The Daughter Trilogy Bundle

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The Daughter Trilogy Bundle Page 51

by C. M. Owens

  "You said I was safer with you than on my own. What happens if someone finds me while I'm by myself?"

  "We've taken a desperate route to keep that from happening. My opinion on my being able to care for your safety has been brutally proven wrong and naive. I'm only risking your safety more by staying so attached to you while we're trying to launch a counter strike and dragnet. I love you, and I know I have to keep you safe," he breathes.

  I glance around at all those joining him in his betrayal, and the emotion forces my voice to crackle.

  "You all feel this way? Hale? Kry? Ther? Deacon? Camara? Persia?"

  They all refuse to meet my gaze, and Devin struggles more to keep his own emotions in check.

  Gemma must have been asked not to attend for this reason. I wondered why they wouldn't invite the person who had saved my life. They just didn't want to humiliate me in front of her.

  "I see," I murmur through strained composure. "You all think I should go."

  "Adisia, we don't want you to go, but we have to ensure your safety. You're important to us as well as the rest of the world. You'll be away from any threats, and you'll be able to think better when we're not here for you to relate to. It's dangerous to think too much like an immortal when you're still a mortal," Camara adds sympathetically.

  "I'm ready to go," I mumble through my tears.

  "Please don't be mad, baby," Devin pleads.

  I stand to my feet, and they all mimic my reaction. It's odd they just accused me of being the one to mimic them.

  "I'm not mad, I'm crushed. If you want me gone, I'll go. I'll leave right now, and I'll find somewhere far away from here to make sure you don't have me here slowing you down," I sob.

  I take a deep breath to try and regain my composure. I struggle against the bitter tears souring my cheeks, and I turn to walk off from the group of traitors.

  "You're not slowing us down, but we can't be speeding you up either. We move faster than you need to, and it's only going to get worse," Devin counters as he slides my hand in his.

  I cry more as I pull it free. I can't bring myself to even attempt to say more.

  "We've got a place for you to stay. Devin's been working on procuring it all day. You'll leave by jet tomorrow morning, and we'll accompany you as far as we can," Persia adds from behind.

  "As far as you can? Don't bother," I scoff.

  "We can't go into the place you're going. It's the immortal's version of a vortex. No immortal can cross the lines that border it, no powers can squeak through, and you'll be completely safe there," Devin adds.

  "So I'll be isolated from everyone? How can I ever change if I'm never provoked?"

  "We're going to come back for you. We just need to finish up all the ground work," Devin mumbles, his eyes breaking away from mine.

  I'm done talking. They're just going to keep explaining how I'm not a hindrance, I'm just a mortal. All of them lived with immortals during their mortal existence. Why am I the only one being sent into solitude?

  Because I'm the only one everyone keeps trying to kill.

  I walk into the bedroom and grab a pillow and blanket. I roll my eyes as I pass Devin's curious ones and begin making a bed on the couch while sulking.

  "Please don't do this on our last night together for a while. I want you in the bed with me," he begs.

  "Then you shouldn't be making me leave. I think this will be good practice for what's to come," I choke out, my tears finally falling free.

  He takes my hand to whirl me around into his arms. His lips find mine, and for a minute, I almost forget he's about to abandon me.

  My hands grip the back of his neck, and he grips my sides as he pulls me even closer. I finally return to the moment and push free from him as more tears trickle down my cheeks.

  With a huff, I climb into the blanket on the couch and turn away from him, feeling my heart sink to the pits of my stomach.

  "I'm not going to let you sleep in here," he asserts with his dominant, I'm-an-unstoppable-immortal tone.

  "You can't make me do everything you want me to," I whimper.

  "Yes I can," he growls as he scoops me up from the couch and tosses me over his shoulder the way a prosaic barbarian would carry his woman around.

  I scream out as I beat my fists against his back, but my attempts are ineffective - duh. I feel the bed pop beneath me, and instantly Devin's arms are wrapped around me, pulling me into him, and forcing me to stay put against my will.

