Give and Take

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Give and Take Page 38

by Adam Grant

  versus interdependence, 73

  and takers, 69–73, 81

  working alone, 69–73

  Influencing others

  and communication of givers. See Powerless communication

  and takers, 130

  traits related to, 130

  Inman, Stu

  and escalation of commitment, 114–17

  talent in others, recognizing, 108–11

  undervalued players, giving chance to, 118–25

  Intelligence, investment theory of, 104

  Intention questions, 142, 142n

  Investment theory of intelligence, 104

  Isaacson, Walter, 153


  Jacobson, Lenore, 98–99

  Jecker, Jon, 152

  Job crafting, 262–63

  Job promotion, and givers, 186–89, 204–8

  Johnson, Samuel, 32

  Jones, James Earl, 129

  Jones, Steve, 18

  Jordan, Michael, 109, 115n, 122–24

  Judge, Timothy, 203


  Kahneman, Daniel, 33

  Kahnweiler, Jennifer, 265

  Kampen, Emerson, 180

  Kanengieter, John, 75

  Karma Kitchen, 266

  Karsten, Anitra, 168

  Kaufmann, Edgar, 68–69

  Kawasaki, Guy, 45–46

  Kersey, Jerome, 120, 124

  Khare, Rohit, 40

  Kickstarter, 268

  Kim, Eugene, 75

  Kindness Offensive, The, 267

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 27

  “Kissing up, kicking down,” by takers, 32–33

  Kiva, 231, 268

  Klimecki, Olga, 165

  Knowledge workers, working alone, 70

  KnowNow, 40, 42

  Kolditz, Tom, 106

  Komisar, Randy, 10

  Kopelman, Josh, 31

  Korsgaard, Audrey, 114, 116

  Krech, David, 242

  Kurkoski, Jennifer, 263


  Landy, David, 152

  Lane, Don, 143–46

  Lange, Paul van, 91n

  Langer, Ellen, 169

  Lay, Kenneth

  and Bush family, 28, 29, 34, 44–45

  disguise as giver, 27–28, 32, 38–39

  favors, expected return from, 44–45

  networking style, 29–30, 44–45

  recognizing as taker, from annual report, 35–37

  as taker, 27–29, 34, 44–45

  Leadership development

  talent in others, recognizing. See Talent development

  typical approach to, 103–4

  Lee, Howard, 39–40

  Legal profession, powerless communication example, 126–29, 134–35, 141–42, 146


  animals, 34–35

  CEOs, recognizing in, 35–37

  Lester, Scott, 116

  Let’s Go, 209–12

  Letterman, David, 62, 66

  Levin, Daniel, 50

  Lewis, Harry, 245

  Lewis, L. James, 79

  Liles, Kevin, 119–20

  Liljenquist, Katie, 150–51

  Lincoln, Abraham

  elements of greatness, 14–15

  generous tit for tat by, 199–200

  as giver, 10–16

  as selfless giver, 12–13

  LinkedIn, 38

  best networker (2011), 41–43

  takers, recognizing via, 39–40

  Listening, and powerless speech, 136–37, 139–40

  Little, Brian, 48, 215

  Lobby, The, 24–25

  Logan, Stephen, 12–13

  Long, Tim, 74–78, 83, 85, 93

  Love, Kevin, 125

  Love, Reggie

  biographical information, 94–97

  potential, recognized by others, 94, 96–97, 105

  Love Machine, 264

  Lovitz, Jon, 73

  Lyubomirsky, Sonja, 171


  McAdoo, Bob, 109, 115

  McCall, Michael, 84

  McCloskey, Jack, 117

  MacKinnon, Donald, 64–65

  McLean, Bethany, 28–29

  McNatt, Brian, 100–103

  Mandela, Nelson, 184

  Mann, John David, 267

  Marriage and dating

  choosing wedding gifts, 89–90

  couples negotiating, 196

  responsibility bias, 81–82

  selfless giving problem, 170n

  Martin, LaRue, 108–11, 115, 117, 122, 125

  Maslach, Christina, 161, 177


  advice seeking from, 153

  attributes related to, 5–6, 33, 43n

  and burnout, 178–79

  and collaboration, 76, 78–79

  and Craigslist, 216–20

  dormant ties, reactivating, 52

  generous tit for tat, 198–201

  givers disguised as, 22–23

  giving and motivations of, 43–45, 223, 228, 237–38, 244, 258

  giving style of, 258–59

  negotiation by, 149

  and networking, 43–44, 45

  and self-fulfilling prophecy, 101

  success, view of, 256–57

  takers punished by, 33–34

  and tit for tat, 198

  trading value by, 55

  traits related to, 5–6, 33, 43n

  Matteson, Joel, 11–12

  Medical profession

  burnout predictors, 178–79

  givers in, 7, 17–18

  hospital affiliation and performance, 70

  patient contact, importance of, 167–68

  perspective gap in, 87–88

  Medtronic, 168

  Meglino, Bruce, 114, 116

  Mehta, Nipun, 266

  Meyer, George, 61–67

  biographical information, 61–63, 65–66, 72

