Make Me Stay

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Make Me Stay Page 8

by M. E. Gordon

  JJ was the last to pull up. He did have a muscle car--a blue 1969 Dodge Challenger. It was a sexy beast. I had gotten to ride in it twice since I had moved in. Once to the grocery store and once to his mom’s house for dinner. As the boys would say, it made me purr like the kitten they thought I was. As much as I hated it in the beginning, that stupid name had grown on me. Looking back, if you would have told me I’d be working in my father’s bar, be surrounded by a hunky pack of rock stars who referred to me as their mascot Kitty, I’d have laughed in your face. Yet here I am, and I don’t hate it--that much.

  I couldn’t help myself. “Don’t you guys think you should go clean up before you make your groupies sit on your laps tonight? You fucking reek! I can smell you all the way up here!”

  All five heads turned my way. Reece raised his hand and saluted me with the middle finger.

  “Oh shut up, drink your beer, and enjoy the view,” Kane said, while flexing his arms, in a bodybuilder way.

  Oh, why did he have to do that? I stood from my chair and leaned over the railing. “Why are you guys even here?” I asked.

  “We’re meeting our friends from Fallen, plus we got to pack our stuff up so they can set up for tonight’s show.” Aiden replied, while re-doing his shoulder-length black hair into a man bun atop his head.

  I knew nothing about this band Fallen, but the crowd last night seemed to know exactly who they were. I guess I’d be meeting them soon.

  “I’m coming up to use your bathroom,” Kane said, as he walked from his truck.

  “I don’t think so. Use the one in the bar. I don’t need your smelly ass in my house. It’s bad enough its wafting up here,” I said this as he kept walking under the patio and finally out of sight. That asshole! I stood there for a second, eyeing the rest of the guys in guilty pleasure, drank the rest of my beer, then left the balcony. I’ll be damned if he was going to use my bathroom, I don’t need his ass anywhere near my toilet.

  I strode across my room and ran smack into Kane, sweaty, dirty, and fucking sexy as hell.

  “I don’t think so Kane,” I said, pointing a finger at his chest.

  “Kitty, move, I helped put this bathroom together, I’ve used it before, and I’m going to use it now!”

  Ew, he had used it before! Like recently?

  “Yeah, let that sink in. While you’re down there serving drinks all night, I come up here and use your bathroom. I can really relax in there. It must be the lavender candles that you have.”

  Clenching my fists at my sides, I ground my jaw. “Get out of my room.”

  He stood there looming over me, his hat still on backward holding his mess of curls back. His raw scent tickled my senses and I had to do everything I could to keep my hands at my sides. He didn’t have a lot of tattoos, but the ones he did have were delightful to look at. He had some colorful design over his left peck, which led all the way over to his shoulder, and down to his elbow. He didn’t say anything, just turned from me and headed toward my bathroom. I was shell shocked, not only that he was actually going to use my bathroom, but at the tattoo that ran across his shoulder blades.

  That wonderful scent that was coming off of him had disappeared, replaced by something foul. That fucker farted in my room! Hell if I’m going to let him blow my bathroom up! I ran straight at him and jumped on his back. I slipped on his slick damp skin but that didn’t stop me, it only slowed me down, I was out for blood. Clearly, I had taken him off guard. He stumbled forward to gain his balance back and as he did, I laced my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, so I wouldn't slip again. “You are not going to take a shit in my bathroom, Kane!”

  He stood still, his arms dropping to his sides. His head hung down and he was shaking, while I clung to his back.

  “Woman, don’t think I won’t go in there with you on my back to get my business done.” I quickly jumped off his back. Rotating toward me, he cocked his head. “You can’t keep your hands off me, can you?” He stood there, crossing his arms and looking all sexy.

  “You’re insane. Whatever. Use the bathroom,” I said, throwing my hands up in defeat. Right now I just wanted him to get it over with and leave. He was too fucking sexy standing there and I didn’t know how much longer I could hold out.

