Our Little Secret (Finding Forever Book 1)

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Our Little Secret (Finding Forever Book 1) Page 2

by Rebecca Raine

  “What are you talking about, Derek?”

  “I’m talking about the way you look at her.” Derek waited for it. The stare. Scott didn’t disappoint.

  “And how exactly do I look at her?” he asked, eyes sparking.

  “Like you want to put a kink in her bun.”

  Scott barked out a laugh. “You’ve got some way with words, man. A kink in her bun. I’ll have to remember that one.”

  “Deny it all you want.” Derek pushed away from the door and crossed the few metres separating them. “I know you too well.”

  Scott shot forward and wrapped one strong hand around the back of Derek’s neck, pulling him into a deep, mind-numbing kiss. Caught off guard, Derek groaned as the blunt edge of Scott’s teeth bit down into his lower lip, just hard enough to hurt, before his tongue ran over the sore spot. By the time Scott drew away, Derek was breathing hard, wanting more.

  “You do know me,” Scott growled, his breath hot on Derek’s face. “You know you’re mine.”

  Derek allowed a grin to spread across his mouth, his tongue curling up behind his teeth in wicked delight. “And she could be ours.”

  Releasing his hold, Scott leaned back on the edge of his desk with a heavy sigh, long legs stretched out in front of him. “Don’t be ridiculous. She looks like a librarian. How do you think she’s going to react if we do this?”

  “Do what? Show an interest? She’s a beautiful woman. I’m sure she’s used to having two men hit on her at the same time.”

  “Yeah.” Scott snorted in amusement. “But I doubt they’re normally fucking each other as well.”

  Derek shrugged. “A valid point, but that only makes us more appealing. We’re double the fun.” Moving closer, he slid one leg between the other man’s knees and curved a hand around the back of his neck before leaning down to murmur in his ear. “You feel it as much as I do. The need for soft skin and curves. Sinking into her hot, wet body.” He leaned closer, until his thigh nudged Scott’s groin. “I know you want her as much as I do.”

  Scott didn’t reply, refused to so much as move a muscle, but Derek wasn’t fooled. He could see the way Scott’s hands gripped the edge of the desk beneath him until his knuckles were white. That wasn’t the only response to betray Scott’s desires. He could deny it if he wanted to, but his aroused cock said he was ready for the challenge winning Julia presented.

  Satisfied, Derek pulled back to look into his lover’s eyes. “We’ve always known we were meant to have a third. After all these years, I think we may have finally found her. Just give it a chance.”

  It was there in Scott’s eyes. Behind the gruff, brooding exterior. The uncertainty and wariness. “Don’t get your hopes up. She obviously likes you, but me?” He shook his head. “I’m not so sure she’ll want the package deal.”

  Derek grinned and dropped a quick kiss on Scott’s lips before moving away. “Stop glaring at her,” he suggested in a bright tone as he headed for the door. “That should help.”

  Chapter 3

  Scott sat down in an empty chair beside Julia and clasped his half-empty beer bottle on the table in front of him. He swiped at the condensation on the label with his thumb as he tried to think of something to say. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her glance at him before turning away again. She shifted in her seat, recrossed her legs, and took a sip from her champagne glass. Something deep inside him rumbled in satisfaction. He liked knowing he made her nervous.

  In the past year, he’d spent more than one night fantasising about fucking this woman until neither of them could walk. Though, in his fantasies he was generally bending her over his desk rather than sidling up to her in a noisy pub. He sure as hell never imagined he’d be asking her out on a date. Derek had insisted Scott should be the one to do the asking. Something about how it would force him to stop glowering at her long enough to make the request. Scott hadn’t realised he’d been so surly in their interactions. It hadn’t been intentional. Now she probably thought he disliked her. She couldn’t be more wrong if she tried.

  “Hello there.” The sound of Julia’s voice could barely be heard over the throbbing beat of the pub music. He turned his head and saw her smiling at him in a cautious way.

