Transformed (The Black Rock Series Book 1)

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Transformed (The Black Rock Series Book 1) Page 4

by Luna James

  When I felt her pulse slow, I stopped drinking from her. I leaned my head back and licked my lips. “Holy shit! That was amazing. I feel so much better now; I feel stronger,” I moaned. When I stepped back from the blonde, she appeared to be weak.

  “Now you let the human drink a little bit of your blood so that it will heal them.” Sebastian bit his wrist and put it to the blonde’s mouth. “Drink beautiful,” he commanded.

  The girl drank from Sebastian. While she was drinking from him, I could see her wounds restore to normal. I thought it was fascinating our blood can heal people. The possibilities were endless.

  When Sebastian took his wrist from the girl, he looked her in the eyes. She went into a trance. “Forget about Victoria feeding on you. Go sit down,” he demanded. She did exactly what he said.

  “What was that?” I asked amazed.

  “That, my love, is mind compulsion. We can control humans’ minds and make them do what we want them to do.” Sebastian licked the blood off his lips.

  “Wow! So that’s what you did to me?” I asked giving Sebastian a dirty look.


  I heard movement behind me. When I turned around Damien was standing nearby. I had gotten so consumed with the smell and taste of blood I forgot about him being there.

  “How do you feel Tori?” he asked looking concerned.

  “I feel amazing! The best I have ever felt in my life.” I smiled.

  Sebastian was talking to the other girl that was standing there. After he got done, both girls went into the house. Sebastian walked over to the bar and fixed him a drink. I walked over to the bar.

  “Just because I fed on the girl you brought here for me does not mean I am over what you did to me. I am still furious with you!” I looked him in the eyes.

  “I would expect nothing less from you dear.” He stood there with a grin on his face.

  Damien walked up to the bar and stood very close to me. Once again, I could feel the electricity flowing between us. It took my breath away.

  “Come on, Damien, get in the hot tub with me,” I said, taking his hand in mine and pulling him towards the hot tub.

  “How about a little music?” Sebastian turned on the stereo behind the bar. He played a song called Big Bad Wolf by a group I loved called In This Moment. I thought maybe he had a little taste then.

  The hot water felt nice on my skin. It felt warmer than it did when I was a human. I laid back and looked up at the night sky. The sky looked different to me now. I could see the stars so much more clearly now. The moon shone brighter than I’ve ever seen it. It took my breath away. I had always been one of those people who loved the moon.

  “Mind if I join you?” Sebastian got in the hot tub and sat between Damien and me.

  “I guess it doesn’t matter if we do or not.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Are you going to stay mad at me forever?” Sebastian asked.

  “Maybe!” That was all I could say back. How in the hell did I know if I was going to stay mad at him forever or not?! All I knew was that I was furious with him, and it could be for a very long time, or it could just be for a short time. It all depended on Sebastian. I wasn’t going to tell him that though.

  “I hope one day you can find it in your heart to forgive me, my dear Victoria.” Sebastian looked deeply into my eyes.

  “Ugh! Stop saying, my dear Victoria! It’s annoying as hell,” I said in a stern voice. “And call me Tori damn it!”

  My phone ringing caught my attention. I got out of the hot tub and answered it. It was my mom. She was calling to remind me she was fixing dinner tonight. When I hung up the phone with her, I walked back over to the hot tub.

  “Gotta run guys. I promised my mom I would eat dinner with the family tonight.” I put my shirt on. “Damien, can you take me back to my car please?”

  “Sure.” Damien smiled.

  “I’ll be in touch my de…Tori.” Sebastian caught himself.


  “Please be careful around your family. It’s going to be hard. If you need us, give us a call.” Sebastian said being sincere.

  “Okay. I will.” I turned my back to him and walked with Damien to his car.

  Damien took me back to my car. He didn’t say much on the way there. I wanted to talk to him, but I was getting a weird vibe from him. It felt like he was annoyed about something.

  “I had a great evening Damien,” I said getting out of his car. “I hope I get to see you soon.”

