Just One Kiss (Oh Tequila Series Book 4)

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Just One Kiss (Oh Tequila Series Book 4) Page 1

by C. A. Harms

  Just One Kiss

  Oh, Tequila Series #4

  By C.A. Harms

  Just Once Kiss

  Copyright © 2018 by C.A. Harms.

  All rights reserved.

  First Print Edition: December 2018

  Limitless Publishing, LLC

  Kailua, HI 96734


  Formatting: Limitless Publishing

  ISBN-13: 978-1-64034-488-4

  ISBN-10: 1-64034-488-8

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.


  “Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”

  ~Marilyn Monroe

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three




  I lifted my hand to scratch the irritating itch near my nose, only I couldn’t manage to get to it. There was something in the way.

  I started to open my eyes and could hear birds chirping someplace off in the distance while I tried to focus on my surroundings. I found myself perched on a chair on the porch of our fraternity. The bad part was I was wearing nothing but a lacy pink thong, and there were two women standing near the road looking up at me with disgust on their faces. Two older women, about the age of my mother. Even worse was that in one hand I held a cucumber and the other a bottle of lube. Oh, and did I mention they were glued to my palms? As in fucking super ass glued!

  “Sorry.” I held up the hand with the cucumber then quickly lowered it. They scurried off, looking back at me a few times like I was a raging lunatic about to run after them and tackle them to the ground.

  An empty bottle of tequila lay on the ground near the chair.

  Deep chuckling came from some place behind me and I looked back, just in time to catch Jay hiding behind one of the curtains with his phone facing me.

  “Are you seriously taping this shit?”

  “You assholes taped me swinging my dick around like some tassel, and as if that wasn’t enough, you live streamed it so everyone could watch. That has followed me around ever since and I still get tagged in random dick pics. Dicksaswinging will forever be a thing in my life thanks to you pricks. So, to answer your question, I am not just taping this. I’m live streaming it. I got it all.”

  He was laughing so hard he had tears rolling down his cheeks.

  “I got you trying to scratch your ass, but the cucumber kept getting in the way. The best part was when you started groaning. It looked like you were really enjoying that movement.”

  “I’m gonna—”

  “You’re gonna what?”

  He was right, I wasn’t gonna do shit but come up with something to pay him back. As if I had something that epic. I mean, come on, even I could admit that was pretty damn genius.

  The asshole didn’t stop there. He actually taped me entering the house, and of course no one offered to help me open or even close the door. He taped me, from behind, as I climbed the stairs. Everyone who was awake had one hell of a laugh.

  I really needed to stop falling into these traps. This was the second time I’d woken up on the front porch. The first time was with Clayton and we were both naked. This shit was fucked.


  Long brown hair, hanging loose down her back, and that ass in those jeans. Damn, I’d know that ass anywhere. Without wasting another second, I moved toward her quickly. Stepping up behind her, I placed one hand on her hip and pulled her body back against my own. “Palmer,” I whispered her name, “are you gonna keep pretending that Kentucky didn’t happen?”

  “I know that Kentucky happened, I remember the trip. I’m just trying to forget the part where I lost my damn mind for about five minutes.” She tried to pull away from me, and I cupped her other hip, holding her firmly in place.

  “It was definitely more than five minutes, more like thirty.”

  This time she laughed. “I can assure you it was not thirty. I think I take longer to brush my teeth then you take to, well, you know.”

  “I was trying not to get caught by Clayton and Emelie.” I allowed her to turn in my arms and face me. Those big blue eyes of hers looking up at me through long dark lashes melted me almost instantly. “You were also telling me to hurry up every two seconds.”

  “Because I just wanted it over.” Damn, she was feisty, which managed to excite me even more.

  “Then why were you begging for me to keep going?” I could still almost hear the words as she shifted her hips against me that day in the woods.

  “I was not begging.” Palmer narrowed her eyes at me.

  “You were so begging.”

  She crossed her arms and pushed back from me; this time I allowed her the space. “What the hell do you want, anyway?”


  “That will not be happening.” She tried her damnedest to remain cold, but I noticed the way she swallowed hard.

  “It will. You know it,” I stepped toward her, “and I know it.”

  “You’re delusional.” That familiar fire ignited in her eyes.

  “No, I’m horny.”

  Palmer’s eyes widened as she looked around to see if anyone was within earshot. “Why are you such a pig?”

  “You didn’t think I was a pig when I had you pinned to a tree with my pants around my ankles.” She swallowed hard, trying to keep her face from showing signs of arousal as she remembered that very thing. “Your legs were around my waist, the heels of your feet digging into my ass as you spurred me on.”

  “Will you lower your voice?”

