For the Term of His Natural Life

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For the Term of His Natural Life Page 23

by Marcus Clarke

  The ship changed her course, and came towards this strange fire in the middle of the ocean. The boat, the fore part of her blazing like a pine torch, could not float above an hour. The little group of the convict and the child remained motionless. Mrs. Vickers was lying senseless, ignorant even of the approaching succour.

  The ship—a brig, with American colours flying—came within hail of them. Frere could almost distinguish figures on her deck. He made his way aft to where Dawes was sitting, unconscious, with the child in his arms, and stirred him roughly with his foot.

  “Go forward,” he said, in tones of command, “and give the child to me.”

  Rufus Dawes raised his head, and, seeing the approaching vessel, awoke to the consciousness of his duty. With a low laugh, full of unutterable bitterness, he placed the burden he had borne so tenderly in the arms of the lieutenant, and moved to the blazing bows.


  The brig was close upon them. Her canvas loomed large and dusky, shadowing the sea. Her wet decks shone in the morning sunlight. From her bulwarks peered bearded and eager faces, looking with astonishment at this burning boat and its haggard company, alone on that barren and stormy ocean.

  Frere, with Sylvia in his arms, waited for her.





  “SOCIETY in Hobart Town, in this year of grace 1838, is, my dear lord, composed of very curious elements.” So ran a passage in the sparkling letter which the Rev. Mr. Meekin, newly-appointed chaplain, and seven-days’ resident in Van Diemen’s Land, was carrying to the post office, for the delectation of his patron in England. As the reverend gentleman tripped daintily down the summer street that lay between the blue river and the purple mountain, he cast his mild eyes hither and thither upon human nature, and the sentence he had just penned recurred to him with pleasurable appositeness. Elbowed by well-dressed officers of garrison, bowing sweetly to well-dressed ladies, shrinking from ill-dressed, ill-odoured ticket-of-leave men, or hastening across a street to avoid being run down by the hand-carts that, driven by little gangs of grey-clothed convicts, rattled and jangled at him unexpectedly from behind corners, he certainly felt that the society through which he moved was composed of curious elements. Now passed, with haughty nose in the air, a newly-imported government official, relaxing for an instant his rigidity of demeanour to smile languidly at the chaplain whom Governor Sir John Franklin delighted to honour; now swaggered, with coarse defiance of gentility and patronage, a wealthy ex-prisoner, grown fat on the profits of rum. The population that was abroad on that sunny December afternoon had certainly an incongruous appearance to a dapper clergyman lately arrived from London, and missing, for the first time in his sleek, easygoing life, those social screens which in London civilization decorously conceal the frailties and vices of human nature. Clad in glossy black, of the most fashionable clerical cut, with dandy boots, and gloves of lightest lavender—a white silk overcoat hinting that its wearer was not wholly free from sensitiveness to sun and heat—the Reverend Meekin tripped daintily to the post office, and deposited his letter. Two ladies met him as he turned.

  “Mr. Meekin!”

  Mr. Meekin’s elegant hat was raised from his intellectual brow and hovered in the air, like some courteous black bird, for an instant. “Mrs. Jellicoe! Mrs. Protherick! My dear leddies, this is an unexpected pleasure! And where, pray, are you going on this lovely afternoon? To stay in the house is positively sinful. Ah! what a climate—but the Trail of the Serpent, my dear Mrs. Protherick—the Trail of the Serpent—” and he sighed.

  “It must be a great trial to you to come to the colony,” said Mrs. Jellicoe, sympathizing with the sigh.

  Meekin smiled, as a gentlemanly martyr might have smiled. “The Lord’s work, dear leddies—the Lord’s work. I am but a poor labourer in the vineyard, toiling through the heat and burden of the day.” The aspect of him, with his faultless tie, his airy coat, his natty boots, and his self-satisfied Christian smile, was so unlike a poor labourer toiling through the heat and burden of the day, that good Mrs. Jellicoe, the wife of an orthodox Comptroller of Convicts’ Stores, felt a horrible thrill of momentary heresy. “I would rather have remained in England,” continued Mr. Meekin, smoothing one lavender finger with the tip of another, and arching his elegant eyebrows in mild deprecation of any praise of his self-denial, “but I felt it my duty not to refuse the offer made me through the kindness of his lordship. Here is a field, leddies—a field for the Christian pastor. They appeal to me, leddies, these lambs of our Church—these lost and outcast lambs of our Church.”