  "Stop. Just let me sleep on the freaking couch!" I squeal, my red face flushed with anger.

  His lips cover mine again to shut me up, and I struggle against his strong hands forcing me against him.

  It's almost impossible to keep this up though. I'm still pissed, but I can't keep fighting this. It's crazy, maddening, and completely… erotic to have his body grinding against my once unwilling one.

  As much as I would love to continue sulking, I can't. He's too fucking irresistible, and I wish I could hate him for that.

  I roughly grip his neck and pull him to me. The moment he feels my shift, his body responds by revealing an even more vigorous desire for me.

  His hands slide up my legs and part them so his body can move between them. His lips trail up my stomach as he scoots my dress up to pull it off over my head.

  I gasp a little as his tongue dances across my abdomen before lowering, and my eyes roll back in my head as the sensations grow in intensity. His lips move back up to catch mine, and my hips thrust up to beg him to end this torturous tease.

  How can I be so mad and so turned on at once? Fucking hot immortal.

  Chapter 6

  Solitary Confinement

  The soft green grass waves beneath the playful wind lightly stirring throughout the vast, open fields surrounding us. This is the first time I've ever been out of the country, but I've spent the entire trip in silence.

  Devin keeps trying to entrap me the he did last night, but I'm not giving in again. The jet ride was long and exhausting, more so considering all the energy I've exerted to keep my anger intact.

  Getting up at four in the morning is far from pleasant, and I need more coffee before my mind can fully appreciate the abandoning mission at hand.

  "Will you please talk to me?" Devin murmurs as he tries to pull me over beside him in the backseat of the sedan being driven by a stranger - a mortal.

  "What is there to say?" I whimper, tears slipping free.

  I wipe them away and then look up to see his jaw clenching.

  His eyes glance in the direction of the Irish man he has hired to carry me into the spot he can't take me himself before he whispers softly, "This is just temporary. You're acting as if I've just told you I'm never going to see you again," he soothes.

  "It wouldn't surprise me if that speech comes later," I mumble through a bed of fresh tears now falling more mercilessly.

  He jerks me into his lap and begins kissing me against my will. I've cried so much, I don't even have the strength to try to resist nor return his affections. My lips stay still, motionless as he tries to provoke them into finding my desire.

  "Please don't say stuff like that. I'm not ever giving you up. You know I can't. I love you too damn much," he pleads.

  "Well, this doesn't feel like love to me," I sniffle out.

  He strokes my hair as I cry into his chest. I feel like I'm suddenly the one being voted off the island, and it's heartbreaking.

  "Adisia, please don't cry. You know it kills me," he meekly breathes.

  I try to wipe away the drips as I continue staring out at the Ireland landscape engulfing us. There are no buildings, and very few homes line the sides of the green sea. The car begins slowing down, and the driver's barely understandable accent sounds off.

  "We're at the point you requested me to stop, Sir."

  Devin opens the door and pulls me out with him. His lips press against mine, reminding me I hate the taste of goodbye - temporary or not.

  "I love you," he murmurs softly agai
nst my lips.

  I hear the convoy that has followed us creeping to a halt. Doors open in near unison, and I swallow hard against the knot in my throat.

  "I love you," I squeak out.

  Persia robs me from Devin's arms as she hugs me. I'm sure she never thought she'd be dumping me again, but yet it's what she does best.

  "I'm sorry about this, but we'll be back," she promises.

  I say nothing, and they all flock in to take turns embracing me in their abandoning arms. I pull free from the last hug before climbing back into the car.

  Devin leans in and kisses me again, but it isn't passion that floods me; it's miserable pain and anxiety. His eyes show their turmoil as he speaks.

  "Answer your phone every time I call, please. I'll be worried if you don't," he requests.

  "Yeah," I mumble before turning my attention to the driver. "We can go now," I urge.

