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Ache Page 27

by S. M. Soto

His voice and the lyrics of the song have me gripping onto him tighter. I burrow my face in his chest, trying to dry the happy tears that just won’t stop falling. Cupping my cheek in his hand he smiles down at me, his own eyes glistening.

  “God, you look gorgeous tonight, Bea.”

  My heart flutters and my stomach flips at the look in his eyes. I place my trembling hand over his, caressing his smooth skin.

  “So do you. Thank you for this,” I whisper, completely in awe of him. He lifts his shoulders in a shrug.

  “My girl needed a prom.”

  A carefree laugh escapes my throat. “This is better than any prom. You always make everything better.”

  Leaning down, he places his mouth over mine, trailing his tongue across the seam of my lips, eliciting deep shivers throughout my body. I pull him closer, by the back of his neck needing all of him. Our lips fuse together, gliding over each other in a hot kiss that I feel all the way down in my toes.

  Pulling away, Liam points to the basket of goods on the ground. “Champagne?”

  A rueful grin twists my lips. “Pretty sure you’re not allowed to have champagne at prom.”

  Liam shrugs, then shoots me a wink. “There’s no rules at this prom,” he says pouring us each a glass of the bubbly. I take a sip and slowly take in the beautiful night around us. The stars are starting to brighten with each passing minute, winking down at us from the endless arch of black and blue, beyond the moon’s silvery light. When I turn back around to face Liam, my heart lodges itself in my throat. He drops down to one knee in front of me, and I swear my entire body explodes.

  “Bea Norwood, I have loved you since the first time I laid eyes on you. You are the strongest, most selfless, beautiful person I know. Marry me. Spend the rest of your life with me. Give me a chance to show you for the rest of our lives how much you mean to me.” Those graphite-blues stare up at me and I lose it. My chest expands with so much emotion, I don’t even bother keeping it together.

  “Yes,” I sob out, through my tears. I throw myself at Liam, wrapping my arms around his neck, counting my lucky stars that we found our way back to each other. He chuckles, catching me effortlessly, squeezing my tiny body against his. He slips the ring on my finger slowly, and I gasp at how beautiful it is. A pear-shaped diamond sits on a white gold band with diamonds strewn around the band like the stars in the galaxy. Our galaxy.

  I stretch out my shaking hand and stare down at the ring with a smile on my face.

  “It’s so beautiful. I love it,” I say, unable to fight the grin and the tears trailing down my cheeks.

  “Just like you.”

  It’s a struggle to hold back my tears of happiness when I say, “Marry me tonight, Liam. I don’t want to wait anymore.”

  A wide, brilliant grin spreads across his face and his hands cup my cheeks as he says, “I thought you’d never ask, sweet girl.”

  Liam takes my mouth in a kiss that changes everything. It’s filled with fierce love and passion, making me forget what planet I’m on. All I can focus on is him. He’s my planet. All my stars. My whole world. My solar system. My entire universe.

  Liam Falcon is my everything. He always has been, and he always will be.

  I used to think Liam and I were star crossed lovers, just like Tanabata and Kengyu, but I was wrong. Our love was written in my scars, just as it was scattered across the stars. We were always meant to end up here, in this very moment, wrapped in each other’s arms. With fate on our side, nothing would ever tear us apart.

  When I hear car doors slamming shut, I pull away slightly, just enough to look over my shoulder and more tears spill down my cheeks. Heading toward us with huge smiles on their faces are my family, fully dressed for a wedding. I place a trembling hand over my mouth, trying to contain my happiness and the tears, but they just won’t stop. I shift back around, looking up at Liam only to realize he’s been staring at me this whole time. Love shines in his eyes as he watches me. Just like he always does. Unable to help myself, I lean up onto my tiptoes and I kiss the man I’ve waited my whole life to marry.

  Liam Falcon is the boy who captured my heart, and the man who saved my life.

  He’s my soulmate.

  He’s my one and only.

  He’s my happily ever after, and this was our story.

  Thank you.