  “Oh, I’m not insane. You saw something you liked last night in that river and now you want more,” he said, taking a step toward me. “I know I saw something I liked. You just got to get out of your head and let me in.”

  “I don’t have to do shit, Kane. I’m not in my head. I just don’t like you,” I said back, my hands on my hips.

  “You see, I don’t believe you. I believe that you’re doing everything in your power not to reach out and get another taste. I know this, because I’m in the same boat. I don’t know what it is about you. Maybe it’s because you’re holding out on me, but fuck if I don’t want to shove you up against that wall and have my way with you.”

  I hadn’t noticed, but I was backing up and hit the wall behind me. Kane was toe to toe with me, hovering over me as he spoke.

  I knew he had ideas that involved getting in my pants, but this seemed a little different. I don’t like different. Different is dangerous. His lips came millimeters away from mine. I should have pushed back. My brain knew that, but my body was frozen. When I didn’t move, he took that as go ahead. Damn it! I reached up, grabbed the back of his neck, and pulled him the rest of the way so our lips finally touched. His hat fell off his head and hit the floor as my hands ran up the back of his head. It wasn’t a nice kiss--it was a fucking amazing kiss.



  Shit, she tastes good. It had been a long month since the last time I kissed her. I had tried to use other women to get over that scrumptious taste, but they never seem to be as good as her. I fisted her hair at the back of her neck, pushing my body into hers, farther against the wall. Her hand left my neck and came up my face, tossing my hat off. She fisted my hair, pulling me closer to her. I usually hated when women played with my hair, but fuck if it didn’t send goose bumps down my arms.

  I was lost in her, and I was loving it. That is, until I got pushed back.

  “Kane, I can’t do this, we can’t do this,” she said, holding her hand over her mouth, as if to keep from kissing me again.

  She looked close to tears and I didn’t have a clue why. It felt right with her. Why does she keep pushing me away?

  “Caroline, what’s the problem?” I asked, squatting a little so I could get eye to eye with her.

  She looked up at me, tears filling her eyes, but not spilling over. “My dad--I work here. It’s just--I can’t,” she said.

  I didn’t believe her. “B won’t give a shit. You know that. You’re a grown-ass woman, you can do what you want. Who cares if you work here? All the better, I said, in a sad attempt to make a joke.

  “I don’t like you.”

  “Are you asking me or telling me, because it sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself.” I stood straight, running my hands through my sweaty hair

  “Just use the bathroom,” she said, tossing her hands up as she turned away from me.

  “Caroline, I don’t get it. You kiss me like you never want to let go then push me away and say you don’t like it. That’s fucked up.”

  Her hair fanned out as she spun back around. “What do you want me to say Kane? I don’t want to be another notch on your belt. I let this go further, it might be great, or hell, you might be horrible--”

  I quickly cut her off. “I’m not horrible. For the record, I’ve been told I’m amazing.”

  “Doesn’t matter, Kane, I’m not going to be that girl. You’re not going to sleep with me today and then someone else the next. I don’t do that, you do, so it’s never going to happen. Now use the bathroom and get the hell out.”

  I stared down at her deep blue eyes. Nope, still don’t believe that. “You’re going to crack and tell me what the hell is going on, eventually, because that shit you just
said doesn’t make any sense. You’ve had one night stands, I know it. I also know you watch my every move. I know this because I watch yours. You’re a game changer, Kitty. I’m not against cutting it down to just you, if that’s really your issue, but I know it’s not.”

  Shock came across her face and mine the moment those words left my lips. I can’t believe I just said I’d give up my amazing sex life to sleep with her.

  “Stop! Just shut up, Kane, you don’t mean that,” she said, shaking her head.

  I stood there, looking at the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, and I did. I meant it. Holy shit! I was falling hard for Kitty, and not merely in a sexual way. “I do. I will fucking give it up for you.”

  The tears she had kept in her eyes finally spilled over. She shook her head no, the same time I was nodding yes.

  “No! No, you don’t. Kane, you and I can’t be together, ever. I’m done talking about this. I slipped up, and it won’t happen again. I won’t let it happen again.”

