Transformed (The Black Rock Series Book 1)

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Transformed (The Black Rock Series Book 1) Page 11

by Luna James

  “Thank you,” I said, taking the beer from him.

  “Oh my God! Tori!” I heard Samantha say from behind me. I turned around to find her running towards Travis and me.

  “Hey Girl!”

  “I’m so glad you came,” she said excitedly. “So…who’s your friend?”

  I looked over at Travis and smiled. “This is Travis. Travis, I’m sure you remember my friend, Samantha, from Rick’s the other day.”

  “Yes…I remember you. Hello.” Travis extended his hand.

  Samantha shook Travis’s hand and then she put her arm around my shoulder. “Come on. Y’all gonna drink with me tonight.”

  We walked over to where Samantha’s car was parked. She had two coolers in the trunk of her car. We stood at her car drinking and talking. Samantha was asking Travis tons of questions. I scanned the crowd around us while they talked to see if I could find Derek and Lucien.

  Samantha and Travis were so busy talking I figure they wouldn’t miss me for a few minutes. “I’ll be right back. I am going to go find Derek.”

  I left Samantha and Travis to look for Derek. I knew if I found him, I would find Lucien. After walking around for a few minutes, I decided to close my eyes and listen for Derek’s voice. When I found his voice, I walked towards the area I heard it coming from. I finally found Derek, Chris, Eric, and Lucien sitting on the tailgate of someone’s truck.

  “Hey, Derek,” I said, walking up to him.

  Derek smiled, “Hey Tori! It’s about time you showed up.”

  “I’ve been here for a little while.”

  “Hello Tori,” Lucien greeted me. He hopped off the tailgate and came over to me. “How are you tonight? You need a beer?” he asked smiling. His smile was so mesmerizing.

  I looked up at him and returned the smile. “I am doing a lot better now and yes…I would love a beer.”

  Lucien went over to a cooler in the bed of the truck and got out four beers. He was so tall that all he had to do was reach into the bed of the truck. I would’ve had to climb in to get the beers. When he came back over to me, he handed me two. “One for now; one for later,” he winked.

  “Thank you.” I took the beers from his hands. Our hands brushed, and I felt an electric current go throughout my body. It made my body shake a little bit. I looked up at Lucien to see if he noticed. He had a grin on his face. “Did you feel that, too?” I whispered.

  “Yes, I did,” Lucien answered. “It felt amazing.”

  “I agree.” I blushed. I wanted to have him all to myself. I needed to get him away from everyone. “Would you like to go for a walk with me?”

  “I would love to,” Lucien replied, flashing that gorgeous smile of his.

  I took Lucien by the hand and led him away from everyone. We walked out towards the edge of the mountain top that looked over the valley. There was a tree that had fallen and made the perfect bench for us to sit on.

  I pulled a joint out from between my breasts. “Would you like to smoke this with me?” I asked as I lit the joint.

  “Sure. I would rather smoke weed than drink any day.” Lucien answered.

  We sat on the tree in silence smoking the joint. It was a beautiful spring night. The moon hung beautifully in the sky above us; it was full and bright. The night air was crisp but pleasant. My heightened senses made everything about the night feel euphoric. Having Lucien sitting beside me with our arms touching made it even more intense. I craved his blood, but I held my breath as much as possible.

  After we smoked the joint, we talked about music and books. I learned that he was a huge book lover which made me very happy because I was also a huge book lover. It felt so natural to sit and talk with Lucien. He made me feel normal; he made me feel like I did before I was turned into a vampyre.

  Suddenly, Lucien started to shake. I looked over at him, and it was as if his body was vibrating all over. “Are you okay?” I asked, placing my hand on his back. His body felt like it was on fire.

  “No…I don’t think I am,” he answered, clearing his throat.

  “You feel like you are on fire. You might be running a temperature.” I felt his forehead with the back of my hand. Why are you doing that Tori? You’re a vampyre. Your body temperature is colder now. Beads of sweat started to form on his forehead.

  “It feels like my blood is boiling.” Lucien stood up and let out a moan. “My entire body hurts and is trembling.”

