The Daughter Trilogy Bundle

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The Daughter Trilogy Bundle Page 27

by C. M. Owens

  "I ordered it online. I thought it would be fun to entice your return. I can’t believe I actually did it," I bashfully reply.

  "Oh, it's definitely enticing. I'm afraid you've just destroyed my mindset for the day. I'm going to be completely lost in my fantasies for the rest of my stay."

  I smile deviously. "So there's really no need in you staying there another night then. Perhaps you could just come on home to me," I seduce.

  He sighs loudly as if he's struggling with the new encouraging bits of temptation.

  "I love the way you said that. I can't believe I'm looking forward to coming home to anyone. I love you, baby."

  I grin foolishly, and my cheeks cringe in pain when the smile extends too far.

  "I love you, too," I almost giggle out.

  "I should be home by noon tomorrow. We have to get some leads sorted out right now. I have to go, and I'll try to think of something other than how completely dazzling, tempting, and intoxicating you look in these goddess pictures you've tortured me with."

  I giggle again, and then I sigh with a twinge of disappointment.

  "Okay. Go be a hero. I'll see you soon,"

  "Bye, babe."

  "Bye, Devin," I say with some seductiveness and disappointment at once.

  I put my phone in my pocket and stare at the picture of us kissing. I'm going crazy being confined to this apartment. I'm sick of being here without him here to keep me occupied.

  My phone rings, and I juggle it for a minute as I scurry to answer it.

  "Miss me already," I seduce.

  "I've been missing you for too damn long, Aphrodisia Titan," Clara says with a chuckle.

  I blush slightly as I answer with an embarrassed giggle.

  "I miss you, too, hot stuff. How's the married life?" I ask in an effort to recover.

  "It's pretty great. I still haven't gotten my freaking honeymoon, due to the fact I married a workaholic, but I love him. I was actually calling to see if you had lunch plans because I'm coming into the city right now."

  I cringe a little. I'm not supposed to leave the apartment, but I can't tell her that, and I suck at lying.

  "I don't. How about you come see me at the apartment? I know a great Thai place that delivers, and you haven't seen my new place," I say with a perky, hopefully affective offer.

  "I'll see your place, but you're totally going out with me. I can't come to New York and eat in," she says with exaggerated drama.


  "Okay. I'll text you the address," I murmur nervously.

  "Awesome," she squeals. "See you soon."

  I slowly lower the phone as my mind starts strategizing a plan. I rush out of the padded room to find Deacon or Camara.

  I see Deacon at the bar and steady my breath as I walk over to him.

  "I kind of have a problem," I awkwardly mumble.

  He turns with a menacing smirk plastered to his slightly shadowed face.

  "I knew it. I knew with Devin gone you'd fall for me. Come, love," he says while crunching on his cereal. "Let's go break the bed."

  I scowl at him as I narrow my eyes.

  "You're not even the slightest bit funny anymore," I grumble.

  He chuckles lightly to himself, and then he adds, "So you say. I find myself to be wildly amusing."

  He returns to his bowl of cereal, shrugging as he does so.

  "Or just incredibly obnoxious," Camara says with a smirk as she emerges from the guestroom.

  He rolls his eyes, and then he gives me a semi-serious look. It's probably the best serious-face he can muster.

  "What's the problem?"

  I take another deep breath as I grimace.

  "I sort of have a friend from back home coming over, and she's expecting me to go out."

  "Oh a friend. That's cool, but no," he snarks, still crunching on the enormous bowl of his cereal.

  I feel like a child asking for permission to hang out with my friend on a school night. This is absurd.

  "I'm not asking for permission. I'm telling you my plans for the day, so either help me work it out, or watch me walk out without your approval," I scold.

  He shakes his head. "And I'm saying it's not going to happen. I'll tie you up if I have to - no pun intended," he teases as his eyebrows bounce up and down.

  I roll my eyes and grab my purse.

  "Forget it. I'm going now. I'll just meet her somewhere. If you try to tie me up, I'll just force you to let me go. I've become quite adept with that little skill, in case you've forgotten," I smugly counter.

