Thug Mansion (Thug Passion Book 8)

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Thug Mansion (Thug Passion Book 8) Page 4

by Mz. Lady P

  “Thank you for loving me when it was the hardest thing to do. I love you so much and I promise that I’ll never ever mistreat you again. Especially if you’re going to be slicing me up and shit. My arm hurts like hell and I need you to make it feel better.”

  I looked up at him and rolled my eyes because he thought that he was so slick. He smiled at me with those irresistible pearly whites that had their own way of making me give in to his ass. I placed soft kisses on his stomach as he gently pushed my head down towards his dick. After making love to his dick with my mouth, we made passionate love to each other until it was time to get up and start a new day.

  Since we were all exhausted, we decided to keep the kids home from school and have a family day. It’d been so long since I allowed them to just eat junk food and pig out on whatever they wanted. We all made pallets in our movie theater and chilled back and watched movies all day long. It was just us and the kids, spending quality time like all families should. This was the best feeling in the world to me. Remy was in one of the best moods ever. I loved to see him smiling and spending time with the kids instead of sulking and getting fucked up in his office. This was the beginning of us getting back to the original Mr. and Mrs. Remy Ramirez, Jr.


  It had been a minute since I’d seen my mother. She’d been all in her feelings about me building a relationship with my aunts. She claimed that she didn’t care because she didn’t fuck with them like that, but in reality I knew that she did. I didn’t understand why she acted the way that she did towards them. Peaches and Gail had been trying their best to get past the past, but she just wouldn’t let go. At the same time, she thought that I was supposed to do the same thing to them. That just wasn’t going to happen. Growing up the only family I had was my father’s side of the family. Now that I’ve gotten to know my mother’s side, I never want to be away from them. It’s crazy how I’m married to my cousin’s brother. Not only do I have more family members, but Remy has a family that loves him and wants to be in his life. Remy is blessed beyond measure. It was meant for him to go through all that shit with his parents, because there was something greater on the horizon for him.

  Despite me building relationship with my aunts and cousins, I still missed my grandmother. Madear had picked up and moved down to Mississippi with Deacon Black. I still can’t believe that man ended up leaving his wife for her. I really don’t know why I’m all surprised, my grandmother was a damn heathen. She went and took all the holiness out of that man. He doesn’t even like to be called Deacon anymore. Now you know they going straight to hell without passing go or collecting two hundred dollars.

  I missed Boo and Honey, as well. They moved down to Atlanta and opened up their own strip club. Can you believe that? After all that shit Boo took Honey through in regards to her stripping, he follows her down to Atlanta to run a strip club that she inherited from one of her old bosses. They were down there doing the damn thing. Their club was one of the hottest in the A. Boo still ran shit with Peanut for Remy, but he spent most of his time down there.

  Peanut and Neicee were still in the Chi. Thug had been trying to get him to join Thug Inc. but he hadn’t decided yet. Peanut was good just running things for Remy. He felt like that’s what he’d been doing for years and loved doing it. He just didn’t feel good about being a part of it. Peanut is different like that. He just marches to a different beat than everyone else.

  Neicee was now running Remy’s strip club full-time and it’s been doing really well. She’s remodeled the club and hired all new dancers. My father has taken on all of Remy’s businesses and business has been good. I’m thankful for my family, because they go so hard for Remy. I don’t know where he would be without them.

  Our journey had been long and hard, but we all made it. Our relationship’s survived what the world thought it couldn’t. I’ll forever be grateful for the hard times because it made us appreciate the good times. Life is great for all of us. I just need to convince my mother to build a relationship with her sisters. I feel like we won’t be fully complete until she does.

