Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book)

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Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book) Page 8

by Burns, Rachel

  Aide looked at me for a bit and then he picked me up and slowly set me down again. I trembled, trying to pretend I wasn't in pain. I felt a tear roll down my face defeating my cause. I peed while he held me. He made the toilet flush and them lifted me up into his arms again. He had to really love me too to be so gentle with me. Well, after the fact.

  Aide called out the bathtub and laid me in the water. He undressed and joined me. He pulled me close again and cleaned me. I was too weak to do much other than to lay on his chest and watch him. He paid special attention to my hair. I fell asleep on his chest again. I woke up when he sat me up so he could jump out of the tub.

  I lifted up the sponge and looked at him confused. I hadn't washed him yet.

  He laughed and plucked me out of the water as always. He set me on the floor. I had to lean on his chest. He held me. I felt forgiven as I looked up into his eyes. When we were dry. He started in with his favorite task, brushing my hair. It fell so softly around my shoulder blades, covering them.

  He led me out and picked up my clothes and started dressing me again. He smiled at me a lot and I smiled at him shyly too. After I was dressed he too covered himself. That was a pity. He had a body that he didn't need to be ashamed of. He took me by my hand and pulled me out of the door.

  He brought me into the dining room. He raced to his spot and sat down. I was so dizzy from the run here that I collapsed onto his lap. He pulled me in close. The others who were here sat then.

  I noticed that Francesca and Anne were also wearing clothes. I liked that I wasn't the only one anymore.

  Tanya was the only naked one at the table. She looked very uncomfortable about this. She was just as naked as the serving slaves.

  Jenny, Becky and Kate weren't here but the missing woman, Sarah, was here and she was dressed too. She sat quite happily on her man's lap. She was even smiling at him and at everyone else.

  I was so tired that my eyes drooped shut. Aide gave me a shake and held his finger out to me. I shook my head and cuddled into his chest, rubbing my face against him like a cat would.

  He gave me another shake. I looked at him. He raised his hand up to show that he would hit me if I didn't eat.

  I nodded that I would but I wanted water first so I made the hand motions for that. He got my goblet and gave it to me approvingly. As I drank I listened to Anne explain the how of things here to Sarah. They were quickly becoming best friends by the sound of it.

  “The one in the middle is the leader's woman. She is one of us but we aren't to talk to her and she isn't allowed to talk to anyone either. You can't touch her either. Just he can. She was the first to get clothes and as you can see she is the prettiest and has the biggest boobs. That means a lot here. I have been watching the servants. The bigger the boobs the higher up they are. As you can see here the one with the biggest boobs serves them and just them. But if you watch you can see that even she can't touch her.” Anne was out of breath when finished. “You do know that you have to eat from his finger right? If you don't you get spanked on the spot, here, right in front of everyone. Even she gets spanked here if she doesn't behave.”

  “Yes, he taught me how he wants me to eat already,” Sarah replied as she shuttered a little.

  “Oh, another thing, if he wants you here he will take you here. It honestly happens.” She sunk her head in shame a little.

  “Her too?” Sarah didn't believe her.

  “Yeah, her too. It happened to me this morning. I refused to bow to the leader and my man spanked me hard and then we . . . Well, you know.”

  I smiled at that. She made it sound like he had practically raped her but the truth was it was the other way around.

  Aide held his finger out to me. I sucked a little over zealously. He laughed at me but quickly gave me more.

  Francesca only had eyes for her man. He fed her and didn't talk to Aide like they usually did. Aide was feeding me quicker and quicker. He was urgent to get me back to our room. I could hardly wait. I wanted him inside of me. Knowing that he wanted it too made me a little antsy. He called for our servant / slave woman to clear away the dished.

  No, not again. Not here. He laid me down on the table as soon as the last dish was gone. He took the time to open up my bodice and set my breasts free. He sucked on each of them until I was pulling his hair to draw him closer to me. My hips had even starting moving of their own accord. I wanted him, all of him.

  I heard Tanya scream. I rolled my head back to see why. She had been laid down on the table too. She hit at her man and threatened him. He was rubbing her in between her legs. She was fighting it but he continued as if she were screaming, yes.

  Aide lifted up my skirt and started massaging me down there too. I had my problems with my hands again. I moved frantically from his head to his shoulders and quickly forgot everyone else. I climaxed so easily that even Aide smirked at me. He resumed after a little giving me a little break to catch my breath.

  I screamed out a moment later again. Aide looked me curiously in the eyes. I had a feeling that I was nowhere near finished. He let go of me for a second and I reached for him not wanting to be without him even for a second.

  He had freed his penis and drove it into me hard and fast. I climaxed again. His eyes turned serious and he started moving in me a moment later. I started to cry and weep from the pleasure of having him inside of me.

  He had his hands on the table left and right. He thrust into me again and again. He was so perfectly hard. Each thrust had me screaming out in pleasure. I had never been this loud before. I believed that I would die of despair if he stopped. The thought of that turned my screams into bawling. I buried my head into his right wrist. I cried just not believing the pleasure he was giving me. I talked to him trying to explain my emotions that I couldn't explain. I looked to his eyes. He was looking unsure. He was afraid that he was hurting me.

