Kate: A Universal Truth (A Wish for Love Series Book 1)

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Kate: A Universal Truth (A Wish for Love Series Book 1) Page 19

by Shales, Mia

  Lindsay lifted his arm and struck her full force in the face with the butt of the gun. Kate fell down, her head spinning. Lindsay lifted his leg to kick her but at that moment they heard loud knocks at the door.

  “Who is it?” Lindsay screamed.

  Kate lifted herself cautiously. He was completely hysterical.

  “It’s me. Everything’s ready, Lindsay. The plane is waiting at the airport. My car is ready to take you to the runway.”

  “Who’s the driver?”

  “Mr. Rawlins. You know him. He’s our most trustworthy driver.”

  “What about the money?”

  “I have the money. Ten million pounds.”

  “I’m coming out with Kate. There’s a gun aimed at her head. If I detect any suspicious movement I’ll shoot her. Is that clear?”

  “Absolutely clear.” Matthew glanced down the empty corridor. Everything had to go as planned. One small mistake and Kate would die.

  “Come out of the room, Lindsay.”

  “Not before you go downstairs. I want the house empty. I’m warning you, no surprises,” Lindsay yelled. “Come on. We’re going.” His arm encircled her and he pushed her forward. She felt the gun at her temple which still throbbed from his blow. He opened the door and they stepped out into the silent corridor. Very slowly they passed down the hallways and galleries. Not a soul was about, not a rustle was heard. Outside, at the entrance, stood the polished Bentley with Mr. Rawlins seated inside. A black Porsche slid out of the garage and braked to a stop not far from it. Matthew got out of the car and stood alongside it.

  Kate wanted to run to him, fall into his arms and smother him with kisses. For a minute her vision blurred and she could feel his beating heart and his body against hers. After a few seconds, the vision disappeared. She must stay in complete control. She must not collapse now. She tried to catch his eye, to communicate without words. His face was hard and cold and his lips tightly shut. A two-day stubble covered his chin and his threatening stance made her think of a starving panther lying in wait for his prey. There was something icy, impenetrable and unyielding about him and Kate felt Lindsay draw her closer, the metallic weapon boring into her head. He sensed danger. Matthew did not look at her and his eyes, despite her efforts, did not meet hers. He ignored her. His concentration was totally on Lindsay. Kate felt her heart sink. He was here because it was his duty and not because he loved her. She thrust away the pain. Get a grip on yourself, Kate. The thoughts, associations and emotions tumbled about in a deepening spiral. She felt Lindsay thrust her into the car and heard the door bang shut. The Bentley lunged forward. Lindsay pushed her head down, between her knees. “Don’t move,” he ordered and shoved the pistol to her neck. When the car stopped Lindsay pulled at her long hair and yanked her head up.

  “You’re hurting me.”

  “Shut up and do exactly as I say.”

  They were at the airport. Several buildings flanked one side of the airstrip and green fields stretched out on the other. A large burnished corporate jet waited on the black asphalt. The Porsche screeched to a halt and Matthew quickly slid out, a big bag in his hand.

  “Let her go. The money is here and the plane will take you wherever you want.”

  “Open it and show me what’s inside.”

  Matthew did as he was told and Kate could see the stacks of money within. Lindsay backed his way to the plane, dragging Kate along facing Matthew. She desperately sought his glance but he continued to ignore her silent plea. When he reached the plane Lindsay stopped.

  “Give the money to Mr. Rawlins. I don’t want you to come close to us. I don’t trust you.”

  “First let Kate go.”

  Lindsay made a show of bringing the gun even closer to Kate’s head. “I’ll shoot her, Matthew. I killed three policemen last night, you saw for yourself what I did to your sister and if I’m not mistaken somewhere on your body there’s a souvenir of what I’m capable of, so hand over the bag and I’ll let her go.”

  Not a muscle moved in Matthew’s face. He gestured for Mr. Rawlins to take the bag from him. Mr. Rawlins complied and handed over the money to Lindsay.