  “Maybe you are getting sick or something. Do you want to leave?” I asked standing up.

  Lucien bent down and put his hands on his knees. He was still shaking badly. “Tori, I don’t feel right. Something is seriously wrong with me.” Then I heard something break. It sounded like a bone breaking. As soon as I heard the sound, Lucien screamed in pain.

  I knew the people that were near us heard him, so I grabbed him by the arm and took off. I ran into the woods until I knew we were a safe distance away from the party. When we stopped, I let go of Lucien’s arm. He dropped to his knees in pain.

  “How the hell did you do that?” he asked, looking up at me. When I looked down at him, it looked like his eyes were glowing a bright aqua color. What the hell?

  “Do what?” I asked, dumbfounded.

  “Run so fast,” he answered in agony.

  “I can’t explain it to you, Lucien,” I said, kneeling down in front of him. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” I wanted to tell Lucien what I was, but I knew the danger that came with people knowing about vampyres.

  Lucien began shrieking in pain. I heard more bones fracturing. What the fuck is going on? His screams were chilling. “Help me Tori!” he cried.

  I looked at his body and noticed that his leg was bent in an awkward position and his arm was turn in an unnatural way. I stood up and backed away from him. He collapsed to the ground convulsing, breaking, and screaming in pain.

  “Lucien…I don’t know what to do.” I just stood there; I was frozen.

  Lucien looked up at me and growled. His eyes were glowing even more now. “Tori!” he cried out in a loud snarl. What happened next blew my mind. Within seconds, Lucien’s body broke, bent, convulsed, and changed until he transformed into a wolf. I fell back on my ass in shock. The wolf that Lucien turned into was a beautiful creature. He was tremendous. Larger than any wolf I had ever seen. The back of the wolf had to stand about 5 feet tall. His fur was the same color as his hair.

  “Lucien?” I asked the wolf before me. The wolf stood tall looking down at me. He snarled and inched towards me. I’m going to die for real this time. I held my hands up in surrender. “Please! Don’t hurt me, Lucien!” The wolf continued to inch towards me. I was genuinely scared now. “Stop!” I screamed. The power of my scream sent the wolf tumbling back. He yelped but got right back up and came towards me. I sprang up and ran for my life.

  Not knowing where to go, I just ran. The wolf was not far behind me gaining on me. Damn, he’s fast! Suddenly, I ran into something and fell back on my butt. I looked up and standing over me was Damien.

  “Tori! Are you okay?” he asked, reaching his hand down to me.

  “Yes!” I took his hand and stood up. “There is a wolf after me. It’s Lucien!”

  We heard the wolf snarl in the distance. Damien scanned the forest looking for it. “I know. I should have told you that Lucien was a werewolf. I’m sorry.”

  “You knew?” I shouted. “I just watched him turn before my eyes!” I smacked Damien hard on the cheek.

  “I deserved that,” was all Damien said.

  “Damn straight you did!” I said, turning around to look for the wolf. I saw its glowing blue eyes off in the distance. He was watching us.

  “I’ll be right back,” Damien said, crouching down.

  I stepped in front of him. “Oh no you don’t! Just hold your damn horses!” I held my hands against his chest. “That is Lucien, and I will not allow you to hurt him!”

  “Tori, werewolves can kill vampyres! I have to go after him,” Damien pleaded.

  “He won’t hurt me!” I said, still holding Damien back.

  “How do you know that?” he asked, looking down at me.

  “I don’t know…I just know.” I answered matter-of-factly. I took my hands off Damien’s chest and turned to look for the wolf. He had inched his way closer to us while we were talking. I walked towards him. “Lucien? It’s Tori.”

  The wolf strode toward me. When he got close to me, he lowered his body almost to the point that he was laying on the ground. I reached out and let the wolf smell my hand. He licked my hand which tickled me.

  “I like you, too,” I said to the wolf. I heard Damien start to walk towards us. The wolf looked at him and bared its teeth growling. “Ha! I don’t think he likes you, Damien.” I laughed.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Sebastian asked from behind me.

  I turned to look at him. “What the fuck does it look like?”

  “It looks like there is a wolf that needs to be killed!” Sebastian said, coming towards us.