  Devin sighs as he steps back and closes the door. I stare out the window for a fleeting second until I can't bear the tragic look in his eyes anymore. It's just me and this foreign escape I've been forced to go to.

  It doesn't take too terribly long to reach the house, considering I'll be restricted to a twenty mile radius, and the place where I'm staying is smack dab in the middle. Leave it to Devin to be that thorough.

  He paid a ridiculous amount to get the current tenants out, and now I'll be taking their home the day after they were rushed into moving.

  The outside is quaint and more my style than the overly decadent styling Devin normally has in his homes, but this was a hasty purchase. The farm on the property is devoid of life, but I can tell that it's been a recent abandonment.

  How did they get all of their stuff and their animals out so quickly?

  The driver holds my door open, and the scent of fresh wildflowers, stale stables, and Ireland air leaps into my lungs still trembling from my imminent panic attack. He tips his hat - in true gentlemanly fashion - and then he takes his place behind the wheel to leave me alone in my fortress of solitude.

  I gasp as I walk inside to see the vibrant splashes of color that completely mimic the colors in my old apartment. The imperfect clashing of the wild colors brings a slight smile to my face, and my hands slowly skim over the new furnishings someone must have moved in for me.

  The creaky old floors assure me this home is aged and completely unfamiliar with having so many changes so quick. I like the rustic feel though. It's more… me.

  The appliances are so new that not even a speck of dust has had time to lay on the stainless steel surfaces. Pictures decorate the walls, and tears spring free from my eyes as I stare into the smoky eyes I can't bear the thought of being disconnected from for so long.

  They're everywhere - our pictures. This is complete torture.

  Most of them are from Clara's wedding. Some are candid shots taken here and there before the memory of Safina's threat came crashing back down on me.

  I plop down on the red sofa and stare around at all of the memories of our once spirited excitement before we remembered our once tragic fate.

  I'm all alone now with these pictures of the man who just threw me out into this strange home.

  "What are you doing?" Devin sighs as I sit quietly on the other end.

  "I'm painting my nails. It'll only be the tenth time I've done this today," I grumble, a resentful tone resonating in the back of my throat.

  "Adisia, I'm starting to have anxiety knots every time I want to call you," he gripes.

  "Then stop calling fifty times a day. I'm perfectly fine in my ice fortress. I love being completely isolated from all civilization, and I find it so wonderful to know that I can't even drive into town because my overbearing boyfriend won't allow it," I grumble.

  "Fiancé," he quickly corrects.

  I roll my eyes and refrain from barking out something cruel I know I'll regret. I hate this sexual frustration that has mounted along with my forced hermit lifestyle.

  "It's been twenty-four days since I've seen my fiancé, so pardon me for misspeaking. You can see how I'd be confused about our relationship at this moment."

  "You're confused? About us? What are you trying to say?" he almost whines.

  So much for not saying anything cruel, Adisia.

  "Nothing. I'm just a little cranky today. Solitary confinement tends to leave a person agitated," I mumble.

  "Adisia, please don't make any decisions while you're away from me. I promise we'll be back to normal as soon as we get all of this ironed out," he assures.

  "Yeah, when will that be exactly?" I roll out sardonically.

  He sighs with more frustration than usual.

  "I don't know. It's taking longer than I thought, and we haven't even moved into the southern contacts yet. Mom is having to take longer breaks in between reveals. The whole process is just moving at a snail's pace. I'm trying to hurry things along. I miss you," he utters.

  "I miss you too. I'm going to go take a shower right now though. I need to get some of this cranky off of me," I mumble while putting down the bright red polish.

  "I thought you just painted your nails. Won't that mess them up?" he asks as he tries to keep me from hanging up.

  "I'll just paint them again. It'll give me something to do. You have stuff that needs to be done. If you spend the day talking to me, then it was kind of pointless to send me away so I wouldn't be a distraction," I gripe as I waddle with my wet toenails to the bathroom.

  "I didn't do this because you were a distraction, and you know that," he scolds.

