Santa Wore Spurs

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Santa Wore Spurs Page 38

by Various

  "I thought we were doing anal."

  "We will. I needed to feel your warmth around me first."

  "The lube is in the drawer."

  "I’ll get it in a minute."

  She glanced up to see the concentration on his face. A small tick appeared in his jaw as he fought for control. Feeling ornery, she reached up and ran her fingernail over his nipples, earning a tortured moan from his mouth.

  He slipped his cock from inside her and said, "That’s it. Roll over."

  She grinned as she flipped onto her stomach while he reached for the lube in the drawer. Seconds later the cold liquid hit her back hole, making it pucker in anticipation of his penetration.

  "I’ll go slow. You can drive this train."

  "Thanks. I need a minute to adjust." The burn drove the air from her lungs, but she loved the feeling of it. The fullness made her inhale sharply as she pressed back against him. "Oh my God."


  She squeezed her eyelids shut as she fought to take him all the way inside her body. The feeling of taking him deep almost made her cry. Why, she wasn’t sure, but this was more than just a one night connection. No, it can’t be. He’s leaving tomorrow to go back to his life while I’ll be stuck here in this little town.

  "I’m in."

  "You ain’t kiddin’, cowboy."

  "You okay?"

  "Perfect." She forced her hips back against his pelvis. "Fuck me, cowboy."

  Chapter Five

  Sunlight poured through the curtains, forcing Catlin to open her eyes. She didn’t have to work today, thank goodness, but she should check on them anyway. They must have got the roads open, it meant the waitress and the cook managed to get in for their shift. They would have called otherwise.

  She glanced down at the brown arm lying across her waist. Eli. She inhaled sharply as the bite of tears stung her eyes. She didn’t want him to go. Can you fall in love with someone in one day? She didn’t know, but the pain in her chest said yes.

  "The sun’s out," he whispered near her ear.


  "I guess that means they might have gotten the roads open."

  "That’d be my guess."


  He burrowed down into the quilts while his chest, abs and groin pressed against her back. His scent surrounded her and she hated it, hated him for making her feel something she shouldn’t.

  "You should probably get up and see what the damage is."

  He groaned. "Yeah. I guess so." After he inhaled sharply he sat up and pushed his hand through his hair. "Mind if I use your shower?"

  "No. Go right ahead." She sniffed, burying her head a little further into the not so comfy pillow.

  "Are you all right?"

  "Yeah. I’m fine."

  "I’ll grab my gear, but I’ll need to use your soap."

  "I have a sliver of deodorant soap in the shower stall so you don’t have to use the body wash." She could feel his eyes on her, but she didn’t want him to see the moisture clinging to her eyelashes. The last thing she needed was to make him feel guilty about their little tryst. She knew what she was getting into when they started this thing, but she sure didn’t expect to want more. It wasn’t supposed to happen this way. Love took time to develop between two people, not slam you after just meeting someone.

  "Thanks. I’ll be out in a minute that way if you need it, you can get in there."

  "Take your time." She wanted some time alone. He could take as long as he needed. It would give her those precious minutes she needed to come to terms with his leaving today.

  Several minutes later she heard the shower come on as she rolled onto her back to stare at the ceiling. She should get dressed, put on a smile and bid him well. It was the thing to do, but she really didn’t have the heart to. The tears would have to come later when he walked to his truck, got inside and drove away. What the hell?

  She inhaled sharply and sat up. Enough of this feeling sorry for myself. She could take a bath later and bawl her eyes out if she wanted to, but for now she needed to pull up her big girl panties and see him off with a smile. With the sheet wrapped around her body, she grabbed some clean clothes from the dresser to put on.

  The shower shut off, tempting her to sneak a peek through the doorway at his delectable body. Maybe she could get him to fuck her one more time before he left. No, they’d screwed four times the day before by the time they finally fell asleep exhausted from their activities. Surely he wouldn’t be up for one more, would he?

  She slipped on her clothes and started the coffee.

