Complete Works of Samuel Johnson

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Complete Works of Samuel Johnson Page 712

by Samuel Johnson

  April 13, “

  Mar. “ Feb. 24, “

  April 13, “

  April “ Jan. 27, “

  Feb. 24, “

  May “ Nov. 25, 1740

  June “ Nov. 25, “

  April 8, 1741

  July “ The session ended on July April 8, “

  15. Dec. 1, “

  Dec. 4, “

  Aug. “ Dec. 4, “

  Sept. “ Dec. 4, “

  Dec. 8, “

  Oct. “ Dec. 8, “

  May 25, 1742

  Nov. “ The Session opened on May 25, “

  Nov. 16.

  Dec. “ May 25, “

  June 1, “

  Supplement to 1742 Dec. 10, 1740

  June 1, 1742

  Jan. 1743 Dec. 10, 1740

  Feb. “ Feb. 13, 1741

  Mar. “ Feb. 13, “

  April “ The Session ended on April 21 Feb. 13, “

  May “ Mar. 9, 1742

  Nov. 16, “

  June “ Mar. 9, “

  Feb. 1, 1743

  July “ Mar. 9, 1742

  Mar. 23, “

  Feb. 1, 1743

  Aug. “ Feb. 1, “

  Sept. “ Feb. 1, “

  Oct. “ Feb. 1, “

  Nov. “ Feb. 22, “

  Dec. “ The Session opened on Dec. 1 Feb. 22, “

  Supplement to 1743 Feb. 22, “

  Jan. 1744 Feb. 22, “

  Feb. “ Dec. 10, 1742

  Feb. 22, 1743

  Mar. “ Dec. 10, 1742

  During the rest of 1744 the debates were given in the old form, and in a style that is a close imitation of Johnson’s. Most likely they were composed by Hawkesworth (ante, p. 252). In 1745 they were fewer in number, and in 1746 the reports of the Senate of Lilliputia with its Hurgoes and Clinabs passed away for ever. They had begun, to quote the words of the Preface to the Magazine for 1747, at a time when ‘a determined spirit of opposition in the national assemblies communicated itself to almost every individual, multiplied and invigorated periodical papers, and rendered politics the chief, if not the only object, of curiosity.’ They are a monument to the greatness of Walpole, and to the genius of Johnson. Had that statesman not been overthrown, the people would have called for these reports even though Johnson had refused to write them. Had Johnson still remained the reporter, even though Walpole no longer swayed the Senate of the Lilliputians, the speeches of that tumultuous body would still have been read. For though they are not debates, yet they have a vast vigour and a great fund of wisdom of their own.

  * * * * *



  Malone published seven of the following letters in the fourth edition, and Mr. Croker the rest.



  ‘The account which Miss [Porter] gives me of your health pierces my heart. God comfort and preserve you and save you, for the sake of Jesus Christ.

  ‘I would have Miss read to you from time to time the Passion of our Saviour, and sometimes the sentences in the Communion Service, beginning “Come unto me, all ye that travail and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

  ‘I have just now read a physical book, which inclines me to think that a strong infusion of the bark would do you good. Do, dear mother, try it.

  ‘Pray, send me your blessing, and forgive all that I have done amiss to you. And whatever you would have done, and what debts you would have paid first, or any thing else that you would direct, let Miss put it down; I shall endeavour to obey you.

  ‘I have got twelve guineas to send you, but unhappily am at a loss how to send it to-night. If I cannot send it to-night, it will come by the next post.

  ‘Pray, do not omit any thing mentioned in this letter: God bless you for ever and ever.

  ‘I am your dutiful son,


  ‘Jan. 13, 1758.’


  ‘MY DEAR Miss,

  ‘I think myself obliged to you beyond all expression of gratitude for your care of my dear mother. God grant it may not be without success. Tell Kitty that I shall never forget her tenderness for her mistress. Whatever you can do, continue to do. My heart is very full.

