Thug Mansion (Thug Passion Book 8)

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Thug Mansion (Thug Passion Book 8) Page 10

by Mz. Lady P

  “I’m fine, baby. Go make sure your brothers and sisters are fine. Tell baby girl to order some pizza and hot wings for everybody. Thanks for checking on me. Now go on out and let me and your Daddy finish talking.”

  KJ walked out of the room, but I saw apprehension in the way he walked out.

  “In a minute he gone think he can whoop his Pops. Did you see that little nigga swelling up at me?”

  I could tell that KJ’s demeanor upset Thug, but he was trying not to show it. I also knew that he was about to go even harder on me. I was prepared but he better be as well. I was not about to just sit here and let him chastise me like I was a child. That shit’s dead.

  “Back to you, Boss Lady. I was thinking about what I said about Boss Lady Inc. being shut down until further notice. I changed my mind and I’ve decided to make it indefinitely. This shit has went to your head and I’m done with the blatant disrespect. In the beginning, I thought the shit was cute. But now the shit is completely out of hand. Y’all have had your little fun with this shit, but it’s officially over. You can call your crew and tell them it’s a motherfucking wrap!”

  “I’m not calling and telling them shit. Who are you to say that what the fuck I built is finished? In case you forgot, we’re more than some bitches that meet up and sip wine and discuss their nothing ass husbands. We’re some real ass bitches and we do real things. Last time I checked, Boss Lady Inc. had a body count out of this world. You think the streets only fear you? I understand you’re the motherfucking Boss and you run shit. However, you run Thug Inc. That’s your shit. I run boss Lady Inc. and we’re in full effect.

  “I respect you as my husband and your position in these streets, but I’m gone need you to respect me as well. The way you handled me today in front of everybody was downright disrespectful and embarrassing. If I had done that you, you would’ve beat my ass and you know it. Respect me and my position, Thug. You walk around all the time talking about the respect that you deserve. If you want respect, you have to earn it. You can say and do whatever the fuck you want to do to me, but I’m telling you right now Boss Lady Inc. is very much still in operation.”

  I sipped on my wine and stared at him dead in his eyes without as much as a blink. He just started laughing like some shit was funny and that made me mad. He didn’t take one word I’d said seriously and that had me thinking he thought this shit was a joke. So, I threw the rest of the wine I had in my glass in his face.

  I tried to walk away but he grabbed my by the back of my neck and slammed me face down on the chaise. I was squirming, kicking, and screaming trying get out of his grip, but he had me tight as hell. He had my arms twisted behind my back in a way that made me think he was going to break my shit if he applied anymore pressure.

  “I will kill you in this motherfucker, Tahari. I’ve blew a nigga brains out simply for stepping on my motherfucking shoe and not apologizing. There are only three reasons you’re still alive and breathing after all of the shit you’ve pulled over the years. One, I love the shit out of your ass. Two, you’re the mother of my children. Three, and most importantly, you’re my wife. Stop playing with me Tahari, and do what the fuck I said.

  “You don’t want to make me your enemy because I’ll forget that you’re my wife. I don’t know why you continue to defy me and flat out say fuck me. That’s that disrespectful shit that I don’t like. I’m telling you the shit is over, but you want to defy me to prove a point. I’m telling you right now and this my last and final time saying it. Boss Lady Inc. is officially over. If you go against my wishes, consider yourself an enemy in these streets. If you continue to operate in the city without my permission, you will pay contributions just like everybody else. I want fifty thousand a month from you. If you want to play, you have to pay. It’s the rule of the streets and I run these motherfuckers. You know how I get down, Tahari. We’ve been married some time now, so please don’t take this shit lightly. The choice is yours and I advise you to choose wisely. We can either make passionate love or have an all out war around this bitch.

  “I’m done playing and pacifying your ass when all you’re going to do is turn around and disrespect not only me, but my crew as well. That shit is not cool that y’all be on. You bitches walking putting ya hands on gangsters. The only reason they haven’t fucked y’all up is because we’re all married. At one point the shit was funny, but it’s not funny to me anymore. Boss Lady Inc. is a memory. I hope you had your fun while it lasted because the shit is over. Now, I’m gone let you up and if you swing on me I’m going to beat your ass.”