  “Hey,” he replied, holding her gaze. Silence fell between them and he cursed his awkwardness. He’d never had this much trouble talking to a woman before. Then again, this wasn’t just any woman.

  He leaned closer, so she wouldn’t struggle to hear him over the music. “Are you having a good time?”

  “Sure. Of course.” Her lips stretched into a plastic smile as she picked up her glass and took another sip. “Why wouldn’t I be having a good time?”

  He turned to glance around the crowded pub. Most of their colleagues were here, laughing and enjoying themselves, loosened up by the free-flowing alcohol and the freedom of the coming weekend. Earlier in the evening, he’d watched as Julia mingled with them. It hadn’t been long, though, before she’d stepped away from the throng. She’d been hugging this corner for the past half hour.

  He looked back into her eyes. “You just don’t seem like you enjoy these events much.”

  Face twisting in mortification, she asked, “Is it that obvious?”

  He couldn’t help but smile at her discomfort. “Maybe I just recognise a common soul.”

  Her own grin froze and she stared at him with wide eyes until he was drunk on hazel. They were sitting close together now, their heads inclined toward each other in the shadows.

  “What is it?” He forced the question out, trying not to think about how close her lips were.

  “I’m sorry. I’ve just never seen you smile like that before.” She breathed the words, as if she didn’t want to break the spell. “It’s just... wow.”

  Their gazes locked once more and the air between them became thick and heavy. He clutched the bottle he still held tight in his grip to prevent himself from reaching for her. Patience, he reminded himself. Good things come to those who wait. Fuck, he hated waiting.

  “That was a stupid comment to make.” The corners of her eyes crinkled as she backed away from him. That’s when he realised he was glaring at her again. Damn.

  “I’m really sorry,” she added before draining the last of her champagne with a long swallow.

  He thought of something else he could give her to swallow and hissed in a breath as his body tightened in response. He took a pull on his beer, almost choking on the liquid as it slid down his throat. He had to get this over with before she noticed the raging hard-on he was getting just from talking to her.

  “Have you eaten?” Not the smoothest of segues, he had to admit, but it definitely got her attention.

  “Um, no,” she said, shaking her head. “I didn’t have a chance. I came straight from the office. The nibbles were pretty much gone by the time I got here.”

  He nodded, grateful for the easy opening. “We’re just about to head to a little Thai place down the road. Makes the best roast duck you’ve ever tasted.” He caught her eye before he added, “You should join us.”

  She balked. “Oh no, you’re not about to fire me early are you? Did I do something wrong?”

  “What? No!” Crap, he should have gotten Derek to handle this part. Derek would have had her melting in his palm like ice cream in the sun. Instead, he’d put the fear of early unemployment in her. “I just thought you might be hungry.”

  He was hungry. Damn, he was starving. He wanted to taste her mouth and suckle her earlobe and work his way down her body with slow, wet kisses.

  He loved Derek in ways he couldn’t begin to describe. He always would. Derek was right though. They were both just as attracted to women as they were to men and the absence of a feminine element in their relationship was like a chasm neither of them could wait to fill. They had enjoyed brief affairs with women in the past. Beautiful, open women who enjoyed the attention two healthy young men were able to give them. They’d never found anyone that completed their circle, though. No on
e they could see themselves inviting into their relationship on a more permanent basis. Until Julia Hearst had walked through the office door to interview for a job.

  As her employers, doing anything about their attraction to her had obviously been out of the question. To the point where they’d never even discussed it. They both knew, though, what the other was thinking. That unspoken tension had been building for months and it only took a few words from Derek this afternoon to bring the whole situation to a head. His partner was right about that too. If they didn’t make their move now, it would be too late.

  “By we, you mean you and Derek?” Her quiet words interrupted his thoughts.

  He hesitated. For all he knew, she could be repulsed by the idea of them together. She wouldn’t be the first. There was only one way to find out. “Yes,” he said, watching her face closely. “I mean me and Derek.”