  Chapter 6- Got Me Fucked Up


  Peaches was being really petty at the moment by just picking up and going down to Atlanta without saying shit to me or Thug. I’ve been running around here looking for this nigga Quanie because I thought he did something to my Momma, but all along her ass was in Atlanta. To make matters worse, she took that man’s kids without even telling him. It’s safe to say that nigga was on his way to the A to drag her ass right back home. I know he ain’t crazy, so he won’t put his hands on her. Then again, that might just be what she and Gail need. I love them with all my heart, but they really need the men in their lives to break a good foot off up in their asses. Their thot ass behavior lately is cause for a good old-fashioned ass whooping. Peaches knows better. I’m kind of glad her ass is gone down there. Now she can’t drop her damn BeBe’s Kids off on me and my wife every chance she gets.

  I barely want to watch my own kids, that’s why I dropped them off on her ass. I’m still pissed she went and got pregnant. Knowing she got a damn slave ship full of grandchildren already. That’s Peaches for you, though. She always springs some shit on you out of the blue. That’s my baby, though. I miss that old bird. She’s so mad at me I’m on the damn blocked list. Y’all know that hurt my heart.

  Peaches is the first woman I knew how to love and she’s pushing me away. All because she did wrong and she wants to play the victim. Y’all know I’m a momma’s boy and proud of it. She gone make me jump on the plane my damn self and drag her ass back to the Chi my. Who in the hell gone cook for me on Sundays? I’m mad as hell just thinking about the shit.


  It had been a minute since I kicked it with my nigga’s Sarge and Dro. Ever since the incident with Barbie fucking her baby Daddy, she’s been on my dick. She thinks I’m on some revenge type shit, but I’m not that type of nigga anymore. Now, the old Malik would have been nailing hoes to the cross and giving out the good word with this dick. I’m on my grown man shit these days. Barbie and I have come to a place in our relationship were we don’t have to go tit for tat with one another. We both agree to disagree. She might throw something across the room at me, and I might break my foot off in her ass then turn around and fuck the lining out her little pussy. That’s just how we roll. That’s our thing. It’s not for anyone to like or understand because we have a love that no one understands but us, and we like it that way.

  “What’s up my niggas?” I said as I walked into Ta’Jay and Sarge’s backyard. Sarge was on the grill and Dro was rolling a couple of blunts up.

  “Waiting on your slow ass. What the fuck took you so long?” Sarge asked as I handed him the ice and liters of Remy that I’d grabbed.

  “Nigga don’t question my damn timing, my name Malik not Ta’Jay. By the way, where is my lil’ baby anyway?” I observed Sarge’s jaws clench in anger. I shook my head because I didn’t have time for this shit with him and my sister. I thought their asses were cool but his actions showed different. I looked at Dro and he just shook his head and lit the blunt.

  “She probably out with her nigga.”

  I looked at this motherfucker like he’d lost his mind.

  “What the fuck is you trying to say?”

  I was now standing to my feet because what he said pissed me off. That shit was nothing but a better way of calling my sister a hoe and that shit didn’t sit right with me.

  “I’m saying that Ta’Jay cheating on me with some nigga down at Chi-City Cutz, the barbershop in the complex where her boutique is,” Sarge was talking so cool, calm, and collected. The shit was pissing me off because he was acting like it wasn’t shit.

  “So why the fuck is you flipping burgers and shit while she out popping that pussy for another nigga?”

  “I did some fucked up shit to her in the past, so I guess she on her get back shit. I’m gone let her have her fun, though.”

  “Barbie pulled that
same stunt and got a nigga decapitated behind it. I don’t give a fuck about what the fuck I ever did to Barbie in the past. If I fucked every bitch in the city of Chicago, it’s still not okay for her to be on revenge type of shit. Shit makes her look bad, that’s just the way of the world. I can’t tell you how to handle your wife, but as her big brother I’ll put a bullet in any nigga that think fucking her is cool.

  “Your ass almost got some hot shit, but you my nigga and I know you love her. Ta’Jay got life fucked up right now. Handle your shit, my nigga. I know you think some shit will happen behind getting in her shit. We’re men before we’re anything. Thug, Quaadir, and I are husbands so we know how this shit feels. Handle your wife as a husband because I’m definitely going to handle her ass as a big brother. I’ll holla at you niggas later.”

