You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 11

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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 11 Page 4

by Nikhil Parekh

  What was there in those teeth; that made me perceive night and day about

  the enchantment in smile?

  What was there in those eyelashes; that made me hide my reflection within; even in the most tumultuous of storms?

  What was there in that chest; that made me go berserk every unleashing minute

  for an everlasting embrace?

  What was there in those nails; that made me shiver like an infant even in scorching heat of summer?

  What was there in that belly; that made me trip head on the mud; even while I was walking in spiked shoes?

  What was there in those hair; that strangulated my throat; made me gasp for air with every contraction of my heart?

  What was there in that blood; that made my pulse race a million times faster each time I felt it running through the veins?

  And what was there in that body; that propelled me to love each time I saw it; that triggered my existence till date today; and for many more generations to unfurl hereafter? 




  When you smiled; it seemed that a million lotuses fell on the parched territory of earth,

  When you cried; the waves in the ocean clashed flirtatiously with the blazing chain of rocks,

  When you sang; the birds in the jungle forgot to chirp and a celestial

  silence descended all over,

  When you ate; the most abhorrent appearing logs of charcoal seemed like golden nectar,

  When you wrote; the most nonchalant of literature seemed like a string of shimmering pearls,

  When you danced; all gods in heaven gathered to watch in stunned silence,

  When you yawned; there seemed to be a valley of eternal bliss right down your throat,

  When you were naughty; it seemed as if the most heinous of criminals around

  you were small children,


  When you perspired; it seemed as if the melody in your aroma pacified the most tumultuous of turmoil,

  When you winked; it seemed as if springs of white froth gushed down the pristine slopes in lazy tandem,

  When you walked; it seemed as if a cluster of fairies had fallen from the sky to permanently inhabit the earth,

  When you slept; it seemed that the most glittering of gold was showered

  unrelentingly from the cosmos,

  When you bathed; it seemed as if shriveled and decayed beauty in this world had taken a new birth,

  When you shivered; it seemed as if the mesmerizing night had forgotten to unveil into the sweltering day,

  When you sneezed; it seemed as if lost charm and exuberance flooded back into the atmosphere,

  When you blushed; it seemed as if silver bolts of lightening plummeted from the sky igniting multiple fires even in frozen water,

  When you screamed; it seemed as if the profoundly gloomy ambience exploded in fury; to illuminate the blackness,

  When you stared; it seemed that all the uncouth and barbaric activities were replaced by unparalleled innocence and empathy,

  And when you breathed; I felt that I was re-born; and as each breath of yours caressed my skin; I felt myself more and more entangled in the bonds of your

  romance .



  I didn’t need blazing fires; as I had her flesh in intimate contact to ignite my yearning desires,

  I didn’t need the turbulent ocean; as I had the river of her ecstatic tears

  cascading down my neck,

  I didn’t need the poignantly smelling lotus; as I had her luscious lips to kiss unrelentingly and feast upon,

  I didn’t need mesmerizing sights of the world viewing through my binoculars; as I found all beauty and fantasy embedded in her curled eyelashes,

  I didn’t need water to drink; as the last drop of my thirst was quenched with her mere caress,

  I didn’t need a spurious sequence of laughter; as her innocuous gestures when she played; made me have the smile of my life,

  I didn’t need dreams to inundate my mind; as my ultimate reservoir of imagination lay encapsulated in her hands,

  I didn’t need food to eat; as the profound empathy in her expressions made me entirely oblivious to both morning and night,

  I didn’t need enchanting sounds; as the melody in her voice pacified infinite infernos exploding in my mind,

  I didn’t need time to be acquainted with; as the enamoring complexion of her lids had cast a mystical spell on my life,

  I didn’t need brilliant sunlight to shimmer across my face; as I had the austere rays emanating from her persona to enlighten my darkness,

  I didn’t need a couch impregnated with pure gold to sleep upon; as I had the moistness in her lap to succumb to an everlasting slumber,

  I didn’t need salubrious vitamins to resurrect my shattered senses; as I had the tenacity of her love to guide me through every step I took,