  ‘I hope you received twelve guineas on Monday. I found a way of sending them by means of the postmaster, after I had written my letter, and hope they came safe. I will send you more in a few days. God bless you all.

  ‘I am, my dear,

  ‘Your most obliged

  ‘And most humble servant,


  ‘Jan. 16, 1759.

  ‘Over the leaf is a letter to my mother.’


  ‘Your weakness afflicts me beyond what I am willing to communicate to you. I do not think you unfit to face death, but I know not how to bear the thought of losing you. Endeavour to do all you [can] for yourself. Eat as much as you can.

  ‘I pray often for you; do you pray for me. I have nothing to add to my last letter.

  ‘I am, dear, dear mother

  ‘Your dutiful son,


  ‘Jan. 16, 1759.’



  ‘I fear you are too ill for long letters; therefore I will only tell you, you have from me all the regard that can possibly subsist in the heart. I pray God to bless you for evermore, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen.

  ‘Let Miss write to me every post, however short.

  ‘I am, dear mother,

  ‘Your dutiful son,


  ‘Jan. 18, 1759.’


  ‘DEAR Miss,

  ‘I will, if it be possible, come down to you. God grant I may yet [find] my dear mother breathing and sensible. Do not tell her, lest I disappoint her. If I miss to write next post, I am on the road.

  ’I am, my dearest Miss,

  ’Your most humble servant,


  ‘Jan. 20, 1759.’

  On the other side.


  ‘Neither your condition nor your character make it fit for me to say much. You have been the best mother, and I believe the best woman in the world. I thank you for your indulgence to me, and beg forgiveness of all that I have done ill, and all that I have omitted to do well. God grant you his Holy Spirit, and receive you to everlasting happiness, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. Lord Jesus receive your spirit. Amen.

  ’I am, dear, dear mother,

  ’Your dutiful son,


  ‘Jan. 20, 1759.’


  ‘You will conceive my sorrow for the loss of my mother, of the best mother. If she were to live again surely I should behave better to her. But she is happy, and what is past is nothing to her; and for me, since I cannot repair my faults to her, I hope repentance will efface them. I return you and all those that have been good to her my sincerest thanks, and pray God to repay you all with infinite advantage. Write to me, and comfort me, dear child. I shall be glad likewise, if Kitty will write to me. I shall send a bill of twenty pounds in a few days, which I thought to have brought to my mother; but God suffered it not. I have not power or composure to say much more. God bless you, and bless us all.

  ’I am, dear Miss,

  ’Your affectionate humble servant,


  ‘Jan. 23, 1759.’

  ‘To Miss PORTER.

  (The beginning is torn and lost.)

  * * * * *

  ‘You will forgive me if I am not yet so composed as to give any directions about any thing. But you are wiser and better than I, and I shall be pleased with all
that you shall do. It is not of any use for me now to come down; nor can I bear the place. If you want any directions, Mr. Howard will advise you. The twenty pounds I could not get a bill for to-night, but will send it on Saturday.

  ‘I am, my dear, your affectionate servant,


  ‘Jan. 25, 1759.’

  * * * * *

  ‘To Miss PORTER.

  ‘DEAR Miss,

  ‘I have no reason to forbear writing, but that it makes my heart heavy, and I had nothing particular to say which might not be delayed to the next post; but had no thoughts of ceasing to correspond with my dear Lucy, the only person now left in the world with whom I think myself connected. There needed not my dear mother’s desire, for every heart must lean to somebody, and I have nobody but you; in whom I put all my little affairs with too much confidence to desire you to keep receipts, as you prudently proposed.

  ‘If you and Kitty will keep the house, I think I shall like it best. Kitty may carry on the trade for herself, keeping her own stock apart, and laying aside any money that she receives for any of the goods which her good mistress has left behind her. I do not see, if this scheme be followed, any need of appraising the books. My mother’s debts, dear mother, I suppose I may pay with little difficulty; and the little trade may go silently forward. I fancy Kitty can do nothing better; and I shall not want to put her out of a house, where she has lived so long, and with so much virtue. I am very sorry that she is ill, and earnestly hope that she will soon recover; let her know that I have the highest value for her, and would do any thing for her advantage. Let her think of this proposal. I do not see any likelier method by which she may pass the remaining part of her life in quietness and competence.

