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Chaos Page 13

by Katie Holland

  “Sure mom,” Alix said.

  On her way to find her dad, she texted Shay.

  Alix: We’re just about to have dinner. Text me when you can talk.

  She knew it was about the time Shay’s family usually ate so she probably wouldn’t hear from her right away. She really wanted to tell Shay what had happened outside.

  Everyone was finally gathered up and they ate dinner in the kitchen. When they were done, and the kitchen was cleaned up it was time to go see Christmas lights. That was Alix’s favorite part of Christmas Eve.

  “Are you coming with us?” Alix asked Natalie and Rick.

  “Where are you going?” Natalie asked her.

  “Oh sorry. It’s a tradition for us to go for a drive and look at Christmas lights,” Alix told her. “Ben already said he’s coming.”

  “Sure, that sounds like fun,” Natalie said.

  “Great,” Alix said. “Let’s meet by the door in about ten minutes.”

  Everyone agreed. Alix didn’t really need ten minutes to get ready she just wanted time to check her phone and hopefully call Shay. When she took out her phone there was a text from Shay.

  Shay: I can talk now. What’s up?

  Alix went to the closest empty room and called her.

  “Hey Alix, what’s going on?” Shay asked.

  Alix told her about the snow angels and the kiss. Shay squealed on the other end when Alix told her.

  “I told you he liked you!” Shay said.

  “I know, I know. What am I going to do?” Alix asked.

  “You don’t have to do anything and try not to freak out because I know you are. Just continue to be friends if that’s all you want right now.”

  “I think I can do that,” Alix said.

  “And,” Shay said, “you two have held hands before and you’ve handled that just fine right?”


  “So, there you go. It might be baby steps but you’re going to be just fine Alix.”

  “Okay Shay, thank you.”

  “That’s what I’m here for. What are you doing now?”

  “We’re going to go see lights. I made everyone wait ten minutes so I could talk to you.”

  Shay laughed on the other end. “Well have fun. See you in the morning.”

  “Bye Shay.”

  Alix hung up and went to the front door. Everyone was already there.

  “Sorry, I was talking to Shay,” she told them. “But I’m ready for the lights, let’s go.”

  They ended up taking Natalie’s SUV since it had more room. Alix had a smile on her face the entire time they drove around Sunset Creek. Next, to the tree, Christmas lights were her favorite.

  When they got home Heather and Natalie made some hot chocolate and then they watched It’s a Wonderful Life. They finished the evening sitting in the den with only the tree for light. When Ben lit a fire in the fireplace it was like the cherry on top. Just before she was ready to go to bed her mom handed her a gift to open. It was a new pair of Christmas pajamas, the traditional Christmas Eve gift. Alix couldn’t have asked for a better day.

  * * *

  As was normal for Alix she was the first one up Christmas morning. Still wearing her new PJ’s she went to the kitchen to start the coffee. No one was allowed to open stockings or gifts before everyone was awake. She made her coffee and sat at the breakfast bar. She was surprised when Ben came into the kitchen a few minutes later, also wearing his new PJ’s.

  “Good morning,” he said, “and Merry Christmas.”

  “Merry Christmas to you too. Snazzy pajama’s you’ve got there.” Alix said smiling. She couldn’t wait to give him the books she got from Gordon.

  “Thank you,” he said with a bow. “So, what’s the plan for today?” he asked sitting down beside her.

  “We wait for everyone to get up, then we open presents. After that, we make breakfast with Shay’s family. Then we open presents again with Shay’s family. Eventually, we make dinner and eat,” she told him.

  “Will Shay’s family stay here all day?”

  “No, they have to go to her grandparents for dinner. I’ve never asked before, but do you have grandparents?”

  “Yes. My mom’s parents live in Arizona and dad’s parents live in Florida, so we don’t see them very often,” Ben told her.

  “I’m guessing they’re not very big fans of cold weather.”

  “Nope,” he said with a smile, “What about your grandparents?”