  “I love you. Please, don't stop.” Another wave of tears took me. I threw my head back and bawled like a baby into his wrist. I grabbed onto his wrists with my hands and bucked at him with my hips, letting my body say what my mind was no longer capable of.

  He understood me and pushed in even harder and harder. I climaxed again and again. Even though I was climaxing almost constantly he fought against his own climax. He wanted to help me and be there for me in my need. He pounded into me while I cried on, shaking with my need for even more. I looked into his eyes and tried to communicate how thankful I was but then the pleasure was too much for me to take and I was overcome with a mix of bawling and screaming in pleasure.

  His penis felt so amazing inside of me. The way he was moving it drove me crazy. I looked in his eyes again. Did he know what was happening with me? I certainly didn't. I was panting, crying and screaming all in one.

  My shoulder lifted up as I finally had the kind of orgasm that would finally calm me down and not excited me even more. My entire being was focused on the area between my legs. I had needed that so much. I laid my head back down and tried to relax but he was still inside of me, pleasuring me.

  It was building up again. I looked in his eyes confused. He couldn't keep his eyes open. They were closing as he came inside of me. The look of ecstasy on his face was enough to make me come yet again. I bent forward and squinted my face too.

  I clung to him as I waited to once again become myself.

  I felt a shame of everyone watching what I had done and how wanton I had been. My body shook as I looked around. Everyone was making love. All of them. That honestly did help take away some of my embarrassment. I looked to Aide to take care of me, now that I was back to reality. I smiled to myself, he had taken care of me when I was gone too.

  “I love you.” My eyes were drooping. I could hardly keep them open. He lovingly washed me as he had done this morning too. He took me in his arms and carried me off to bed. He kissed me before I fell asleep.

  Day 3

  I was having the most wonderful dream. I was dreaming that he was running his hands all over my body
. Kissing and suckling me as he went. I reached for him in my sleep and found him. My eyes flew open. He was really doing all those wonderful things to me.

  He entered into me easily a few seconds after waking me, thrusting slowly in and out. I reached out to him, my only hold on sanity. If he wasn't in my life anymore it wouldn't be worth living.

  I enjoyed each stroke he gave me. He moved a little, bringing his chest over my face. That was when I felt it. He was hitting the same place that he hit inside of me last night. The one that had made me turn into a wild bawling woman. My head fell back again and the tears started following again. I was crying in pleasure, even screaming with it. I was sure the whole ship could hear me but I couldn't worry about that in this important moment, the most important moment I had ever had. I was yearning to reach my goal, so thankful that he had made it into his goal too. This was something that I couldn't do without him. I needed him. He had made me dependent on him in every way. He was my anchor without him I would be lost at sea, scared and all alone.

  His thrusts were so amazing. He increased his speed and I screamed out even louder. I was just crying and coming over and over again. One climax would rock my body and then it was followed by the next one, too many to count.

  He joined me, also coming. I could feel his seed filling me as my juices released, washing him with my pleasure. The bed under me was soaking wet. I was shaking and clinging onto him.

  His heart relaxed much faster than mine did. He was kissing my hair when I was able to realize little things like that. I sighed glad that he was still fully inside of me. I belonged to him so thoroughly. I smiled at him and stroked his face. I once again wished that we could pillow talk with each other. I wanted to know him, to know everything about him. I wanted to be able to feel that he was mine too.

  I was still worried that he would lose interest in me soon. I was hoping that we could be together forever. My fear of losing him was just too close to the surface. I felt like I had been brainwashed and I loved it.

  After bath time we went to breakfast. The others were there but I only had eyes for him. I was careful not to lick his fingers to sensually. Something I had believed that I could never be.

  After breakfast I went with him to his court. I sat on his lap as he spoke with his subjects. This was so medieval. Kidnap your woman, beat them to compliance, take them at your will and sit on a throne and play judge for the peasants. The only thing missing were the chicken as gifts of gratitude.

  I was surprised how sarcastic I could be on his lap. Being apart from him would have reduced me to tears.

  All of his subjects stared at me. Should I be ashamed because I was the woman sleeping with their leader? I was slowly accepting that this wasn't the world I had known. This couldn't be earth but to even think that scared me. There was something very different about him. He was too tall and thick. His eyes too black and mirror-like. I longed to know his mind. The missing piece. I wanted to know what I was to him. The woman who warmed his lap or was I more?

  He noticed my mood. He took my little hand in his. A hand too big and too thick to be human. What had I gotten myself into? I looked around the room as I fought tears of fear once again. I shouldn't worry about that right now. He wasn't doing anything to hurt me at the moment. And the things that he had done that had hurt me, I could look upon in a different light at this point. I scolded myself once again as I had done so often since the bombs had dropped. Had he ordered the bombs to fall, killing my loved ones and destroying everything I knew. Perhaps, for his own personal gain? I didn't believe that he would have done that just to get me. He had been too surprised with me in the beginning. Plus being his woman had great draw backs. I was so separated from the others.