  ‘You must have what part of the house you please, while you are inclined to stay in it; but I flatter myself with the hope that you and I shall some time pass our days together. I am very solitary and comfortless, but will not invite you to come hither till I can have hope of making you live here so as not to dislike your situation. Pray, my dearest, write to me as often as you can.

  ‘I am, dear Madam,

  ‘Your affectionate humble servant,


  ‘Feb. 6, 1759’

  ‘To Miss PORTER.


  ‘I thought your last letter long in coming; and did not require or expect such an inventory of little things as you have sent me. I could have taken your word for a matter of much greater value. I am glad that Kitty is better; let her be paid first, as my dear, dear mother ordered, and then let me know at once the sum necessary to discharge her other debts, and I will find it you very soon.

  ‘I beg, my dear, that you would act for me without the least scruple, for I can repose myself very confidently upon your prudence, and hope we shall never have reason to love each other less. I shall take it very kindly if you make it a rule to write to me once at least every week, for I am now very desolate, and am loth to be universally forgotten.

  ’I am, dear sweet,

  ’Your affectionate servant,


  ‘March 1, 1759.’



  ‘I beg your pardon for having so long omitted to write. One thing or other has put me off. I have this day moved my things and you are now to direct to me at Staple Inn, London. I hope, my dear, you are well, and Kitty mends. I wish her success in her trade. I am going to publish a little story book [Rasselas], which I will send you when it is out. Write to me, my dearest girl, for I am always glad to hear from you.

  ’I am, my dear, your humble servant,


  ‘March 23, 1759.’



  ‘I am almost ashamed to tell you that all your letters came safe, and that I have been always very well, but hindered, I hardly know how, from writing. I sent, last week, some of my works, one for you, one for your aunt Hunter, who was with my poor dear mother when she died, one for Mr. Howard, and one for Kitty.

  ‘I beg you, my dear, to write often to me, and tell me how you like my little book.

  ’I am, dear love, your affectionate humble servant,


  ‘May 10, 1759.’


  (Page 487.)

  The following is the full extract of Dr. Sharp’s letter giving an account of Johnson’s visit to Cambridge in 1765: —

  ‘Camb. Mar. 1, 1765.

  ‘As to Johnson, you will be surprised to hear that I have had him in the chair in which I am now writing. He has ascended my aërial citadel. He came down on a Saturday evening, with a Mr. Beauclerk, who has a friend at Trinity. Caliban, you may be sure, was not roused from his lair before next day noon, and his breakfast probably kept him till night. I saw nothing of him, nor was he heard of by any one, till Monday afternoon, when I was sent for home to two gentlemen unknown. In conversation I made a strange faux pas about Burnaby Greene’s poem, in which Johnson is drawn at full length. He drank his large potations of tea with me, interrupted by many an indignant contradiction, and many a noble sentiment. He had on a better wig than usual, but, one whose curls were not, like Sir Cloudesly’s, formed for ‘eternal buckle.’ Our conversation was chiefly on books, you may be sure. He was much pleased with a small Milton of mine, published in the author’s lifetime, and with the Greek epigram on his own effigy, of its being the picture, not of him, but of a bad painter. There are many manuscript stanzas, for aught I know, in Milton’s own handwriting, and several interlined hints and fragments. We were puzzled about one of the sonnets, which we thought was not to be found in Newton’s edition, and differed from all the printed ones. But Johnson cried, “No, no!” repeated the whole sonnet instantly, memoriter, and shewed it us in Newton’s book. After which he learnedly harangued on sonnet-writing, and its different numbers. He tells me he will come hither again quickly, and is promised “an habitation in Emanuel College.” He went back to town next morning; but as it began to be known that he was in the university, several persons got into his company the last evening at Trinity, where, about twelve, he began to be very great; stripped poor Mrs. Macaulay to the very skin, then gave her for his toast, and drank her in two bumpers.’ (Gent. Mag. for 1785, p. 173.)

