Retribution (The After Light Saga Book 5)

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Retribution (The After Light Saga Book 5) Page 7

by Cameo Renae

  “What happened?”

  I proceeded to tell her about how they wanted to show off my power and gathered all the top officials and scientists into one room. When I refused to be their rabbit, they gave me an ultimatum; either show them my abilities, or Finn would die.

  Their fearmongering pushed the monster they’d created inside of me to explode with power. I couldn’t stop what happened next, as it killed everyone it viewed as a threat. The sheer force of it nearly killed me.

  “I’m so sorry, Abi.” She wrapped me in a hug when I was done with my story. “I didn’t know. This was one of the main reasons we wanted to steer clear from the government bunkers. Once you become part of their hive, you have no say. You are a slave to their leadership, whether you like it or not.” Placing her hands on my shoulders, she steadied me. “What can we do to help?”

  “I have to find a way to leave. I don’t want you or your people to suffer because of me.”

  “One thing you should already know about survivors. We’ve suffered enough, and won’t let pompous assholes continue to put us down. We will fight for what is right, and enslaving you…is not right.”

  Tears flooded my eyes, and I found myself falling into her arms. “Thank you. You don’t know how much that means to me.” I sobbed against her shoulder. “All I want is to find a place, where Finn and I can settle down and live in peace.”

  “I know sweetheart. That’s every survivor’s dream.” She took my wrist. “I need to go to Kurt now. I want you to stay here. I’ll have to lock you in, but you will be safe.”

  Thinking of her locking me into their bunker kind of made me feel claustrophobic, but I knew it was necessary. As we reached the ladder to climb up, she turned to me. “I’ll be back.”

  I nodded. “Please be safe.”

  “I will.”

  As she closed the door above, I pressed my back against the wall and slid down to the floor. There were too many factors that could play out, all of which would end badly for Finn and me.

  Venge stirred inside. Closing my eyes, I took in a few deep breaths and thought back to simpler times, when I was free from worry or fear.

  In my mind's eye, I could see Finn, Charlie, Lily, and me, running around the park, chasing each other, swinging, and laughing.

  With the beast calm, I waited. Seconds felt like minutes, especially when there was no way to see or hear what was going on outside. I hoped Megan understood my side of the story and would do everything in her power to help us.

  The door finally opened. I waited with bated breath, but the face to show up was Lina’s.

  “Abi, quick. You have to come,” she said, her words trembling, and eyes wide with concern.

  There was no way the soldiers had gone in the time it took her to come for me. I climbed up the ladder with dread settling in my stomach. At this point, there was nothing to do but comply. Kurt and his people had taken us in, and I didn’t want to put them in danger.

  Lina remained silent as I climbed up the ladder, and exited the closet. She shut the door and hid the secret door, covering it back up with the clothes. Then, she leaned over and hugged me.

  “I’m sorry, Abi,” she sobbed.

  I knew they were waiting for me, but what the hell had they done with Finn? The thought sent my emotions into hyper drive.

  “It’s okay. I'll be all right,” I lied, hugging her back. “Go back outside with your parents. Tell them everything will be fine.”

  She nodded and hugged me one more time. “Please be safe.”

  “I will. Now go,” I said, forcing a smile.

  Inside, I was becoming unhinged, and my judgment was clouding. Finn’s safety was my top priority. My everything. After that came the security of this community. They were kind enough to put a roof over our heads, let us use their facilities, and feed us. The only way I could repay them was to go quietly.

  The air around me thickened to the point it was nearly suffocating. The sweat beading down my back was making my shirt suction to my skin. I was uncomfortable. My breath was heavy, and my legs were trembling.

  Hold it together.

  I knew if I called on Venge, she would be more than happy to oblige, but there was no guarantee that she would leave anyone alive. I couldn’t risk it. Not if I didn’t have to.