  Mrs. Jellicoe shook her gay bonnet ribbons at Mr. Meekin, with a hearty smile. “You don’t know our convicts,” she said (from the tone of her jolly voice it might have been “our cattle”). “They are horrible creatures. And as for servants—my goodness, I have a fresh one every week. When you have been here a little longer, you will know them better, Mr. Meekin.”

  “They are quite unbearable at times.” said Mrs. Protherick, the widow of a Superintendent of Convicts’ Barracks, with a stately indignation mantling in her sallow cheeks. “I am ordinarily the most patient creature breathing, but I do confess that the stupid vicious wretches that one gets are enough to put a saint out of temper.”

  “We have all our crosses, dear leddies—all our crosses,” said the Rev. Mr. Meekin piously. “Heaven send us strength to bear them! Good-morning.”

  “Why, you are going our way,” said Mrs. Jellicoe. “We can walk together.”

  “Delighted! I am going to call on Major Vickers.”

  “And I live within a stone’s throw,” returned Mrs. Protherick.

  “What a charming little creature she is, isn’t she?”

  “Who?” asked Mr. Meekin, as they walked.

  “Sylvia. You don’t know her! Oh, a dear little thing.”

  “I have only met Major Vickers at Government House,” said Meekin.

  “I haven’t yet had the pleasure of seeing his daughter.”

  “A sad thing,” said Mrs. Jellicoe. “Quite a romance, if it was not so sad, you know. His wife, poor Mrs. Vickers.”

  “Indeed! What of her?” asked Meekin, bestowing a condescending bow on a passer-by. “Is she an invalid?”

  “She is dead, poor soul,” returned jolly Mrs. Jellicoe, with a fat sigh.

  “You don’t mean to say you haven’t heard the story, Mr. Meekin?”

  “My dear leddies, I have only been in Hobart Town a week, and I have not heard the story.”

  “It’s about the mutiny, you know, the mutiny at Macquarie Harbour. The prisoners took the ship, and put Mrs. Vickers and Sylvia ashore somewhere. Captain Frere was with them, too. The poor things had a dreadful time, and nearly died. Captain Frere made a boat at last, and they were picked up by a ship. Poor Mrs. Vickers only lived a few hours, and little Sylvia—she was only twelve years old then—was quite lightheaded. They thought she wouldn’t recover.”

  “How dreadful! And has she recovered?”

  “Oh, yes, she’s quite strong now, but her memory’s gone.”

  “Her memory?”

  “Yes,” struck in Mrs. Protherick, eager to have a share in the storytelling. “She doesn’t remember anything about the three or four weeks they were ashore—at least, not distinctly.”

  “It’s a great mercy!” interrupted Mrs. Jellicoe, determined to keep the post of honour. “Who wants her to remember these horrors? From Captain Frere’s account, it was positively awful!”

  “You don’t say so!” said Mr. Meekin, dabbing his nose with a dainty handkerchief. “A ‘bolter’—that’s what we call an escaped prisoner, Mr. Meekin—happened to be left behind, and he found them out, and insisted on sharing the provisions—the wretch! Captain Frere was obliged to watch him constantly for fear he should murder them. Even in the boat he tried to run them out to sea and escape. He was one of the worst men in the Harbour, they say; but you should hear Captain Fre
re tell the story.”

  “And where is he now?” asked Mr. Meekin, with interest.

  “Captain Frere?”

  “No, the prisoner.”

  “Oh, goodness, I don’t know—at Port Arthur, I think. I know that he was tried for bolting, and would have been hanged but for Captain Frere’s exertions.”

  “Dear, dear! a strange story, indeed,” said Mr. Meekin. “And so the young lady doesn’t know anything about it?”

  “Only what she has been told, of course, poor dear. She’s engaged to Captain Frere.”

  “Really! To the man who saved her. How charming—quite a romance!”

  “Isn’t it? Everybody says so. And Captain Frere’s so much older than she is.”