  “Why, Palmer? Don’t you want everyone to know how good I made you feel?”

  Chapter One


  I’d lost my goddamned mind, that was the only excuse for giving in to my urges. I was in another state, trapped with all those country boys and their tight jeans. Then Corbin kept pushing, hassling me even. He continued to make vulgar comments and I blame it all on the isolation and my lack of choices. I had an itch and he was there to scratch it. The biggest problem was he scratched it far too well.

  I squeezed my thighs together tightly, trying to figh
t off the memory of our time in the woods.

  I wasn’t a saint. I’d had some wild flings since I graduated high school and moved on to college. Corbin was by far the most memorable, though.

  I walked away fast, pulling myself from his grasp and hurried toward my car. I didn’t even chance a glance back, but I could hear his arrogant chuckle. I wanted to tell him that day did nothing for me, but I knew he’d see right through me. I am usually pretty good at keeping a straight face. I am mouthy, sometimes far too confident for my own good, and never do I ever hold back when I have something to say. But Corbin managed to scramble my brain within seconds. I hated that he got to me. I hated that I gave him that power.

  Once I was safely tucked inside my car, I looked up and there he stood, with a group of people now. His side was to me, and I took a few seconds to remember what was hiding out beneath those clothes.

  Chills. A shivering rush of emotions that again threw me back in time to our trip to Kentucky. Those were the feelings Corbin inflicted on me the very second he whispered a recap of our time in the woods.

  “Will you stop stepping on the backs of my heels?” I looked over my shoulder and rolled my eyes. “And stop staring at my ass, you creep.”

  “Stop wearing jeans that hug that perfect ass and I won’t be so compelled to look.” Again I fought the urge to turn around and punch Corbin between the eyes. The guy was a straight up dick with ears; he only thought about one thing. “Never mind, I don’t think it would matter what you were wearing. I would still stare at your ass.”

  I paused, causing him to bump into my back and grip my waist to keep me from falling forward. Quickly I placed my hands over his and tried to remove them, but he only held on tighter.

  “Why are you so adamant about proving you don’t find me equally appealing?” His warm breath covered my exposed shoulder. The warm air mixed with the long walk made my skin damp, which caused my tank top to fuse to my body. His breath gave me instant chills as goosebumps stood out all over my arms and back.

  “I don’t find you appealing…” Holy hell, of all the times to sound unsure, this was not one of them.

  When he chuckled, I knew without chancing a look back that he too picked up on the hesitant vibration in my words.

  “Your body is screaming otherwise.” I closed my eyes tightly when his fingertips grazed over my side, just beneath the hem of my tank top. All kinds of things began to roll around in my mind, so many reasons why I should be running away from him, but I stayed where I was. I was compelled to remain in place and allow myself to lose control, if even for a short time.

  I turned in his arms, looking up at him, and the hunger in me only magnified. Corbin always held that cocky “I am a god” look, which only irritated me. But at that moment his hunger matched my own. His eyes seemed darker, hooded, and unexplainably sexy. His lips were parted slightly, his nostrils flared, like he was doing his best to hold back.

  “You drive me crazy.” I meant that in more ways than one. “It’s irritating.”

  “The feeling is mutual, sweetheart.” He pushed the lower part of his body against mine and I felt how hard he was. Only moments ago, I’d grabbed him, fully intending to be a bitch, but was shocked at my findings. Let’s just say Corbin had nothing to be ashamed of in the manhood department. “What do you say we kill off some of this aggravation?” The side of his mouth tilted upward and though I wanted to say something smart-mouthed in return, I couldn’t get the words to form.

  Instead I backed up against the tree behind me and started to unbuckle my shorts. His gaze instantly dropped as he watched me. I half expected him to say something in true Corbin fashion that would kill the moment, but he didn’t. He simply reached around, pulled his wallet from his pants, and fished out the condom tucked securely inside.

  I lowered my shorts, panties too, and watched as his chest began to rise and fall with his elated breaths.

  From that point on, things moved fairly quickly. He undid his own jeans, freed his cock and I swallowed hard, realizing just how gifted he was. I watched in awe as he sheathed himself before stepping closer to me.

  Before I had a second to register it his mouth was on mine and he was seeking my entrance. Slowly gliding over me, he found I was just as excited as he was and pushed a finger inside. I gasped, and he swallowed the sound as he continued to kiss me.

  Fuck was the only thing rolling around in my mind. I had truly underestimated Corbin.

  “Damn,” he tugged on my lip with his teeth, “I need you.”

  I was lifted up like I weighed nothing and I circled my legs around his waist. With great skill Corbin positioned himself and in one quick thrust he was buried deep.