  “I had a good evening as well. Goodnight Victoria.” Then he pulled out.

  Chapter 4


  When I got home, mom had dinner on the kitchen table: meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and green beans. My stepdad, Russell, and my stepbrother, Derek, were already sitting at the table. Mom was getting rolls out of the oven.

  “Hi, honey. Go ahead and fix you a plate.” Mom pointed towards the table.

  I sat across from Derek. The food smelled great, but what smelt better was my family. I was already struggling, and I hadn’t even been in the room for a minute. What Sebastian said about being able to control my craving before being around people was starting to make sense.

  Derek interrupted my thoughts. “What have you been up to Tori?” he asked before stuffing a heaping spoonful of mashed potatoes in his mouth.

  I looked across the table at him and sighed. “Not too much. Working mostly. What you been up to?” I asked.

  “Finishing up all my exams. I have one more to take, and then I will be on summer break.” Derek smiled.

  Derek was attending a local community college. He was studying to become a welder. I really liked Derek. He was cool and had always been kind to me.

  Mom placed the rolls down on the table and sat. She looked at me with concern. “Sweetie, are you feeling okay? You look pale.”

  “I feel fine.” I lied.

  I got a small piece of meatloaf and some mashed potatoes. I tried to eat a few bites of the meatloaf, but it was making me feel sick. Do vampyres throw up? Just a few minutes later I had to jump up and run to the bathroom.

  I heard mom walking towards the bathroom. “Are you okay Tori?” she asked.

  “Yeah.” Was all I could say. I felt like I was going to throw up but couldn’t.

  “Okay honey. Let me know if you need anything,” she said, walking back to the kitchen.

  I stood in front of the sink shaking. My throat was burning, and my teeth hurt. Being around my family was proving to be hard as hell. All I could think about was drinking their blood. I had to get out of there.

  When I opened the bathroom door, I could hear Russell putting his two cents worth in on how I looked. “She looks like she is on drugs…or pregnant.”

  “She is not on drugs,” Mom shushed him, “if she were pregnant, I would know.”

  Russell was such a dickhead. I never liked him anyway. He never took the time to get to know me, and he always talked to me like I was a child. Thankfully, he was working most of the time in the coal mines, so I didn’t have to deal with him often.

  I took a deep breath and then walked back into the kitchen. “I am going to go lay down. I ain’t feeling very well. Sorry about dinner Mom. Just wrap mine up and put it in the fridge please,” I said walking towards the back door.

  “Okay. I hope you get to feeling better,” she said, as she got up and grabbed my plate.

  “Nice of you to join us for dinner Tori,” Russell added sarcastically, as I was walking out the door.

  As soon as I got to my apartment, I laid down on my bed. My head was pounding, and my throat still burnt. I needed blood. I got my phone out of my back pocket and sent Damien a text message.

  I typed Hey! I need your help! I am craving. I don’t think I had enough…well you know.

  A minute later my phone dinged. Damien messaged Come back to the house. I have just what you need.

  I got up and went into my small living room to get my keys. There was a knock on the door. When I opened the d
oor, I found Derek standing there.

  “Are you okay? You look awful,” he said, walking in the door.

  “Thanks a lot, Asshole.” I laughed as I shut the door. “I am just sick to my stomach. I was actually on my way out to the store.”

  “Oh, okay. I just wanted to check on you.” Derek stood close to me. I couldn’t help but notice a vein in his neck pulsating. My head started pounding even harder.

  I put my hands to my head. “I gotta go. We can talk later.”

  “Okay,” Derek said, walking past me towards the door. Before I could control myself, I grabbed Derek by the throat and pushed him against the door. I bit into his neck and drank his blood.

  “What the fuck Tori?” he screamed. He tried to fight me off, but he couldn’t. I was so much stronger than him now.

  I released my teeth from his neck and looked into his eyes. “Shhhh! Don’t make another sound!” I whispered. He went silent.