  He glares at me as he thinks back to when I enslaved his mind long enough to have him wait on Camara and me for bits and pieces of a day. He even wore an apron to add to his humiliation.

  Camara and I immensely enjoyed the show, and we took pictures of the entire charade for intense mocking purposes. It's amazing what someone finds to do for entertainment when they've been locked away in a tower for so long. Even a tower as lavish as this one becomes dreadfully boring after a while.

  Camara chuckles lightly in amusement, and then she sighs with slight dismay.

  "It's really not safe. There are eyes watching from all over. It's possible someone can use the mortals the way I can use the animals," she gently inserts.

  "It's possible they can, and it's also possible they can do as I do in a different way. It's possible they can infect masses by some unknown medley of powers and control them that way as well. It's possible they can use mind control without even seeing their victim, and it's possible they've created something to use on the mortals.

  "There are so many theories about what they can do that I can't even keep up anymore, and we're no closer to finding out who they are. I'm tired of being held captive, and I need the fresh air before I blow up inside this apartment. It’s just lunch. I'm not going to be frolicking around the city aimlessly. We'll eat, chat and share a drink. I'll make up a reason to excuse myself if she tries to extend the visit," I murmur with exasperation.

  Camara sits back and sighs as if she feels sorry for me, and it's possible she empathizes with me. She is the embodiment of the wild. The wild isn't meant to be kept locked up. It's very likely she's going as stir-crazy as I am.

  Deacon continues shaking his head.

  "It's too risky. Devin will flip out if I go along with this," he grumbles with a mouthful.

  "I'll go with her. You can stake out the place and keep a watch for anything seeming suspicious. They can't possibly find us every time we're out there," Camara says while joining my side.

  I almost squeal and look expectantly at Deacon.

  "You're going regardless of any perfectly executed argument I make, aren't you?"

  I nod with my critical and stubborn eyes staring confidently into his. He sighs loudly and spoons the last mouthful of food.

  "I'll make myself scarce before your friend gets here. I'll follow you lasses, but if I call you and tell you to get the hell out, you do as I say," he sternly orders.

  "Deal," I squeak.

  "Bloody hell. Devin's going to kick my ass for this," he gripes.

  I rush to the bedroom and decide to change into a sleek, dark red, low cut, and completely flattering shirt coupled with a black pencil skirt. I look in the mirror at the refined goddess staring at me, and I smirk.

  I've changed so much since I last saw Clara.

  The elevator dings, and Clara steps out with wide eyes.

  "Holy crap. You hit the jackpot. This place is huge," she gasps, her busy eyes not yet finding me.

  I giggle a little as she looks around at the massive space with the spectacular view.

  "The guy who owns it is far more impressive," I chuckle out like a silly girl.

  She rolls her eyes and pretends to gag on her finger before finally looking me over.

  "You're such a cornball," she mocks. "Are you ready to wine me and dine me with your flashy, hot-as-hell new style? You look fantastic. Have you been working out?"

  Hmm… That depends on what one might r
efer to as working out.

  "Here and there. It's just the new clothes mostly. They fit a little better than my old ones," I lie.

  Being immortal has its perks. Eat what you want. Drink what you want. Sleep when you want. There's really only one downfall - people want you dead all the damn time.

  I pull her into the bedroom that is a masterpiece in its own accord.

  "Holy shit. This room is huge. And I thought Henry was loaded. Wow."

  Her eyes flash to the immaculate, large, and intimidating bed.

  "Now that's a bed. Who buys a bed that monstrously thick, and is that steel?"

  I laugh a little. Reinforced steel, actually, but I know it still won't be strong enough to endure the reunion after a week long sabbatical.

  "Devin has odd tastes in some areas," I fib.

  "Well, I'm starving, and seeing you all fit, trim, and sexy is making me feel guilty for being so hungry. We need to go and eat before I lose my appetite."

  I laugh a little as Camara walks into the room.