  Thank you for going on this journey with Bea and Liam. I know it wasn’t easy, and at times, I know you’ve thought about putting the book down and stopping forever, but seriously, thank you.

  Truth is, I’ve never written a book that has changed me as a person, or, altered my life in such a big way. But Bea and Liam did.

  I wrote Bea’s story almost two years ago. It was just as raw and just as heartbreaking, so I shelved it, because I was afraid of my readers opinions. The first few drafts of Ache were completely from Bea’s POV, until about a year after I wrote it, I felt Liam’s character talking to me, wanting to tell me his side—how he felt, etc. So, I went back in and made some changes and let the story unfold the way it was meant to.

  The first person I sent this story to was a close friend. Her reaction scared the shit out of me, because even though she loved it, she suggested I skim over a few of the more…horrid details. So once again, I shelved it, because deep down I knew I could never change Bea’s story. I’d never take her voice away from her. It would be unfair of me to sugarcoat her story, because truth is, this is something that happens every day and there are too many people too afraid to talk about it or shine light on the subject matter. I also knew, as a writer, I wasn’t ready to share this story with my readers. But now I am.

  I feel like this huge, suffocating weight has been lifted off my shoulders with this release. Do I hope you, the readers, love this book? Yes, one hundred and ten percent, yes. I want everyone to love Bea and Liam as much as I do. But will that be the case? I honestly don’t know, and I’m okay with that.

  To this day, I still think about Bea and Liam every day. Their story is one that will stay with me forever. One that I’m proud I could tell for the both of them.

  This book was incredibly difficult to write. Partly because of the subject material, but also because I felt so connected to these characters in a way I never have before. I cried almost every single time I wrote or made edits. Even now, I’m getting choked up as I write this because I feel Bea and Liam in my heart. These characters are with me every day.

  For me, having the opportunity to be a writer, and share my words with others, is a chance to make change and express myself. I know how taboo the subject of suicide and rape is—and I think touching on that in this story is what scared me. But if I’m being honest, I think these are the stories that need to be told. Not just your fluffy, easy read. These stories that reflect real life, that can touch readers, or anyone going through something similar is what I live for.

  After months of struggling with this decision to publish, I’m so glad I did, because not only have I given my characters a voice, I’ve given every victim a voice too, every soul that has been lost because they didn’t know how to cope. I hope you all find a semblance of solace in Bea and Liam’s story. I hope you’re able to find the laughs, breathe through the pain, and smile through your tears. But most of all, I hope against all hope, you’ll find the unrequited love between two star-crossed lovers.


  Selena (S.M.)

  A huge thank-you to Annette Brignac and Michelle Clay of Book Nerd Services. Thank you both for pushing me to publish this book, even when I was a nervous wreck and wasn’t sure if I wanted to. Thank you for listening to my rants, my sobbing voice messages and everything else in between. I love you both so, so, much. I know I say that a lot, but it’s the God’s honest truth. You ladies are my family. <3

  My Beta Babes: Sarah, Rebecca, Helen, Amy, Jennifer, Sera, Annette and Michelle—thank you for pushing me to dig deeper and give these characters everything they deserve. All your feedback helped immensely!

  Huge, huge, thank you
to Autumn Grey. Thank you so much for loving this story and these characters. All your advice on certain scenes are incredibly appreciated!

  Sarah Sentz from Musings of the Modern Belle—I’m thanking my lucky stars you barged into my life and started reading my books because I don’t know where I’d be without your support! (Insert all the heart eyes and crying emojis here) Your teasers for Ache were absolutely breathtaking. Love you, woman!

  Cassie Chapman and Helen Altafulla—I don’t really know what else to say other than I love you both. Seriously. Imagine if we lived next door to each other? HAHAHA.

  To all the incredible ladies at InkSlinger PR, especially Jessica Estep, THANK YOU! I would be an unorganized mess without your help. Thank you for the billion and one things you do for me!

