Transformed (The Black Rock Series Book 1)

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Transformed (The Black Rock Series Book 1) Page 2

by Luna James

  I rolled my eyes. “Yes! That piece of shit made me a vampyre. He claims it was because he was curious and bored. What an ass!”

  “That sounds like Sebastian. What was he curious about?” Damien inquired.

  “You mean you haven’t read my mind already and know the answer?” I asked sarcastically.

  “As I said before, I try not to do that to people,” he answered.

  “Your brother thought it would be interesting to see what I would be like as a vampyre because he knew I would have telekinetic abilities once I turned.”

  As soon as I got the words out of my mouth, my body tensed up. Just thinking about it made me so damn furious. My eyes darted left and right when I saw the leaves on the ground rise. They floated in the air.

  “Wow! That’s pretty cool,” he stated, watching the display.

  “No, it isn’t.” I hung my head. “I think it’s a curse!”

  Coming closer to me, Damien placed his hand on my shoulder. “It will be okay. I know people who can help you control it. It is not a curse; it is a gift.”

  I looked up at him and was mesmerized by his beautiful hazel green eyes. I was going to speak but couldn’t. All I could do was look at him in awe. What I was feeling was something I had never felt before. It was like there was electricity running through my body. The glimmer in his eyes told me he was feeling it, too.

  “I do feel it as well,” he said, confirming my thoughts.

  “I thought you were trying not to do that.”

  “I guess it’s harder to do around you than most people,” he said, as he took his hand off my shoulder.

  Suddenly there was a loud noise that came from the east of us. Damien and I both looked in the direction of it. I couldn’t see anything, but I sensed there was someone out there watching us.

  “I bet that’s Sebastian,” I muttered.

  Then Sebastian walked out from behind a tree. He slowly sauntered towards Damien and me. “You are correct, my dear Victoria,” Sebastian replied with a grin on his face. “What are you doing here with my new vampyre, Damien?” he asked, wrinkling his eyebrows in annoyance.

  “I was walking in the woods and came across her standing here,” Damien answered.

  Damien did not look happy at all to see Sebastian. I would have to ask him at another time why he was unhappy around his brother.

  “Well you can go back to where you came from now,” Sebastian demanded.

  “I can, huh? Well, I’d like to see you try to make me.” Damien moved away from me and got closer to Sebastian. He pointed his finger out at Sebastian then back at me. “This young lady obviously doesn’t want you around her. I’ve heard it in her thoughts. She can’t stand the mere sight of you.”

  Sebastian closed the distance between him and Damien. “Damien, do you really want to do this right here in front of this beautiful woman? My beautiful vampyre!” he said in a low growl.

  “Your vampyre? You egotistical prick! I ain’t anyone’s vampyre!” I growled.

  Sebastian broke eye contact with Damien and looked over at me. “I made you. That means you are mine, Victoria.”

  “That is where you are wrong!” I roared. What happened next blew my mind. My anger caused me to lift his body up off the ground with my mind and throw him up against a tree nearby. I held him in place while I walked over to him. “I told you damn it! I ain’t anyone’s vampyre!”

  I couldn’t believe I done it. I thought about throwing him up against a tree and then it happened without me even trying. It felt good as hell.

  “Release me, Victoria!” Sebastian demanded.

  “Screw you! Give me one damn reason why I should?” I asked, staring him dead in the eyes.

  “I made you. I am your sire! You do as I say!” Sebastian demanded.

  Damien walked over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. “Victoria, you do not have to do as he says. Do not believe him when he tells you that. He has absolutely no control over you.”

  I instantly felt calmer when Damien placed his hand on me and spoke. What the hell is it about this man that makes me experience these things? Stepping back from Sebastian, I released him from my hold.

  “Thank you, Damien,” I whispered.

  I had to get away from Sebastian. The anger building up inside me was getting harder to control. Turning my back to them, I took off running. With no clue as to where I was going, I ran as fast as I could.



  “What the hell were you thinking?” Damien asked as he landed his right fist into my jaw.

