The Daughter Trilogy Bundle

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The Daughter Trilogy Bundle Page 55

by C. M. Owens

  "What does that mean?" I ask with anxiety lacing my tone.

  "That means I need to find out where they're getting information from. I know we don't have a mole, but it's possible they've established a connection that allows them to sneak in visions. I'll have to make sure I've got a firm block on everyone. I've been too lax in that department because I've been too busy recruiting others. Until I have a firm grip on it, I think it's best if we stay with just our closest members. I'll set up arrangements for the others to be close by, but not in the same home as us," he says very calmly.

  I love my very in control immortal.

  He stands up with me still firmly clasped in his arms, and I wince slightly from the painful motion. Devin shakes his head, and his eyes continue to stream guilt.

  "Stop looking at me like that. This isn't your fault," I sigh in exasperation.

  "Sirens in the vortex. I would have never imagined. I don't know how you survived them," he chokes out.

  "They were just spawned. I could tell by the curious mannerisms. They weren't organized or prepared to use their strengths. She would have died if they had been," Jace huffs in reluctance.

  "Where are the others?" I ask curiously to distract him from his burdening conscious.

  "They're probably at the hotel by now or on their way over here," Devin murmurs. "Camara tracked the jeep you were in based on the tire tracks left behind. Then she used the scent left behind to continue tracking. When I first saw the destruction of the vortex, I just knew I had lost you forever. I was already begging Mom to try and rewind time despite the impossibility of such."

  "Your mom can rewind time too?" Jace quickly interjects.

  Devin's lips tighten, but he finally nods without elaborating further. Then he pauses as he takes a breath to steady the overwhelming gust of emotions as his mind tries to wrap around how incredibly close he came to losing me."

  "Why is it impossible?" I ask curiously.

  "Time can only be rewound once every hundred years. The energy needed just isn't there to gather," he answers in such a solemn tone.

  "The rewind. That could have triggered the sirens. But why the vortex?" Jace quickly inserts.

  "I don't know. I assumed the rewind had been the trigger. It was a solid month she rewound," Devin adds as we finally emerge from the smelly apartment.

  "A month?" Jace gasps.

  "Yes, and we needed that time. We've been assembling our army," Devin adds.

  "For what?" Jace interjects.

  "Safina," Devin mouths, and I know it was a whisper that was just too low for me to hear.

  Jace's face drains of all its color as he gasps loudly, "No."

  The luxurious hotel offers a warm welcome as Devin carries me in. I fidget awkwardly considering I'm wearing boxers and a tee-shirt.

  Deacon rushes out of the elevator just as it opens, honest concern completely taking over his normally humorous air, and Devin gently places me in his arms.

  "I need to make some calls. Get her up to the room," he instructs.

  "Holy shit. What the hell got a hold of you?" he gasps in his Scottish accent.

  "Why do you have to make calls?" I whimper as I ignore Deacon's question.

  "I have to get you a doctor over here. I'm not going to let you go untreated, and you need clothes as well. I promise I won't be long," he says comfortingly.

  I sigh slightly, and Deacon walks into the elevator while holding me.

  "I repeat, what the hell got a hold of you, and who is this guy?" he barks as he stares Jace down.

  Jace stifles a grin, and he follows us onto the elevator without reservation.

  "This is Jace, and he saved me from the sirens that did this to me," I quickly answer.

  "Sirens? Fuck. Sirens are nasty. How did you get out?" he questions in such astonishment.

  "They were apparently babies. Jace is going to help us with all of this."

  Deacon frowns a little at the newcomer, but Jace doesn't give a damn. He feels like he's supposed to be here with me. I just hope he doesn't still plan on being with me.

  "You bringing strays along?" Deacon snarks.

  "I made a contact," I smugly retort.

  Deacon laughs, finally returning to his normal self, and a small smirk appears on Jace's face. Then Deacon's phone buzzes and Jace walks over to take me from his arms.

  I feel like a pathetic newborn baby getting passed around. I'm almost afraid their going to swaddle me up in a blanket and spoon feed me ground up peas.

  "I'll just call them back," Deacon answers to the outstretched arms.

  "I'll get her. It could be something important, and apparently this isn't the time to chance such things," Jace counters, menace dancing in his eyes.

  Deacon tightens his lips but concedes to the transfer. I flinch as I swap arms, and Jace grins deviously at me as I rest my head on his chest. His body tingles against me as he leaks out some of his currents once again.

  I almost laugh, and he blushes while rolling his eyes for his inability to quit sparking. It feels like a very low voltage wire lightly pulsing all over the surface of my skin as the currents travel the length of my body.

  "What?" Deacon asks to the person on the other line I wish I could hear. "No… Tell them Devin wants separation until he has a firm grip on their visions… he texted me earlier… no information about Adisia goes out of our circle. Devin already has a grip on our visions, and he has for centuries… yeah."

  His voice trails off from my ears as the elevator doors open to the extravagant hotel suite. The lavish surroundings suit my Mr. Neat Freak, and Jace's eyes widen as he looks around.

  "Wow. I'm starting to think I'm in the wrong profession," he marvels aloud.

  "Devin can see the future. It makes money a simple luxury," I say to help his wounded ego.

  "Ah. So can you see the future? I mean when you're immortal," he stammers.

  "I did once, but it was a fluke. Aphrodite called to me when they were killing my mother, and I raced to save her."

  "Did you succeed?"

  "Not initially, but the rewind brought her back," I say with a slight tear tugging at my eye.

  "So there's another Aphrodite?" he asks in amazement.

  Yes, and she's available.

  Before I can answer, everyone swarms me at once. Relieved breaths drown me in their heat as each gush gets louder.

  "Adisia," Camara cries, and Persia is right on her heels.