  And another huge thank you. My readers. You babes are everythingggg! I never imagined I’d be able to do this, writing all the words for you ladies for a living. So thank you. From the bottom of my little black heart. <3

  Blogger Babes: You all are AMAZING! Hands down. Thank you for every social media post/blog post/tweet—everything! I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know!

  Thank you to Regina Wamba for helping bring my vision for this cover to life. The photographs you took for Ache’s cover were absolutely stunning! You’re incredibly talented, sweets!

  My ARC and Street Team—thank you for constantly pimping me out, I love you guys! <3

  And to all the other people I’m certain I’ve somehow forgotten, thank you! I don’t mean to be a dick and forget, buuuut, well, I have a horrible memory so try not to be too mad at me. LOL

  National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-272-8255

  National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673


  Scoring the Quarterback Preview

  An epic Frenemies to lovers romance.

  Luke Caldwell has three abhorrent qualities to him:

  1) He’s a pig-headed jock.

  2) He’s a grade A asshole with the biggest, overbearing ego.

  3) He’s a manwhore.

  These three qualities alone should’ve had me running for the hills. I tried to steer clear of him, I really did, but it was an impossible feat. Luke Caldwell was nothing if not persistent and the way he bulldozed through my life, not taking no for an answer is proof of it.

  I tried to stay away from him.

  I wanted to hate him. But I couldn’t.

  Luke was nothing like the idiot jock I pegged him out to be. He became a friend, a confidant, and after one unforgettable night, he became so much more.

  Whatever this is between us, it’s impossible to ignore. I just hope when all is said and done, I won’t be burned by the college bad boy.



  “I can’t believe we’re actually wasting our Friday night picking up this demon.” My best friend Sam groans from the passenger seat.

  My hands tighten on the steering wheel and I blow out a deep breath. “I know. Believe me, this is the last thing I want to be doing tonight, but if I don’t give her a ride from this party, I’ll never hear the end of it from her or my dad, so we’re ending this before it starts.”

  Sam grumbles something unintelligible under her breath and I roll my eyes at her.

  I’m supposed to be home studying for a psych exam on Monday, while my best friend Sam is missing her date in order to ride with me. Granted, I said I could manage to pick up the anti-Christ on my own, but she refused, being my best friend and all.

  My half-sister, better known as the anti-Christ, AKA Gina, called me in the middle of my study session, demanding I pick her up from the party she’s currently at. Music blared through the speakers and I had to scream over the line just to be heard by her. It’s still a mystery to me how my sister gets invited to these parties, because she doesn’t even go to college. Even without being enrolled at San Diego State, she’s still known by more people on campus than I will ever be—which is totally fine by me. I’m there for one thing, and one thing only—my education. Everything else can just take a back seat.

  Screw the whole college experience.

  Thumping music and loud voices blare outside my car as we get closer to the frat house that’s throwing the party. I’m still a few blocks away, but I know if I drive any closer, there will be no parking up ahead. I pull out my phone and tap out a message to Georgina, letting her know I’m here. I glance at Sam who’s texting furiously on her phone.

  “Might want to slow down before you break the screen, Sam,” I admonish.

  “Shut up, Natalia. This is all your fault you know,” she says, turning to me with narrowed eyes. “I’d be getting laid right now if it wasn’t for you. You know that, right? You know how angry I get when I go without a good dicking—it’s been two fucking days!”

  I sputter a laugh and receive a death glare from Sam. “I’m sorry, but no one told you to come, Samantha. You could’ve stayed home, taken your own car to get the ‘D’,” I chide.

  “You’re right, but I wasn’t about to let the devil walk all over you when you came to get her, so technically I should be getting a thank you.”

  “Thanks,” I reply sarcastically, unlocking my phone. There are no new notifications for text messages or calls.

  Damn my sister.

  She probably won’t bother to check her phone again, which means I’ll physically have to get out of the car, walk into a frat party, and let her know I’m here. I shiver just at the thought. Running a frustrated hand through my hair, I concoct a plan.

  “Okay, new plan, how do I look?” I ask Sam with a raised brow. She eyeballs me up and down, then shrugs.