  Rubbing my jaw, I laughed. “Did you see her? She’s magnificent!”

  I couldn’t believe it worked. Victoria is a telekinetic vampyre. I knew from the moment I laid eyes on her that she was special. Now there is more than one in existence. All my research paid off!

  “Special or not, you ruined that poor girl’s life,” Damien growled in frustration.

  “Why do you care? She’s nothing to you!” I stepped closer to Damien.

  Damien closed the space between us. “It doesn’t matter, Sebastian! You can’t just treat humans like they are at your disposal or turn them to benefit yourself,” he hissed. “You did it so you could have someone like her, didn’t you?”

  I knew exactly who he meant. “Do not speak of her!” I punched Damien square in the nose. Blood instantly gushed out of his nostrils. How dare he bring that bitch up! Just the thought of her made my blood boil.

  “That’s what I thought!” Damien wiped the blood from his nostrils. “I’ve been in Victoria’s mind. She’ll never be like her.”

  “Shut up!” I screamed as I tackled Damien. Several punches landed to Damien’s head before he even knew what was going on. He put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me off him. My surrounds rushed by me and then my body crashed into a tree.

  Damien rushed over and grabbed me by the throat. “You fucked up, and I am not going to let you corrupt Victoria.” Then he snapped my neck, and everything went black.

  Chapter 2


  After running for what felt like forever, I stopped and retrieved my phone from my back pocket to check the time; it was almost dawn. There were several text messages and missed calls from my mom and best friend, Samantha Wolford.

  I knew Samantha would be awake at this hour because she had to go to work soon. We worked together at Rick’s, and this was her morning to open the restaurant. After much thought, I decided to go to her house. We’d been best friends since kindergarten. Plus, I had a feeling she would be accepting of my new lifestyle. I sent her a text message to let her know I was on my way to her house. After I pressed send, I opened the camera on my phone to see what I looked like. There was blood smeared from under my eyes down to my chin. Ewww! What the hell? I went to the creek nearby to wash the blood off my face and hands.

  There was only one problem with me going to see Samantha, it was getting daylight. All the movies I’ve seen and books I’ve read always tell about vampyres only being able to be out at night. My gut was telling me I would be fine in the daylight. I always trusted my instincts, so I decided to find out if it was right.

  I waited in the tree line next to Samantha’s house. The fear of bursting into flames had me hesitant to step out of the woods, but I knew I had to see if I would burn to death or not. As soon as the sun rose enough to illuminate the yard, I stepped out. I stood there for a few minutes waiting to burst into flames, but nothing happened. That’s interesting. I mentally added that to the list of things I needed the answer to.

  I stood outside Samantha’s house for a good five minutes before I knocked on the door. While I stood there, I kept wondering if being around her would bother me. The only human I had been around since I turned was the man I killed.

  “There you are!” Samantha said as she opened the front door. She was dressed in a Rick’s tee shirt and a pair of blue jeans. Samantha was five foot two inches, with short blonde hair she always cut in a bob. Her facial featu
res always reminded me of a lioness with sparkling blue eyes. “Where the hell have you been Tori? I’ve been worried sick about you.” Samantha stepped to the side. “Get your butt in here!”

  “Sorry. I’ve had my phone turned off.” I replied, as I walked past her and sat down on the couch.

  I could smell her blood, and the sound of her heartbeat pounded in my ears. When Samantha sat down beside me on the couch, it made my throat sting.

  “Well, damn girl. Don’t be turning your phone off. I was afraid something happened to you after you left work. You always text me when you get home,” Samantha scolded, shaking a finger at me.

  “Something did happen to me Samantha,” I replied, fidgeting with a bracelet on my wrist. “I’ve been with Sebastian, the new guy in town.”

  “What?” she fumed. “Did he hurt you? So, help me God if he did I will kick his ass!” Samantha said in her quirky bad girl voice. She was a spitball of fire like me. Samantha might be five foot two inches tall, but she acted like she was ten feet tall and bulletproof.