  She sounded like she was talking to herself and not me.

  “Caroline, you do get what I’m telling you, right? I’m saying that I will stop sleeping with other women, to be with you. Holy crap, I can’t believe I just said that out loud.” I scratched my head, still amazed that I felt this strongly about her.

  “I get it, Kane, but it doesn’t matter. It’s not you. It’s...well, it is you. I like you. I like hanging out with you, I like our banter, but I can’t do more than that with you.”

  She straightened up, wiped away the few tears that were still under her eyes, and I knew that I wasn’t going to make any progress now. She had that fucking wall back up and, apparently, she was not going to let me over it anytime soon. So I took a step back from her, putting a few feet between us. “I’ll do it, Caroline. I’ll do it because for the first time in...well, ever, I don’t want to stick my dick in anyone unless it’s you. That kind of pisses me off, now that I think about it. You fucked me up, big time,” I said, pointing to her.

  “Save it, Kane. I’m sure you’ll be balls deep in some girl tonight, and I know for damn sure it won’t be me!”

  Popping her hip to the side she crossed her arms again, while throwing me a dirty look.

  “I swear to you, Kitty, if you have ruined sex for me, I’m...I’m going to...”

  “What, Kane, what are you going to do to me? Lock me the freezer again?”

  Fuck her! I kept walking until I had her backed up against the wall again. “I’m not going to stop next time. I’m going to make sure you know all that you’re missing. Your little ‘No, Kane, I can’t,’ won’t mean shit, because I have a feeling you really want to say ‘Yes, Kane, don’t listen to me and fucking ram me hard!’”

  I didn’t touch her, I didn’t kiss her, I didn’t let her have another word. I just turned around, grabbed my hat from the floor, and walked into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. When I came back out, she was nowhere to be seen. I left her room and headed down to the bar. The guys and me had to move our stuff to the back, so that we could help Fallen set up. I went out the back and grabbed my guitar case from the cab of my truck. The guys were still standing around having a beer.

  “Kane, man, you all right?” JJ asked, coming to stand next to me as I pulled the case out all the way.

  “Your fucking cousin is ruing me,” I said, getting in his face.

  “What the fuck! I have nothing to do with her. She’s a breed all her own. Must get it from her mom’s side,” JJ said, pushing me back.

  That was when it hit me--her mom. This all had to do with her mom. The way she’d been acting, something was making her hold back from me, and I had a feeling it was her mom, but how could her dead mom keep her from fucking me? I knew I didn’t have the best track record with moms, but I couldn’t even begin to figure out how to schmooze a dead one.

  “I’m sorry, man,” I said, clapping his shoulder.

  “It’s fine, bro. I’d just leave her alone. There’s going to be new tail here tonight, and if Kitty isn’t giving it up to you, may as well find someone who will.”


  Fallen had arrived. The four piece band was good. They weren’t as good as us, but they were good. They had their own following from the city and made sure to bring the best of the bunch with them. Which included their lead singer Chloe. I had a tendency to wander down that all-too-familiar path every time we hung out. She was a knock out, and unlike our fans, the band had a good deal of men following them just because of her. Chloe and her twin brother Collin had started the group. They were good on their own, but with the help of Hunter and Levi, they were amazing.

  Caroline had made herself scarce since our incident in her room. It was nearly time for Fallen to go on, and I hadn’t seen her all night. I knew she was working tonight. One of the other girls was off for a wedding, so B needed her to be here. I scanned the room and even walked into the pool hall, but she was nowhere.

  I ignored and kept my distance from, the long-legged, dark-haired, tatted-up beauty that was Chloe. As stupid and fucking love sick as it sounded, I didn’t want Caroline to see me with her because, I knew Chloe, and she’d be all over me. I couldn’t hide forever, though.

  “Kane, sexy-ass Lawson. Where the hell have you been hiding all day? You trying to avoid me?” Chloe’s sultry voice, swirled around my ear, as her hands ran up my chest from behind.

