Dire (The Dire Wolves Chronicles Book 1)

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Dire (The Dire Wolves Chronicles Book 1) Page 5

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  “No. For caring. For having those dreams.”

  “Why? Was it a letdown or something?” I’d never had complaints before, but maybe I hadn’t lived up to her expectations. She’d blown mine out of the water.

  “No.” She rested her head on my chest again. “It was good.”

  “Just good?” I ran a hand through her hair.

  “How was it for you?”

  “Fantastic. I’d always heard the quiet girls were the best in bed.”

  “Quiet? Do you really think I qualify as a quiet one?”

  “Ok, not quiet, but bookish.”

  “And those are the same?”

  I let out a silent sigh of relief. I had us back on normal ground. I didn’t know everything about girls, but I knew enough to realize she was embarrassed. She had absolutely no reason to be, and I had to make sure she knew that. “Close enough.”

  “I can’t believe you’re ready again.”

  I laughed. “I can’t really hide it right now.”

  “Too tight of a space I suppose.”

  “Despite our precarious situation, I don’t mind the tight space—or the position.”

  “If we make it out of this alive you can reflect back on your crazy lapse of judgment when you had sex with me.”

  “Lapse of judgment?” I took her face in my hands. It was too dark to see much, but I needed her to look at me anyway. “Stop. I’m glad this happened. I want it to happen again, and not just out here.”

  “I’m not signing up as your fuck buddy, Gage.”

  “Fuck buddy? Who says that?”


  I ran my thumb over her lower lip. “I have no intentions of using you if that’s what you’re afraid of.”

  “Then what are your intentions?”

  “I don’t know,” I answered honestly. What were they? I couldn’t just pretend it never happened. First, I wasn’t leaving it at one night. And aside from that, it was Mary Anne. I’d know her for years. Our parents lived two blocks away from each other, and I still saw her brother over breaks and the summer. She wasn’t going anywhere. Maybe we’d figure it out. I wasn’t looking for a relationship, but we could have fun. Maybe a little bit of time together would help her unwind. So why was I promising she wasn’t going to be a friend with benefits, or fuck buddy, as she called it?

  My rock hard dick probably had something to do with that promise. At least that’s what I told myself. I preferred that excuse to one that involved my own feelings. I had to protect her, but protecting her couldn’t involve cutting myself off. At least not yet.

  “What are you thinking about?” She pulled me from my guilty thoughts.


  “Come on.”

  “It’s true.”

  “And did those thoughts have to do with the body part pressed against me right now?”

  “The body part? Come on Mary Anne, you can say the word.” I could picture her blushing. Damn, that just turned me on more.

  “Of course I can say the word penis.”

  “You make it sound so clinical. You’re not talking about mine specifically.”

  “What is this? You keep pushing me and pushing me. I put out, isn’t that enough?”

  “Put out? Now you’re making me feel bad.” I wished I could see her face. “If it weren’t so damn cold I’d get out of this sleeping bag and get dressed.”

  “And what would you do with that then?” She took me in her hand.

  I groaned. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “Didn’t I already prove that?”

  “Yes.” I closed my eyes reveling in the feel of her hand. What was I worrying about?

  “What was that?” She let go of me.

  I felt the absence of her hand immediately. “What’s wrong?”

  “That noise. It was like a howl.” She shivered, and I knew it wasn’t from the cold.

  “A howl?” I held her tighter. “Like a wolf?”

  She didn’t need to answer, a loud howl filled the silent night.

  “It sounds close.” Her whole body shuddered. “Do you think it can get in here?”

  “No. The truck is solid. The biggest risk tonight is still the cold.”

  “I’d be flipping out if you weren’t here.” Her body relaxed slightly.

  “That’s hard for you to admit isn’t it? You like feeling independent.”

  “Would you rather be alone?”

  “Of course not. And just to be frank, there’s no one else I’d rather be stranded with in the middle of nowhere during a blizzard.”

  She laughed this sing-song laugh of hers.

  We lay there quietly, and I rubbed her back trying to help her relax. Mary Anne tried to act so tough, but she was human. She was terrified. I was probably a horrible person for taking advantage of the situation, but I’d make up for it. I’d make sure she understood she was more than a notch, but first I had to make sure she got some rest.

  We were focused on the night, but I knew the morning wouldn’t necessarily bring us any easy solutions. The storm continued to rage on, and we’d be lucky if a car came by in the next twenty-four hours, let alone one that saw us off in the ditch. I pushed away those fears and focused on taking care of the frightened girl in my arms. She was relying on me, and there was no way I was going to let her down again.


  A few rays of sunlight filtered in through the camper windows that were mostly covered in snow. I blinked a few times, quickly remembering where I was—and who I was with. Mary Anne’s breathing was even, and I knew she was still sleeping. At least she’d been relaxed enough to sleep. She looked so innocent, so peaceful, so fragile. Maybe she wasn’t fragile, but she was vulnerable. She’d put herself in my hands, and I’d done what only an asshole would do. Any rationales I was able to muster the night before were gone. I had no excuse. I’d wanted her, and I’d taken her. The worst part is I wanted her again, and I was going to have her. One taste wasn’t enough. But I couldn’t have more yet. I didn’t deserve more until I got us the hell out of the woods and headed home.