  “And now, I have a little surprise for the Marquis of Camedon. Kate is coming with me. When I get to a safe place I’ll release her.” He smiled at Matthew. “No need to be annoyed, my friend. It’s only self-defense. I can’t be sure you haven’t planted a trap for me on the plane. You do understand me?” Lindsay laughed, but Kate could clearly hear the panic in his voice. She also noticed the slight tremor of the hand holding the gun. Matthew’s presence had pulled his taut nerves to their limit.

  Matthew took a step forward. “Release her, Lindsay. I’m warning you. If you don’t let her go you’re a dead man.”

  “Don’t come any closer. I’ll shoot.”

  Matthew continued his advance.

  “I’m warning you, Camedon.”

  Matthew took another step.

  Lindsay swung the gun around and pointed it at Matthew’s heart. Kate almost stopped breathing.

  “I’ll kill her, Camedon. I’ll kill her.” He began to breathe heavily. “Step back.”

  “I’d rather you killed me than that you take the girl. You must have expected as much. I thought you knew me better. You disappoint me, Lindsay.”

  He stood not far from them. Kate saw the gleam in his eyes. Not the bright sparks of a clear light, but rustling embers.

  “Matthew,” she whispered, summoning all her strength. “He’s mad. Don’t endanger yourself for me.”

  Matthew ignored her. His eyes bored into Lindsay. “I’m not afraid to die, Richard, but you are. You and I both know that. You were always a damned coward. Leave the girl. She’s of no importance to you and she’s of no importance to me. This is between you and me, isn’t it? Ever since we were children, your pathetic attempts to best me, to stand out, to take whatever you thought was dear to me. You don’t want to kill Kate, you want to hurt me, but this time you made a big mistake. Even before you came to Bellewoodplain I decided to get rid of her. She means nothing to me. She’s just another female that amused me for a short while. Let her go and take me in her stead. For once in your miserable life act like a real man. Prove you’re worthy of competing with me.”

  Kate felt dizzy. She tried to keep her balance. The nightmare had no end. It was just beginning. Why was he saying those terrible things? What was the meaning of all this? Was he trying to protect her from Lindsay? But how? Why? She could not think clearly. Her heart lurched from hope to deep despair.

  “Go, Kate, go.”

  Lindsay still aimed the gun at Matthew.

  “Kate! Do you hear what I’m telling you? Get away from there.” Matthew’s voice, icy as a Siberian glacier, cut through the fog. She was confused. What did he want her to do? She didn’t understand, couldn’t grasp. She saw him take another step.

  “Get away, woman. Now!”

  She broke away from Lindsay. He did not resist, and she turned to face Matthew.

  “Matthew,” she started.

  “I don’t want to see you here. Get out of my sight.”

  He was furious at her and she could not understand why. She started to walk away. “I’m going into the plane, Camedon and I suggest you don’t try to stop me. Nobody can stop me. Not even you.”

  “Give me the gun, Lindsay. You’re surrounded by dozens of policemen.”

  Lindsay froze. Kate stopped abruptly. He’ll kill Matthew. She had no doubt; she was going to lose him forever. She could think of nothing else. Her mind was blocked, allowing for only one awful thought. Whether he loved her or not was of no importance. At this moment only one stark fact existed, that she loved him and she was going to lose him forever. The sound of a shot filled the air. Matthew swayed and fell on the runway. She screamed and ran towards him. She would protect him. If somebody was to die it would be her.

  “Kate, no!” Matthew’s voice came from afar.

  Another shot. Something burned at her back. She tottered. No, s
he would not yield to the pain. She would reach him and guard him with her body. She must not think of the searing pain in her shoulder. Another step and she would be there. She faltered. Thunder and lightening filled the skies. Fireworks. Rockets burst in her ear. She fell on top of him, feeling his arms raised to embrace her. He was alive. She had saved his life. Only then did Kate allow herself to sink into the abyss of darkness, let her body succumb to the pain.

  Chapter Fifteen

  She heard Matthew’s voice but the sound came from a distant dream. She ached to touch him, to make sure he was alive, to hear his heart beat, but her hand refused to obey, as if it were made of lead. Her body was heavy and she could not move. She tried to open her lids but the same ball of bright light danced before her eyes. Somebody moved her, touched her. The pain was unbearable. Someone sighed.