  "Oh, this is Camara. I asked her to come with us. I hope that's all right," I add.

  Clara appraises the blond beauty standing in front of her, and then she swallows hard.

  "Yeah. No problem," she mumbles.

  "Great. I'll go grab my purse," Camara says with a smile.

  Clara turns toward me with wide eyes as she whispers. "Hell no. You don't need to be friends with a girl that hot. She's bound to try to make a move on your man. And did you see her eyes? They're so… wild."

  I snicker slightly, partially because I know Camara can hear every word she's saying, and partially because of the word Clara used to describe Camara's eyes - wild. She has no idea how wild Camara really is.

  "She's not like that. She's got her sights on someone else anyway. His name is Deacon," I say teasingly, since I know Camara is listening in.

  "Okay, I'm ready," Camara chirps as her eyes scold me for my remark.

  I give her a taunting glance, and we walk to the elevator. Greer greets me once we enter the lobby.

  "Should I fetch a car, Ms. Titan?" he asks with a chipper welcome.

  "That would be great. Thank you," I say while flashing him a warm smile.

  "I was hoping we could walk. Everyone in New York walks. I just want a chance to enjoy the hustle and bustle you get to everyday, and it's so beautiful outside," Clara whines.

  I don't enjoy the "hustle and bustle" because I've been under lock and key since the last attack. I can't tell her that though. This would be so much easier if she was immortal.

  I can't believe I just put that sentence together.

  I look at Camara, and she's subtly shaking her head to disapprove of Clara's request. I tighten my lips, and turn back to face Greer.

  "Sorry, Greer. That won't be necessary after all," I say hesitantly.

  Camara's eyes admonish me for my lack of backbone around a whiny Clara. She doesn't know Clara like I do though.

  We walk out to the sidewalk, and I'm almost blinded by the light blaring down on us. There's no overcast at all, and my indoor eyes are not used to the vivid rays.

  I smirk at Camara who is also struggling with the sun she's been banished from. I keep my eyes focused on the ground to hide the green glow as I pull the clouds' protective mask to blur the extreme rays.

  "Well, those clouds came out of nowhere," Clara murmurs dispassionately.

  Camara smirks slightly at me, and we walk down the sidewalk to a nearby restaurant.

  "This place seems pretty cool," Clara says softly, not seeming to even glance at the restaurant she's motioning to.

  Her interest in the place gives me hope. I seize the opportunity to get off the street as soon as possible.

  "This place has a wonderful menu I know you'll approve of," I say anxiously.

  Please, please, please let this work.

  She glances across the street as if she's distracted, and then she turns back to face me.

  "This looks perfect. Maybe we can get a window seat," she gleams.

  I smile at her jubilance, and a woman greets us before promptly showing us to a seat not too far from the window we've requested. Clara stares out with such amusement at the city.

  "You're so lucky," she gushes dreamily.

  I tilt my head sideways, and then I whisper to Camara in a key too low for Clara to hear.

  "Can you give us a minute?"

  "I need to go find the powder room," Camara says in an understanding manner, although "powder room" is yet another archaic term.

  Clara doesn't even acknowledge her. She turns to me once Camara is gone.

  "I can't believe you moved in with a guy so soon after knowing him. You're so fearless. I wish I had moved in with Henry before I married him," she murmurs with a hint of despair.

  "What's going on, Clara?" I ask sympathetically for the obvious duress she's in.

  "It's nothing. I didn't mean to come off so pathetic. How's life with Devin?"

  I smile a little and blush. I can see the swirls of pain still stinging her eyes, and my moment of elation quickly dissipates.

  "Tell me. I'm your best friend. I know something's wrong," I insist.

  She sighs loudly and glances over her shoulder to see if Camara is coming back yet. When she returns her gaze to me, she looks so sad - nothing like the happy girl she was pretending to be moments ago.

  "Henry never does anything besides work. I saw him more before I lived with him than I do now. I always thought it would get better after we got married, not worse. Adisia, I think he's cheating on me. That's why I drove all the way to New York - to spy on him like some crazy-eyed stalker. That's where I really was when I called you," she confesses.