  I turned in her hands, and we ended up nose to nose. She was an Amazon and fuck if those green eyes weren’t begging for it.

  “I’ve been busy,” I said back, keeping my hands at my sides.

  “Not as busy as you’re going to be later on tonight. I didn’t take the hour drive out here just to sing.”

  When she tried to bite at my lip, I thought about backing up, pushing her away. Then I decided fuck it. If Caroline was going to be a bitch about things, I may as well try to move on. So I let her take my bottom lip between her teeth, then I let her suck on it, because I’m a man, after all.

  “Chloe, come on. Stop sucking face with Kane and get onstage,” Collin, her twin brother said, walking up behind her, he grabbed her arm, and pulled her toward the stage.

  Saved by the brother. Never thought I hear myself say something like that. I walked up to the table where the guys were sitting. It was crowded and people kept clamoring around us. I sat down and tried to act casual. I had just came into a conversation, so I sat back and listened.

  “I don’t get it. What does he have, a golden cock or something?” Reece asked. “I can’t believe we just walked by and let it happen, I feel like we should have stopped it,” Aiden added.

  “I haven’t punched anyone in a while. Maybe I should go back out there,” Trent said, cracking his knuckles.

  “What are you guys talking about?” I finally asked, since I couldn’t for the life of me figure it out.

  “Dude, it’s Kitty,” Reece said.

  “What about her?”

  “When we came in from outside, we...well, we’re pretty sure she was fucking Nate Rodg--”

  JJ couldn’t even finish his sentence before I was up and out of my chair. The music had started and people were dancing. I made my way around them, determined to get out back and fucking punch that asshole in the face. If I couldn’t have Kitty, then no one was. I got all the way to the door when I ran into Caroline.

  “Jesus, Kane! You scared the shit out of me,” she said, clutching at her chest.

  “Nate Rodgers! You’re shitting me right?” I watched as her jovial smile was replaced with irritation. “Not four hours ago, you tell me you can’t even kiss me, and I got to hear it from the guys that they saw you fucking Nate Rodgers out back!”

  Grabbing my arm, she pulled me back outside.

  Once there she dropped my arm. “Jesus, Kitty.” I cringed as I kept walking. I needed to put some space between us. I was frustrated as fuck! I spun back around and saw her standing there like she didn't know what the hell was going on. “Did you? Did you fuck him?”
/>   I’d walked all the way to the other side of the patio, but I still saw the disgust and anger on her face before she stomped her feet in my direction. “No, Kane. Not that it’s any of your business, but no I didn’t fuck him. Will you quiet down?”

  Relief washed over me. Why did I care so much? I shouldn’t care this much.

  Nate was a regular, but ever since the first night he came and talked with Caroline, he was always hanging around, waiting for her to come talk, looming around out back. I guess I underestimated him.


  “Good? Kane, I don’t know what you think this is, but if I want to fuck Nate as you so blatantly put it, I’m going to fuck Nate. I’m human, I get horny, and if he’s willing, it’s going to happen. There isn’t a damn thing you can do about it to stop me. You don’t see me running after you every night, while you suck face with every Heather, Jane, and Sally.”

  She had a point.

  “A little heads up would be nice. I just told you I’d give up all that for you. You think I wouldn’t care if someone was fucking you in a parking lot? You’re fucking insane. I’m fucking insane for ever thinking you were worth it. Fuck who you want, Kitty, ’cause I sure am.”

  I was furious. Nope, I was beyond furious, if there even was such a thing.

  “Kane, stop being so dramatic.”

  I had walked away from her, even farther, to the edge of the parking lot that backed up to the woods.

  “You okay, Kitty?” Trent asked, walking up next to her.

  I turned around to see not only Trent, but the rest of the guys surrounding her. She didn’t look at them, her eyes were fixed on mine, and, for a split second, I saw the girl that I had laid down in her bed that first night. The girl who could see me, see through the rock star, the playboy, the asshole. She was seeing me, Kane Lawson.




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