The Daughter Trilogy Bundle

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The Daughter Trilogy Bundle Page 41

by C. M. Owens

  "I can't. All my stuff is at the hotel, and I can't ask you to drive me all the way back home," I huff, even though I really want him to.

  "I don't mind, and I'm sure one of your friends can take your stuff home for you. Stay with me," he says again.

  "I can totally take your stuff home," Clara shrieks.

  Devin smiles as he walks over to me, and his lips lightly play on mine, interrupting the call I've completely lost interest in.

  "Stay with me," he murmurs so softly with his enticing tone.

  "Okay," I say, just as I have almost every time he has said that.

  He smiles triumphantly as he draws back, and his thumb strokes my bottom lip before he walks back to the kitchen.

  I try to compose myself before I return to my almost forgotten conversation with Clara.

  "I guess I'll call you later," I mumble.

  "You had so better call me later, and tell me every scandalous detail," she gushes.

  Devin's cheeks are still pinked, and I'm not really sure why. That cup dropping incident couldn't have been that embarrassing.

  "Yeah. I will," I sigh.

  I push my phone back into my purse, and he smirks lightly as he turns to face me.

  "The coffee should be ready in a minute, and I could use a shower. Do you want to join me?" he asks, his embarrassment gone and replaced with his insane hotness.

  I swallow hard against the knot that has instantly formed in my throat, and I nod when the words I’m searching for evade me.

  He takes my hand and leads me back through the bedroom to the oversized master bath with a deluxe walk-in shower.

  His lips find mine again, and I feel the passion overtaking me as my dress drops to the floor once more.

  The water sloshes against us as he pushes me in, and I feel the massaging motions dancing against me. The wet, warm kiss provided by the perfectly warm water, is delicious as it sneaks into my mouth, but nothing tastes as good as he does.

  "I really have to go. It's almost six, and I have work tomorrow." I pout.

  He's sitting on the bed and playing with his phone when I prop up against the doorframe, wearing his shirt. He smiles as his eyes look up to catch sight of me.

  "You really are beautiful," he says with such adoration.

  I blush lightly as I walk over to the bed.

  "Who are you so focused on? You've been pounding away on that phone for hours," I nag, as if I'm some attention-starved girlfriend.

  He smiles a little as he pulls me into his arms and drops the phone on the side of the bed.

  "Sorry. I had a little work to do, but I'm done now, and I'm all yours."

  My eyebrows raise a little seductively.

  "Is this how you always dress for work?"

  I motion to his sleek upper body which is glistening under the sun's low rays and his low hanging pants that are taunting me. He smirks as his lips tease mine lightly, and then he gives me an adorable, playful wink.

  "It's casual Sunday," he jokes.

  I laugh a little and pull back to stare in his eyes.

  "Well, I need to get ready. I guess we'll find out if those outfits your assistant brought will fit," I say with a little embarrassment.

  "What's wrong?"

  "I feel bad that you sent a woman to buy me clothes and you refuse to let me pay you back," I mumble.

  I feel a little bought and paid for.

  "Don't feel bad. I happen to pay her a great deal to do such things, and I'm the one who told you to send your stuff home with one of your friends. I worried if I took you over there to get them, you would change your mind about staying with me," he says softly. "It was well worth the price of a few outfits to keep you here."

  "I only needed one. Why did you have her buy more?"

  He shrugs. "I thought you should have options, and the others can stay here for next time," he promises.

  I almost giggle at the mention of next time, and I fight the urge to smile a goofy grin.

  "When will next time be?" I say smoothly, my back arching in a seductive manner.

  He smiles as he pulls me even closer.

  "Stay with me tonight," he prompts.

  I sigh as my finger traces over his chest.

  "I can't. I have work tomorrow, and Clara's rehearsal dinner is tomorrow night. I'm sorry."

  Why is it so hard to leave a guy I've known for less than twenty-four hours?"

  He frowns slightly, and I assume it's from my light rejection. I lean over to kiss his chest, and my leg slides around his waist.