  * * * * *



  (Page 489.)



  ‘Among the names subscribed to the degree which I have had the honour of receiving from the university of Dublin, I find none of which I have any personal knowledge but those of Dr. Andrews and yourself.

  ‘Men can be estimated by those who know them not, only as they are represented by those who know them; and therefore I flatter myself that I owe much of the pleasure which this distinction gives me to your concurrence with Dr. Andrews in recommending me to the learned society.

  ‘Having desired the Provost to return my general thanks to the University, I beg that you, sir, will accept my particular and immediate acknowledgements.

  ‘I am, Sir,

  ‘Your most obedient and most humble servant,


  ‘Johnson’s-court, Fleet-street,

  London, Oct. 17, 1765.’

  * * * * *



  (Page 490.)

  In a little volume entitled Parliamentary Logick, by the Right Hon. W.G. Hamilton, published in 1808, twelve years after the author’s death, is included Considerations on Corn, by Dr. Johnson (Works, v. 321). It was written, says Hamilton’s editor, in November 1766. A dearth had caused riots. ‘Those who want the supports of life,’ Johnson wrote, ‘will seize them wherever they can be found.’ (Ib. p. 322.) He supported in this tract the bounty for exporting corn. If more than a year after he
had engaged in politics with Mr. Hamilton nothing had been produced but this short tract, the engagement was not of much importance. But there was, I suspect, much more in it. Indeed, the editor says (Preface, p. ix.) that ‘Johnson had entered into some engagement with Mr. Hamilton, occasionally to furnish him with his sentiments on the great political topicks that should be considered in Parliament.’ Mr. Croker draws attention to a passage in Johnson’s letter to Miss Porter of Jan. 14, 1766 (Croker’s Boswell, p. 173) in which he says: ‘I cannot well come [to Lichfield] during the session of parliament.’ In the spring of this same year Burke had broken with Hamilton, in whose service he had been. ‘The occasion of our difference,’ he wrote, ‘was not any act whatsoever on my part; it was entirely upon his, by a voluntary but most insolent and intolerable demand, amounting to no less than a claim of servitude during the whole course of my life, without leaving to me at any time a power either of getting forward with honour, or of retiring with tranquillity’ (Burke’s Corres. i. 77). It seems to me highly probable that Hamilton, in consequence of his having just lost, as I have shewn, Burke’s services, sought Johnson’s aid. He had taken Burke ‘as a companion in his studies.’ (Ib. p. 48.) ‘Six of the best years of my life,’ wrote Burke, ‘he took me from every pursuit of literary reputation or of improvement of my fortune. In that time he made his own fortune (a very great one).’ (Ib. p. 67.) Burke had been recommended to Hamilton by Dr. Warton. On losing him Hamilton, on Feb. 12, 1765, wrote to Warton, giving a false account of his separation with Burke, and asking him to recommend some one to fill his place — some one ‘who, in addition to a taste and an understanding of ancient authors, and what generally passes under the name of scholarship, has likewise a share of modern knowledge, and has applied himself in some degree to the study of the law.’ By way of payment he offers at once ‘an income, which would neither be insufficient for him as a man of letters, or disreputable to him as a gentleman,’ and hereafter ‘a situation’ — a post, that is to say, under government. (Wooll’s Warton, i. 299.) Warton recommended Chambers. Chambers does not seem to have accepted the post, for we find him staying on at Oxford (post, ii. 25, 46). Johnson had all the knowledge that Hamilton required, except that of law. It is this very study that we find him at this very time entering upon. All this shows that for some time and to some extent an engagement was formed between him and Hamilton. Boswell, writing to Malone on Feb. 25, 1791, while The Life of Johnson was going through the press, says: —


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