  She smiled at him. A secret smile that made his chest hurt with relief. It prompted him to ask, “You aren’t surprised to know we’re together?”

  “No. I’ve always known. Well, I’ve suspected anyway.” She shook her head and shrugged one shoulder. “I’m surprised because you’ve kept it a secret for so long, and now both of you have alluded to it in one day. I guess I’m just wondering why.”

  “We have our reasons,” he replied, knowing it was too soon for the truth. He leaned closer, until his lips were almost brushing her ear. “You still haven’t answered my question. Do you want to come with us?”

  “Julia,” Amber’s voice interrupted them as the other woman approached the table and grabbed her black jacket from the empty chair on Julia’s other side. “I’m heading home. You want to share a cab?”

  Scott watched Julia’s face as she struggled to process the question. If she said yes and left with Amber, he would have his answer. It would hurt, he knew it would, but he was prepared for that.

  “Thanks, but no.” She said the words a little breathlessly, as if she couldn’t believe they were coming out of her mouth. “I’ll be sticking around a bit longer.”

  Scott fought the smile that tried to crowd its way onto his face. She wasn’t leaving.

  “That’s unusual. Have you got a hot date?” Amber gave her a mischievous wink.

  “No. Don’t be silly,” she replied with a high-pitched laugh. Clearing her throat, she reached up to smooth her hand over her bun. “No date. I’m just going out to dinner with... some friends.”

  “Oh, okay. Well, have fun. I’ll see you on Monday.” Amber reached out to shake Scott’s hand. “Thanks for the party, boss.”

  “No problem. Have a good weekend, Amber.”

  They both watched in silence as Amber walked away. Scott’s gaze returned to Julia. “Shall we?”

  She nodded and stood up.

  He grabbed the jacket she’d left hanging on the back of her chair and held it up for her. Turning, she allowed him to help her into it. He slid the material up her arms with exaggerated slowness. Once he’d settled it over her shoulders he fixed the collar for her, his long fingers grazing the bare skin at the nape of her neck.

  “By the way.” He leaned down to speak into her ear and felt her shiver in response. “Just so we’re clear. This most certainly is a date.”

  Chapter 4

  She should have left with Amber. She absolutely should have left with Amber. By now she’d be curled up on her couch in her comfy pyjamas with the television and a microwave meal to keep her company. Not the most exciting evening, but then she wasn’t a very exciting person. In fact, Julia liked the safe and comfortable life she’d built for herself. Perhaps it could sometimes be a bit boring, but boring had never landed her in a dimly lit restaurant with two gay men and a stomach full of champagne and butterflies. This was all kinds of dangerous.

  The restaurant was small, just as Scott had said, but that’s where the similarities between what she’d expected and what she’d walked into ended. This was not your average ‘little Thai place’ with cheap tablecloths and plastic flowers. Instead, they’d entered a lush, sensual environment with intimate dining areas and tall potted bamboo.

  They were led to a small, round table with curved booth seating and sumptuous cushions. The room was warm and Julia removed her jacket before scooting into the booth on one side of the table. She expected the two men to sit opposite. Instead, they divided, with one sliding into the booth on either side of her. She moved to make room for them, though she found their behaviour disconcerting.

  Yes, Scott had said this was a date, but she’d thought he was teasing. She hadn’t actually believed it. They were in a relationship with each other. It wasn’t like she could be on a date with both of them! Could she? Her breath caught and those champagne-fuelled butterflies in her stomach went into a frenzy.

  Derek suggested they order the banquet and Julia nodded, refusing to take her eyes off the menu until he eased it from her clutching fingers and gave it to the waitress. After the woman had left them alone, he tucked one finger under her chin and turned her face toward him. “Breathe, Julia,” he said with an amused smile. “Before you pass out.”

  She sucked in a lungful of air and sank back against the cushions as she released it with a slow exhalation. Once she felt calmer she put on her most polite smile and said, “This place is lovely, Scott. Thank you for inviting me.” She turned to Derek. “I hope you don’t mind me intruding on your dinner plans.”