  "I actually struck a deal with your agency today, and you can stay, if you want to. I requested you be here when I sign the papers, and they agreed to my terms," he mumbles, hesitance in his tone.

  I sit back and stare at the gorgeous but crazy man.

  "That's insane. Besides, they aren't open on Sundays."

  He smirks a little too smugly, and then he shrugs.

  "They are when someone has as much money as I do. I know it's crazy, but I'm not ready for you to leave. Please stay with me," he murmurs as his intoxicating, possibly poisonous, lips pour on their spellbinding power.

  I suddenly feel my body spiraling around his, and the magic between us becomes undeniable. It's so bizarre to have such chemistry and such a connection with anyone, and I can't tell him no.

  I just nod instead of giving him the same generic reply I have over and over, and he flips me to the bed.

  "I really don't know how to explain the depth of my desire to be with you," he murmurs against my mouth.

  "You don't have to. I feel it, too," I breathe out, my honesty surprising me, and his hips begin grinding between mine as the underwear barricading him from me is shredded from my body.

  I gasp lightly at the unexpected, erotic maneuver, and his eyes burn against mine. I'm absolutely crazy about him, or I'm just crazy. Either way, I'm fucked.

  Chapter 2

  The Breaking Dam

  I walked to work with a heavy burden plaguing me. Devin left in the middle of the night. Why would he leave so unexpectedly and why hasn't he called me?

  I've spent almost every minute with him since we met. He had taken me home to be at the rehearsal dinner, and he stayed with me when I was sick. He sat through the wedding- and distracted me the whole time - but then he disappeared without a real reason.

  I keep checking my phone and decide to order in for lunch. It's too pretty of a day to feel so miserable outside.

  Roses come, and I shriek a little as I check the note inside - my stomach knotting to the point I almost get sick again for a whole new reason.

  I frown when I see they're from Jerry, and all my elation turns to a dark cloud of misery. I just toss the card into the trash without even reading it.

  "Jane, you can keep these," I grumble.

  She looks at me oddly, but she accepts my unwanted gift.

  My phone buzzes and I fumble with it. I see it's Jerry calling, but I don't feel like dealing with him. It buzzes once more, and I see an unfamiliar number.

  "Hello?" I ask curiously.

  "Hey, babe," Devin sighs.

  "Hey," I squeal lightly, and then I instantly scramble to recover. "What happened to send you running off into the night?"

  "I have some rather uneasy news, and I'm going to sound like a pathetic coward." He pauses for a minute, and I hold my breath as I wait for him to finish the sentence that is striking me with more dread than I've ever felt. "I'm sorry, Adisia, but I don't think we should see each other anymore, at least... not for a while,” he breathes out with a choked up tone.

  I feel the tears racing down my cheeks, scalding my sensitive flesh with their ferociously hot stream, and I start to blast him for his cowardly behavior.

  But the bizarre images that have been plaguing me suddenly all rush through my mind with the coherency I've been lacking. My head actually grows unbalanced as the weight of reality crashes down and rattles throughout.

  Each scene replays in my mind from the actual meeting we h
ad, to the boiling water in the shower, to the first time he told me he loved me, to the proposal he had perfectly executed, down to the moment I was forced to watch him die.

  Tears pour out of my eyes as I realized what has happened. Theia has rewound time, and somehow I'm the only one who remembers.

  I choke back the overwhelming onslaught tears fighting their way to the surface, and I feel the agonizing pain striking me without mercy. The life is sucked from my lungs as the memories of Persia and Jake dying flood through me as well.

  "This is all your fault," Safina had yelled at me.

  She was right. It was all my fault. But this time I can end it before it begins. I'm the only one with a link to mortals. I'm the only weakness in the thread. Without me here to disrupt the strength, everyone survives.

  "Adisia? Please say something," Devin softly urges.

  I struggle to force a calm tone, given the terrible storm brewing inside of me. I hold the side of the desk as I try to keep from falling out into the floor from the exhausting rebirth of my memories which have finally forced me to listen to their warning.