  She stirred in my arms, moaning softly.

  “Morning, beautiful.”

  She opened her eyes slowly. “Gage?”

  “How’d you sleep?”

  She rubbed her eyes. “Am I dreaming again?”

  “Not unless your dreams involve being stranded in the snow. But we are both naked if that helps.”

  She ran her hands over her as if to prove I was telling the truth about the clothes. She touched me in the process, immediately bringing memories of unfinished business back to me.

  “I wish it were a dream.” She sighed.

  “Uh, why?” I really hoped she was feeling that way about being stranded in the snow, and not about what had happened between us.

  “Because then I could just have sex with you again without worrying about the rest of the mess we’re in.”

  “No one said we couldn’t have sex again…” I teased.

  “I did.” She sighed again. “I suppose we should get dressed for the day.”

  “For the day? Are you planning to get naked again with me tonight?” I grinned. “Not that I’d mind that, but I was kind of hoping we’d be in a bed tonight.”

  “Hopefully we won’t still be here, but do you think the roads are going to get cleared today?” She sat up slightly, kneeing me in the process.


  “Sorry.” She looked out the small portion of the camper window that wasn’t fully blanketed in snow. “It looks like it’s only flurrying right now.”

  She exposed her top half when she sat up, and I wasn’t sure what was hotter. Her perfect little breasts, or the way the light fell on her back. Her back was so long and lean.

  She noticed me staring and covered herself with her arms. “Hand me my bra and sweater please.”

  “What if I don’t want to?”

  “Gage, it’s freezing.”

  “Then let me warm you up again
first.” My plans to hold off were gone. Two pink nipples and a beautiful back had done away with any restraint.

  She lay back down on top of me. It was the easiest way for her to get back in the sleeping bag, but it was my undoing. Her breasts pressed against me, and she lined herself up to me perfectly.

  “We have to be strategic. We should start by assessing the damage. Maybe we can get the truck to start.”

  “Mm hmm.” I tried to listen, I really did, but without my permission my fingers found her nipple.



  “Pay attention.”

  “I’m listening.” I squeezed her nipple lightly.

  “Somehow I doubt you’re listening if you’re fondling me.”

  “I already told you I can do two things at once.” I decided to prove my point. I continued my work on her breast while my hand slid down between her thighs.



  “I can’t discuss our rescue plan with you—” She moaned.

  “What was that you were saying?”

  “Gage. Please.”

  “Please what?”

  “Stop distracting me.” Her body and mouth were saying completely different things. She opened her legs up as wide as she could within the confines of the sleeping bag.

  “Feel free to keep discussing the plan.”

  “Hmm?” She said absently.

  Watching her writher in my arms in pleasure may have been my new favorite thing. She was so damn responsive, and so wet. “Gage.”

  “Where were we with that plan? We’re going to try to start the truck again?”

  “Yes. And then if it starts we can try to dig out.”

  “Okay.” I kissed her neck.

  “If not we need to try to figure out…” She moaned lightly. “Figure out where we are.”

  “Of course.” I bit down on her neck lightly.


  “Yes?” I moved my mouth over to her breast.

  “We can’t have sex again now.”

  “Are you warmer now?”


  “Are you sure you don’t want to be even hotter?” I was pleading, I knew I was, but what was I supposed to do? How much could a man take?

  “If, and I’m saying if, we have sex again, will you concentrate and help me come up with a plan?” She rolled over, the effect had her ass pushing into me.

  “Absolutely.” I kissed her back.

  “Do you really have more condoms?”

  “Three more.”

  “You won’t be using the last two.”

  “But I can use one more?”


  I was a lucky man. A twisted, and horrible one, but I was lucky. “Want to stay where you are?”


  “Perfect.” I moved on top of her knowing I was really going to enjoy this view of her back.

  Chapter Seven

  Mary Anne

  I got dressed before the warmth could wear off. The sex had been even hotter in the morning. Maybe it was the position, or the fact that he’d managed to turn me on while I was plotting, either way it left me dizzy and certain I was going to be miserable when we finally got back to the real world.

  “You’re amazing, Mary Anne.”

  “Get that grin off your face.” I zipped up my coat. “You promised you’d help.”

  “And I will, but I’m allowed to tell you how incredible that was.” He leaned back on his arms.

  “You said it.”

  “Say it too. I know you agree.”

  “Do you really have that many doubts about your sexual prowess?” I couldn’t imagine Gage had any concerns in that department. He’d more than lived up to my expectations, and my expectations were high.

  “No, but I want to make sure I’m satisfying you.” His eyes roamed up and down my body, and even though I was dressed, I knew he was picturing me naked.

  “I’m satisfied, but you know what would satisfy me more?”

  “What?” His eyes got hungry.

  “Getting home.” I was already craving a hot shower.

  He laughed. “I get the hint.” He got out of the sleeping bag and started dressing.

  My stomach rumbled loudly. “Breakfast time.”

  “Do you have any food with you?”