  I've been here before. Henry is going to taste what a live wire can do to your insides if he's cheating on her.

  "What did you find?" I prompt.

  "Nothing. He went inside a big business and didn’t come back out during the two hours I was watching. His car is still there," she says while pointing across the street.

  "You weren't far away at all," I murmur, my eyes falling across the street as well.

  "No. I sat out here for a little while longer when I realized how close you were. I'm so embarrassed, but I don't know what else to do. Either he's cheating, or he's completely uninterested in me," she cries.

  Camara walks back over to the table, and Clara dries her tears quickly. I can see Camara's empathy staining her face.

  "I'm sorry, ladies. I forgot I need to call my mother. Just order for me please, Adisia," she says as another form for excusing herself.

  I whisper in my low key once more.

  "Can you spy for her?"

  She smirks. "That's where I'm going. Pigeons rule the streets of New York. They're constantly breaking into buildings," she says mischievously.

  "Yeah, that's no problem. Turkey burger?" I continue on, as if there wasn't a private interaction going on.

  "Yes please," she murmurs before stepping outside.

  I stare at my woeful friend who is whimpering into the dainty napkin as she holds back her howling sobs and confines them to a respectable weep.

  "He's probably actually working. Henry has never shown anyone else the slightest bit of attention in the three years I've known him," I encourage.

  "He doesn't show me the slightest bit anymore either. I just need to know why. I don't know what I'll find out today, but it'll be more than I knew yesterday. I'm going crazy," she says through a sniffle as she wipes her eyes again.

  "Hey, hey, hey. Don't do this to yourself. We'll find out what's going on. You see Camara?" I ask.

  "Yeah. What about her?"

  "Henry doesn't know her. We can send her to find out what's going on," I offer.

  Camara hears the whispered conversation, and returns from her falsified phone call. She sits back down and waits for me to ask without being too obvious.

  Clara nods to give her silent approval, and I lean back to start the charade.

  "Can yo
u do us a favor?" I ask while trying to keep a serious face.

  "Anything," she responds innocently.

  "Can you find this guy in there, and see if he's cheating on Clara?" I ask while handing her a picture I have of Clara and Henry.

  She's been looking for someone to say his name. Now she has a visual aide. Clara will just have to think she's going in personally.

  "I can do that," she says with a smirk.

  Then she lowers her voice to a whisper as she walks out the door.

  "Give me some cover. I can't actually leave you here and go inside the building."

  I look up at the sky, and the green stirs as the fog begins to drift in and cloak the city streets. Traffic slows to a near halt, horns begin blowing, and Camara disappears from our sight.

  "Whoa. Freaky fog. Now I can't see anything," Clara gripes.

  "Don't worry. Camara will find out what's going on."

  "I feel like such an idiot," Clara says while burying her head into her hands.

  The waitress returns with her perky, ready-to-serve attitude.

  "Have you ladies decided what you want?"

  "Three turkey burgers and three very strong cosmopolitans as well," I say quickly to dismiss her.

  Clara glances up at me to see me smirking. "You have to have a cosmo while you're on a New York stakeout," I say to lighten her despaired mood.

  She laughs slightly as she wipes her nose and eyes. We look over in time to see Camara walking back in. She smiles as she sits down.

  "He's in a boardroom on the fifth floor. He's pitching an idea that needs investors. He's telling them about a condominium build he wants to start. He's not cheating. There's a room full of men listening, and only one woman. If he's cheating on you with her, he needs to be slapped in the face because she's not at all aesthetically pleasing."

  Clara laughs in relief, but then more tears fall.

  "He just doesn't like coming home then," she whimpers.

  "He's probably just trying to give you nice things," I offer.

  "I just want him. I'm so tired of going to bed alone while he sits up on the phone or on the computer. He's constantly away on business, and I'm sitting in that small town dying alone. Time is passing us by. You don't live forever," she mumbles.


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