  "Ah, an angel after my own heart."

  "Why do you say that?" she asked, turning toward the bathroom door to see him propped against the door jam with his muscled arms over his chest and a miniscule towel wrapped around his hips. It did nothing to hide his impressive cock from her gaze.

  "You made coffee."

  "Ah." She turned back toward the coffeemaker as it burbled to a finishing end. "There isn’t a lot. It’s not a full sized one. We can hit the diner this morning for breakfast if you’d rather. I know you volunteered to make breakfast, but it’s probably easier to get something over there."

  His arms went around her from behind as he kissed the side of her neck. "Sounds good to me. I could use a hearty breakfast after all the activity we had yesterday. I don’t think I’ve had sex four times in one day since I was in my twenties."

  "You aren’t that damned old."

  He laughed. "No. I can’t say I am otherwise, I’d have to say you’re old, too, since you’re the same age."

  After he stepped back, he dropped the towel and grabbed his duffle bag to pull out some clean clothes. She cocked her head to the side as she studied his firm ass. She had the insane urge to smack it with her hand, but after yesterday’s lessons in domination and submission, she didn’t think he’d take to kindly to it.

  He turned his head to glance back over his shoulder at her. One eyebrow rose as a smile crossed his mouth. "Don’t even think about it."


  "I can tell by that little smirk on your lips what is running through your mind." He slipped on his boxers much to her chagrin.

  "I wasn’t thinking anything."

  "Uh-huh." He pulled on his jeans and a T-shirt before he sat down to slip on his socks and boots.

  They’d leave the coffee for later since they’d gotten dressed so quickly to head to the diner. No problem. Being around others would keep her from breaking down in front of him.

  After they both pulled on their jackets, she opened the door. The snow was piled over three feet high in front of her. "Wow. I hope they got the road cleared."

  "I’m not so worried about the road as I am about the parking lot. I might not be able to pull out of here without some shoveling."

  "Would it be so bad if you had to stay another day?"

  He leaned over and kissed her quickly. "I wish I could, Catlin. I really do, but with my mare about to foal, I need to get home. It’s going to be several hours in this weather for me to get home. My place is an hour north of Cheyenne yet."

  "I know. Just a thought." She pushed some of the snow out from in front of the door so they could trudge their way to the diner. From what she could see, there were a few cars in front of the building. Eli helped her clear the doorway. "Crap. I hope they didn’t give old Joe a bad time this morning. I forgot to call the owners and warn them he was there."

  "I’m sure it was fine." He nodded toward the pile. "Let me get the shovel out of my truck so I can clear this."

  "You’ll have to shovel most of it from in front of the door to be able to reach your truck. Let’s just clear enough to get to the diner and after we get breakfast, we’ll work on clearing the snow. The owner has one near the back door. He pays someone to clear the walkways at the diner."

  "Okay, bossy woman. You sure you don’t have some Domme in you?"

  She laughed as she pecked him on the mouth. "I’ll let you do all the spanking, thank you."
  The burn of a blow to her right butt cheek made her squeak.

  "Just checking to make sure you are payin’ attention."

  "Yes, sir." She grinned until her cheeks hurt as they made their way through the snow.

  On the way, they stopped to check on the horses and threw them more hay into their stalls. "I do have to tell you, I can’t thank you enough for letting me keep them back here. I wouldn’t have wanted them stuck in the trailer since yesterday."

  Yesterday? That’s all it’s been? I’ve known him for less than twenty four hours. Wow. "I can’t believe I only met you yesterday."

  "Yeah, kind of freaky, huh?"

  "Yes. I feel like I’ve known you forever."

  The bell on the door of the diner dinged when Eli held it open for her to precede him, effectively cutting off any reply he might have made. The diner had a few people in the booths with a couple of regulars at the counter.

  "Hey girl. What are you doin’ here? It’s your day off."

  "We came for some breakfast before my…uh…friend has to leave. Do you know if the Interstate is open?"