  I didn’t know if I should tell her what happened, but I needed to talk to someone. Someone who would listen and help me figure things out. “What happened is gonna blow your mind. It might even frighten you, Samantha,” I said, as I rested my elbows on my thighs and put my head in my hands.

  “I don’t give a rat’s ass what happened to you! I wanna know,” Samantha demanded.

  I told Samantha everything. She sat beside me listening like the great friend she is. When I finished telling her, all she could do was sit with her mouth open in what appeared to be shock. A few minutes passed before she said anything.

  “So, you are a vampyre, and you can move things with your mind?” she questioned.


  Samantha leaped up and rushed over to the opposite side of the room. The look on her face told me everything; she was terrified. “I don’t understand,” she responded. Her lower lip trembled, and tears streamed down her face.

  “I know, Sam. I don’t either. Please know I won’t hurt you though,” I declared. It pained me that my friend feared me.

  “How do you know, Tori?” She backed into the corner of the living room. My dear friend was frightened of me, and I didn’t blame her. “You are a vampyre! Vampyres drink human blood. I am a human!” she bellowed.

  I stood and strolled toward her with my palms open, facing upwards. “I know I won’t…you are my best friend.”

  “STOP!” she shouted. “Do not come any closer!”

  I stopped dead in my tracks. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to frightened you,” I muttered, as I hung my head. Hearing the fear in her voice saddened me.

  “Could you please go? I need time to think about all this.”

  Turning towards the door, I answered, “Yes. Please don’t hate me.” I couldn’t stand the thought of Samantha hating me. She was like a sister to me, and I loved her dearly.

  “I could never hate you, Tori,” she replied. “I need time to process it though.”

  As I walked to the front door, I glanced back at Samantha. She was still in the corner standing with fear. “I’m sorry Samantha. Please let me know when you are ready to talk.” I opened the door and walked out.

  When I left Samantha’s house, I had no idea where I would get blood. Sebastian had blood bags in the cabin, but there was no way in Hell I was going back there. I decided to go into the mountains and look for deer. Animal blood couldn’t be much different from human blood.

  Hunting was something I had never done; however, I knew enough from my stepbrother, Derek, and the boys at school to have a general idea. After being in the mountains for over an hour, I finally came across a deer. It heard me inching toward it and took off running. I knew I was quick, so I chased it. Within a minute, I caught the deer. I wrestled it to the ground and bit into its neck. It didn’t take long for me to stop. The blood tasted nasty as hell. I released my hold on the deer and let it go. The craving for blood was subsiding, and I began feeling somewhat better.

  I looked at the time on my phone and found it was nine-thirty in the morning. My mom had called twice since I left Samantha’s house. She was worried about me and wanted to know why I hadn’t been answering my phone. I figured I had better call her back.

  “Hey, mom,” I said when she answered the phone.

  “Tori, where have you been? Are you okay?” she asked concerned.

  “I’m fine mom. I will be there shortly.” I disconnected the phone.

  I ran back to Rick’s to get my car. My white 1997 Cavalier Z24 sat precisely where I left it. When I got my keys out and tried to unlock the driver’s side door, it was already opened. That bastard must have abducted me when I was getting into my car. Frustrated, I got in my car and drove home. On the way, I blared some heavy metal music out of my custom stereo system to help keep my mind off all the shit I had been through in the past few hours.

  My mom and stepdad had a charming home with beige siding and a light brown roof. My mom had beautiful flower beds all around the house. The front porch was small with a white railing around it. The driveway was beside it and had a two-car garage with a studio apartment above it. That’s where I lived. The apartment has one bedroom, a huge bathroom, a living area, and a small kitchen. It was perfect for me, but I wanted to move out into my own place. My mom insisted I live there so I could save money.

  When I opened the back door to go into the kitchen, I could not step inside. It was like there was an invisible wall there prohibiting me from entering. No matter what I tried, I could not walk through the threshold. Then I remembered in stories and movies the vampyre couldn’t go inside someone’s house unless invited in. Another question added to the list.

