversation resumed until Emma looked shyly at John. “I’m tired. I think I'll go to my room. Would you accompany me, John?"

  Not a mome
nt passed after they left the room before Matthew swept Kate into his arms and crushed her to him. She responded with body, heart and soul. After long minutes clinging one to the other, Matthew drew away, his hands still holding her arms. “Darling,” he said softly, “you give me more joy than I ever dreamed possible. I do things I’ve never done before, feel emotions I never knew existed. I wake up in the morning thinking of you, I go to sleep and see you in my dreams. I suffer every day and every hour you're not by my side. I want you more than I've ever wanted anything in my life.”

  “I'm yours,” she whispered, “You are the music in my soul, the song that fills my heart.”

  Matthew stared deep into her eyes as she spoke and the golden coals took fire, blazing into burning passion.

  “Come,” he said, kissing her on the soft skin near her ear, “come with me.” He took her hand and they walked together through the wide halls. When they reached his room he took her in his arms. “I want you by my side at Bellewoodplain, Katie, and not only tonight and tomorrow.”

  She was lost in his embrace. “I'll stay as long as you want me.”

  He pulled her to the bed, removing the last barriers to the sublime consummation of their love. His mouth explored every inch of bare skin and his hands roamed desperately over her body. Her fingers hovered over a scar and for a split-second she wondered how he got it. His hands parted her legs and his fingers moved lightly over her. This is the tempest, she thought, swooning, this is the passion I have been yearning for all my life, the irrepressible magic of love. She moved beneath him like a surging sea, overpowering him in the frenzy of her desire. They rolled on the bed and she forced him to lie beneath her. She wanted him to feel the same pleasure her body felt under the touch of his mouth and hands. Even if they were not fated to be together forever she would make sure he would never forget her.

  Her hair brushed his face and shoulders as her mouth went down to his chest. His hand gripped the bedpost as she kissed his stomach. The muscles of his arm swelled as her mouth continued on its way. He closed his eyes and gave himself up to the gratification of his senses. She was entrancing, her warm lips as though created to bring pleasure to his body. She was innocent and fresh but so exciting. Nothing in the past had aroused him as much as the burning touch of her lips. No woman had ever kindled such lust. Not one! An exquisite thrill of pleasure shot through his body. If allowed, she would bring him to the peak of passion in a few seconds. He summoned all his strength and pulled her to him, turning her on to her back. He had never so delighted in bringing a woman to the intense delirium of sexual ardor. She writhed and moaned, free of all constraints, giving in to the full force of her desire. His hands pinned down her waist, not allowing her any respite from the concentrated pleasure.

  “Come to me,” she groaned.” Only then did he raise his head and cover her body with his. She was hot, moist and frenzied.

  “My love,” he murmured as he began to move and felt her muscles strongly closing about him.

  “Don't stop,” she shut her eyes, quickening her movements. She could not speak any more. She soared to unexplored heights. The tempo quickened, the fever heightened, she was oblivious to everything but the ecstasy. Oh, this sublime ecstasy. Kate felt herself ascending a ladder to heaven, ascending, ascending. His body moved in perfect rhythm with hers. Fate had predestined them to be together. Their meeting could not possibly have been blind chance. She opened like a flower and he sucked the ambrosia. Her cry as she entered the gates of paradise mingled with his moan as his body shook with the supreme pleasure that leads to the great void.

  They lay in a close embrace, his hand stroking her hair. “It's as though you were the first woman in my life.”

  She kissed the smooth skin of his shoulder and neck, his eyes and cheeks. He responded with renewed ardor, his hands caressing her body.

  “Are you tired,” she asked.

  “What do you think?” he murmured, his mouth going down on hers, “do I look tired?”

  It was morning before they fell asleep and only Matthew's kiss woke Kate.

  “Get up sleepyhead, I have something to show you. You'll like it.”

  Kate opened her eyes. He was dressed for riding. So virile and handsome, she felt a stab in her heart. She knew that despite all his honeyed words last night the time would come when they would have to part. She jumped to her feet and when she came out of the bathroom saw the woman's riding habit on the bed.

  “Those are Rebecca's clothes. I'm sure she won't mind if you borrow them.”

  At the stables they were greeted by the grooms. They crossed the building into an inner courtyard, paved with stone. Two horses, already saddled, were waiting at the west entrance. They were splendid horses, one big and black as the night, the second a smaller chestnut.