  One of the truckers at the bar said, "Yep. They just got it all cleared about an hour ago." He glanced at them, tipping his cup to his lips. "Where ya headed?"

  "Outside Cheyenne with my horse trailer."

  "You should be good to go then."

  "Much obliged."

  Eli tipped his hat the way cowboys do as she sighed in appreciation. God, she loved cowboys.

  They took a seat in one of the booths as Pamela brought coffee. "Two cups?"

  "Yes, please," Catlin replied.

  Pamela set down both cups and filled them. "I know you need cream, Catlin. What can I get for you, sir?"

  "Black for me."

  "Thanks, Pam. We’ll order in a minute."

  "I’ll come back in a few then."

  "What are you hungry for?" Eli asked, glancing at the menu.

  "Uh, I’m not sure. The cook makes really great pancakes."

  "Sounds good to me," he said setting the menu aside as the waitress returned.


  "Yeah. I’ll have pancakes." She poured cream into her coffee, stirring it with a clink, clink, clink on the side of the cup.

  "Make that two."

  "Comin’ right up."

  She sipped at the strong brew, hoping to keep her hands busy so they wouldn’t shake. Emotions rushed through her at an alarming rate, leaving her unsure as to how to handle what she was feeling. His stare bored into her, but she avoided looking back. She didn’t want to see the questions in his eyes nor try to figure out the answers to something she wasn’t sure how to handle.

  "You okay?"

  "Yeah. Fine. Why?"

  "You seem quiet."

  "Just thinking about all the shoveling we’re going to have to do to get your truck and trailer out of the parking lot is all."


  The noises from the other patrons surrounded them. One couple spoke softly across the table to each other in the booth behind her, discussing what they were going to do with their teenage daughter who insisted on dating the bad boy of the town. Catlin smiled. If she ever had that problem with a child, she’d hug her tight and try to understand the need the girl had to spread her wings to fly on her own. Would she ever have children? She didn’t know, but she hoped to someday. She wanted kids. Finding a husband would be the first step in doing that though and right now she didn’t have any prospects.

  A glance across the table to meet the pale blue eyes of the man she’s spent the last twenty-four hours making love with, slammed her with a reality check. The only man she wanted at this moment was him. The thought terrified her.

  Several minutes later the waitress returned with their breakfast. After they both smeared butter over the surface of their pancakes, their hands met when they reached for the syrup at the same time.

  "Go ahead," Eli said, removing his hand.

  "No, it’s fine. You go ahead."

  "Use the syrup, Catlin. I have time, honey. We don’t have to rush anything."

  She wondered if his words meant anything besides using the syrup as she finally met the look in his eyes. Did he seem sad? Reluctant to leave their relationship with no thoughts of the future? Was she reading more into this than there needed to be? Really, how could she think she was in love with a man she barely knew? Sure, they had some things in common, but that didn’t spell out the L word?

  With a hard swallow, she poured the syrup on her pancakes and handed him the bottle. "Thanks."

  "No problem, darlin’."

  Her heart clenched at his words. Did he know what they did to her? Did he care at all? Fuck. I need to quit thinking like this. Enough already. He’ll leave soon and I’ll have to move on with my life just like I always have. Hell, maybe we can get together every year like long lost lovers or something. Maybe I should suggest it.

  "How far did you say you live from here?"

  "About four hours on a good day. My place is an hour north of Cheyenne."



  "I had a thought is all. You know. Maybe if I’m in the neighborhood I could look you up or something."

  "Sure, honey. I’ll give you my phone number and if you find yourself nearby, call me."

  He stuffed a forkful of pancake in his mouth, chewing the fluffy mixture with zest. Did the man do anything without that full on, go for the gusto attitude? She didn’t think so.

  "You aren’t eating. Aren’t you hungry?"

  "Sorry. Yeah." She stuffed some pancake in her mouth, but it tasted like sawdust on her tongue. A quick sip of coffee washed the concoction down her throat without tasting much of it. After she ate a few more bites, she pushed her plate away.

  "You didn’t each much."