  I let go of Derek and began pacing the floor in front of him. “Oh, my fucking God! What the hell did I just do?” I said aloud while pacing. I stopped and looked over at Derek. He was still standing against the door. It became apparent to me what I needed to do. I walked over to Derek and stared into his eyes. “You are going to drink blood from my wrist. After you do, you are going to forget about me biting you. I want you to go to my bathroom and clean your neck. Then go home. If Mom asks, tell her you seen me, and I was going to the store.”

  “Okay,” Derek replied.

  Hopefully, the mind compulsion was working. I could feel something happening. Plus, he did do what I said a minute ago. I bit my wrist and put it to his lips. He drank from me just like I asked him to. As soon as he drank enough to heal his neck, I ran out the door.



  As soon as Damien left to take Victoria home, I got out of the hot tub and dried myself. I could not stop the annoyance of Damien’s accusations about why I turned Victoria. Yes, she looked a lot like that bitch who still haunts my mind from decades ago, but that is not why I turned her. Victoria is going to be far more than her. I shook the thoughts from my head. I was still thirsty, so I darted into the house where the two ladies were. Just as I instructed, they were sitting on the couch in the living room. I sauntered over and sat in the middle of them. Taking each girl's hand in mine, I raised them to my mouth and bit into their wrists one at a time. When I had my fill, I released their hands.

  Looking over at the brunette, I grinned. “Go into the kitchen and get me a beer.”

  She obediently did as I asked. When she returned with my beer, I compelled her to go outside to the pool and wait for Damien. I wanted time alone with the sexy blonde sitting to my right. Women were nothing more than a means to an end: food and sex. My thirst for blood was quenched, but my thirst for sex was not.

  I stood and reached for the blonde's hand. She placed her hand in mine and I pulled her up. Reaching up with one hand to caress her face, I moaned, “Take your clothes off.” She stepped back from me and began taking her clothes off. This one was gorgeous. Her body had curves in all the right places. As she undressed, so did I. My body was feening for some pleasure. Once undressed, I sat on the couch and instructed her to sit on my lap facing me. As she lowered her body down, I went deep inside her.

  “What the fuck?” Damien groaned from the front door.

  Looking over the shoulder of the blonde, I grinned, “Wanna join brother?” I laughed wickedly as I thrusted into the blonde harder. I knew Damien wouldn’t join us, but it was hilarious to see the look on his face.

  “No! I do not want to join you!” Damien walked past us shaking his head.

  “The brunette is outside waiting for you,” I yelled after him. Damien just raised his middle finger and kept walking.

  The blonde fulfilled my sexual needs and then I pushed her off me. She laid back on the couch with her legs partly open. Peering down at her thighs, I licked my lips. I couldn’t pass up on a drink from her femoral artery. That was one of my favorite spots. Just when I sunk my teeth into her flesh, someone pounded on the front door. Fuck!

  Chapter 5


  I ran as fast as possible to Sebastian and Damien’s house. Within minutes, I was at their front door pounding on. “Open the damn door!” I screamed.

  It seemed like forever before I heard someone walking towards the door. It surprised me when the blonde I had fed on earlier opened the door. I rushed passed her without a backward glance. Sebastian sat naked on the couch with blood dripping from his lips.

  “Oh my God!” I yelled covering my eyes with my hands. I turned around so that I didn’t accidentally see him through my fingers.

  “Sorry love. We were busy when you came knocking.” Sebastian laughed wickedly.

  “I am sure you could tell it was me,” I said, rolling my eyes. “Why the hell didn’t you at least put your pants on?”

  “I don’t mind you seeing me naked,” he said, still laughing. I’m glad he finds this amusing.

  “I need to talk to you and Damien.” Tears began to moisten my cheeks.

  Sebastian was moving around behind me. “I am dressed now Dear. You may turn around.”

  “I bit my step-brother!” I cried out as I turned around to face Sebastian. “I drank his blood!”

  “Come and sit.” Sebastian motioned for me to sit beside him.