  “Mom’s parents live in Ohio. We usually visit them once a year in the summer. Dad doesn’t really have much to do with his parents. They were very strict and didn’t approve of him going to California to go to school or getting married right out of college.”

  “Huh,” Ben said. “I guess it takes all kinds.”

  They sat there for a minute in silence. Alix was getting up the nerve to ask him about last night when her mom walked into the kitchen.

  “Merry Christmas!” she said to them.

  “Merry Christmas.” They both replied.

  Eventually, Ted, Natalie, and Rick were up and it was time to open their gifts. Alix handed them out and everyone had to take turns opening them one at a time. It was killing Ben and Alix found that hilarious.

  Finally, it was time for Alix to give Ben his gift. He opened it and smiled.

  “You remembered,” he said.

  “Of course I did.”

  “How did you get them?”

  “Gordon. He snuck them on the plane when we went to Ireland.”

  “Thank you, Alix. And now it’s time for your gift,” he said with a huge smile.

  Ben took a small box out of his pocket and handed it to Alix. Underneath the paper was a red velvet box. When she saw what was inside, she almost cried. It was a necklace made to look exactly like her tattoo only smaller.

  “Oh wow,” she whispered. “Ben, this is incredible. Thank you. I love it. Where did you get it?”

  “Mom and dad have a friend who makes all kinds of jewelry. When I told her what I wanted she was more than happy to help.”

  “But how did she get the flower so perfect?” Alix asked while studying the pendant.

  “I sent her a picture I drew of it and she was able to make it.”

  Alix didn’t know what else to say. She got up and gave him a hug. “This might be the best gift I’ve ever been given,” she whispered to him.

  “I’m glad you like it,” he whispered back.

  Alix continued to study the necklace while Ted and Rick cleaned up the wrapping paper that was everywhere. She was amazed at how lifelike it looked.

  “Is the lady that made this Nykara?” she asked.

  “Yes,” Ben answered.

  “You’ll have to give me her information. I want to tell her what a wonderful job she did.”

  “No problem.”

  “Alix,” her mom said, interrupting her thoughts, “we should probably get ready. Shay’s family will probably be here soon.”

  “Oh, yeah, okay mom.”

  Everyone went back upstairs and got showered and dressed. Alix was the last one downstairs. Shay and her family were already there.

  Shay came running over to her when she saw her.

  “Merry Christmas!” Shay said hugging Alix.

  “Merry Christmas to you too,” Alix said laughing.

  “Let me see your necklace,” Shay said.

  “You knew?”

  “Of course, I did. Ben ran the idea by me ages ago, but I never got to see it.”

  Alix had put it on after her shower. She pulled it out of her shirt to show Shay.

  “Wow. That’s amazing. It looks so real.”

  “I know, it’s crazy huh.”

  Shay looked at Alix and opened her mouth to say something.

  “Don’t even say it, Shay,” Alix said.

  “Say what?”

  “Whatever it was you were going to say about me and Ben.”

  “Fine. But you know I’m right.”

atever,” Alix said with a smile. “Come on. I have to show you the snow angels. Alix stopped to say hi to the rest of Shay’s family on the way to the room with the best view of the backyard. The sun was shining so the stained-glass look was even stronger than last night.

  “Wow,” Shay said. “Those are really pretty. I want to make one next time.”

  The girls joined everyone in the kitchen. Breakfast was a busy and loud event, but everyone had a good time. When they were done the last of the presents were opened and then Shay and her family had to leave. Alix went to her room, got her eReader and went to the den. She grabbed a couple of pillows off the couch and laid down next to the tree. A little while later Ben joined her.

  “I wondered where you went,” he said sitting next to her.

  “It’s Christmas day, if I’m not in the kitchen I’m usually close to the tree. Did you need me for something?”

  “No, just wondered what you were doing.”

  “Catching up on some reading. When it’s time to make dinner, I’ll help mom but until then I thought I’d read.”