  My mom saw me standing at the threshold. “What are you doing standing out there? Come in here and eat some breakfast,” she said as she walked toward the door.

  I stepped across the threshold. “I’m not hungry mom. I ate breakfast a little while ago.” I sat down at the kitchen table. The smell of eggs and bacon was potent; it was almost too intense.

  “Okay honey,” she said, walking back over to the sink. Mom stuck her hands back into the soapy water and washed a plate. “Why weren’t you answering your phone? I was worried about you young lady,” she asked over her shoulder.

  “Sorry, mom. The battery died,” I lied. I was the one that died.

  “Next time make sure your charger is with you.” Mom rinsed the plate off and then dried her hands. “Where did you stay last night?” she asked, as she walked over to the kitchen table. She sat down across from me.

  “I stayed at Samantha’s house.” I lied again. “Luckily, she had a phone charger I could use.” The lies where just piling up. I had no choice though. It’s not like I could tell my mom the truth.

  The sound of mom’s heart pounded in my ears. I usually sat and talked with my mom every morning while we ate breakfast, but I couldn’t today. I stood and turned toward the door. “Mom, I gotta go take a shower. I feel like I’ve been rode hard and put up wet.” I laughed.

  “You sure look like you have. You’re filthy,” my mom said looking me up and down.

  I waved bye to my mom and went to my apartment. When I opened the door, I was hit with the invisible wall. Fuck! When I was invited into my parent's house, I just naturally assumed I would be able to get into my apartment since it was on the same property, but nope, I was stuck on my porch. I had to come up with something to get my mom to invite me in. I called mom and told her I lost my key.

  Mom came to the apartment and opened the door. She walked in and looked around. When I didn’t step in, she turned around. “What are you doing?”

  “Umm…I just seen a huge spider crawl across the floor. I ain’t coming in there unless you kill it,” I lied.

  “Oh lord Victoria! Get your butt in here and kill it yourself. I’ve got things to do,” she said, putting her hands on her hips.

  After mom left, I went to my bedroom and collapsed on the bed. I was exhaust
ed. Do vampyres sleep? Added to the list. Stretching out across my bed, I looked down at my body. My shirt and pants were filthy. Before I could relax anymore, a shower was needed.

  When I walked into the bathroom, I went straight to the shower and turned the water on. When I turned around and saw my reflection in the mirror, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I looked different: my skin was flawless, my eyes seemed to be a brighter shade of green, and my hair was still the red color I had recently dyed it but longer. Examining my body, I noticed it was firmer and toned. I touched my breasts because they looked like I had implants.

  “My boobs are bigger. Nice!” I boasted aloud.

  I got undressed and stepped into the shower. When the water touched my skin, it was amazing. I had never taken a shower that felt this good in my life. Even shampooing my hair was amazing. Maybe some things about being a vampyre weren’t so bad.

  After my shower, I laid back down on my bed. I closed my eyes and tried to take a nap. After an hour of lying there, I realized that sleep would not happen. Hmmm, maybe vampyres don’t sleep.

  Samantha crossed my mind. It broke my heart I scared her so bad. She was the only person I could count on to be there for me. I got my fingers crossed she’ll come around. I knew deep in my heart I would have to prove to her that she is safe around me. Hearing vampyres existed would shock and scare anyone. Well, anyone in their right mind.

  My phone vibrated on the bedside table and interrupted my thoughts. It was a text message from the handsome guy I met in the woods, Damien. How did he get my number? It said for me to meet him at 4 p.m. at the Pizza Inn in town. I sent him a text back and asked why. A few minutes later he messaged and said it was important.



  After I sent Victoria the text message about wanting to meet her, I set my phone down on my nightstand and picked up the book sitting next to it, Stephen King’s Salem’s Lot. I needed to do something to take my mind off what Sebastian did to her. He never thinks about how his actions affect other people. This poor girl was just introduced into a world she does not want to be in. With power like hers, other vampyres are not going to be happy. She’ll dominate anyone who stands in her way. That’s a heavy burden to bear.


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