  I was livid just knowing Ta’Jay was out on bullshit and she knew that she was dead ass wrong. Especially since I’m a silent owner in Chi-City Cutz because I run drugs through that bitch. Yeah, we got a motherfucking problem, businesswise and personally. I distinctly told this nigga Cam to stay the fuck away from my sister. I saw the way they were flirting with each other. She tried to act like it was nothing but I’m a nigga and I saw how this bitch ass nigga was fucking her with his eyes. I also saw how she was low key mind fucking him. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know what was going on.

  As soon as Sarge said what he said I knew that he was talking about this bitch ass nigga Cam. He thought I was a motherfucking joke, but I was about to show his ass I most definitely wasn’t. I can’t stand a disrespectful ass nigga. Motherfuckers wonder why they get murked behind fucking a nigga’s wife. He knows full and well that she’s married. I have a problem with this nigga disrespecting my right hand man Sarge. Bitches gone be bitches. Niggas know the motherfucking code, though. Never fuck with another man’s wife. That’s law.

  I headed straight to her boutique. This is why Peaches needs to be her ass here. I could tell shit was about to go left without her presence.


  “Oh shit Malik!” Ta’Jay yelled as she hurried up and jumped off of her desk in her office. This nigga Cam was eating my little sister pussy. I started having a heart attack like Fred Sanford, stumbling and every damn thing. I swear I felt dizzy and lightheaded. Once I gathered myself, I blanked the fuck out and started beating this nigga ass.

  “Malik stop!” I heard Barbie’s voice and looked up as she tried to get me off this nigga Cam’s ass. I yanked away so hard her ass fell and I didn’t care because she knew about the shit. Her and Ta’Jay are partners in crime. Once I was satisfied with beating his ass, I picked his ass up and put him on his shit.

  “Now get ya bitch ass the fuck out of here. I told you to stay the fuck away from my sister. Now I come in here and you licking on her pussy and eating her groceries and shit.”

  “This shit ain’t over nigga!” he said as he backed out the door.

  “Is that a threat, my nigga?”

  I pulled my gun from my waist and let off one. Made that nigga jump around like he was James Brown on the motherfucking good foot. He hauled ass out of there. I turned around and smacked the shit out of Ta’Jay. She looked at me with so much hurt and pain in her eyes.

  My anger got the best of me. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt, but this shit she was doing was not cool and bad for business. She grabbed her purse and ran out of her office.

  “Really Malik? Why would you hit her like that?” Barbie said as she stood to her feet.

  “Shut the fuck up before I slap your ass for being in on that shit!” I said as I stepped in her face.

  “I wish you would. I told your ass the last time you put your hands on me was the last time. I’m going straight to the County Jail,” she said as she walked out of the office with her middle finger in the air

  “Yeah aight. I’ll see your ass at home and ya stanking ass better beat me there!”

  She knew to get the fuck out of dodge with all that shit she was spitting. I was pissed the fuck off for catching this fuck nigga eating on my sister pussy. Not to mention I was mad at myself for losing control and hitting her. I knew she was gone call Thug and Peaches. Even if she was in the wrong, they were definitely going to be at my head. Ta’Jay does no wrong in any of our eyes. But she was wrong for doing this. I expect her to carry herself better than these thot ass bitches out here.

  I looked at my nigga Sarge and he was hurt and that shit hurt me. I knew for a fact he’d changed and did it all for Ta’Jay. What the fuck was wrong with these Boss Lady Bitches? Their get a nigga back game is way too strong for me. Barbie had my ass crying and sucking my thumb in the damn corner when I overheard her on my voicemail fucking that nigga. I’m a living witness to not being able to take what I dish out with regards to cheating.