  I didn’t need valleys laden with blossoming flowers to rekindle my soul; as I had the enigmatic passageway down her throat to stare at in open mouthed astonishment; till eternity,

  I didn’t need trees with dense foliage to sequester me from the sweltering heat; as I had her fascinating shadow; to scrape out every bit of fatigue from my tired bones,

  I didn’t need exotic perfumes extracted from a mountain of musk; as I had her sweat to inhale; which sent me right back into my innocent childhood,

  I didn’t need magicians to decipher my future and fate; as I clearly saw my destiny prominently in the lines of her soft palms,

  I didn’t need intoxicating cans of beer; as the sensuousness of her body stimulated my mind more than a barrel of alcohol,

  And I didn’t need breath to exist; as the bond of her romance had ensured that I would live beyond time; immortalize the essence of sharing for boundless decades to come .




  The entire land of grandiloquent palaces on one side; and me and my sweet little dwelling on the other side,

  The entire ocean on one side; and me and my tangy little bottle of salt on the other side,

  The entire forest replete with vivacious wild life on one side; and me and my pet cat on the other side,

  The entire cosmos strewn with silken clouds on one side; and me and my pristine painting on the other side,

  The entire library inundated with books on one side; and me and my romantic letter on the other side,

  The entire market flooded with sizzling pizza's on one side; and me and my dainty little chunk of chocolate on the other side,

  The entire fleet of aeroplanes on one side; and me and my articulately chiseled statue of rustic clay on the other side,

  The entire dungeon embedded with scintillating diamonds on one side; and me and my forehead smeared with ash on the other side,

  The entire well overflowing with mineral water on one side; and me and my intricate table spoon of mustard oil on the other side,

  The entire theater displaying pictures from around the globe on one side; and me and my ravishing fantasies on the other side,

  The entire conglomerate of emerald mattress on one side; and me and my bamboo stuffed pillow on the other side,

  The entire township of lecherous evil on one side; and me and my intransigent ideals on the other side,

  The entire army marching with hostile dagger heads on one side; and me and the confidence of my mother on the other  side,

  The entire atmosphere entrenched with abuses on one side; and me and incorrigible tenacity to recite rhymes on the other side,

  The entire planet functioning monotonously on one side; and me and my island of unrelenting dreams on the other side,

  The entire human race brooding unceremoniously for money on one side; and me and my passion for romance on the other side,

  The entire graveyard sprawled with morbid corpses on one side; and me and my Creator standing unper
turbed on the other side,

  The entire society with its bombastic pretensions on one side; and me and my open hearted speech on the other side,

  The entire world and its worthless norms of religion and creed on one side; and me and my beloved locked in an immortal embrace on the other side .




  I know I may have pinched you several times; causing you to wince in contorted agony,

  I know I may have pummeled you to the ground; hurling at you a volley of poignant abuse,

  I know I may have kicked you in the stomach; made a face at you resembling a hideous demon,

  I know I may have splashed your face with orange juice; soiling your impeccable clothing with infinite blemishes of black paint,

  I know I may have stared at you in animosity; fomenting you to ooze tears down your glistening cheeks,

  I know I may have made you trip; poking my large toe deliberately in your way,

  I know I may have scowled at you umpteenth number of times; tickling you in your ribs when you didn't want it the slightest,

  I know I may have shrug off the breakfast plate inutter disdain; dictating you thunderously to make it all over again,

  I know I may have sprinkled upon you freezing water; inundating your persona with frozen ice in the peak of winter,

  I know I may have used my pen to thrash you; more than I might have used it to write literature,

  I know I may have philandered with several girls; giving them a peck on their cheeks right in front of your eyes,

  I know I may have dropped debris intermittently on the ground; just to appease myself sighting you picking them up,

  I know I may have wrecked you out of tranquil sleep large no of times in the night; with a volley of my monstrous snores,

  I know I may have interrogated you till eternity; asking you divulge an account of each minute; in order to pacify my suspicions,

  I know I may have forgotten your birthday; not remembering to wish you on the hour which God created you,

  I know I may not have written to you; even after being weeks away from you on a business trip,