  I walked over to the couch and sat. When I looked around the room, the blonde was gone. “Where is Damien?” I asked.

  “Don’t worry about him Victoria. Right now, I want you to tell me what happened with your stepbrother,” he said, with a concerned look on his face. Did he actually give a shit about what happened to me?

  I told Sebastian what happened with Derek. It was hard to get it all out from crying. I was a wreck. My emotions being intensified was making it worse. Sebastian took my hand and had me stand up with him. Then he did something that shocked me; he hugged me. I allowed him to for a moment because it felt nice to be in someone's arms and to be comforted. Damien walking into the room caught my attention and made me break free from Sebastian’s arms.

  “Tori are you alright?” he asked, walking towards us.

  “No! I bit my step-brother, Damien.” I cried even more and ran into his arms.

  “Oh no! Is he okay?” he asked while hugging me tightly.

  I told Damien everything standing there in his arms. It felt amazing to be held by him. I could feel the familiar electrical energy flow through us. There was something different about the way he smelled. I smelt blood on him. I leaned back and looked up at him. There was blood in the corners of his mouth. He must have been feeding when I came by.

  “We need to know if the compulsion worked on him since you are new Victoria. I got to know if you did it right or not,” Sebastian said, from behind us.

  “Go!” was all Damien said. Sebastian was out the door before I blinked.

  Damien took my hand and led me to the back patio. I sat down at the bar while he poured us a shot. I drank one and then asked for another. It was going to take a lot of alcohol to help me calm down this time. The bowl was still sitting there, so I smoked what was left in it.

  Damien grabbed a towel and handed it to me. “Here you go. You need to clean your face off.”

  I took the towel and started rubbing it across my face. “Why do I cry tears of blood?”

  “I honestly do not know the answer to that. I have wondered the same thing.” Damien handed me another shot of tequila.

  Sebastian walked out the back door. “Your step-brother is fine dear. I am so proud of you for your abilities to do mind compulsion so soon after you turned. You are remarkable!”

  “So, all he knows is he seen me, and that I went to the store?” I asked nervously.

  “That’s all he knows.”

  I began crying even harder. It relieved me to hear that Derek was okay, but I was mad. I was madder than I had ever been in my life. Even madder than when Sebastian changed me. I could fe
el the chair I was sitting on vibrating. I looked up to see Damien and Sebastian with concerned looks on their faces.

  “Tori, you need to calm down sweetie.” Damien walked over and tried to hug me, but I jumped off the barstool.

  “Calm down? Really?” I screamed.

  “You might not realize it, but you are making everything around us shake,” Damien said, gesturing behind me.

  I looked around to see everything shaking. Zero shits were given by me though because I was livid right now. I hurt my stepbrother. Oh my God! I can’t believe I done that.

  “I can’t believe this is happening!” I said sobbing. “Who will I hurt next time I lose control?”

  “We can help you, my dear. You just have to give us a chance. It’s only been one day. Mistakes will happen.” Sebastian walked over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. “Please let us help you.”

  I smacked his hand off me. All I wanted was to be alone right now. I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry until I couldn’t cry anymore. I turned to run, but Damien’s voice stopped me.

  “Please don’t run Victoria,” he pleaded.

  “Stay the fuck out of my head!” I screamed. The glasses on the bar shattered.

  I had to get the hell out of there, so I took off running as fast as possible. I didn’t know where I was going. All I knew was I needed to run. It felt good. I had so many thoughts going on in my head. How could this be even possible? Why do innocent people get hurt, or better yet die from a vampyre? Why is there such evil in the world? My mom, Jennifer, had always told me God was there to protect me from evil. If God existed, then why did vampyres exist? Why am I a vampyre?

  Without realizing it, my body had taken me to a place I knew well. It was as though my subconscious led me here. I was standing in front of the church I once attended as a little girl with my family. What a joke! People come here to praise someone who doesn’t even exist. How could it be true? Horrible things are going on in the world. If he was real, then why is all this happening?


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