  “Fuck me,” he growled, biting my shoulder. I’m sure he was trying to control himself.

  I shifted against him, silently demanding more and he began to move. My head was spinning, my body trembling as I dug my feet into his ass. “Yes,” I gasped when he pushed into me deeper. Gripping my ass, he held me in place as he remained there. “Don’t stop,” I complained, still attempting to grind my body to his.

  “No fucking way,” was all he said before he really started to move, and I could feel the pleasure of his thrusts take me over.

  The sound of a horn blaring woke me from my mid-day fantasy and I gripped my steering wheel tightly.

  No longer was the group of people standing before me. They had since scattered, and I found myself wondering just how long I had been sitting there, trapped in my sex-filled haze.

  Fine. I’d admit Corbin was attractive, in the sexy college rebel boy kind of way. I would also admit, and only to myself, that he knew exactly what he was doing when a girl needed a good old fashion romp, and he didn’t disappoint. He touched all the right places, hit all the right spots.

  I visibly shook my head, trying to clear those thoughts that I couldn’t seem to get out of my mind.

  If I’d learned anything while being front and center to my best friend’s life, it’s that you can’t trust college boys to be anything more than a wild night. With the exception of Clayton, that is; he was a rare find. Emelie’s guy, Corbin’s brother, was by far a gem in the huge pile of rocks. That man was amazing, a heart bigger than any other guy I knew, and he loved Em and Ethan so fiercely it made my own heart ache. But the majority of college guys were out for one thing and one thing only. Corbin had gotten it, but as I said before, he was like a stray dog. He kept coming back and I refused to feed him—again.

  What the hell was I thinking? I had momentarily lost my ever-loving mind, and it was time to forget all about that boy who rocked my ass. Literally, because I had the scuff marks from the tree bark on my ass as evidence. Holy hell, the pain was worth it though, because never in my life had I ever felt the pleasure he’d given to me.

  I knew I was in trouble, but the object of the game was to stay away from Corbin, to stay far, far away. It was my only hope of keeping myself from falling again for those goddamned eyes that ignited a fire in my panties. I swear to it.

  I blame the eyes.

  Chapter Two


  I sat outside the fraternity, revving the engine and smiling wide. Looking down at the silver CBR 1000 that I’d just bought I couldn’t be prouder. It may have been used, but the guy took great care of it. In fact, he rarely rode it the last couple years, only doing regular maintenance.

  “What’s this?” I looked up to find my brother and Isaac standing a few feet away, both looking at me with curiosity.

  “This, boys,” I revved it once more, waiting for the loud sound to ease before continuing, “is my new bike.”

  I killed the engine and sat back, still balancing the weight of the bike with my outstretched legs.

  “Why the hell did you think you needed a bike?” Clayton asked as he crossed his arms over his chest. He was the logical one, the one who felt he had some pull in this twin game since he was older by seven minutes. Clayton took on the role of the level-headed one, though at one t
ime both of us were pretty wild. Two country boys, off in a new state at college, a long way away from family or anyone who knew us before. We each went a little wild: girls, drinking, did I say girls?

  Now he was a straight forward guy, no more girls—just one. But I’d give him something—Emelie was pretty damn special. Her son was too.

  “I couldn’t pass up this deal. Besides, I’m tired of sharing a car with you.” What made my parents think that we’d equally share the old Explorer they gave us was still a puzzle I couldn’t solve.

  “So get a fucking car, dumbass,” daddy Clayton barked, “not a two-wheeled death trap.”

  “This makes me look sexier.” I winked and ran my hand over the tank, along the side, and gave the bike a gentle, loving tap.

  Clayton chuckled, regaining my full attention. “No, it makes you look like an even bigger dumbass. What if it rains? Plus, you’re too careless to have a bike.”

  “We’ve ridden bikes since we were four.”

  “Dirt bikes,” Clayton clarified, “jumping hills in our backyard. We weren’t flying through the streets of town going eighty miles per hour or more.” I ignored the concerned tone in my brother’s voice. I wasn’t an idiot, I knew the difference between our old Apollo dirt bikes and what I was currently sitting on.

  “I know how to ride, Clay.” I refused to allow him to take an authoritative angle. I didn’t need my brother’s permission. “Besides, the chicks dig it.”

  “Chicks dig that?” Isaac pointed to the bike with an unconvinced look on his face. I knew he was doing his best to inject himself between Clayton’s and my standoff. I was thankful because nothing Clayton said was going to stop me from enjoying my new ride.

  “Oh, yeah.” I nodded, and Isaac shook his head. “Brent and I have already decided he’s gonna take me to his home town of Cutler. There’s a place called Ozello Trail, and from what he tells me it’s a great ride.”


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