  I already knew what my nigga was feeling. She has never looked at another nigga since they’ve been together, let alone let him fuck. The way he was eating her pussy let me know he’d done hit that shit several times. I needed to shake the image out of my head. Shit was disturbing as fuck. I needed to call my Momma and tell her about this shit here.


  I walked inside of my house and I was surprised to see Ta’Jay sitting at the table with Barbie. She looked up and had tears in her eyes. I felt bad but I was still mad about the shit. I grabbed me a Corona from the refrigerator and went to check on my kids.

  Lil’ Malik and Malikhi were playing his game and London was on the computer, as usual.

  I headed straight to my man cave. I needed to calm the fuck down. Ta’Jay is my baby and we’re close in our special way because we share a bond that’s deeper than being brother and sister. Our childhood abuse made us stronger in the sense that it makes us depend on each other in adulthood. For some reason it’s like we’re each other’s crutch when shit gets hectic. Ta’Jay should have come and told me that she was having problems. I can’t help her with her womanly ways, but as a big brother I could have given her a male point of view.

  Niggas in the barbershop talk about everything. If I ever hear those niggas in that bitch talking shit about my sister, I swear I’m airing that bitch out and burning it to the ground.

  “I’m sorry, Malik.”

  I looked behind me and Ta’Jay was standing behind me. I turned around and drank the rest of the beer I had.

  “I’m sorry for putting my hands on you. That shit wasn’t cool at all.”

  “I fucked up, Malik. Sarge is going to kill me when he finds this shit out.”

  “He already knows, so you need to be trying to figure out how to make shit right with your husband.”

  She started crying like a motherfucker. One would think he was whooping her ass the way she was shaking and crying. I wanted to feel sorry for her, but I just couldn’t because she brought this shit on herself. She’s not a little girl anymore. Ta’Jay is an adult who made a poor decision and now she has to deal with it.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Thug said as he walked in and sat next to us. I looked at Ta’Jay so she could tell him. Just thinking about the shit had me pissed off.

  “I’ve been cheating on Sarge with Cam from the barbershop.”

  “Dead that shit immediately!” Thug roared. Nigga was so loud he made me jump.

  “But I—”

  “No buts, Ta’Jay. End that shit or that nigga life comes to an end!” Thug roared looking like the damn beast he is. See nothing I did was going to even compare to what he would do. He was, without a doubt, the father we never had. I talk shit and I play a lot, but at the end of the day, his word is law. Period and point blank. Ta’Jay ran out of my man cave crying. Thug and I looked at each other and shook our heads.

  “Can you believe this shit, man?”

  “I saw him eating her pussy with my own eyes and I still can’t believe it,” I said as I flamed up a cigarette. My nerves were bad as fuck being related to all these dysfunctional ass people.

  “Don’t even tell me anymore. This shit making me want to
go and murk that nigga. Does Sarge know about this shit?”

  “He told me. That’s what made me go to the boutique to talk to her ass. That nigga calm as fuck. Over at the house cooking and acting like it’s okay for her to be out here being a damn thot.”

  I was so mad that I wanted to go back to their house and kick his ass for being a weak ass nigga about the situation.

  “Sarge better fuck that nigga up.”

  I nodded my head in agreeance with Thug. The nigga definitely had to do something.

  “Have you talked to Ma?” I asked.

  “Hell no. She got my number blocked. I just got off the phone with Quaadir. He want us all to come down there. I told him that I need to holler at my wife first. She always doing shit without running it by me first. Knowing her ass, she’s probably planning trips to Europe and shit.”

  “Just let me know. I’m down for whatever.”

  “Let me get out of here. I promised Ka’Jaiyah I would pick her up from school and take her to get a dog.”

  “She ain’t gone do shit but make this one kill itself, too.”

  Something was off about my niece and I don’t care what anybody says. She worried the shit out of that damn dog. She changed its clothes all damn day, putting it on pampers and putting it in strollers and shit. She treated that dog like it was a human baby. Lil’ nigga died to get away for her ass. Thug knows it’s the truth, he just won’t admit it.


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