  code of honor of, 75

  as collaborator, 66–67, 72–78, 83–86, 88–93

  creativity of, 65

  and crediting others, 77–78, 83–84, 93

  expedition behavior of, 74–75

  as giver, 65–67, 73–78, 83–86, 93

  own contribution, downplaying, 83–85

  and perspective taking, 88–91, 90–91n, 92–93

  Michaels, Lorne, 62

  Miller, Dale, 23

  Minds Matter Philadelphia, 161–62, 165–66, 171, 174–75

  Misner, Ivan, 60, 267

  Modesty, and powerless communication, 130–54

  Moltz, David, 108

  Monk, 62

  Moon, Henry, 114

  Morris, Michael, 205–6

  Moskovitz, Dustin, 31

  Motivation, 156–78

  cause, need for givers, 163–66

  chunking versus sprinkling and satisfaction, 170–75

  energy gains and giving, 175–77

  hundred hour happiness, 173–74

  impact vacuum, filling by givers, 162–69

  otherish choices, 157–58, 169–79

  self-interest versus other-interest, 156–58

  takers, 162–63

  Murnighan, Keith, 50

  Murphy, Terry, 111, 122

  Myspace, 38


  Name-similarity effect, 228–33, 231n

  Neal, Lloyd, 115


  advice seeking during, 150–53

  empathy trap in, 196–97

  and givers, 148–50, 205–9

  and matchers, 149

p; otherish approach to, 205–9, 211–15

  and powerless speech, 148–54

  shifting from taking toward giving, 250–54

  and takers, 149

  Nelson, Leif, 234–35

  Networking, 34–60

  benefits from, 30, 46–50

  contagion of giving, 56–58

  dormant ties, 50–54

  energy network map, 52–53

  giver networks, operation of, 46–50, 52–56

  and givers, 31, 41–58

  karmic moments, 46–50

  and matchers, 43–44, 45

  online. See Social networks

  Reciprocity Ring, 239–45

  reconnecting over time, 46–54

  and takers, 29–30, 43–46, 56

  takers, recognizing, 34–38

  Newmark, Craig, 216–17

  New Show, The, 62

  Nordgren, Loran, 86–87

  Norton, Michael, 183, 234–35

  Not Necessarily the News, 85

  Nowak, Martin, 198–99


  Oakley, Barbara, 157

  Obama, Barack, and Reggie Love, 94–95

  Odenkirk, Bob, 93

  Office, The, 63

  Ogilvie, Bruce, 121

  Olajuwon, Hakeem, 115n

  Omine, Carolyn, 64, 76, 86, 92–93

  106 Miles, 42, 49, 52, 56

  Opower, 238

  Optimal distinctiveness theory, 233–34

  Oshinsky, David, 79–80, 82

  Other-interest, as motivation of givers, 156–58

  Otherish approaches

  chunking versus sprinkling, 170–75

  Freecycle as, 223–24

  generous tit for tat, 198–201

  giver motivation, 157–58, 169–79

  negotiation strategy, 205–9, 211–15

  and resilience, 179

  in writing, 170n

  Overbrook High School (Philadelphia), 158–62, 176

  Owen, David, 61–62, 65–66


  PandaWhale, 41

  Park, Joyce, 41–42, 48–49

  Parker, Andrew, 52–53

  Parker, Sean, 31

  Parker, Sharon, 76

  Patterson, Ray, 115n

  Pausch, Randy, 199

  Payne, Don, 75, 86

  PayNearMe, business pitch for, 1–5, 8–9

  Pelham, Brett, 229

  Pennebaker, James, 136–37, 170n

  Perlow, Leslie, 172

  Perspective taking, 86–93

  and advice seeking, 151–52

  and givers, 88–91, 92–93

  meaning of, 87–88

  and older siblings, 90–91n

  and takers, 88, 91–92


  in negotiation. See Negotiation

  and powerless speech, 142–48

  Phelps, Nancy, 138

  Photographs, takers, recognizing in, 35–37

  Pink, Daniel, 130, 135

  Pisano, Gary, 70

  Plesse, Sherryann, 22, 255

  Polio vaccine, as collaborative effort, 79–81


  as getting business, 10

  givers and success in, 10–16

  Porter, Terry, 120, 124

  Potential in others, recognizing. See Talent development

  Powerful communication

  limitations of, 132, 148

  of takers, 130, 133, 147

  Powerless communication, 130–54

  advertising theme example, 142–46

  advice seeking in, 150–53

  downsides to, 146–47

  elements of, 130–31

  and group performance, 147–48

  lawyer and success, 126–29, 134–35, 141–42, 146

  listening in, 136–37, 139–40

  and negotiating, 148–54

  and persuasion, 142–48

  practicing, 265

  pratfall effect, 134–35, 134n

  and presenting, 131–35

  questioning in, 139–42

  and selling, 136–42

  tentative markers in, 144–46

  vulnerability, expressing in, 133–35, 151

  Pratfall effect, 134–35, 134n

  Prestige, influence through, 130

  Productivity problem, and givers, 58–59, 155, 172–73, 186–87, 210–11


  defined, 48

  and givers, 48–50

  Psychological safety