  "I'm sorry. I got distracted," I mumble as I look into the trashcan to see Jerry's card staring at me, giving me an idea.

  "Adisia, I'm so sorry. Please understand. This is just-"

  I quickly interrupt him before I lose my ability to lock the tears in place.

  "It's fine, Devin. I was really planning on ending this myself. So it's no big deal. Jerry and I are getting back together. He sent me roses today, as a matter of fact. You're welcome to investigate that if you don't believe me," I say as I grab my purse.

  I slide all my stuff that is scattered across my desk into it. A few things rattle to the ground when they miss the opening. I just kick them under the desk to hide them from sight. It's not like I'm going to need any of it after today.

  "Jerry? You're getting back together with him?" he asks with pain hiding in the undertones of his disbelief.

  I almost fall apart at the obvious betrayal he feels, but I force myself to continue.

  "This was a really hot fling, but we both knew it would never work. Thank you for calling me though. I wish you the best, and I mean that," I say with a slight crackle invading my voice at the end.

  "Adisia, I don't think you should be with Jerry," he growls through an emotional strain.

  "Sorry, but that's not up to you. Have a good life, Devin. Please," I almost whimper as my insides twist together.

  "You, too," he huffs.

  I quickly end the call and walk to the front to leave. Jane calls to me, but I just brush her off as I barge through the doors and double over to expel the tears I've been holding back.

  The pain in my chest leaves me heaving for the next breath of air. I notice all the people staring, and I begin to worry Devin may be here watching as well.

  He watched me for days before he kidnapped me.

  I dry my eyes and try to play off my temporary meltdown. I start my brisk walk down the street, and I almost start sprinting to my apartment when sobs break out all around me to cry the tears I'm suppressing.

  It's all happening again. Nothing has changed.

  Everything has happened in a different way, but everything is still ending up the same. The only way to break the cycle is to take me out of the equation.

  I can't run away - he'll never stop looking. If I convince him I'm fine without him, he'll simply return to watch me. He's obsessed, just like I am. He'll never stop looking for someone who's still alive.

  I glance up to the rooftops, where he enjoys stalking me from, but I don't see anything. I dive into my apartment without so much as missing a step.

  The second I reach my floor, I dart to my door and disappear into my room.

  I rush to the bedroom and dig through all of my stuff until I find something to write with and on.

  My hands shake and rattle the pen and paper as I begin scribbling my apologies to my family, and then I sign it as tears drop to smear the ink.

  I place it on my dresser, and then I go to draw all the shades shut.

  My eerily quiet apartment only adds to the dread. I don't want to do this, but I have to. I can't let anyone else die ever again. Not because of me.

  I head to the kitchen and pull out the sharpest, largest knife I can find. Tears fall to my cheeks as I hold it to my wrist, but all I can do is scream when I can't go through with it.

  I cry harder as I sink to the floor in complete disgust for myself. My eyes feel heavy, and my breaths quicken in panic until there's not enough oxygen reaching my brain fast enough.

  Suddenly, blackness invades the corners of my eyes, taking me with it as it tunes out the rest of the world that is begging me to save it.

  I wake up with a headache as I look around my kitchen floor to assess what has happened.

  I walk over to the window, and I realize there isn't any sun shining through the closed shades anymore. It's dark out, so I've been passed out for hours.

  My tears have ceased, as well as my panic attack. I can now compose myself enough to do what I have to, but I decide to add a boost of courage by pulling out the vodka from my freezer.

  I shudder at the wretched taste invading my mouth.

  This was so much easier to drink this when I was immortal.

  I gulp it again, and the burning starts quickly intoxicating me with my less tolerable body in the driver's seat.

  I pick up my phone and type in Persia's number. I take a deep breath as I send her the message I never did.

  Please take care of my parents and my brother. Thank you for the pink princess room. Be careful. I love you, Mom.

  I cry a little harder as I put the phone down, and very shakily, I walk over to pull the knife back to my wrist.

  I can do this. I have to do this. I love you, Devin.