  “Like you just came from the library, same as usual. Why?” I don’t have time to chew her out for saying I look like a librarian. Instead, I unbuckle my seatbelt and throw the car in park.

  “I’m gonna have to go down and get her. She won’t hear any of my calls with that loud music.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” Sam damn-near yells. “Fuck the bitch. It’s not your job to babysit her, Natalia. You’re twenty-two years old for fucks sake, so that has to make her almost thirty!”

  I groan and rest my head on the seat. “She’s my sister Sam. And she is not thirty. She’s only two-and-a-half years older than me.”

  “Half. She’s only your half-sister. Let us not forget the devil was once an angel too.”

  Huh? I knit my brows together. “What does that have to do with anything?”

  She shrugs. “I’m not even entirely sure. I was just trying to make a correlation between her and the devil. Sounded better in my head though, obviously.”

  I shake my head and chortle at her stupidity. Damn, I love her.

  “But seriously, she’s the anti-Christ, let’s not forget that major factor,” she states as she tries to talk me out of doing this, all while I’m trying to talk myself into it. I don’t want to be anywhere near that damn party, but what other choice do I have? None. I never have a choice when it comes to my sister. For as long as I can remember, it’s always been about Gina. I think over the years, growing up, my father tried to overcompensate for cheating on Gina’s mother, then having a child with someone else. He’s always done everything to placate them. It sort of makes me feel like I’m in a freaking Cinderella story or something. But that’s just something I’ve learned to live with.

  I close my eyes and give myself a mental pep talk.

  You can do this. Just in and out.

  Who cares that you’re wearing yoga pants and a tank top. Just do it.

  “Wish me luck,” I say as I push the door open and hop out of the car. With my phone gripped tightly in my hand, I walk up the street, unsure of where exactly I’m supposed to be going. Red plastic cups litter the sidewalk, letting me know I must be close. The deafening roar of rap music and wild college party goers only gets louder the closer I get. Light streams through the wide open front door of the house a few yards away from me. Drunken coll
ege kids fill the space inside and I force my legs to keep moving.

  Here goes nothing.

  I trudge across the lawn in my flip flops and hear a few drunken snickers from girls dressed to the nines in skimpy outfits and heels. I look down at my outfit and shrug, continuing toward the front door. I squeeze my way inside between the crowded bodies, unable to see beyond all the dry humping before me. “White Sand” by Migos blares throughout the house and I’m half tempted to cover my ears.

  Just go in and come right back out. In and out.

  I recoil when hands slide around my hips.

  “Oh, no you don’t!” I shout whirling around slapping the hands wrapped around me. Some guy, drunk off his ass, lifts his hands off my hips and moves onto his next victim seemingly unbothered by my outburst.

  Jesus. I sigh irritably, pushing my way through all the dancing college kids—who seem like they’re in their own world—in search of my sister.

  I somehow manage to wiggle my way into the living room where I spot her immediately. On. Her. Fucking. Phone. My eyes narrow as I push my way through the bodies aggressively to get to her. When I do, I’m out of breath and seeing red.

  “What the actual fuck, Georgina!” I shout in anger. Her eyes snap up from her phone to my enraged ones. She proceeds to roll her eyes at me in a dramatic fashion.

  “What’s the problem now, Natalia?”

  My mouth hangs open and I gape at her. Is she kidding? She must be, right? I clench my teeth, mustering up enough strength to proceed.

  “Georgina.” I say her name as calmly as I can. “You asked me to give you a ride, and I drove all the way from my place to get you.” She stares back at me, waiting for me to go on, which only serves to thin my patience. “I let you know I was here almost twenty minutes ago. What the hell?” I shout, way past the point of trying to be calm with her.

  She narrows her own eyes. “I didn’t say to get me right away Natalia, all I did was ask for a ride, but I meant later. See, if you were paying attention you would’ve noticed that major little detail,” she scolds, and I have to fight the urge to punch something or someone in the face.


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