  As we left the bedroom, Kurt was standing in the living room. He glanced at me, but his eyes quickly shifted to the floor. In his left hand, he fisted a black sack; in his right were a pair of handcuffs. I knew what was happening. The soldiers must have warned him about my power. They were scared shitless of me and sent Kurt in to do their dirty work.

  “Finn?” I exhaled.

  “He’s okay. Safe for now, but they said that the condition of his safety is entirely up to you.” His mouth opened like he was about to say something else, when I stopped him.

  “I would never allow any harm to come to you or your people. You don’t have to worry about me putting up a fight. I’ll go quietly, as long as Finn is unharmed.”

  He nodded, staying silent as I stepped up to him. “Thank you,” he murmured. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” I said holding my hands in front of me, allowing him to snap the cuffs in place. “This is my burden to bear.”

  The front door opened, and Megan stepped inside, her eyes red, tears staining her face. She walked up and hugged me. “Abi, I’m sorry. They threatened to destroy everything we’ve worked so hard for, and take our people to the bunker.”

  “Hey, don’t be sorry for me,” I said. “What you have here is amazing, and I hope you thrive and find peace.”

  “Dear girl, I pray you find the peace you’ve been searching for,” Megan cried.

  There was a scuffle outside, followed by Finn yelling. “You’ll have to shoot me!”

  “No,” I screamed. “Finn, don’t fight!”

  He rushed inside. His eyes landed on me, then traveled down to my cuffed hands. His entire face strained, the veins in his temples throbbing. His fingers raked through his hair. “I failed you,” he said, his lip quivering, eyes filling with tears. “I should have listened to you. We shouldn’t have stopped here.”

  I walked up to him and took hold of his hand. “And then we wouldn’t have had last night.” I looked at him with meaning. “There is no way we could have known they’d come. Remember what you used to tell me? Live each moment. Last night was the greatest night of my life. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”

  “I won’t let them take you,” he said.

  “You won’t have to,” I whispered. “I’m going with them, of my own free will.”

  “That’s bullshit.”

  “You have thirty seconds to bring the girl out, or we come in shooting,” a soldier yelled.

  “Listen to me,” I said, looking into Finn’s eyes. “Promise me you won’t do anything irrational, because I’ll need you alive and strong.” I placed my hands on his chest. “I’ll need you to save me later.” His eyes met mine, and his turmoil sent tears cascading down my cheeks. “Promise me, Finn. Promise you won’t get yourself killed. Because I need you.”

  The muscles in his jaw tensed, his eyes closed, and his grip around me tightened.

  “I promise,” he breathed, his lips crashing down on mine. “I love you. Longer than forever.”

  “Longer than forever,” I echoed.

  Turning to Kurt, who was now beside me, I bowed my head. He placed the sack over it, immediately turning my world black. The heat doubled, and I feared if I didn’t get my breath under control, I’d pass out.

  “I’ll take her,” Finn said, taking hold of my hand and leading me outside.

  There was a lot of yelling and commotion. In seconds, his hand was torn from mine, and I was pulled away.

  “Don’t hurt her!” he yelled. “She’s injured. Left shoulder.”

  I didn’t fight. I went willingly, praying there would be a moment they would drop their guard. That’s all I needed.

  As they dragged me away, I hear
d another male voice command, “Cuff him and throw him in the chopper. We’ll take him back to the bunker.”

  I didn’t hear Finn rebut, because I knew he wanted to be with me. Knowing he would be on the same transport, seemed to settle my nerves even more. The guard holding onto my left arm appeared to have listened to Finn’s advice and was a lot gentler than the guard on my right, who was squeezing so tight I knew I was going to have a bruise.

  I hated the type. The ones, who abused power, like General Donnelly. Stick a uniform on a power hungry man, and they think they can rule the world. But under the material, they are the same as the rest of us. A body, made of flesh and bone.

  When I heard the sound of creaking metal, I knew we were exiting Kurt’s safe zone. After another few hundred feet, we stopped, most likely at the chopper.

  I waited as they opened the helicopter door.

  “Holy shit, you got her?” I assumed the voice was coming from the pilot.

