The Boy Patrol on Guard

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The Boy Patrol on Guard Page 5

by Edward Sylvester Ellis

  CHAPTER V--How "Knot" to Do Several Things

  Every day sailors, explorers, mechanics and mountain-climbers risk theirlives on the knots that they tie. Thousands of lives have beensacrificed to ill-made knots. The scout therefore should be prepared inan emergency, or when necessity demands, to tie the right knot in theright way.

  There are three qualities to a good knot: (1) Rapidity with which it canbe tied; (2) Its ability to hold fast when pulled tight, and (3) Thereadiness with which it can be undone.

  The following knots, recommended to scouts, are the most serviceablebecause they meet the above requirements and will be of great help inscoutcraft. If the tenderfoot will follow closely the various stepsindicated in the diagrams, he will have little difficulty in reproducingthem at pleasure.

  In practising knot-tying, a short piece of hemp rope may be used. Toprotect the ends from fraying, a scout should know how to "whip" them.The commonest method of "whipping" is as follows:

  Lay the end of a piece of twine along the end of the rope. Hold it tothe rope with the thumb of your left hand while you wind the standingpart around it and the rope until the end of the twine has been covered.Then with the other end of the twine lay a loop back on the end of therope and continue winding the twine upon this second end until all istaken up. The end is then pulled back tight and cut off close to therope.

  For the sake of clearness, a scout must constantly keep in mind thesethree principal parts of the rope:

  1. _The Standing Part_--The long unused portion of the rope on which he works;

  2. _The Bight_--The loop formed whenever the rope is turned back upon itself; and,

  3. _The End_--The part he uses in leading.

  Before proceeding with the tenderfoot requirements, a scout should firstlearn the two primary knots: the overhand and figure-of-eight knots.

  After these preliminary steps, the prospective tenderfoot may proceed tolearn the required knots.

  _The Overhand Knot_]

  Start with the position shown in the preceding diagram. Back the end around the standing part and up through the bight and draw tight.

  _The Figure of Eight Knot_]

  Make a bight as before. Then lead the end around back of the standing part and down through the bight.

  _Square or Reef Knot_]

  The commonest knot for tying two ropes together. Frequently used in first-aid bandaging. Never slips or jams; easy to untie.

  _False Reef or Granny_]

  If the ends are not crossed correctly when making the reef knot, the false reef or granny is the result. This knot is always bad.

  _Sheet Bend or Weaver's Knot_]

  This knot is used in bending the sheet to the clew of a sail and in tying two rope-ends together.

  Make a bight with one rope _A_, _B_, then pass end _C_ of other rope up through and around the entire bight and bend it under its own standing part.

  _The Bowline_]

  A noose that neither jams nor slips. Used in lowering a person from a burning building, etc.

  Form a small loop on the standing part leaving the end long enough for the size of the noose required. Pass the end up through the bight around the standing part and down through the bight again. To tighten, hold noose in position and pull standing part.

  _Halter, Slip, or Running Knot_]

  A bight is first formed and an overhand knot made with the end around the standing part.


  Used for shortening ropes. Gather up the amount to be shortened, then make a half hitch round each of the bends as shown in the diagram.

  _Clove Hitch_]

  Used to fasten one pole to another in fitting up scaffolding; this knot holds snugly; is not liable to slip laterally.

  Hold the standing part in left hand, then pass the rope around the pole; cross the standing part, making a second turn around the pole, and pass the end under the last turn.

  _The Fisherman's Bend_]

  Used aboard yachts for bending on the gaff topsail halliards. It consists of two turns around a spar or ring, then a half hitch around the standing part and through the turns on the spar, and another half hitch above it around the standing part.

  _Timber Hitch_]

  Used in hauling timber. Pass the end of the rope around the timber. Then lead it around its standing part and bring it back to make two or more turns on its own part. The strain will hold it securely.

  _Two Half Hitches_]

  Useful because they are easily made and will not slip under any strain. Their formation is sufficiently indicated by the diagram.

  _Blackwall Hitch_]

  Used to secure a rope to a hook, standing part when hauled tight holds the end firmly.

  _Becket Hitch_]

  For joining a cord to a rope. May be easily made from diagram.

  _The Fisherman's Knot_]

  Used for tying silk-worm gut for fishing purposes. It never slips; is easily unloosed by pulling the two short ends.

  The two ropes are laid alongside one another, then with each end an overhand knot is made around the standing part of the other. Pull the standing parts to tighten.

  _Carrick Bend_]

  Used in uniting hawsers for towing. Is easily untied by pushing the loops inwards.

  Turn the end of one rope _A_ over its standing part _B_ to form a loop. Pass the end of the other rope across the bight thus formed, back of the standing part _B_ over the end _A_, then under the bight at _C_, passing it over its own standing part and under the bight again at _D_.


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