  “But her girlish love clings to her heroic protector,” said Meekin, mildly poetical. “Remarkable and beautiful. Quite the—hem!—the ivy and the oak, dear leddies. Ah, in our fallen nature, what sweet spots—I think this is the gate.”

  A smart convict servant—he had been a pickpocket of note in days gone by—left the clergyman to repose in a handsomely furnished drawing-room, whose sun blinds revealed a wealth of bright garden flecked with shadows, while he went in search of Miss Vickers. The Major was out, it seemed, his duties as Superintendent of Convicts rendering such absences necessary; but Miss Vickers was in the garden, and could be called in at once. The Reverend Meekin, wiping his heated brow, and pulling down his spotless wristbands, laid himself back on the soft sofa, soothed by the elegant surroundings no less than by the coolness of the atmosphere. Having no better comparison at hand, he compared this luxurious room, with its soft couches, brilliant flowers, and opened piano, to the chamber in the house of a West India planter, where all was glare and heat and barbarism without, and all soft and cool and luxurious within. He was so charmed with this comparison—he had a knack of being easily pleased with his own thoughts—that he commenced to turn a fresh sentence for the Bishop, and to sketch out an elegant description of the oasis in his desert of a vineyard. While at this occupation, he was disturbed by the sound of voices in the garden, and it appeared to him that someone near at hand was sobbing and crying. Softly stepping on the broad verandah, he saw, on the grass-plot, two persons, an old man and a young girl. The sobbing proceeded from the old man.

  “’Deed, miss, it’s the truth, on my sowl. I’ve but jest come back to yez this morning. O my! but it’s a cruel thrick to play an ould man.”

  He was a white-haired old fellow, in a grey suit of convict frieze, and stood leaning with one veiny hand upon the pedestal of a vase of roses.

  “But it is your own fault, Danny; we all warned you against her,” said the young girl softly.

  “Sure ye did. But oh! how did I think it, miss? ’Tis the second time she served me so.”

  “How long was it this time, Danny?”

  “Six months, miss. She said I was a drunkard, and beat her. Beat her, God help me!” stretching forth two trembling hands. “And they believed her, o’ course. Now, when I kem back, there’s me little place all thrampled by the boys, and she’s away wid a ship’s captain, saving your presence, miss, dhrinking in the ‘George the Fourth’. O my, but it’s hard on an old man!” and he fell to sobbing again.

  The girl sighed. “I can do nothing for you, Danny. I dare say you can work about the garden as you did before. I’ll speak to the Major when he comes home.”

  Danny, lifting his bleared eyes to thank her, caught sight of Mr. Meekin, and saluted abruptly. Miss Vickers turned, and Mr. Meekin, bowing his apologies, became conscious that the young lady was about seventeen years of age, that her eyes were large and soft, her hair plentiful and bright, and that the hand which held the little book she had been reading was white and small.

  “Miss Vickers, I think. My name is Meekin—the Reverend Arthur Meekin.”

  “How do you do, Mr. Meekin?” said Sylvia, putting out one of her small hands, and looking straight at him. “Papa will be in directly.”

  “His daughter more than compensates for his absence, my dear Miss Vickers.”

  “I don’t like flattery, Mr. Meekin, so don’t use it. At least,” she added, with a delicious frankness, that seemed born of her very brightness and beauty, “not that sort of flattery. Young girls do like flattery, of course. Don’t you think so?”

  This rapid attack quite disconcerted Mr. Meekin, and he could only bow and smile at the self-possessed young lady. “Go into the kitchen, Danny, and tell them to give you some tobacco. Say I sent you. Mr. Meekin, won’t you come in?”

  “A strange old gentleman, that, Miss Vickers. A faithful retainer, I presume?”

  “An old convict servant of ours,” said Sylvia. “He was with papa many years ago. He has got into trouble lately, though, poor old man.”

  “Into trouble?” asked Mr. Meekin, as Sylvia took off her hat.

  “On the roads, you know. That’s what they call it here. He married a free woman much younger than himself, and she makes him drink, and then gives him in charge for insubordination.”

  “For insubordination! Pardon me, my dear young lady, did I understand you rightly?”

  “Yes, insubordination. He is her assigned servant, you know,” said Sylvia, as if such a condition of things was the most ordinary in the world, “and if he misbehaves himself, she sends him back to the road-gang.”