  Thug finally released my arms and let me up. As much I wanted to go across his shit, I didn’t. At the moment I felt low, disrespected, and unappreciated. Despite the fact that from time to time me and the other girls stick up for each other when it comes to these fucked up husbands of ours, we’ve gone so hard for them in these streets. It’s niggas out here in the streets that would kill to have a bitch that ain’t scared to stand beside him laying his enemies down. Thug basically just said Boss Lady Inc. was a motherfucking joke and I couldn’t get with that.

  Outside of everything, I’ve been more than a wife and mother to this nigga’s children. I’ve forgiven him for everything he has ever put me through and still stood firm beside him killing any and everything moving. These days him cheating on me doesn’t even cross my mind because we’re past that stage. However, I would much rather he had cheated opposed to telling me that what I’ve sacrificed for him is nothing more than a joke.

  I hadn’t cried over anything that Thug has done to me in years because we’ve been in a great space. I was hurt because I felt like everything I had ever done for him was in vain. It was obvious it meant nothing to him. So fuck him and Thug Inc. I calmly got up and went to check on my kids. They were all in the theater. I looked behind me and Thug was hot on my heels. he was trying to see what I was up to. It’s not often he manhandles me and I let him. I walked outside and I went to the guest house to see Marta. She was outside planting flowers.

  “Hey Marta, I need a really big favor from you.”

  “Anything for you Mrs. Kenneth. What do you need me to do?”

  “As you know the kids are on spring break and I don’t have any time to take them on vacation due to all the business that I need to handle here with the businesses. So, I was wondering if you can take them out to California for about two weeks. I would really appreciate it. They’ve been dying to go to Universal Studios.”

  “Of course, no problem. I’ll pack their clothes now. Just get the itinerary together for me and I’ll handle everything else. You look like you need a break. I’m so proud of you Mrs. Kenneth. Never in a million years did I think you had it in you to be a stay-at-home mom.” We both laughed because Marta basically raised my kids and I’m so glad that I’ve been more hands-on with them.

  “Thank you so much, Marta. You’re the best.” I turned around and headed back in the house to book their flights and hotel. I walked right past Thug who was confused as fuck because he had no idea what the fuck I was doing. I was just too calm and he knew I was on good bullshit.

  “Guess what y’all? Marta is taking you guys to Universal Studios for spring break. I have some things I need to handle here so that’s why I can’t take you but I might fly down there and spend some days with y’all. Is that cool?

  “Yeah, that’s cool Ma. Don’t worry about us. You and Daddy need a vacation anyway,” Ka’Jairea said. It took everything in me not to say something smart. Instead, I smiled and headed in my office to book the flights and send out texts to all my girls to meet me the next day at our headquarters. There was some shit I needed to discuss with them with regards to the future of Boss Lady, Inc.

  Once I had the hotels and flights booked, I went and spent some time with all of them before their flight in the morning. From time to time I would catch Thug looking at me with narrowed eyes. I had his ass perplexed. He didn’t know what was going through my mind or what I was plotting. I was cool as a cucumber.
He knew I was plotting but I didn’t give a fuck. He better stay on his toes fucking with me. I’m not taking this shit lying down. For right now, I’ll just smile, be the obedient and respectful wife that he wants me to be. I sat in the movie theater watching Friday After Next for the hundredth time with the kids. They watch this shit all day every day but I’ll watch whenever they wanted if it meant I would get to spend these priceless moments with them.

  “I don’t know what the fuck you’re up to but you better get it the fuck out of your head. All this shit is a front that you’re putting up. Don’t start nothing you aren’t prepared to finish,” he whispered in my ear and made sure to suck on my earlobe. If I wasn’t so mad at him, it would have me ready to fuck the shit out of him. I didn’t even bat my eyes or turn around to make eye contact with his ass.