  created by givers, 85–86

  negative aspects of, 85n


  gossip as, 34

  of takers by matchers, 33–34

  Pushover effect

  assertiveness problems, 201–9

  empathy trap, 195–201

  otherish approach to, 205–9, 211–15

  trusting others, 189–94

  Putnam, Robert, 55–56


  Quaid, Randy, 73


  intention questions, 142, 142n

  in powerless speech, 139–42

  Quigley, Jim, 265


  Ramsay, Jack, 110, 117

  Random acts of kindness site, 267


  and burnout, 165–73, 177–85

  and collaboration, 63–93

  and crediting others, 77–93

  and culture, 5–6n

  and motivation, 156–78

  and networking, 34–60

  powerless communication, 130–54

  pushover effect and givers, 189–215

  styles. See Givers; Matchers; Takers

  talent development, 94–125

  Reciprocity Ring, 239–45, 261–62

  giving, ease of, 243–44

  and takers, 244–45

  Renkoo, 41, 48–49

  Repacholi, Betty, 90


  effects of giving on, 38–40, 67, 76–81, 145, 187, 244

  gossip as punishment, 34

  social network information on, 38–39


  and happiness, 183–84

  and otherish, 179

  Resource Systems Group, 44

  Responsibility bias, 81–86

  Richards, Ann, 44–45

  Rifkin, Adam Forrest, 40–43

  five-minute favor, 54–60, 264–65

  as giver, 41–43, 46–50, 53–56

  giver network of, 46–50, 52–56

  Green Day fan site by, 46–48

  maxim of, 47

  and other Adam Rifkin, 228–29, 232

  productivity of, 59

  Rifkin, Adam (Hollywood Adam), 228–29, 232


  helping in emergency, 226n

  in politics and givers, 12–15, 199–200

  Robbins, Frederick, 79, 82

  Robertson, Oscar, 121

  Rocket Lawyer, 9

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 126

  Rosen, Ben, 187

  Rosenthal, Robert, 98–99

  Ross, Michael, 81

  Rosso, Brent, 248

  Rouf, Raymond, 43, 53, 55

  Ryan, Richard, 175


  Sacks, Mike, 63, 93

  St. Aubin, Ed de, 68, 69, 92


  glass ceiling and women, 201–3, 203–4n

  less for givers, 203–4n

  of taker CEOs, 36

  Salk, Jonas

  credit for work, claiming, 79–81

  and perspective gap, 91n

  and r
esponsibility bias, 82


  as givers, 7, 135–42

  Salk, Peter, 81

  Sands, Greg, 192–93

  Saturday Night Live, 62, 72–74

  Schwartz, Barry, 243

  Schwartz, Shalom, 20–21

  Scully, Mike, 64

  Second Life, 264

  Seeley, Elizabeth, 179

  Seinfeld, 62, 93

  Self-fulfilling prophecy, 99–102

  teacher behaviors related to, 99–102

  Self-interest, as motivation of givers, 156–58

  Selfless giving

  asking for help, avoiding, 176–77, 268

  empathy trap, 195–201

  as pathological altruism, 157–58, 170, 170n

  in politics and giver, 12–15

  productivity problem of, 172–73, 186–87

  pushover effect and givers, 189–215


  and givers, 137–42

  and powerless speech, 136–42

  stereotypical views of, 135

  SendLove, 264

  Service sector, givers in, 17–20

  ServiceSpace, 266

  Shader, Danny, 1–5, 8–9, 192–93

  Shambora, Jessica, 42

  Shields, James, 11–12

  Shipp, Abbie, 187

  Showtime, 53–54, 229

  Sicoly, Fiore, 81

  Silten, Bobbi, 16

  Silverstein, Shel, 21

  Simmons, Russell, talent in others, recognizing, 119–20

  Simon, Carley, 128

  Simon, Herbert, 155, 185

  Simon, Sam, 63, 67, 88–89

  Simonsohn, Uri, 231n

  Simpsons, The, 63–64, 66

  as collaborative effort, 74, 76–77, 77n, 83–86

  Sincerity screening, 189–94

  and agreeable versus disagreeable persons, 191–93

  Singer, Tania, 165

  Skender, C. J.

  habits of, 107n

  talent in others, recognizing, 96–97, 101–2, 105–6, 117–18

  Skilling, Jeff, 37

  Small, Deborah, 231

  Smith, Adam, 216, 220, 222

  Smith, Charles Miller, 180

  Smith, Dean, 123n

  Smith, Tommie, 110–11

  Smith, Will, 93, 158

  Soccorsy, Ben, 168

  Social networks. See also Networking

  beginning of, 38

  best networker (2011), 31, 41–43

  reputational information, access to, 38–39

  takers, recognizing on, 30, 39–41, 43

  Social support, burn-out, benefits for, 177–78

  Sonju, Norm, 118

  Sonnentag, Sabine, 176n

  Sorenson, Derek, as giver, shift to, 250–54

  Spencer, Graham, 46–50

  Spitznagel, Eric, 66

  Sprinkling, versus chunking, 170–75

  Stanton, Edwin, 16

  Staw, Barry, 112–13

  Stephen, Andrew, 231

  Stern, Ithai, 150


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