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by Wood, Lauren

  I wanted to believe his words. I wanted to believe that everything was going to be fine between us and this whole trip. I was hoping that it would bring us together and smooth over all the bumps that had been going on lately. It would be fine if the plane didn’t crash and we could keep this trip professional.

  “Thank you for being here Betty. I really don't know what I do without you.”

  I just kind of smiled and agreed because my teeth were gritted so hard that I didn’t think I would be able to speak.

  “I’m glad to be here.”

  “I know you’re lying, but it gets better in the air, you’ll forget all about it.”

  “I doubt that, but thanks.”

  He leaned in close and asked me if I wanted him to take my mind off of it.

  He pulled back and I had a look of shock on my face. Surely, he didn’t mean what I thought he meant. Right?

  Professional, we were supposed to be keeping it professional.


  I spoke the words before I really thought about them and I waited for her response. She shivered next to me and looked away.

  Not ready yet.

  “I was thinking of taking a nap or something.”

  I felt foolish for a moment and swore under my breath. I was missing all the signals. I was actually really good at all of this usually, but at the moment, it really didn’t seem like it.

  “Right. Well you get a nap in. I’m going to drink.”

  “Will you make me one?”

  Her voice was small, and I agreed without looking back at her. I didn’t need her to look at me with those large eyes. I wasn’t going to be able to stop what happened next. I was still telling myself to be good, even though it was the very last thing that I wanted to do.

  When I came back, she thanked me and drank most of it. This was going to be a long flight for her and I was hopeful that she would get some sleep. If not, my nanny was going to be drunk by the time we got to Canada.

  “Thanks Alex.”

  “For what?”

  “Just being you. This job has been fun.”

  I didn’t know how to take that, but I told her that she was welcome. She was the lifesaver and Betty was the one saying thank you. I really was never going to understand this woman.

  She didn’t last very long in the air. Ophelia was out before we got a hundred miles away and Betty was right behind her. I could sometimes succumb to the sway of the plane, but I had far too many things on my mind to think about it all. I didn’t want to. I would much rather stay up and watch the woman I was falling for sleep. That’s what this was. I was under no wrong assumption. It was exactly what it was.

  “It is freezing.”

  “Get your coat out of the plane Opi and you’ll be fine.”

  “Oh, right. I totally forgot.”

  I looked to the nanny and she was shivering as well.

  “Didn’t you bring a coat?”

  “No, I didn’t even think about it. I don’t know why I didn’t. I should have known that it was going to be cold.”

  I took my jacket off and draped it around her shoulders. It was a little chilly, but I was more cold-blooded than anything else and I knew that I would be fine. Truth was that I liked to see her in it.

  “So, what do you two have planned? Ophelia was telling me something about it.”

  “Yeah, we have a couple of places we were going to hit. I will see you back at the room later. Do you have the room number?”

  I gave her the information and told them that I would see them later. I wished that the plane ride had been different, but it hadn’t been. I was still raging hard and hadn’t even gotten another kiss from her. I was starting to be convinced that I had lost my touch somehow.

  Either way, I had at meetings to get to and I was anxious to get back to the hotel. While I would like to say that I was wanting to get back to spend time with Ophelia and partially that was true, but the truth really was that I wanted to see Betty. It was impossible to think that we had this sort of connection and we were doing nothing about it. It just seems like such a waste and it was something that I wanted to rectify.

  “Alex, are you going to say anything or what?”

  I heard Steve’s voice, but it took me a minute to realize what he was talking about. I had several people looking at me and I knew that the look on my face was not helping. I was looking off into the distance thinking about my fucking nanny and I was in the middle of a very large meeting. This hour or two that I was speaking to these people in Toronto was going to make me millions of dollars. You would think that it would be a little easier for me to pay attention.

  “Yes, Steve sorry. Jet lag, I guess.”

  “So, what are you thinking about this plan? Split the company into two and selling off both pieces separate?”

  I had some idea of what he was talking about, but I certainly wasn't going to ask anybody to go over it again. It wasn't that they wouldn't. I knew that they would, but I didn't want to waste anymore people’s time because I couldn't get control of my mind. It just didn't make any sense why she was messing around with my head so much.

  “Sounds good. Send me the paperwork and we will get started.”

  “That's it?”

  He had a smile on his face and I knew that Steve was used to me giving him shit. It was a good deal though, I'm sure of it. And if not. I’d say something about it later. Right now, I just wanted to get back to the hotel and spend some time there. I've never wanted to spend so much time at home before. Where work used to be my life, now, I was starting to see that there was more to it than that. So much more.

  Ernest had come with me because I was so used to have as a driver. He got me where I needed to be and on time. I really didn't know of anyone else that could do as good of a job as him. We were also familiar, and I liked that as well. I didn't want a bunch of changes when I was out of the country. I wanted everything to stay the same and that's how I kept up with the continuity of it all.

  “Where are we going, boss?”