  “Stop!” I screamed. Sebastian went through the air and hit a tree. “You stay away from this wolf! It is Lucien!” I ran up to Sebastian. “I mean it!”

  “Victoria, the only reason I am not kicking your ass is that we both know you are stronger than me,” Sebastian scowled. “Vampyres and werewolves don’t get along. Better to kill him before he kills one of us.”

  “He’s not going to hurt me, but if you don’t calm the fuck down, I can’t promise he won’t hurt you!” I released Sebastian and went back over to where Damien and the wolf was. “Come on Lucien. Let’s leave these fuckers,” I said, petting the top of the wolf’s head.

  Damien looked intensely at me. “Please be careful.” Then he turned and ran off.

  “This is far from over Victoria!” Sebastian said with red eyes. His veins were bulging, and I could see his fangs. Then he took off in the same direction as Damien.

  I looked over at the wolf. He was standing there looking at me. “I’ll never let them hurt you, Lucien,” I said sincerely.

  The wolf tilted his head and licked the side of my face. Then he walked a few feet away from me and started to vibrate all over. I began hearing his bones breaking. He let out a loud wail. Within seconds, he had turned back to human form. Lucien laid on the ground naked crying.

  “It’s okay Lucien,” I said, as I walked over to him and kneeled. I rubbed his back with my hand. “Shhh…I’m here with you.”

  “What just happened?” he asked between sobs.

  “You turned into a werewolf Sweetie,” I answered, sitting down on the ground next to him. I embraced him and laid his head on my lap. “I am so sorry this happened to you.” I felt my cheeks getting wet with tears.

  Lucien turned so he could look at me. “You are crying tears that are red Tori,” he said, reaching up to wipe my cheeks. “What are you?”

  “I am a vampyre.”

  “How the hell is this even real?” he cried. He laid his head back down on my lap and sobbed. All I could do was sit there and stroke his head.

  “This world is filled with things I never imagined could be possible. I was just turned into this a few days ago,” I revealed softly. “I am here for you, and I will help you adjust.”

  Lucien got up and kneeled in front of me. He leaned in and placed his hands on my cheeks. “Thank you,” he whispered. Then kissed me. My entire body responded to his soft, full lips. I felt the strong electric connection between us. I knew he did, too, because he released his lips from mine and looked at me in awe. Then he placed his lips back on mine and kissed me with such a passion that I thought I was going to explode. We laid back while never losing contact. Lucien had my legs apart and grinded his hard cock against me. Wow! He is huge!

  “I want you so bad Tori,” he breathed onto my neck.

  Those very words ran throughout my body. I grabbed him, rolled him over onto his back, and straddled him. When I looked down at him, he had a look of shock on his face. “You’re face…” he whispered.

  I knew exactly what he was talking about because I felt my fangs come out and I knew my eyes were red. “I’m sorry.” I placed my hands over my face feeling ashamed.

  Lucien instantly reached up and moved my hands from my face. He placed his hands on my hips and sat up. “Don’t be ashamed of who you are now Tori,” he assured me. “I think it is hot as fuck.” Then he kissed me. I swear it took my breath away. I pushed him back on the ground. Then I pulled my shirt over my head and threw it on the ground beside him.

  “I want you, too, Lucien. More than I could ever express,” I breathed.

  “Oh, I am sure you can find ways to express how much,” he winked at me. The look on his face and that wink was almost my undoing. I laid on top of him and kissed him fiercely.

  Off in the distance, I could hear something moving around. I raised up and looked around. Lucien raised up as well.

  “What is that? I hear it, too,” he asked, looking around.

  I placed my pointer finger on his lips to hush him. I listened carefully. “Someone is out there,” I whispered, as quietly as I could. “I can’t see them, so whoever it is must be hiding.”

  “Can you see in the dark?” he asked.

  “Yes…very well.”

  Suddenly there was a loud hiss. I turned in the direction of the hiss and seen Sebastian standing out in the distance. As soon as I saw him, he ran off.

  “That was Sebastian, wasn’t it?” Lucien asked. “I can see very well in the dark, too.”

