The Daughter Trilogy Bundle

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The Daughter Trilogy Bundle Page 46

by C. M. Owens

  "The bitch squad?" I interject.

  Everyone chuckles at my little joke, and Kry nods.

  "Sounds accurate."

  He walks over, and I notice he's also wearing a suit, though he's not relinquishing his faux-hawk.

  "Lawyer? Real-estate broker? Accountant?" I quiz.

  He laughs a little as he shakes his head. "I'm the architect in every development operation. You didn't think Devin amassed so many empires all alone, did you?"

  I shrug, and Devin smirks at my innocent notion. I really thought he was that badass.

  "Devin is the brains, the eyes, and the deal closer, but we all play our roles when needed."

  "Ah, I see. I didn't realize everyone had a day job."

  "We get bored when we're not trying to stop wars," Ther mumbles with dry humor.

  "And what are you?" I ask.

  "I'm the contractor. I'm a pro with lighting. The rest is just details," he kids.

  I laugh a little - since he is the embodiment of light after all.

  Hale shrugs on his blazer, and I feel like a broken record as I ask, "And you?"

  "I'm the other interested party. Devin likes to make everyone rush their decisions by having someone like me on board. I'll pretend I have a similar project I want Devin to invest in, and Henry will gobble up the bait to keep from losing a wealthy investor."

  "Phillip was the actor last time, and he was miserably terrible," Theia grumbles as she walks out in her best-dressed business skirt and blouse.

  "You're in on it, too?" I muse.

  "Of course. I always play the part of Devin's consultant. Phillip can be security today," she grouches.

  "I can hear you, dear. My acting isn't that terrible either," Phillip argues.

  "I know you can hear. That was the point. Perhaps it's the listening you struggle with in your old age," she teases.

  I laugh a little, and Devin kisses my forehead.

  "I feel a little left out," I pout.

  He smiles affectionately before pulling me into his lap.

  "One day you'll figure out what you want to do, and I'll make it happen. You have all the time in the world to decide how you wish to spend your idle time, and I'll make sure we get our eternity," he promises.

  My lips find his despite the fresh coat of lip gloss I just applied. He licks his lips as he pulls back, and I giggle as I wipe away the small smears.

  "I suppose I should go fix my lips again," I murmur.

  Devin leans over to pull a Kleenex from the box in front of us, and he hands it to me.

  "Just get rid of it. My lips never stray from yours for very long, and I'd prefer it if I wasn't wearing a shade of pink during our business meeting," he snickers.

  I laugh lightly as I remove the remaining remnants of my failed lip gloss attempt, and he pulls me tighter against him.

  "I want to get married," he murmurs softly as his lips brush against my chest.

  "We are," I say with a little amusement for his random change of subject.

  "I mean now. Today you referred to yourself as my first girlfriend, and you didn't even mention you were my fiancée. I don't want to feel as if we're traveling backwards - even though time has rewound. I want to get married as soon as possible. Perhaps that will also ease your inability to believe my devout loyalty to you."

  I frown slightly. "I don't want to get married just because you don't want me feeling like a crazy jealous girl."

  "Adisia, I want to marry you because I love you, and I can't go a second in the day without thinking about our lives together," he says so genuinely before playfully adding, "I just mentioned the jealously being lost as a perk."

  I don't laugh at his little joke though.

  "I'm trying to work out my own insecure issues, I swear. I love you, and I want to marry you, too. I just want to do this right."

  "There's never a time I don't deign as right to marry you. Marry me in Vegas," he proposes.

  "Vegas? That's way too big-city-bright-lights cliché for me. How about we wait until we stumble upon the perfect place? I want it to be some place you've never been with another girl. I know Vegas isn't one of those places, and I want our wedding place to be a special place with only our memories."

  "Okay. That's an argument I can understand. I don't want to wait for too long though."

  "I don't either," I add, and his lips engulf mine the second I finish.

  "I swear he's not Devin Cole," Hale grumbles.

  "You and me both," Gemma snarks.

  Devin smiles against our kiss, and I return the silly grin. He's the only Devin Cole I've ever known.