  “Back to the hotel.”


  “Yeah, to the hotel. Why?”

  “You just spend a lot of time away from the office now. I don't think I've ever seen you take this much time off before. You are always the one that is burning the midnight oil and that meeting was twenty minutes long.”

  Once again, I didn't like his observation because it was most likely true. I was working less and that was because of only one thing. I wasn't going to pretend that it was something else.

  “Well Ernest, I have worked a lot to get where I am and maybe it is time for me to take a little bit of a break. I am not getting any younger and I might as well enjoy it while I still can.”

  “Oh, I see Sir. Here I was thinking that it had to do with the hot little nanny you got now.”

  I really didn’t like that. I didn't want to talk about Betty in that way. I didn't want anybody to talk about her that way.

  “It doesn't have anything to do with Betty.”

  “Of course, not Sir.”

  His smile in the rearview mirror unnerved me and I looked outside to avoid his eyes. Was it really that obvious? I tried so damn hard to keep it together, but maybe it was just clear for everyone to see anyways.


  Ophelia was very much into art, so we spent most of the day at different museums and galleries. I wasn't too impressed with art. I didn't really get it, but she had a good time and that's what made it worth it. I knew that she wanted to be spending time with their dad but since he was working, it sounded like a better alternative than pouting about it.

  We were both pretty tired when we got back to the hotel and Ophelia went in to take a bath. I thought that it was just the two of us there, but I had forgot completely that Alex had a room that was attached to ours. I did notice that the door was slightly ajar because I wasn't paying attention to any of that. Instead I was trying to get dressed before she was done in the bathroom.

  I wa
s down to my panties, bending over to get the bag off the floor, when I heard movement on the other side of the room.


  I turned around and saw that it was Alex standing there and he had that slacked look on his face again. His eyes were running over me, and it took me a minute to remember to cover myself. Seemed like every time I turned around, he was seeing me naked.

  “I didn't know you were back.”

  “Yeah, I have been back for a while. I didn't realize that you guys are going to be gone so long.”

  “There is a lot of art in Toronto and I think that she was trying to see it all.”

  “I can't thank you enough for coming with us. I know that she's going to have a much better time because you're here.”

  “She still wants to spend time with you. I think I'm going to go for a walk and maybe grab a couple things while I'm out. I think it be a good chance for you to do have some time together.”

  He was agreeing to anything and I bet he wasn’t listening to me in the least bit. Alex was looking at me as if he were a starving man that is never going to get a next meal.

  I needed a little bit of time to myself and I knew that fresh air would do me some good. It was hard to think with the present company around me and the fact that I had a sheet pulled in front of me to cover me up from his greedy eyes.

  Alex finally left so that I could get dressed, but I had to actually tell him to go. He wasn’t paying attention to anything but the bare body in front of him before I had him go to his own room. I knew that there wasn’t anything I could do about the awkwardness that was going to come from him walking in on me again. I was just going to have to move on and try to pretend like it didn’t happen. Easier said than done and impossible if I stayed in for much longer.

  The air was even more chilled when I got outside and breathed it in. It was so cold that it was literally hurting my face and I couldn't imagine why anyone would want to live here. I was from California and I never had been very good with cold weather. The city was beautiful, but it was just too damn cold for me. I would be thankful when we got back to the temperature that I was used to.

  I could see my breath each time I exhaled. The way my body had been running hot lately, especially when I was around Alex, it was better that I was able to cool it down this way.

  Looking around for a while, it was getting late and I decided that it was time to go back. I got lost for a few moments, but I quickly found someone to give me directions. All of the tall skyscrapers had me discombobulated for a moment, but I was able to pull it together and relaxed once I saw the hotel. I've never been so happy to see a sign on all of my life. I was tired and really starting to get cold.

  When I got up to the room, it was very quiet, so I tried not to make any noise coming in. I saw that Ophelia was asleep in the bed next to mine and I went to see my boss.

  I don't know what was drawing me to Alex, something not good no doubt, but I was still pulled to him. It didn't matter that he was my boss and that he was older than me and he was most likely not looking for, what I was looking for, none of it mattered. All that mattered was the need I felt when I was around him and the curiosity of why I felt that way. Professional wasn’t going to cut it anymore. I was sick of running.

  “Come on in. I was wondering when you were going to get back.”

  I was a little surprised that he knew it was me. Though, when I thought about it, who else would it be?

  I still get the feeling that he was waiting for me and when I saw a couple of glasses of wine in front of him, I knew that he was. What I didn't know though, was what he had in mind to do with me. It was easy to see that Alex certainly had something on his mind.

  “What's going on?”

  “Not much. I thought you might want to have a drink after your stroll. How are you liking the city?”

  I was still trying to warm up and I rubbed my arms a little bit, telling him how cold it was.

  “I don't think I've ever missed California so much my life.”

  “We will be back soon, don't worry. There is certainly some good things about the city. It is good to have a little anonymity while I am here. Nobody knows who I am, and I don't have to worry about seeing my face flashed across the newspaper in the morning.”