  “Julia, darling,” he replied with a devious murmur, “I have you exactly where I want you. This right here,” he gestured between them, “is the opposite of intruding.”

  “Oh.” The word slipped out on a sigh as she stared into Derek’s brown eyes, her heart right on the cusp of going all melty. Then a thought occurred to her. “So, this was your idea?”

  “Something like that.”

  Julia’s stomach dropped. Did that mean Scott only invited her to join them tonight because Derek wanted him to? Did he not really want her here? She’d believed he meant it when he said he wanted her to come, but then she remembered the expression on his face after she’d foolishly complimented him on his smile, and she wasn’t so sure.

  A bottle of wine arrived at their table and Derek began to fill their glasses. Julia watched him, one hand fiddling with the delicate chain of her necklace. She sneaked a glance at Scott. His gaze had dropped to the hand at her throat. It lingered for a while before lifting back to her face. There it was. That strange intensity she always saw in him. Maybe she’d been right all along and he just didn’t like her. She turned away, swallowing hard as she stared at the white linen table cloth. Why the hell had she even come here?

  “Tell me something, Julia,” Scott said as he accepted the glass of wine Derek handed to him. “What on Earth made you become an accountant? Don’t you have to have your personality removed before you can do something like that?”

  She sat up straighter. “Are you saying I’m lacking in personality?”

  Derek chuckled. “Never. I think what Scott means is that you’re too interesting for such a staid sort of occupation.”

  The smirk Scott gave her made her doubt that interpretation. She angled her body away from him. If he thought her boring he shouldn’t have invited her to dinner in the first place. Now she was here she may as well make the best of it. She always enjoyed Derek’s company and tonight would be no exception.

  “Both of my parents were accountants,” she told Derek. “They liked it well enough and always had good job security. They wanted me to be an accountant and it seemed like a solid choice.” She grinned. “It helps that I enjoy playing with numbers.”

  “You like security then?” Scott asked in a low voice.

  She looked back over her shoulder at him. “Don’t you?”

  He shrugged. “In my experience security is an illusion. Better to take the world as it comes, one day at a time.”

  “I suppose that works for some people,” she said, wondering if he’d insulted her again. “But I prefer to have a plan for my life.”
  Scott opened his mouth to speak again, but Derek interjected before he had the chance. “Well, you work hard and you’re excellent at your job. If you ever need work in the future, you’ll find it with us.” He held up his wine glass toward her.

  That must be what this whole dinner was about. They just wanted to say thank you for the work she’d done, and butter her up for a later return to the fold. It made a lot more sense than the whole ‘date’ idea. She was so relieved. Not disappointed. That feeling in the pit of her stomach? It was totally relief.

  “Thank you, Derek,” she said, forcing another smile. “I’ll remember that.”

  They clinked glasses and she took a mouthful, humming her appreciation of the rich flavour. “Delicious.”

  Scott swore under his breath, and gulped down half of his own glass in one swig.

  She didn’t have time to react to his odd behaviour before steaming plates of food began to arrive at their table. For a time they were occupied with eating. Derek joined her in talking openly about the delicious food and how it compared with other cuisines they’d tried. Before long she had relaxed into the pleasurable process of sharing food, talking and laughing with Derek in an easy way that had always been a part of their interactions. It wasn’t until they were nearing the end of the meal she realised Scott was the one who had made sure to offer her a taste of every dish. He’d refilled her glass and asked if she wanted more of anything. The care he took of her was in direct contrast to everything that had come before. If she hadn’t been so relaxed from the meal she may have stared at him like he had two heads. Right now, though, she was too replete to bother analysing it.

  They were finishing with coffee when Derek asked, “Do you have a boyfriend, Julia? Or a girlfriend maybe?”

  Surprised by the unexpected question, she felt herself blush. It almost sounded like he was fishing for information. She would have been delighted, if he didn’t already have a boyfriend. A boyfriend who happened to be sitting at the table with them. Why would he care about her non-existent love life?


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