  “Okay. Do you mind if I turn the TV on?”

  “No, go ahead, it won’t bother me.”

  They spent the next couple of hours like this until it was time to help make dinner. They were just setting the table when the doorbell rang. Someone answered it and then Alix heard familiar voices. Kris, Sonya, and Mike walked into the small dining room that was off the kitchen.

  “Hey,” Alix said, “I didn’t know you guys were going to be here.”

  “It was kind of last minute,” Kris said.

  “The more the merrier, right?” Alix said grinning. “Have a seat, we’re just about ready to eat.”

  “Can we help with anything”? Mike asked.

  “Nope, I think we have it under control. We’ll be right back,” Alix said.

  She and Ben went to the kitchen and started carrying food to the dining room. A second trip later and they were ready to eat.

  Dinner was great, and of course everyone ate too much. After everyone helped clean up, they went to the den. Ben lit another fire in the fireplace, and everyone sat around and enjoyed each other’s company. Kris, Mike, and Sonya left a couple of hours later.

  When they were gone Alix changed into her pajamas, got her eReader and settled herself in front of the fire. Someone had turned on the TV, but she didn’t pay much attention to it. She read for a while before finally deciding it was time for her to go to bed. She wished everyone a final Merry Christmas and headed to her room. She crawled into bed with a smile on her face. It had been a great day.

  Chapter 19

  Dec 26

  I had a dream about Ben last night. We were on a date. You can’t see it but I’m laughing right now. You know how dreams are, nothing makes sense when you wake up. All I remember is something about eating, football, and holding hands. It’s not hard to figure out where this dream came from. I admit I’m still thinking about when Ben kissed me. I know it was just on my forehead and was really just a peck but it’s still the first kiss I’ve ever gotten from a boy. I really liked it. It made me feel special. The whole snow angel experience was really sweet and totally cool at the same time. In fact, I think it was my favorite part of the last couple of days. And the necklace he gave me, it’s one of the best gifts I’ve ever received. It was so thoughtful and according to Shay, it was all his idea. I think that she might be right, and he really likes me. I’m not sure what to do about that. I like him, he’s the first boy I’ve ever felt comfortable around. I’m not sure if that’s because he’s my Protector or if it’s just him. I’m afraid that if we were to become more than friends it would ruin what we have right now. I guess I have two choices, wait and see what happens or talk to Ben about it … I think I’ll go with the first option, there’s no way I can say anything, just thinking about it makes me blush

  Alix closed her journal and headed out of her room to the kitchen. She expected to run into someone in there when she got there but she was alone. When her coffee was made, she went in search of everyone. She heard the TV on in the den and headed that direction. She was shocked by what she was seeing on the screen. There had been a deadly earthquake in Japan. Extreme flooding in Scotland. Terrible violence had broken out in the Middle East again. Hundreds of forest fires in California. Massive blizzards in Russia. The leader of India had been murdered. There was an uprising in South Africa. An unknown virus was killing people in Brazil. It was like the world had gone crazy.

  “Oh my God,” Alix whispered. “What is going on?”

  It was Ben that noticed her in the doorway. “Things are happening across the world Alix, bad things. We’ve been watching this for over an hour.”

  “The Grynn?” Alix questioned.

  “I think so but all we’ve seen are the news reports. Has anyone contacted you?” Ben asked.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t even think to look at my phone this morning. I’ll go get it.”

  Alix ran back to her room. Her phone was on her desk, but it was dead. She grabbed her charger and went back to the den.

  “I forgot to charge it,” she said when she walked in. “Give it a few minutes.

  While they waited, they watched the news. It was horrific. So many people had died in such a short amount of time and from so many different things. About five minutes later she was able to turn her phone on. It dinged for about thirty seconds. She had five voicemails and over twenty texts.

  “Holy crap,” she said looking at her phone.