  “Yes…it was.” I got up and grabbed my shirt. “I can’t be doing this here.”

  “Wait!” Lucien stood. “Please don’t go Tori.”

  I stood there admiring his beautiful, naked body. He looked like he should be in one of those fitness magazines. His stomach was ripped with an eight pack. Damn! Every inch of his body was hard and toned. His cock was soft but hung very nicely. If I were a betting woman, I would’ve bet he had at least nine or ten inches. I felt my fangs come out. “I have to go Lucien.”


  Yeah…why? “I can’t do this here in the woods. Plus, I left my date, Travis, at the party,” I said putting on my shirt. I sauntered over to him and touched his cheek. “Call me soon, please,” I added, looking deep into his eyes.

  “Okay,” he replied disappointedly.

  “I’m sorry Lucien,” I apologized, as I turned my back to him and ran.

  I ran back to the party. I looked all over for Samantha and Travis. Finally, I found Samantha talking to Derek and his friends. “Hey,” I said joining them.

  Samantha turned and smiled. “Hey, Tori. Where have you been girl?” she wondered. “You have been missing all the fun.”

  “I’ve been around. Hey…where’s Travis?” I asked, looking around.

  “He left a little while ago. He told me to tell you he was sorry, but he had to leave.” Samantha took a hit off a joint. “Oh…and he left your purse with me. It’s in Derek’s truck. He seemed upset that you left him,” she noted, handing me the joint.

  “Well, shit!” I exclaimed taking the joint from Samantha. I took a huge hit from it, and then passed it to Eric.

  I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I got it out and looked to see who it was. It was a message from Travis. Sorry I had to leave Tori. Something came up. I typed a quick message back and told him it was okay and that I was sorry for leaving him. I felt terrible for leaving him. It was our first date, and here I had done ran off with another guy. In that instant I remembered that Sebastian saw Lucien and me. I thought of what happened out in the woods, and I knew I had to go see Sebastian and Damien.

  “I am going to go home now. I’ll see you guys later,” I said, looking at everyone.

  “Aww! Don’t leave me.” Samantha hugged me.

  I whispered in her ear, “I have to go see Damien and Sebastian. Something happened a little while ago, and I gotta go talk to them.” Then I got my purse out of Derek’s truck. “Bye y’all.”

  She nodded he
r head and smiled. “Okay girl. Be careful.”



  As I was running with Damien through the woods, I couldn’t stop thinking about Tori being alone with Lucien. She was so sure that he wouldn’t hurt her, but I’ve had my fair share of run ins with werewolves. They were not to be trusted. I came to a sudden stop. Damien didn’t even notice I had stopped. I turned around and ran back to the area Tori and Lucien were in.

  When I finally picked up on their scents, I slowed to a walk. I didn’t want Tori to know I was watching over them. She made it clear for me to leave her alone, so I was going to just hang back in the shadows. I heard Lucien tell Tori he wanted her. A low growl escaped my throat. I found them after he said that and I stood back watching as they lay on the ground kissing each other passionately. FUCK! Tori raised up from kissing him and took off her shirt. I inched my way a little closer to them.

  “What is that? I hear it, too.” I heard Lucien say to Tori.

  I couldn’t stand seeing her straddling him with her shirt off. Without being able to control myself, I let out a loud hiss towards them. I wanted to rip Lucien apart! Tori heard the hiss and found me watching them. I took off and headed back to my house.

  When I arrived home, Damien was standing outside waiting for me. “Where did you go?” he asked standing with his arms crossed.

  I stormed past him and into the house. He followed me. I was so mad and wanted to punch something. I started picking up anything I could get my hands on in the living room and throwing it. First was a table next to the couch. I picked it up and tossed it across the room. It crashed into a curio cabinet and glass shattered all around. The bookshelf was next. Reaching out and grabbing the side of the bookshelf, I pulled it making it collapse to the ground.

  “Sebastian!” Damien yelled over the noise of me breaking things. “What happened?”

  I stopped in the middle of throwing a lamp. “She was fucking laying on the ground kissing that damn dog! That’s what the fuck happened!” Then I released the lamp and it crashed into a wall.


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