  "I'm going to go grab a few things from down the street for the trip," Persia says as she walks through. "Let me know if the traditional methods don't work on Henry, and I'll make sure he takes the deal," she murmurs smugly.

  "Will do," Devin chuckles, and the others disperse into padded room to prepare their presentation.

  "I'll come with you. I need some travel supplies," Gemma grumbles.

  Great. Now my arch nemesis and my mother are going shopping together. I make sure to let Persia see me scowling at her, and she tries not to grin in response.

  Gemma's parents are in another country with some of their dearest friends, still unaware of the rewind, and now we're stuck with Gemma.

  There are still so many of their group to tell, but Theia needs breaks, rests, and time to rejuvenate herself between sessions. I wish they had called Ava instead of Gemma to be the one from their family to remember and start dialing contacts.

  The elevator doors close and Devin's lips return to mine as the metal box whisks them away. His hands proactively scale up my dress, and I smirk when I pull back to warn him.

  "They'll be here any minute now."

  He frowns lightly. "They're on their way up right now."

  I giggle a little in excitement, and he shakes his head in mock frustration as he stifles his own smile.

  The doors open, and out pours a slew of business suits. Henry has brought his own entourage, and Clara's arm is looped through his until she sees me.

  Oh no. She looks pissed.

  Devin smiles his best professional grin and extends his hand to greet Henry.

  "Thank you for coming."

  Henry looks like an enthusiastic child as he quickly throws his hand in Devin's.

  "Thank you for calling. I don't know how you heard about my project, but I really appreciate the consideration you're giving my work. I'm supposed to pitch my proposal to a board of investors next week."

  "Well, maybe this will work out, and you won't have to," Devin kindly remarks.

  "Hey, Adisia," Henry says warmly to me.

  "Hey, Henry," I murmur nervously.

  Clara's death glare is giving me chills, and Henry seems to notice she's upset as well.

  "We'll just get this meeting started if that's all right with you," Devin utters when he feels the tense air as well. "Good to see you again, Clara," he adds.

  "You too, Devin," she says coldly.

  Devin kisses the back of my hand, and I can't fight the ridiculously large smile spreading over my face. Clara's scolding eyes still burn against me, and Devin gives me a wink before disappearing into the crowded room.

  "Aphrodisia Titan!" Clara yells in a whispered tone.

  "What?" I murmur innocently.

  "I've been calling, and texting, and calling, and texting… I finally called your work, and Jane said you just walked out without a word. I went to your apartment, and the window had been busted out.

  “I freaked out and called the cops, but they said I didn't have enough proof to file a missing persons report. I called your parents, and they didn't answer either. Jake has ignored my calls as well. Now please tell me what the hell is going on," she squeals.

  I laugh a little at the overly worked up woman breathing fire from her nose.

  "Sorry. I don't know what broke my window, but I've been staying with Devin until it gets repaired,” I lie, and I'm so proud
of how convincing I sound.

  "Your phone is still at your house, and that doesn't explain why you left your job like you did," she gripes.

  "I forgot my phone. Devin showed up when I came home to a broken window, and I came here with him. I didn't want to drive all the way back for my phone, and I left my job because Margaret finally pissed me off too much. I'll get a new one when I get back. I didn't realize you'd be so worried," I lie again.

  She sighs out a little and seems to accept my complete fabrication. I walk over to the bar area and pull out all the makings for margaritas.

  "Care to join me?" I entice.

  She tries unsuccessfully to stifle a grin, and finally huffs as she lets her anger breathe free from her lungs.

  "Yeah. Put a lot of tequila in there," she sighs.

  "No problem," I snicker.

  "I can't believe a guy you barely know is letting you stay here. He seems so into you though," she whispers.

  There's no reason for her to keep her voice low, but I'm sure it would be odd if I told her about the soundproofed room they're in. I don't feel like trying to answer the questions that would raise.

  "He's pretty incredible," I giggle out foolishly.

  "Wow. You really like him," she gasps.

  "I do," I murmur with a silly grin as I start the blender and play bartender.