  Alix started reading the texts. They were from every one of the Council members, Gordon, Logan, Sara, and Jack. She read all of them as fast as she could. They were basically saying the same thing and it was the same as she was seeing on the news. The voicemails were from Gordon, James, and Ruth. She needed to call James and Ruth back, they’d each called twice. She dialed her phone.

  “James here.”

  “James, it’s Alix. My phone was dead. What’s going on?”

  “Have you seen the news?”

  “Yes, it’s crazy.”

  “It’s all because of the Grynn. We have confirmed reports from all over the world that the Grynn are the reason behind what’s happening. What you’re seeing on the news is just the tip of the iceberg. We think that an order was given to create this co-ordinated chaos across the globe. It’s been so quiet since your attack in Paris. They must have been planning this for the last month. As far as we can tell something bad is happening in every country in the world. We assume they waited until after Christmas in order to have the greatest impact.”

  “Oh my God. What are we going to do?”

  “Right now, we’re just doing damage control and trying to save the people most affected, but we’re going to have to try and stop further attacks because we’re pretty sure there’s going to be more.”

  “What can I do?” she asked.

  “Since the closest problem to you are the fires in California find a way to get there and help them.”

  “How can I do that?”

  “Alix you’re the most powerful Nykara in the world right now and have the entire natural world at your fingertips, I’m sure you’ll think of something. When you’re done in California, we’re going to need you to help in other places. It’s going to be dangerous so bring whoever you want with you. Talk to Gordon about the plane, it will be at your disposal for whatever you need. Alix, you are going to have to be extremely careful. Part of the reason the Grynn are doing this is to create chaos but the other part is to draw you out. They are going to try to capture you again, so you need to be vigilant.”

  “I will.”

  “Good luck Alix. We’ll be in touch.”

  With that, the line went dead. Alix wasn’t sure what look was on her face but everyone in the room was staring at her.

  “Talk to us,” Ben said.

  She relayed the conversation between her and James.

  “So,” she started, “I need to get to the fires in California as qui
ckly as I can. What’s the best way to do that?”

  Ben started looking things up on his phone. A couple of minutes later he had an answer.

  “It looks like we’re going to have to drive. It’s about a fifteen-hour drive in good weather so let’s hope the roads are clear. There are flight’s but because Bozeman is a small airport and the closest airport to the fires is Redding, which is also small, there are no direct flights and trying to get last minute flights for all of us isn’t really going to work.”

  “Okay,” Alix said, “who’s going with me?”

  “Of course I am,” Ben said.

  “Us too,” Natalie said.

  “I’m afraid your mom and I will have to stay here kiddo,” her dad said. “I have to open the office tomorrow and your mom has to work.”

  “I understand dad. And it’s safe here so I’m okay with that,” she told him. “Natalie, can you please inform our Warriors of what’s taking place and make sure that at least one of them stays here with mom and dad.”

  “Sure thing,” Natalie said.

  “Okay, everyone needs to pack as quickly as they can. I don’t know how long we’ll be gone for but if we can keep the luggage to a minimum that would be great,” Alix told them. “Oh, Rick, can you call Kris and Sonya? I think if they are available it would be really helpful for them to come with us.”

  “Sure,” Rick said taking out his phone to make the call.

  “What about Shay?” Ben asked.

  “She’ll kill me if she has to stay here. I’ll call her.” Alix dialed Shay.

  “Hello, my favorite friend,” Shay answered in her bubbly voice.

  “Have you seen the news?” Alix asked.

  “No, I’m still in bed.”

  “It’s bad Shay. The Grynn have set off a planned attack and it’s chaos all over the world.”

  “Oh my God. I’m going to the living room now.”

  “Okay, I need to talk to your mom too.”


  “Yes, I have to ask her something.”

  “Okay, here she is,” Shay said handing the phone to her mom.

  “Hello?” Tami said.

  “Mrs. S, it’s Alix. Have you seen the news?”


  “It’s the Grynn that are causing everything that’s happening around the world.”


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