  “Nurse, more morphine.”

  Her lips moved.

  “She’s trying to say something.” The voices were so muffled.

  Her lips were dry. She wanted to wet them. Why didn’t somebody give her water? She was so thirsty.

  “All true love must die... prove that I lie.”

  “What did she say?”

  “She’s delirious. She is quoting Yeats. The poet.” Again the same defeated voice, Matthew’s voice, tired, subdued. Perhaps he was dead? Why did he have to die? Why did she have to die? She was so young. Why did it hurt so much? Why couldn’t she stretch out her hand and touch him?

  “She’s waking up.” The voice was soft and pleasant, very familiar.

  Kate opened her eyes. “Matthew?” she whispered, uttering the first word that came to her head.

  “Matthew is fine. He hasn’t left your bed since they brought you here two days ago.”

  “Emma, is that you?”

  “Yes, honey.”

  “He’s alive,” Kate murmured.

  “Of Course he’s alive. He wore a bullet-proof vest. He wouldn't have gambled with his life without taking precautions against certain death. Matthew isn’t stupid.”

  “I was stupid.”

  Emma took Kate’s hand, lightly squeezing the fingers. “You can be proud of yourself my little sister. You behaved very bravely.”

  “What happened to Lindsay?”

  “The police killed him. There was no other way. You ran towards Matthew, not knowing he was protected, and a bullet from Lindsay’s gun penetrated your shoulder. If the sharpshooters had waited he would have killed you.”

  Kate nodded slowly. “There was no other way. I know that.” She raised her eyes to Emma, “where’s Matthew?”

  Emma looked ill at ease. “He left a few minutes ago, when he saw you waking. He said he would be in touch with us in a few days."

  “In a few days?” Kate was stunned. “Why did he leave now?”

  “I don’t know. He seemed tired and tense. Perhaps he needs to rest. You were operated on right after you were brought here. The doctors removed the bullet from the shoulder muscle and made sure the wound didn’t get infected. The medicines made you delirious. You would wake up and sleep by turns, saying things that made no sense. Although they told us yesterday that you were out of danger, Matthew didn’t leave your side for a minute. He hasn’t closed his eyes for the last forty-eight hours. I don’t know what made him leave just as you were regaining your senses. I’m sure he’ll get in touch with you soon and explain everything.”

  Kate looked about her. She was in a private room. Matthew made sure she would be pampered. She sighed. How could she ever hope to understand him? Every time she allowed herself to believe he could love her, the reality proved otherwise. He was so complicated. She could think of no logical reason why he chose not to remain after the effect of the medicines wore off and she began to recover. Except if... She preferred to suppress the thought that welled up but her innate, basic honesty forced her to grapple with it. Except if he concluded he did not love her and could offer her nothing as far as feelings were concerned. If that was the case then her self-sacrifice on the runway must have caused him so much embarrassment and chagrin that he couldn’t look her in the eye. The dramatic events that had occurred just recently showed the striking contrast between her love for him and the shallow affection he felt for her. Everything fell into place. In the first weeks of their acquaintance he had been enchanted. She recalled how she refused to dance with him or meet him, how she had spoken rudely and valiantly withstood the temptation to fall into his arms. She was a challenge, different from the glamorous women he was used to. He brought all his attractiveness, his masculinity and his experience into play, determined to bring down the wall which she had so resolutely built about her heart, and she, hypnotized, had fallen into his trap, lured by his lethal charm. It had taken no more than a few weeks for her to love him with all her heart and mind, with every fiber of her being. When they arrived at Bellewoodplain the mission was accomplished and she was like clay in the hands of the potter. He must have tired of her during her stay there. She made an effort to understand why he hadn’t broken off with her before his grandmother and Gabriella arrived. Their coming would have provided the perfect excuse. But of course! Her worst fears were realized. He was a cold, calculating man. He used her as a shield against his grandmother’s scheme to marry him off to Gabriella. Only after she played her part and Gabriella left Bellewoodplain did he completely lose interest in her. It was also not too far-fetched to believe that although the ostensible reason for his London trip was his testimony at Lindsay’s trial, another motive was to spend the evening in Gabriella’s company.