  “I grabbed a few things from the vending machine, but we’ll have to ration.”

  “Let’s see it.”

  “It’s up front.” I zipped up my boots. They were the kind made more for fashion rather than actual usefulness, but at least they were warm.

  Gage pushed our bags aside and opened the back. I rolled my tongue around trying to get that gross morning taste out of my mouth. Unpacking my toothbrush seemed silly considering the bigger problems we had, so I fought the urge and accepted Gage’s hand when he went to help me down from the truck. As I jumped, he moved his hands to my waist, so when my feet met the cold hard snow, he was holding me in his arms. The snow had momentarily stopped, so I didn’t bother with my hood.

  He didn’t release me for a moment, he just studied my face. Finally I had to break the silence that set in. “See anything you like?”

  “Yes.” He kissed my forehead in a surprisingly affectionate gesture and took my hand. “But I figure I can’t just look at you all day.”

  I bit back a smile and looked around. “That’s a lot of snow.”

  Although the active snow fall had stopped, the snow on the ground was heavy and had blown around into drifts. Essentially the truck was in what looked and felt like a mountain of snow.

  “You don’t happen to have a shovel back there, do you?”

  “No.” He looked at the front of the truck. “Want to walk to the front of the cab or should I carry you?”

  “I can manage.” Despite everything that had happened between us, I refused to look dependent on him.

  “Ok, just be careful, and I think you should go through my side.”

  “Lead the way.”

  Gage carefully walked through the snow to the front of the truck. I followed, wincing as I sunk into the snow up to my knees.

  “Frozen over.” He pounded on the door to break through some of the ice and frozen snow.

  “Wonderful. You wouldn’t happen to have a scraper?”

  “It’s in the cab.”

  “Of course.” I shivered as another big gust of wind came through. I pulled on my hood. My ears were freezing and probably bright red.

  I searched the snow for a rock or a stick to help us break through the frozen door handle. After my hands had turned red, I finally returned to the back of the truck for my gloves. They weren’t waterproof, but they’d at least offer some protection. Walking back was easier because I stepped in my sunken foot prints. I slipped on my leather gloves. I’d picked them out because you could still drive with them on. That wasn’t going to do me any good at the moment.

  By the time I returned to the front of the truck Gage was already wrenching the door open. I hopped in first, carefully stepping over the center console to the passenger seat. The cab was cold, but it at least broke the wind.

  Gage took his seat and tried to start the engine. It sputtered. “I’m going to take a look under the hood again.”

  I put a hand on his arm to stop him. It felt so much more natural now to touch him. “Don’t bother. Even if we can get the car to start, it’s not like we can get it over these drifts.”

  “We can get some warmth out of it though.”

  I thought about it. The tank had been over half full, and it would be helpful to have some time to warm up.

  “All right, let’s check the food supply first.”

  I opened my bag. “I’ve got M&Ms, peanut butter cups, and two frozen Coke’s.”

  “Frozen?” He pulled one from my bag and lightly shook the bottle. “I’d probably call it slushy. Which candy do you want?”

  “The M&Ms, I don’t like peanut butter.”

hen why do you have it?” He took the peanut butter cups from me.

  “Add it to the stalker list.”

  “You mean the good memory list.” He unwrapped the candy.

  “I’m done pretending.” The candy was hard and cold, but at least it was something. I tried to savor each bite, wishing I’d spent the extra fifty cents on the king sized version.

  Gage twisted the top on the coke. “I guess this counts as our morning coffee.”

  “I guess so.” I tried to get some of the frozen slush out.

  I crumpled up my candy wrapper and put it in one of the cup holder spots before putting the soda bottle on top of it. I wanted to at least try to keep his truck clean.

  “Do you think you’re ready to try to get over the drift and check the road?”

  “I don’t see any other choice. Afterward we can try the engine again.” I figured we should save it until we really needed it; that is if it even worked. “I’m going to have to get out your side again.”

  “Come on over.” He held open his arms.

  “Yeah, you get down first.”

  “You know you want to sit on my lap.”

  “As much as I appreciate that you still have your sense of humor, we need to stay serious.”

  “I have to try.”

  I put on a coat of chapstick, at least my lips would be comfortable. “I know.”

  Gage put his hands around my waist and helped me down again. The motion was more natural this time.


  “Any time.”

  I looked at the thick snow. “I think the drift is slightly lower over there.” I pointed at a spot behind the truck.

  “Agreed.” Gage took my hand firmly in his, and we clomped through the snow to reach it.

  “What if I boosted you up there? Or I could toss you. Want me to do that? That’s what we do with the dogs back home.”

  “Are you seriously going to compare me to your dogs?”

  “I’m not comparing, I’m simply stating it might be easier than either of us exerting the effort to climb. It’s going to take a while to dig this out, and for all we know our cell phones will work up on the road.”

  “Okay. Do it.”

  He put his hands on my waist again. “Try to land on your feet.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  I knew Gage was strong, but I was still surprised to find myself catapulted up on top of the drift. The snow started to collapse under me so I crawled further toward the road. The cold snow seeped through my jeans.


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