  The Reverend Mr. Meekin opened his mild eyes very wide indeed. “What an extraordinary anomaly! I am beginning, my dear Miss Vickers, to find myself indeed at the antipodes.”

  “Society here is different from society in England, I believe. Most new arrivals say so,” returned Sylvia quietly.

  “But for a wife to imprison her husband, my dear young lady!”

  “She can have him flogged if she likes. Danny has been flogged. But then his wife is a bad woman. He was very silly to marry her; but you can’t reason with an old man in love, Mr. Meekin.”

  Mr. Meekin’s Christian brow had grown crimson, and his decorous blood tingled to his finger-tips. To hear a young lady talk in such an open way was terrible. Why, in reading the Decalogue from the altar, Mr. Meekin was accustomed to soften one indecent prohibition, lest its uncompromising plainness of speech might offend the delicate sensibilities of his female souls! He turned from the dangerous theme without an instant’s pause, for wonder at the strange power accorded to Hobart Town “free” wives. “You have been reading?”

  “‘Paul et Virginie’. I have read it before in English.”

  “Ah, you read French, then, my dear young lady?”

  “Not very well. I had a master for some months, but papa had to send him back to the gaol again. He stole a silver tankard out of the dining-room.”

  “A French master! Stole—”

  “He was a prisoner, you know. A clever man. He wrote for the London Magazine. I have read his writings. Some of them are quite above the average.”

  “And how did he come to be transported?” asked Mr. Meekin, feeling that his vineyard was getting larger than he had anticipated.

  “Poisoning his niece, I think, but I forget the particulars. He was a gentlemanly man, but, oh, such a drunkard!”

  Mr. Meekin, more astonished than ever at this strange country, where beautiful young ladies talked of poisoning and flogging as matters of little moment, where wives imprisoned their husbands, and murderers taught French, perfumed the air with his cambric handkerchief in silence.

  “You have not been here long, Mr. Meekin,” said Sylvia, after a pause.

  “No, only a week; and I confess I am surprised. A lovely climate, but, as I said just now to Mrs. Jellicoe, the Trail of the Serpent—the Trail of the Serpent—my dear young lady.”

  “If you send all the wretches in England here, you must expect the Trail of the Serpent,” said Sylvia. “It isn’t the fault of the colony.”

  “Oh, no; certainly not,” returned Meekin, hastening to apologize. “But it is very shocking.”

  “Well, you gentlemen should make it better. I don’t kn
ow what the penal settlements are like, but the prisoners in the town have not much inducement to become good men.”

  “They have the beautiful Liturgy of our Holy Church read to them twice every week, my dear young lady,” said Mr. Meekin, as though he should solemnly say, “if that doesn’t reform them, what will?”

  “Oh, yes,” returned Sylvia, “they have that, certainly; but that is only on Sundays. But don’t let us talk about this, Mr. Meekin,” she added, pushing back a stray curl of golden hair. “Papa says that I am not to talk about these things, because they are all done according to the Rules of the Service, as he calls it.”

  “An admirable notion of papa’s,” said Meekin, much relieved as the door opened, and Vickers and Frere entered.

  Vickers’s hair had grown white, but Frere carried his thirty years as easily as some men carry two-and-twenty.

  “My dear Sylvia,” began Vickers, “here’s an extraordinary thing!” and then, becoming conscious of the presence of the agitated Meekin, he paused.

  “You know Mr. Meekin, papa?” said Sylvia. “Mr. Meekin, Captain Frere.”

  “I have that pleasure,” said Vickers. “Glad to see you, sir. Pray sit down.” Upon which, Mr. Meekin beheld Sylvia unaffectedly kiss both gentlemen; but became strangely aware that the kiss bestowed upon her father was warmer than that which greeted her affianced husband.

  “Warm weather, Mr. Meekin,” said Frere. “Sylvia, my darling, I hope you have not been out in the heat. You have! My dear, I’ve begged you!”

  “It’s not hot at all,” said Sylvia pettishly. “Nonsense! I’m not made of butter—I sha’n’t melt. Thank you, dear, you needn’t pull the blind down.” And then, as though angry with herself for her anger, she added, “You are always thinking of me, Maurice,” and gave him her hand affectionately.


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