  I cringe as the knife bites my flesh, but suddenly the crashing of a window distracts me. Blurs streak around me as a familiar scent engulfs me, and in a blink, I've been disarmed.

  Devin is hovering over me with guilt wringing his eyes, and he wads the knife up like a crumpled piece of paper before tossing it to the ground.

  I start wailing as I pound his chest with my fists, my tears streaming down the sore cheeks that haven't recovered from their last scalding.

  "Please let me! I'm begging you! Please just let me end this while I still can," I sob, my screams turning to a hoarse whisper.

  "Adisia, I'm so sorry. I'm going to help you," he murmurs with the angst pouring from his lips.

  I scowl at him as I try to back away.

  "No. I don't want or need your help. Just let me die. Please let me stop this before I have to watch you die again," I beg as I drop to my knees.

  "Baby, you're sick. Let me get you some help," he pleads, his own tears brimming the lids of his eyes.

  "Everyone will die if I live," I screech.

  I cry so hard my language sounds like something mimicking a Neanderthal. He doesn't even try to understand me this time.

  He scoops me up and flashes with me in his arms down the stairs. Ther's not here to aide him this time. His car is waiting at the curb instead of an SUV. Everything is different while exactly the same.

  He throws me in the car, and I know it's pointless, but I still start plotting my escape. I keep sobbing as the door shuts, but I quickly try to jump out.

  He flashes to me and restrains me by locking my wrists together with cable ties he pulls out of his glove compartment.

  "I'm sorry, baby, but I need you safe," he murmurs softly, his eyes drawing closer to dropping his tears.

  He flashes back to the driver's side, and then he buckles my seatbelt once he sits down.

  I lean my tearstained face over to face the ground as I start rocking violently. He restrains me more by tightening the seatbelt against me, and then he locks my bound hands to the door with another cable tie to stabilize me.

  "I promise this will all be over soon," he whispers to himself, but I hear it.

I have to convince him about what I've seen. He doesn't know the things I'll one day be able to do. He'll lose more than just me if he doesn't give in to my demands.

  "This has all happened before. This isn't the first time you've kidnapped me to get me some help. Please trust that I know what I'm doing," I beg.

  "Adisia, you're just really sick right now. I promise I can get you the help you need, and you'll forget all about me," he crackles out.

  "No I won't. Theia can't make immortals forget the truth. She can only do that to mortals! Real mortals!"

  His eyes jerk toward me, and then he shakes his head.

  "Fucking side effects," he grumbles to himself.

  "It's not a side effect. I'm the daughter of Aphrodite. I'm the descendent of Asteria, Prometheus, Krios, Kahl, Sapphire, and Persia. I don't know who fucked Aphrodite to have Sapphire, but other than that, you have my whole family tree. I've seen how this ended once, and time has been rewound. Please trust me," I plead again.

  His eyes stay focused on the road, a tear finally escaping from his wavering lids. He wipes it away quickly, and then and he picks up his cell phone to make a call.

  "Yo. You need me yet?" Ther says through the speakerphone setting.

  "I had to bump up the schedule. It's worse than I thought. She's spouting off more crazy things than I've ever heard, and it's detailed, too. Just tell Mom to be there before I get there. I don't want us having to wait around on her. Adisia tried to kill herself tonight," he says with a grimacing expression turning to guilt.

  "Damn. It is bad. I'll tell her. You okay?" Ther asks with genuine concern for his friend.

  Devin takes it off speaker phone and pulls it back to his ear.

  "No, but I will be when she's better… Yeah… I'll make sure no one follows us."

  Devin snaps the phone back into place and stares straight ahead. He still doesn't believe me.

  "I can prove it," I snap.

  "Adisia, please stop."

  The car crash. I made the car crash the first time he kidnapped me.

  "I crashed Ther's SUV the first time you kidnapped me," I cry out.

  I grab the handle I'm strapped to, and I stare into his eyes. There's no seduction like there was last time though. There's nothing but self loathing, pity, and guilt flowing from his smoky blue eyes that don't dare to swirl for me.


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