  The days passed and Kate slowly mended. Emma stayed by her side by day and at night slept at Bellewoodplain, where she was given her old room. John Bayhem came every few days to visit Kate and cheer up his fiancee.

  “Matthew is in London,” he informed Kate in answer to her question but volunteered no further information.

  Kate’s father, in company with Mr. Mallory, visited for a few hours. “Don’t be downhearted, Kate,” Mr. Mallory comforted her, “the manuscript is probably not authentic. I find it hard to believe Jane Austen would write a novel and not have it published. As you yourself pointed out, perhaps somebody of the same period, maybe even a family member, wrote the novel and signed Austen’s name to it.

  “We’ll never know,” Kate replied sorrowfully.

  One day, seated in a chair by the window, wrapped in a gown, Kate was surprised to hear the nurse announce in impressed tones: “the Dowager Marquis, Theresa Camedon.” The nurse barely uttered the words when the Dowager, straight-backed and energetic as always, pushed her aside and strode into the room. The nurse hurriedly presented a chair and the Dowager sat stiffly on the edge.

  “I was sorry to hear of your terrible experience. I heard you saved my grandson’s life.”

  “Not exactly,” Kate murmured, “It would be more correct to say he saved mine.”

  “Well, I’ve come to thank you in Matthew’s name and in the name of the Camedon family for your ingenuity and bravery.”

  “It’s not at all necessary,” Kate began to protest but the Dowager cut her off.

  “It's very necessary. I don’t know what you did to my grandson that he has lost his manners, but I do know he has neither visited you nor called to ask how you are since you came out of your coma. His behavior is inexcusable.”

  “You must be happy,” Kate could not stop herself but the Dowager ignored her remark.

  “I wanted to apologize in his name and assure you that the clarity of his mind will no doubt be restored and he'll compensate you generously for your, how shall I put it, your dignified behavior concerning recent events.”

  “I appreciate your visit,” Kate chose her words with care being in no state for another argument with the old lady, “and I appreciate your concern. I’m glad to tell you that I shall be released from the hospital. The wound in my shoulder is healing well and in a few weeks, except for a scar, there will be no trace left. As for the compensation you mentioned, I insist you never br
ing up the subject again. I’m not interested in recompense and I shall refuse any remuneration your grandson might offer. He was not responsible for the turn of events and he did all he could to end this unfortunate affair in the best possible manner and for that I am grateful.”

  “You are a proud girl.”

  Kate smiled. “Would you prefer meekness rather than pride, Lady Theresa?”

  The old lady did not reply. After a few minutes of silence she rose, leaning lightly on her cane. Her black eyes bored into Kate as she said, “I won’t stand in my grandson’s way if he chooses you for his wife.”

  Kate raised her eyes, a spark of surprise flaring up and disappearing.

  “Thank you, Lady Theresa,” she said sadly, “but I’m afraid the chances that Matthew will want to do that are nil.”

  The old lady looked at her intently but said nothing. A few minutes later she left.

  “Am I dreaming or was it the Dowager coming out of your room?” asked Emma with a smile.

  “I was also sure I was hallucinating when she showed up.”

  “Was it just a sick call?”

  “She came to tell me that if Matthew wanted to marry me she would give us her blessing.”

  “You’re joking. Did you hear correctly?” Emma, amused, placed her hand on Kate’s forehead. “Maybe you’re running a temperature?”

  Kate laughed. “I really can’t imagine what made her have such a change of heart.”

  Emma turned serious. “You know, sister, I usually don’t interfere in other people’s affairs, but I feel you must know that Matthew is acting very strangely. John tells me he shuts himself up in his London apartment and refuses to see anyone. He doesn’t even let John in.”

  Desperately , trying to understand what was he going through she closed her eyes for a minute, struggling to control her emotions, trying not to show her sister the pain that flooded her body. “I don’t know why he acts that way, Emma. Something is tearing him apart and I don’t know what it is. I can’t help him. I can’t reach him. He made it clear there is no room in his life for me and I don’t intend to exasperate and embarrass him any further by chasing after him.”


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