  “This is Cedar and that is Saffron,” Matthew informed her.

  Cedar seemed a bit nervous and Kate made no attempt to approach him, but Saffron was calm and friendly and Kate dared to rub his nose.

  “Saffron is yours.”

  When he saw the lack of understanding he added, “this is a present. Don't refuse. I have never given one of my prize horses to anyone as a gift.”

  She left Saffron and came up to him, “and I have never received such a gift. I'm already in love with him.”

  “Perhaps I've made a fatal mistake. Saffron might steal my place in your heart.” He smiled as he looked at her but his eyes were grave. He was still uncertain of her exact feelings for him and he didn't dare to ask her. While it was true they were tremendously attracted to each other and from the moment she arrived in Bellewoodplain she had shown him only warmth and affection, it might all be due to simple gratitude for what he done for Jemina and to her guilty conscience after Lindsay was exposed.

  What place did he hold in her heart? He would have given a great deal to know the answer.

  “You should have thought of that before. Isn't that right, my sweet?” She turned and stroked the velvety neck of the horse.

  “I'm beginning to feel like a fifth wheel,” Matthew grumbled as Kate laughed.

  He helped her mount Saffron. Then he drew his head up to his horse and placed his cheek by Cedar's nose. They sniffed each other and Matthew spoke softly to him. She tried to hide her feelings as she saw him lightly mount the awesome steed. He asked her to wait and Cedar burst into a gallop toward the east stable. He rode as though born in the saddle. He talked to one of the grooms and then returned and instructed her how to sit and to prod the horse to walk. He rode by her side, explaining the finer points of proper sitting as well as how to treat the horse. It took but a short while for Kate to enjoy the balmy morning and the glorious grounds. They halted at a pastoral stream and Matthew, holding her by the waist, helped her off the horse.

  Matthew sat down on the grass. Leaning on a tree trunk, with her back on his chest, he hugged her close.

  “There are some things I want to tell you.” His voice was serious, slightly somber. “Now that Lindsay is behind bars it may not be so important, but I feel a measure of responsibility for what happened with Jemina.”

  “I know everything, Matthew. I know how he was accepted to the university and why he was kicked out. Ther’s no need to explain. It was a noble gesture on your part to arrange for Jemina's release.”

  “First of all, there was nothing the least bit noble about what I did because I did it only for you. But beyond that, I should have told you all about Richard right after the party. I'm angry at my accursed pride. I could have prevented all that happened if I had brought his criminal past and disturbed character to your attention.”

  Curious, Kate asked, “Did you ever see him after he was expelled?” She left the circle of his embrace and sat beside him, feeling a need to see his face.

  “He came to see me at Bellewoodplain right after his expulsion. Armed with a lot of nerve, he demanded I compensate him for my refusal to carry out the terms of my grandfather's will.”

  “But that's absurd,” Kate c
ried. “How could he demand you fulfill the terms of the will if he was kicked out of college?”

  “True, but I felt sorry for him. Grandfather, who had no inkling of his unstable character and the shady business deals he was involved in from a young age, liked him very much and I felt an obligation to help him. He agreed to accept a lump sum and in return to sign that he has no further claims.”

  “How much did you give him?”

  “Three hundred thousand pounds and I was stupid enough to give half of it in cash as he demanded.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes. I thought that if he really wanted to go straight he would use the money to study, open a business or advance himself in some other acceptable manner.” He was choosing his words with care, his voice flat. “Until then I wasn’t aware of the psychotic element in his personality. I thought him corrupt and decadent but not disturbed or deranged. That night at Bellewoodplain he sealed his fate. He viciously took what was most precious to me and for that I'll never forgive him.”

  Kate could not imagine what that was but dared not ask. It was clear that despite Matthew's desire to be open and forthright he could not or would not reveal the pain reflected in the depths of his eyes, a pain that dimmed their luster and changed the golden sparks to brown dust. She must be patient. She wanted him to trust her without reservation, to share not only happiness, beauty and joy but also the bitter memories and distressing events of the past.

  “I’m sorry, Katie, I can't tell you exactly what happened that night at Bellewoodplain, but Lindsay managed to get away and I swore I would not rest until I saw him punished for all he had done.”


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