  “I’m already finished,” I said in a low tone that only he could hear. I heard him blow out air in frustration and that made me laugh on the inside. I had him fucked up in the head. I didn’t have to cut up or curse Thug out. Just me being nonchalant was driving his ass crazy, but I was not done just yet. This love and war he spoke on was just getting started.

  Once all of the kids had gone to bed and the house was clean, I decided to lay it down. I was mentally and physically tired from the day’s events. I just wanted to get in bed and lie down. I walked inside of my bedroom and was surprised to see Thug sitting up in bed with his back up against the headboard stroking his dick and staring at me lustfully. He was naked as the day he was born. There was something about the way his tatted hands glided up and down his dick. Call me crazy but that shit looked so damn sexy and gangsta.

  Thug knew exactly what he was doing to me. I’m weak as fuck when it comes to his sex. I’m the true definition of being dick silly but he made me this way by giving me that thug passion. As much as I wanted to be mad at him, I couldn’t deny the fact that my husband was even sexier than the first time I had sex with him in Peaches’ room. He was now completely covered in tattoos. He damn near had no more room for anything else. He had just recently had his pussy monster tattoo redid and it was bright red with imprints of my lips surrounding it. It looked even better than it did before.

  I was hurt by Thug’s words and his actions towards me earlier. But, the feeling in my pussy wouldn’t let that get in the way of my need to feel him inside me. I didn’t speak a word as I undressed and walked up the steps to climb into our huge California king poster bed. I seductively stood over him and slowly glided down on his dick without hesitation. I didn’t need him to do nothing to get me wet. His handsome face made my shit go drip drop on sight. I didn’t want to speak a word to him. I just wanted to ride his ass to sleep because he when he woke up he was going to be mad as fuck.

  “You know I love you right?” he said, as his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

  “I love you more.” I reached down and sucked on his bottom lip as I roughly bounced up and down on his dick. I wasn’t trying to make love to him. I wanted to fuck his brains out. My husband had forgotten that I was a beast in the streets and the sheets. He was going to give me the fucking respect that I had earned over the years. I covered his mouth and rode his ass into a coma.

  After fucking each other’s brains out I was exhausted but unable to sleep. So, I got up and prepared myself for this war I was about to start. I never wanted to be at odds with my husband but this was the only way I was going to get him to see that I took Boss Lady Inc. very serious. I was so fucking serious about the shit that I placed fifty thousand dollars on our bed as he slept along with a note that read: I’m not defying you. I’m just doing what makes me happy. I love you but I’m ready for that war you spoke of.


  I sat in the conference room of Boss Lady Inc. headquarters dressed in my hot pink and black biker suit. It was a beautiful April day in the Chi so I decided to take my brand new custom made motorcycle out. I sat in silence smoking on a fat ass Kush blunt watching as Barbie, Ta’Jay, Khia, Keesha, Rosé, Dior, Chanel, and Gucci walked into the conference room dressed in all black and pink as well. That was one of my rules: for us to always wear pink and black during meetings.

  “How are you feeling, sis?” I asked Ta’Jay. She was walking real slow and she looked pale. Her ass needed to go back to that damn hospital. I was kind of mad at myself for edging her on to pop off on Sarge. I should have known better because she was in no condition to be swinging a steel bat or fucking Sarge’s car up.

  “I’m good, sis. My back hurting but I’ll be okay. Sarge brought the kids to me last night but he left like it wasn’t shit so I cut all the tongues of his Retro Jordans and the ass part out of his boxers. Then this morning he come in with a damn nanny and nurse to help me get better and help out with the kids. I kind of felt bed I fucked his shit up.”

  “You know Sarge is shoe fanatic. He’s going to fuck you up for what you did to them shoes.’

  “I know but fuck him. He wanted to make me suffer so I’m gone make him cry. That nigga love his Jordan collection more than he loves me and the kids. Besides that, it feels kind of good to be with the kids. Li’l Sarge and Sema’Jay have been sticking to me like glue. You know they’re some momma’s boys. Ta’Jariea loves her Daddy and her brothers. She don’t fuck with me period. That’s my little princess though.”