  “Yeah, looks like we win the bet,” the guy on my right jested. “Tonight, we celebrate and rub the other team’s noses in it.”

  “Don’t tell them,” the other guy laughed. “Let them continue their search for the rest of the day. Their pompous asses thought they had the location nailed, but we had the connections. The sergeant’s tip was right all along.”

  “Yeah, I can’t wait to get this package back to the bunker so we can collect our bounty. Steak and potatoes. Shit, my mouth is watering already.”

  The guard on my left hadn’t said a word since they’d taken me, but he’d chuckle from time to time. Behind us, I could hear the other soldiers gathering. There must have been a total of four or five, depending on which chopper they brought.

  “Why the hell did you leave?” One of them asked.

  “I went with my hive,” Finn answered. “They’re my family. I couldn’t let them leave alone.”

  “Where are the rest of them?” an older man asked.

  There was a pause. “Dead. We ran into mutants in a nearby barn. We were the only ones to survive,” he answered somberly.

  “All of them?”

  “There were about fifty Arvies.”

  “Why didn’t the girl stop them? Can’t she kill the mutants with her mind?”

  “We were sent out to search for food in nearby homes, and by the time we returned, they’d been attacked.”

  “Serves ‘em right for leaving the safety of the bunker.”

  “I lost my entire family, you bastard!” Finn cursed. The emotion behind his words made me think it was real. He was trying to save our family. Trying to take them out of the equation. If they believed it, they would be free.

  “Smith, show some respect. What if it was your family?”

  “I was just saying it’s dumb to leave the safety of the bunker.” There was a pause. “I’m sorry, man.”

  Finn didn’t respond, and I could only imagine the restraint he was using. But he knew he had to be cool. To take the threat off him. As long as he complied with their demands, their eyes would remain on me, and he would be safe.

  “Keanu, secure the prisoner in the chopper. The rest of you load in,” a deep voice ordered.

  I gasped. Keanu? He must have been the guard on my left. Was it the same Keanu I’d met at the last location? It had to have been. How many guys would have that name?

  “Sir, are we heading back to the bunker?”

  “Not yet. We just received orders to pick up a group of scientists who are trapped up north. They must be vital because they have been given top priority. I suppose they are surrounded by Arvies and need immediate assistance.”

  “Sir, we can’t take more than two.”

  “If we squeeze, we can take up to four. Four is better than none. If they are still alive, we can call the second chopper. They might have room.”

  KEANU WAS SITTING NEXT TO me. As soon as he’d loaded me in, he slid close, and the heat of his body never left my side. Keanu knew what I could do. He must have been shocked to see me alive. Like Dr. Simon, the last time they’d seen me was when they’d left me behind, with hundreds of Arvies heading my way.

  “I didn’t think you were alive,” his voice whispered next to my ear.

  “I wouldn’t have been, if Finn didn’t save me,” I answered.

  “So, he’s the lucky guy.” He chuckled. “You should have been smarter. You can’t trust anyone in the bunker.”

  “I know. I just realized it a little too late.”

  His next words were soft, almost sad. “I can’t help you.”

  “I never expected you to.”

  He took in a deep breath and sighed. I liked Keanu, and knew behind the tough exterior, he was a good guy. I was glad he was sitting next to me, because who knew what would happen if I was next to an asshole.

  “Hey, Keanu,” one of the others said, his voice sounded much younger. “What’s your next tattoo gonna be?”

  I could feel him move next to me. “It’ll be right here, saying…Bringing out the big guns.”

  The others broke into laughter, and I figured he was flexing his big biceps. At least he was keeping the tension low.

  “So, that’s the girl who killed the leaders?”

  “Yeah, and every one of those bastards deserved it,” Finn spat.

  “How would you know?” another voice asked.

  “Because I was there. They put me in a cage with ten mutants, forcing her to either show her power, or let them tear me to shreds. She never had a choice.”

  “Why the hell would they do that?”