  “What are you planning to do that is so scandalous, Alex?”

  “I would really like to get caught with my nanny. Think of how the tongues would wag.”

  I should go ahead and try to clear my thoughts. Apparently, I was hearing things that weren’t said. There was no way that Alex just said that, right?


  “Yeah. We have been tiptoeing around it for a while now and I think that tonight is the night, that we figure out what it is that's going on between us.”

  “Just like that?”

  Alex moved a little closer and sat down on the large bed. He patted the section that was right next to him and smiled at me.

  “Why does it have to be more complicated than that?”

  He was stepping over the line but at the same time, he was leaving me an out with a choice. I had to respect that because I still wasn't sure what I wanted to do. He was standing in front of me, looking so damn gorgeous, with that wicked need in his eyes. How could I say no?

  How could I say anything? I just moved towards him and sat down next to him. It felt like we owed ourselves, if nothing else. I wanted to see what was going to happen next and I trembled slightly when his fingers moved around my neck. His hand gripped my hair and pulled my head back, pressing his lips against mine.

  Leaving was the last thing on my mind.


  As soon as our lips touched, I knew that this was supposed to happen. I was worried about what was going to happen the next day, but at the moment, I didn’t think about that. At the moment, all I could think about was getting my hands on her and now that I had, there was no way I was going to be able to let her go.

  There was something about the way her body melted against mine and the sound she made when our lips met. It was impossible for me to contain myself and I pushed her back onto the bed. There was no way that I was going to be able to stop what was going to happen next. I certainly didn’t want to, and Betty had been playing with my mind too much.

  She pushed away from me and asked if I was sure about what we were doing. I told her that I'd never been surer of anything in my whole life. She was all that I wanted and now that I had gotten a taste of her, there was nothing that would make me ever let her go. I was Alex Smith after all and I always got what I wanted. Right now, it was Betty that I wanted the most.

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  She didn’t answer for a moment and I was afraid suddenly that she was going to tell me that she did want me to stop. It was the last thing that I wanted to hear, and I wanted to eat up the last question. I shouldn’t have said it.

  My hand was on her cheek and I was looking into her eyes. I didn't really need to ask that question because I could see the answer there, when she finally looked at me. In the depths of her dark eyes, I could see everything that I was looking for. She didn't want me to stop and I now wasn't going to.

  Before I could get an answer that was verbal from her, I started to kiss her again. The last thing I wanted to do was take my hands off of her, so I didn't. Instead, I moved my body over hers and started to kiss her again. If she couldn't talk and she couldn't think about it, then she wouldn't be able to stop what was happening.

  Something came over me as we were kissing and for the first time, I felt her hands on my shoulder. It was such a light touch and her hands felt so small against me. They were also a lot colder than I had expected. I was running so damn hot that her hands felt like ice against my body.

  When I pulled away from her and looked down at her face, her eyes were closed, and Betty looked like she was in the midst of pleasure. There was nothing better than to know that I was the cause of it. My nanny made me harder than any other woman had before. S
he did more to me than all of the models and actresses that I had ever been with. I don't know what it was about her, but it was impossible to stop the way I felt. More importantly I didn't want to.

  “You are so damn beautiful baby. Ever since I saw you when you were working with Ronald, I knew that I had to have you. I just never realized that you would mean so much to me, in such a short period of time. I never knew that I could the way I feel now.”

  She told me that she didn't know what to say and I could tell that her mind wasn't working very well. Mine wasn't either, but I was at least able to talk. As my hands roamed around her body, it seemed to take away all of her ability to do so. It was just another thing that turned me on even more. I loved that she wasn't so jaded, and she was still able to react in such a way. Betty didn’t think about how she looked but did what she felt good doing.

  “Can we slow down Alex? You are a bit too much for me. Are you sure that we should do this? I know that I want to, but I don't want it to be weird tomorrow. This is a big step for me Alex.”

  It wasn't like I hadn't thought of the exact same thing, but for me it was worth the risk. I knew that I wouldn't be able to go on the way it was without Betty. And it wasn't just about her being the nanny. It was about so much more than that.

  I sat back on my knees and looked at her reddened little mouth. Her chestnut brown hair was wild around her shoulders and all across the white pillow case. She looks like a sight that I would never be able to walk away from and I was still trying to put her words into meaning. Surely, she didn't mean to stop this. How could I slow it down, when she looked at me that way?

  “I don't know if I'll be able to slow down Betty. I feel like every minute that I'm not inside of you, I’m absolutely dying.”

  While it was dramatic to say such a thing, I couldn’t help it. This woman pulled a whole other side out of me. The fact that it was truer than I wanted to admit, was something that bothered me a little bit. How could a woman take over my mind and my priorities so quickly? At the same time, I wondered what she had done to me. Surely, she had done something to me. Why else would I be thinking about her all the time?


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