  "It's crazy how he called Henry up out of the blue. I didn't even know Henry was so stressed out about finding investors for this deal," she adds.

  My mind flashes back to the distraught, tearstained girl who fell to pieces in the restaurant. I'm glad she doesn't have those memories, but at the same time, I hate knowing she doesn't know who I am anymore… At least, not the immortal part.

  The blender finishes its masterpiece of strawberry margaritas. I start sifting through the cabinets for two glasses, but the sound of the elevator doors opening distracts me.

  "Did you have more people coming?" I ask.

  "No," she answers casually.

  "It must be Persia and Gemma," I say with a shrug.

  "Who are they?"

  "Persia is my mo… mother's friend," I stammer. "And Gemma is… Well, she's a long story we don't have enough tequila to discuss right now."

  "Your mother's friend? Why would you-"

  Her question is cut short as an eerie cold spreads the most horrific chills up and down my body. I freeze as I see the bloodshot brown eyes staring into mine. The barrel of a gun is shaking as it threatens us, and the hand holding it is as pale as is the face streaked with hysteria behind the gun.

  "Jerry," I say very calmly to the insane man I almost married. "What are you doing here?"

  He looks possessed. His eyes look furious and dead at the same time. He almost looks as though he's been summoned back from the grave.

  His veins protrude from his face and slither visibly with an animated black liquid. A cold sweat beads all over his exposed skin, and it has seeped through his clothing to stain it with the toxic secretion.

  I cringe in disgust for the morbid creature standing in front of me that once flowed with such vibrant life. The stench radiating from him is putrid, and I'm praying Devin can smell it. I pray he knows what's going on soon.

  "You left me," he growls in a distant, unfamiliar tone.

  Clara's eyes widen more as she fully assesses the situation. She's stunned into silence, and I hope those mute lips stay buttoned. Right now, the slightest thing could spook him and turn this into a bloodbath.

  This situation is bad enough, and I have to keep that gun pointed at me no matter what.

  "I'm sorry, Jerry. That was very wrong of me," I murmur softly, doing all I can to keep his eyes on me and not Clara.

  "Yes, it was wrong of you. You wouldn't answer your phone, and you haven't come home. I had to follow Clara to find you, and then I find out you're with him," he growls, contempt in his tone.

  "How did you get in here, Jerry?" I ask when I realize the only one from the building with the code is Greer.

  Oh no. Greer.

  "I persuaded a man to bring me up here," he snarls, malice barely trying to hide in his undertones.

  My eyes catch a glimpse of a trembling body dropped on the floor. Red pours freely from the gaping wound on his leg, but I see Greer's pale face still alert and alive.

  I sigh a little in relief, though it's very little reprieve. With that wound, he'll die soon if I can't figure out how to defuse Jerry.

  "I'm so sorry, ma'am," Greer whimpers.

  "Shut-up!" Jerry snaps while whirling around and pointing the gun on the pitiful man already stained red.

  "It's okay, Jerry. Look at me. I'm right here. Just calm down. Maybe we can find a way to help you," I soothe.

  "No! I don't need help, damn it!" he yells while jerking back around to point the gun at me. "I need you back. I'm tired of your fucking mouth and your fucking second chance rule. I love you, and I know you can love me again!"

  I take a deep breath and try to think more carefully in my choosing of words.

  "You're right. You don't need help. I'll go back with you, Jerry. Just put the gun down and I'll come over there," I lie.

  He starts scratching his head with the barrel of the pistol, but his eyes still drip with crazy.

  "No you won't. I know when you're lying, you self-righteous bitch. I spent two fucking years with you. Don't pretend I'm some idiot you just met!" he explodes.

  The gun is suddenly pointed back at me, and his eyes grow wider as he breathes, "If I can't have you, neither can he."

  I scream as the gun booms rapidly three times, but suddenly Devin flashes to me and pushes me aside.

  I watch in disbelief as the bullets shatter in sequence like glass shards against his chest, and the small fragments rattle to the ground. Deacon flashes over to disarm Jerry in a blink.