  “That’s the same shit at my house.” Just thinking about my kids made me miss them. I made sure to get all of them off to the airport before I got ready for this meeting that I had called. Thug’s ass was still sleeping like a baby. This pussy put his ass to sleep just like I knew that it would. I shook the thought of Thug from my mind because he was the last thing I wanted to be thinking about while I was discussing Boss Lady Inc. business.

  “I know y’all wondering why I called this meeting but after the events that transpired yesterday, I thought that it was well needed for all of us. I don’t know what you and your husbands discuss behind closed doors with regards to Boss Lady Inc. and it’s really not for me to know. I’m gone keep it one hundred with y’all because that’s what I’m supposed to do. Thug has shut down Boss Lady Inc. indefinitely. He feels like I’ve taken my role as boss lady a little too far and he thinks this shit is one big joke.

  “All of you know how dedicated I am to this movement. No, scratch that. All of you know how dedicated I am to my husband. Thug gets the highest honor. I hold that man down through thick and thin but he doesn’t respect me and the sacrifices I’ve made for him. Fuck that. Everything I’ve done I did it for us. I deserve to be able to run Boss Lady Inc. my way. Of course with you guys’ input.

  “Yesterday he flat out embarrassed me not only in front of you guys, but in front of his crew as well. What we did to Sarge yesterday was apparently the last straw for him. He has put his foot down and said that Boss Lady Inc. is finished because he’s Thug and of course, he’s the boss. However, I’m Tahari and I’m the boss of this shit right here. Without you guys, I don’t know where I would be. I’ve put my heart and soul into Boss Lady Inc. right along with you ladies. I feel like everything we do when it comes to our husbands has been to benefit them and to make our families flourish.

  “I can’t help but to think of where Thug Inc. would be without Boss Lady Inc. Like I’m sitting here thinking about when we did our first hit on the Santerelli family and took their asses out because they were fucking over our husbands. Or, that time I killed the head nigga in charge when I posed as a stripper. For my husband I would lay down and die a million times. So, excuse me if I’m in my feelings about him discrediting what it is we do and my intentions for Boss Lady Inc. I know that Thug is feared and the status that he holds in the streets. So, I understand if you guys want to follow his orders and be finished with Boss Lady Inc. This is something personally for me outside of the business aspect of it. So I have a point to prove and I will not walk away from Boss Lady Inc. because he wants me to.

  “Boss Lady Inc. defines me as more than Thug’s wife. I will not let him take me up out my glo. I
’ve come too far with this to stop now. I’ve been giving in to Thug and I’m losing Tahari to make sure he’s happy and content. I deserve the same in return and he’s not giving me that. Now don’t get me wrong, Thug loves me and Lord knows I love him. I’m just hurt that he feels the need to take something from me and threaten me if I don’t abide by his rules. I’m his wife not his child. I’m getting all in my feelings so let me get straight to the point.

  “I’m not stopping Boss Lady Inc. This is going to cause so much drama because I’m defying him. I do not want you guys to be in the middle of our shit because this shit will get ugly. Right here and now some decisions need to be made with regards to where we stand as a team. Please know that if you decide to stand down, that’s fine and there will be no hard feelings. We are a family before anything so I respect your wishes.” I leaned back in my seat and waited to hear what the girls felt. Their opinions and views mattered the most to me.

  “I think that I could speak for everyone in this room when I say that without you some of our marriages probably never would have made it. I‘ve always been the one to question you guys and judge your actions when it came down to the decisions you made with how to handle certain situations, especially you and Barbie. I used to be so hard on you guys about my brothers. I was young then and I didn’t understand my role as a wife even though I had a husband.

  “My family has always babied and shielded me from everything. I didn’t realize all the things you had been trying to teach me until my husband wanted to leave me and in the process he was handling me like a whack bitch. Being around you ladies gave me the strength to fight back. I love my brother and I know that he’s going to be mad but I’m a motherfucking boss lady,” Ta’Jay said as she banged her fists on the table.

  Before I could respond to what she said the warehouse door opened and in walked Thug Inc. with Thug standing front and center. He had one of the angriest looks on his face I had ever seen.


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