  “It was a demonstration,” Keanu added. “They shot her with some crazy shit, like some lab rat, then tested to see if it worked by putting her hive mate in a room with mutants.”

  “Hey,” the voice of authority spoke. “Don’t talk negatively about our leaders.”

  “I’m just speaking the truth, Sarge. They forced her hand and got what they deserved. I would have done the same thing.”

  “That’s enough,” the sergeant scolded.

  I felt Keanu shrug. “Karma. It’s a bitch.” His leg nudged mine, and under the black veil of darkness, I smiled.

  “How do you know all this?” the young voice asked.

  “He was on that last mission with Sergeant Hawkins,” another voice whispered.

  “Oh. I didn’t know.”


  The rest of the ride, I tried to slow my breath, keeping it steady so I wouldn’t pass out. But my head felt like it was soaked, and my face was burning. It was to the point where my breath was labored.

  I nudged Keanu’s leg with mine, and I felt him lean toward me.

  “I’m having trouble breathing,” I exhaled.

  “Sarge, she can’t breathe under that hood.”

  “We are under strict orders not to remove it.”

  “She’s practically hyperventilating. She sounds like she’s going to pass out. “

  “No,” he repeated.

  “What if we put a blindfold on her instead? I’m freaking melting without a damn hood on.”

  There was another pause then Keanu pushed the issue. “She doesn’t deserve this. This is cruelty, man. She’s a goddam human being.”

  “There is no way we can take the hood off without risking injury. She’s dangerous.”

  “Sarge, she won’t hurt us,” Keanu insisted.

  “You can’t guarantee that.”

  “I can,” Finn spoke up. “I’ll put the blindfold on her, and if anything happens, which it won’t, you can shoot me.”

  I could hear a gun sliding out of a holster. “Fine.”

  “You keep her head turned and her eyes away from us,” the sergeant demanded. “Keanu, since it was your bright idea, you make sure it’s done right.”

  “Yes, sir,” Keanu replied.

  A sense of relief washed over me. In a few seconds, Finn was in front of me. “Abi, turn your head to the right and close your eyes.”

  I did as he said. “Okay, they’re closed.”

  The hood came off, and I took in a deep breath of air. “Does anyone have any water?” Finn urged.

  “Here,” Keanu answered. Finn’s hands gently brushed away the strands of hair that were stuck to the sides of my face. A cool fabric, wet with water, gently cleaned my face. It felt so good.

  “Drink,” Finn whispered, placing the flask to my lips. I did as he said, filling my dry mouth with the cold liquid, quenching the fire within.

  “I’m going to put the blindfold on.”

  I nodded, keeping my eyes closed. I could feel his hands gently place the fabric around my eyes, and tie it in the back.

  “Make sure it’s tight enough that it won’t fall off,” the sergeant said.

  “Are you okay?” Finn asked.

  “Fine,” I replied. “It’s fine.”

  “I love you, Abi.” His forehead pressed against my temple. I could feel his breath on my cheek.

  “Get back,” the sergeant ordered.

  “I love you,” I whispered back, my words unheard as Finn moved away.

  Straightening in my seat, I nudged Keanu with my knee. “Thank you.”

  “It was the decent thing to do.”

  “You’re a good man, no matter what your momma says.”

  He chuckled. “So you’re really a telepath?” I could barely hear his words.


  “If I speak to you in my mind, you can hear me?”


  “Do it,” he murmured.

  I closed my eyes and concentrated on entering Keanu’s mind.

  “Can you hear me?”

  I nodded.

  “Wow, this is kind of blowing my mind.”

  I giggled.

  “What’s she laughing about?”

  Keanu cleared his throat. “I told her my newest joke.”

  “Let’s hear it.”

  “What did one Arvy say to the other?”


  “Nothing, stupid. They can’t speak.”

  “Well, they can communicate using telepathy.”

  “But they can’t speak.” Keanu grunted. “You know what, wise ass? Shut up. You ruined the moment.”


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