  The water begins surging through the lavish showerhead, and I begin creeping out of my clothes while putting him on speaker.

  "You're getting in the shower right now?" he says with a suddenly seduced tone.

  "Yes," I say with a bit of a smirk. "Are you going to listen while I enjoy the water finding every place on my body?"

  He breathes out heavily, and I know he's straining to see me right now.

  "You know you still can't see me, right?" I chuckle out.

  "Yeah," he grumbles. "It wouldn't matter if I could, I still wouldn't be able to see you in the vortex."

  "Then why are you trying?" I retort.

  He lets out a bit of a snicker before answering a little lighter. "Because it's killing me to not be with you right now. This is absolute torture."

  I almost smile, and then I realize I can't do this right now. I can't be the flirty girl so in love with him that she's perfectly fine with being held captive.

  "I'm going to let you go, Devin," I murmur as I pick the phone back up.

  "Please don't," he whimpers.

  "I love you. Bye," I continue.

  He sighs out hard. "I love you. Bye, baby," he mumbles reluctantly.

  I climb into the shower as a few more tears sprout.

  Happy birthday to me.

  It's amazing absolutely no one has remembered. Mom, Dad, Jake, Clara, my other mom… not even Devin has told me the little endearing phrase I once took for granted.

  So far, being twenty-six sucks. Last time I was frozen at twenty-five, and we didn't live to see my twenty-sixth. I've officially spent more time apart from Devin than I've spent with him.

  I dry off quickly and glance at the clock on the wall. My lips tighten as I finally grow sick of the waiting game.

  I hastily dry my hair, and toss on my makeup. I'm not going to spend my birthday locked up by myself. It's just too depressing, and there's a pub just barely outside the vortex. Persia is the only one who can see me, but she won't be looking for me.

  Her visions are different than Devin's. She only has visions of me when I'm in trouble. As long as I'm perfectly safe, she won't know about my tiny little rebellious night.

  "Good evening, ma'am," the driver says as he opens the door for me to get in.

  "Good evening," I reply cordially.

  As soon as he cranks the car I get butterflies in my stomach. How sad it is to be this excited just to leave the house.

  The drive is brisk,
and I just relax as the wind falls through the strands of my hair as I stare out the open window of the backseat. It's refreshing to feel my wings spreading.

  I want to control that wind again.

  I giggle a little as I see the pub just ahead, and the driver smiles at my ridiculous reaction. I feel like I just turned twenty-one instead of twenty-six.

  "First pub, Miss?" he asks with a light tone.

  "No. I just haven't gotten out in a while," I murmur vaguely.

  "Ah, well. You need to be careful here, Miss. They tend to get a little rough from time to time. The lads mean no harm, but sometimes alcohol releases the demons in you," he cautions - his thick, Irish accent far more understandable than it would have been when I arrived.

  That's all that's ever on the TV, so I've become accustomed to the native dialect.

  "Thank you. I'll bear that in mind. Can you pick me up in about three or four hours?" I ask curiously.

  "Yes ma'am," he quickly responds.

  I step out onto the dirty path, and more butterflies tumble around. The bustling pub is full of drunken roars and lowered inhibitions. I fully intend on joining the fun for a change.

  My phone buzzes just before I walk in, and I cringe when I see it's Devin. I walk away from the noisy scene, but I know he's still going to hear it.

  "What the hell is that noise?" he barks before I even say hello.

  "It's the television. I'm cooking something to eat, and I don't feel like talking right now," I say dismissively.

  "How long are you going to cold shoulder me?" he whines as he accepts my lie.

  "Until you finally come get me, and maybe a little while after then as well. I deserve a little pout time. You'd be pouting too," I huff.

  "I love your pouting lips," he seduces, and my body responds by throbbing fiercely.

  "My pouting lips can't do anything for you if you're not here to enjoy them," I counter icily.

  "I might be able to fly out, and we can meet for a little while outside the vortex in a couple of days," he smolders.


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