  He pet my face waking me from thoughts. It was time. He pulled me with him to lunch. More pudding when all I wanted was meat and vegetables. I felt like sitting in the corner and crying. My emotions were reeking havoc with me. I wanted something descent to eat and I wanted to throw up all at once. But mostly I wanted to be confronted by him.

  He gave me confused looks. Some of the others were already there. First we sat and then they sat down. Aide gave me a look like he was warning me. I wanted to burst into tears. He gave me my water. I drank it down quickly. He waved the servant woman over to pour me more. I drank very slowly. He was watching me so closely and I was so close to tears. The others came in and bowed to us and then sat and ate. Francesca was beaming at her man. They came in as if they were filming a commercial. They smiled at each other and then bowed to us before they sat down. I wanted to see if Aide had also noticed their happiness but I didn't dare look at him. I figured he would scowl at me because I was in a bad mood.

  Why was I in such a bad mood? I tried to figure it out. Maybe I would be spared having to eat anything. I didn't want to eat anything. I looked at him confused. Did he know what was wrong with me? He usually did except after we had made love that first time.

  He was staring at me like he expected something.

  I laid my hands on my tummy. Then I whispered, “Ouch,” in his ear.

  We were flying out of the room it seemed. Before I knew it we were in the doctor's room. He was feeding his woman who still wasn't wearing any clothes even though she clearly seemed to like him just now.

  He set her aside and jumped up as we came in. The bathtub was covered up so Aide set me down and began unlacing my clothes and removing them. The doctor had his stethoscope ready and waiting. Aide had been talking to him the whole time.

  As soon as I was undressed he listened to my stomach and I marveled at how good we were getting with sign language. That was when it hit me. I knew what was wrong with me. I hadn't had to go yet. I mean, to the bathroom. Big.

  I was constipated. How embarrassing. The red beam would tell them that and they would know and I would be embarrassed. The doctor was already grabbing for it.

  Aide picked me up and waited for the examination table to disappear. He quickly laid me in the water. He was worried about me and I wasn't really sick.

  It was too late to get out of it now. I'd have to grin and bear it. I could already picture him crouching down next to me as I sat on the toilet with his face all scrupled up, trying to show me that I had to push.

  Just as I expected he stopped at my kidneys and showed Aide something. Aide smiled at him. Great he was going to laugh at me. He kissed me hand obviously pleased that it was something minor.

  The beam raised up over my body he paused slightly over my breasts too. Had they been damaged during our love play?

  The doctor continued up over my hair. This may sound silly but I loved the feeling that I got when the beam went through my hair. It felt warm and comforting. Like when Aide brushed my hair. He had brushed it too quickly today, maybe that was why I was in such a bad mood. My tummy still hurt too. I still felt grumpy. I needed to move around some more and then I could go to the bathroom better too. I'd kill for some meat and vegetables. I wanted to chew on something. I went right to work on my lip.

  Aide looked so shocked again. He shook his head. I could tell that he was thinking about me chewing on his finger. He had liked that.

  Aide picked me up again very carefully, constipation was obviously taken very seriously here. Maybe that was why they only ate pudding, I mused to myself.

  He set me down and let me lean on him until I was dry. I wondered how that worked.

  The doctor changed the tub back into a table and Aide helped me get dressed again. The doctor babbled on to him the whole time. When I was finished he gently set me on my feet and took my by my hand.

  We went out of the opening. Of all the rooms to not have a door, why this one?

  He wasn't pulling me along rudely but he took his time.

  He said something as we entered the dining room. The men all smiled. Had he just told everyone that I was constipated? A person clearly had no privacy here.

  We sat down and he wanted me to eat something. I sighed, not feeling up to it but I didn't want t
he spanking that not eating would bring with it either. I licked a bit off but then I must have turned green because he licked his own finger clean and didn't offer me anymore. I laid down in his chest and closed my eyes.

  I fought to stay awake as I listened to the women chatting. Francesca was telling another woman how she had gotten her period. Her man had taken her to the doctor's and the machine had made it be over with, no more cramps or blood. She was thrilled. She had suffered from it for years and now that was all over with. She leaned into her man's chest and let her hand run up and down his arm. Before she knew it he was ordering the bowls to be removed in front of them.

  He laid her face down on the table and lifted up her skirt and laid it over her back. He rubbed her to readiness and then entered her. I had front roll seats. She was moaning in pleasure. She wasn't as loud as I was. She was a lot more lady-like. I had to wonder if Aide was happy that he chosen me. I also had to wonder why. Was it because I had the biggest breasts? Did he even love me? I started sobbing as I laid on his chest. He was alarmed and turned me so he could look at my face. I opened my arms to him hoping he would understand that I need a hug.

  He did and he held me tight. I cried all the more because he was being so nice to me. I fell asleep on his chest.

  He ate while I slept. I woke up now and then as I felt him moving. They seemed to be eating especially long today. All the men were drinking something. Most of the women had something to drink too.

  I tapped Aide arm and did my hand sign for water. He carefully brought it to my lips. I took a tiny sip, taking my goblet from him. I held it close to my heart as I closed my eyes resting once again.

  Aide was running his hand over my hair. I bet he wished he had my hairbrush. I smiled to myself. He truly did love me.


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