  He seems to lightly tap him on the head, but Jerry falls to the ground unconscious after the gentle nudge.

  Clara's eyes roll back in her head, all the color fleeing from her face after witnessing something her mind can't fathom. Her locked knees offer no flexibility as she tips backwards.

  Devin catches her just before she falls, and he scoops her up to lay her down on the couch.

  "Are you okay?" he asks before flashing back to me to start his inspection.

  But I quickly flee from his grip and dash over to Greer. Devin's eyes widen as he sees the blood pool staining the white floor.

  "Call an ambulance," he urges.

  Deacon pulls out his phone, and Greer coughs as he tries to speak.

  "I'm so sorry, sir. I couldn't… I didn't want to die," he whimpers.

  "It's okay, Greer. We're going to get you some help."

  The elevator doors open, and Persia flashes over to us.

  "Unbelievable. I didn't know it was going to be this bad. All I could see was Adisia's face distorted in fear," Persia gasps.

  "You called just in time," Devin whispers too low for Greer to hear - I could barely hear it even with my more amplified hearing.

  Gemma unhooks her purse and pulls out a small daisy. She shrugs with innocent exasperation as Devin scowls at her, and the daisy begins to grow as it wraps around Greer's leg to act as a tourniquet.

  "They're on their way," Deacon says softly.

  "I know," Devin murmurs. "They'll be here in five minutes. Let's clear a path."

  "I'll go take care of the men in the conference room so they don't ask questions," Persia says as she pulls off her glasses.

  She wraps me in an embrace, and I can see tears wavering on her lids.

  "I'm so glad you're okay," she whimpers.

  "I'm glad you saw it," I sigh out.

  "Why couldn't you see him shooting Greer?" Deacon asks Devin in a low whisper.

  Devin's eyes flash to me, and I can tell he's hesitant about answering that question. Then it hits me. The pale body, the black veins, the crazy eyes... It was my fault.

  "I infected him, didn't I? I thought only immortals could do that," I
say through my emotional rattle.

  "Usually, yes," Persia mutters reluctantly. "When an immortal infects a mortal, the obsession goes both ways, but your first trigger was released when I abandoned you." She hesitates, and she has to free her throat from a catch before continuing. "Since then, you've been secreting small amounts of your energy. Now that you've rewound time, your power is just waiting to emerge. It's stronger than before when you faced this time because you've already been introduced to your future. Clara's wedding was most likely his breaking point, especially if you and Devin ever shared any moments of desire. It would have heightened your appeal and intoxicated him even more."

  Theia steps out of the padded room, and Persia slides by her to go in. Theia walks over, and her eyes immediately grow too large for her face.

  "What the hell?" she gasps.

  "Adisia's ex is infected. You need to change Greer's memories," Devin whispers.

  She nods as she swallows hard and closes her eyes. I feel a breeze shifting through the air, and suddenly the room is spinning around me it seems.

  Devin catches me as I lose my balance, and I feel sick at my stomach.

  "It's almost over," he murmurs as he kisses the top of my head.

  "What's going on?" I slur as my instantly drunken mind retaliates against my mouth.

  "Theia's shifting the memories," he explains.

  "Why am I so… so-"

  "Because you're so close to her, and you're mortal this time," he whispers as the room slowly starts to stabilize again.

  I still stagger dizzily, and Devin finally scoops me into his arms. Jerry is collapsed on the floor, and Theia kneels beside him to take his hand in hers.

  I see his veins being relieved of the thick, black poison, and his color gradually returns as she rubs his hand in hers. He takes in a deep breath, but he doesn't wake.

  "Why did he bring a gun? I thought they had powers when they're infected," I mumble.

  "He would have if you had been immortal. You accidentally infected him, Adisia. He was already in love with you, making it an inevitable circumstance. He most likely suffered the same consequence last time, but he never found us. Events are happening out of order and in different ways. You can't blame yourself for this," he soothes.

  I feel the tears dripping free from my eyes, and the elevator doors open as Deacon ushers in the paramedics. The daisy drops from Greer's leg, and one of the men begins applying pressure instantly on the gushing flow.


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