  I know I may have drunk boundless pegs of voluptuous wine; stumbling on half the words I uttered in front of your revered parents,

  I know I may have curtailed you to household chores; refraining you from stepping out in this flamboyant world,

  And I know I may have behaved like a perfect brute all these years; rebuking you on many occasions in front of the society,

  But then; they were those moments when the human in me had metamorphosed into a savage animal; the tyranny of earning had crippled the innocent child in me;

  annihilating all my perceptions about romance and bondage,

  While let me candidly tell you today; that I have always loved you; valued your caress more than any other object existing in this world; have longed for your company more than the Sun has longed to shine; and I know that perhaps you wouldn't even prefer to look at me in this lifetime of mine; but I will still say this; as I love you more than myself; that please forgive me .



  The cow; knew that the crow sitting on its back was a treacherous nuisance; tickling it on umpteenth number of places; when it actually wanted to blissfully rest,

  But in the end she found herself completely helpless; as no matter how hard she swished her tail; the bird kept sitting; without incorrigibly budging even an inch.

  The Majestic edifice standing tall on the road; knew that tremors occurring during the earthquake werereally unwanted,

  But in the end it was helpless; as they inevitably kept coming; and despite the most severest of its resilience; weakened its foundations beyond safety limits.

  The gargantuan Oak tree; knew that the snakes crawling on its formidable periphery; disrupted its serenity and tranquil shade,

  But in the end it was miserably helpless; for as the years unveiled its crevices grew; and the hooded monsters kept proliferating in dozens; although it tried its best to kill them with its juice.

  The ocean sprawled over a billion kilometers of territory; knew that the choppy waves rising high; broke its mystical spell and dreams,

  But in the end it was completely helpless; as the harder it tried the more the waters swirled; and a tumultuous storm enveloped the entire surface; causing the froth

  erupt towards the sky.

  The granules of earth sprinkled all around; knew that ploughing them would give them agony; massacre their virginity beyond their capacity to redeem,

  But in the end they found themselves disastrously helpless; as man kept digging them with greed in his eyes; till the time he struck pitchers of glittering gold.

  The hot cakes sizzling on the grills; knew that the bees hovering around would painstakingly devour their sweetness; render their sponginess with

  innumerable number of holes,

  But in the end they were helpless; as try as hard as they could; the flies kept buzzing feasting on their appetizing surface; till the time they satisfied their gluttony.

  The tongue suspended in chamber of the mouth; knew that its demeanor would be reduced to rotten garbage; the instant it blurted out abuses,

  But in the end it was totally helpless; as even after resolving in the name of Almighty lord; it exhaled out the most abashing of bad words; when provoked by the passing pedestrian.

  The clusters of blossoming rose; knew that the parasites clambering up their stalk would render them fragile and lifeless,

  But in the end they were wholesomely helpless; as the more they tried to defend themselves with their sparse thorns; the more the army of leeches enjoyed in

  sucking them to emptiness.

  And I as a poet; knew that working in office with a monotonous bunch of morons; would vanquish all my creativity; annihilate the passionate fantasy revolving in my mind from its very roots,

  But in the end; I found myself stumbling at every instant of life and utterly helpless; as; If I wanted to survive in this uncouth society; I had to substitute fantasy with bulky checkbooks; chop my dreams in entirety with the sword of commercialism; in

  order to feed me and my wife with sumptuous food; rise with her early at dawn; to confront a new tomorrow.




  No matter how hard I banged the tortoise shell; it simply refrained to split,

  No matter how vehemently I struck the human tooth; it just didn’t chap at its edge,

  No matter from how high I threw the coconut down; it didn’t display even a single scratch on its shell,

  No matter how tenaciously I crushed the human skull; it simply didn’t show any

  signs of snapping apart,

  No matter how passionately I hammered the elephant tusk; it still remained as stoical as white ice,

  No matter how stubbornly I boxed the punching bag; it didn’t gasp the slightest; even after infinite punches of mine,

  No matter how ruthlessly I kicked the diamond ceiling; it still seemed to have retained its perpetual shine,

  No matter how many harpoons I shot at the shark; it still came back hostile and alive from beneath the waters,


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