  "I guess I wasn’t as hungry as I thought I was."

  "You’re gonna need your strength if you plan to help me shovel all the snow blocking my truck."

  "I know. I can handle it. Trust me."

  A grin spread across his tempting lips, leaving her wanting to feel them on her body again. Anywhere. She didn’t care. She just didn’t want him to leave.

  "If you say so."

  When they’d finished their coffee, she sighed as she signaled for the check.

  Eli grabbed it before she could, handing the waitress a twenty. "Keep the change."

  "Thank you, sir."

  "I could have bought my own breakfast."

  "I wanted to buy it. It’s the least I could do."

  "For the sex from yesterday?" she snapped in a low whisper, hating herself for it the minute the words left her mouth. "Sorry. I didn’t mean that."

  "Yes you did and no, that’s not what it was for, Catlin. It was for letting me stay with you, fixing me supper last night, letting my horses stay in the shed…all of those things. It didn’t have anything to do with the love making we did."

  Grinding the words out between her clenched teeth, she said, "Fucking, Eli. It was fucking." She scooted out of the booth, leaving him sitting there with his mouth open for a minute as she pushed open the door to the diner. The snow shovel sat near the back door when she rushed around the corner. She planned to work off all of the anger, frustration, sadness, loneliness and everything else she was feeling by shoveling his truck out all by herself.

  "Whoa there, sweetheart." Eli grabbed the shovel out of her hands.

  "Give it back."

  "Easy, honey. Let’s talk."

  "Nothin’ to talk about. You need your truck shoveled out. I planned on doing it."

  "Why are you so upset?"

  "I’m not."

  "Yes you are."

  He wiped at the tears streaking down her cheeks that she wasn’t even aware were there until then. The shovel flew away as he pulled her into his embrace.


  "Why? I want to hold you."

  "Just don’t, Eli. Please. I can’t…"

  "You knew this wasn’t a long term

  "I know."

  He brushed his lips over hers. "Aw, honey, don’t."

  "I’m sorry. I can’t understand this at all. I’m not like this. I don’t get tied up with people. I don’t care about people this fast, but you’ve come to mean a lot to me in such a short time."

  "I care about you too, but we need to move on past this."

  "Promise me, you’ll think about me."

  "I will. I can’t forget you as easily as you seem to think, darlin’."

  She sniffed, wiping the tears from her cheeks. "Let’s get this snow shoveled so you can get on the road. Your poor horse needs to get home."

  They worked tirelessly together with two shovels she’d found out back. Within an hour of working together they had his truck and trailer, as well as a path for him to get out, shoveled clear.

  "We are a pretty good team."

  "You bet, cowboy."

  "I need to get my gear bag from your place."

  "I’ll get it while you load the horses."

  "Are you sure?"

  She was already on her way back to the apartment when she yelled, "Yep." Besides, it would give her a minute to herself, before she had to say goodbye. He’d left a few things lying about her apartment so she picked up each piece of clothing, sniffing it for a moment before she folded it neatly to return it to his duffle on the bed. His shaving gear and shampoo made it inside after she brought the bottle to her nose to inhale his scent.

  After she closed her eyes for a moment and zipped the bag, she grabbed the handle to head back out to the truck. Let’s get this over with.

  The bright sunlight almost blinded her as she walked back outside with his bag over her shoulder. He was just locking the back of his trailer when she reached his side. "Here you go."

  "Thanks, darlin’."

  She bit her lips to keep from telling him not to go. He had to. His life was at his place outside Cheyenne. Hers was here.

  Once he put the bag inside the cab, he held open his arms and said, "Come ‘ere." She hiccoughed as she dove into his embrace. "Aw, baby. Don’t cry."

  "I’m not."

  She felt his chest rise and fall with a laugh. "We’ll keep in touch."

  "Sure, Eli."

  He swept the hair back from her face as he drew her near enough to press his lips against hers. The kiss lasted a lifetime, but wasn’t long enough as he stepped back and smiled. "Thank you."


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