  "Oh thank goodness," Theia sighs before leaning into a relieved Phillip who embraces her trembling body.

  Hale rips me from the arms of the guy he doesn't know, and I scream out as the shooting pain rings throughout me.

  “Damn it. Her ribs are cracked," Jace scolds.

  "Fuck. I didn't know," Hale mumbles as he quickly loosens his grip to lay me on the couch. "I'm so sorry."

  "It's okay. It's not your fault," I whimper.

  "What happened to her?" Kry panics as he rushes to my side.

  "Sirens," Jace answers to the crowd of strangers.

  "Damn it. How did they break through the fucking vortex?" Ther gripes.

  "They were spawned there," Devin says as he steps off the elevator.

  He flashes to me, and his hand raises my shirt up to examine my side more carefully.

  "This looks bad. The doctor will be here shortly, and I've got a large delivery of clothes on their way as well. Have you eaten today?" he asks so sweetly.

  "No. I had just woken up when I saw you. We were on our way to buy an untraceable phone. The sirens ruined ours," I say through a wincing face.

  "I figured as much when you spoke of sirens. I'll get you a new phone too," he quickly adds.

  "I'll cook her something to eat," Gemma says kindly.

  My eyes widen. What if she poisons it?

  Camara senses my fear, and quickly throws out, "I'll help you."

  My eyes thank her for running interference, and Devin's hand clasps mine.

  "The jets are refueling, and we can leave i
n a few hours after the doctor has seen you," he murmurs compassionately.

  "Wow. You just jumped all over the whole boyfriend gig you abandoned," Jace snarks.

  "Jace," I admonish. "Please don't act like this. I'll ask you to leave if you continue to take shots like that," I caution.

  "Sorry. It's just sort of weird how much he's overcompensating."

  "Jace!" I yell, and the exerted force of yelling forces me to contort painfully.

  "Damn it. Just shut the hell up. You can say whatever you want when she's not listening," Devin scolds.

  "Sorry, Adisia. I'll shut up," Jace says regretfully.

  "The doctor is here," Devin says to Ther, and he darts onto the elevator to show him to the room.

  "Does everyone always jump when you say to?" Jace asks with a little envy.

  "Yeah, we do. Devin has saved us all more times than you'll ever know, and he doesn't ask us to do anything we wouldn't willingly do," Kry quickly snaps defensively.

  "Sorry," Jace mumbles sardonically. "Didn't mean to strike a nerve."

  "Who is this cat?" Kry pops off while tossing his thumb in the direction of my Aussie hero.

  "He's a son of Zeus, and he's the one who saved Adisia," Devin grumbles.

  "A son of Zeus? You could come in handy if you can quit being so rebellious against us. What's the point of being here if you don't want to be?" Hale interjects.

  "I'm here for Adisia," Jace answers quietly.

  I can see the fury starting to burn in Devin's eyes, and my fingers intertwine with his to remind him that he's the one I love.

  I understand a little better now. It's not Devin's fault his exes go so rogue. He doesn't entice them. I'm not enticing Jace, and he's not even my ex. I'm glad Devin's not treating me the way I've treated him in these situations, though I would deserve it.

  I suppose I look to tragic to be angry with though. His guilt is overriding his rage.

  “Where are the others?" Persia asks to shift the tension.

  "I've segregated us from them. I'm worried there's a leak somewhere because Jace was tracking the daughters of Athena around the border of the vortex for several weeks. They knew she was there," Devin says with a hint of dread.

  Persia's eyes darken, and she sits down shaking her head.

  "There's not a leak, it's just me. They were looking for me because my trail had led them there. I shouldn't have gone with you to take Adisia to the vortex," she says with tears filling up in her eyes.

  "You're the other Aphrodite?" Jace pops out.

  "She's my mother," I answer quickly, and Persia's smile forms slightly.

  "Nevertheless, I'd still like to keep us segregated. I don't want to risk Adisia's safety, and we don't know how nice some of these guys play with mortals," Devin asserts as his hand tightens against mine.

  The sound of elevator doors sliding open draws my attention. A short, balding man steps off with a bag. His eyes widen in horror when he sees me all cut up and gimped.

  "My word. What happened to her?" he spouts.

  "Hit and run," Devin lies.

  "Why didn't you take her to a hospital?"

  "She's scared of hospitals," Devin says softly as he strokes my cheek.

  Persia's eyes lower as pain, guilt, and regret fill them. She stands to walk away, and Devin shifts over for the doctor to examine me.

  "Where's the worst of the pain?" he says with a stiffened posture.

  "My ribs and my ankle," I grunt out as I pull my shirt up to reveal the siren's masterpiece of destruction.

  "Yes. I can see how this could be the worst," he gasps. "It's possible there could be some ribs broken. She needs an x-ray."

  "They're just cracked," I interject quickly. "I know the difference."

  "You've had broken ribs before?" Devin says curiously.

  "I've had both," I murmur vaguely.

  "I'm afraid that's not exactly the best way to judge, dear, but I can't force you to go anywhere. Let me take a look at your ankle."

  He cautiously lifts my ankle into his hands, and I squeal when he squeezes too tight. Devin's jaw clenches, and he fights to restrain himself from tearing apart the good doctor.

  "This is probably just a sprain, but again, I think an x-ray would be wise. If it worsens, you'll have to take her in," he instructs.

  "If it worsens, I'll buy whatever supplies a doctor needs to tend to this," Devin quickly adds.

  I smile at the overzealous reaction Devin tends to always have. The doctor seems a little caught off guard by the unreasonable response from the man who looks too young to have that much money.

  "How fucking rich are you?" Jace huffs.

  Devin smirks smugly, and answers his question with mysterious silence. I almost laugh, but then I quickly remember how much that hurts to do.

  "I'm going to wrap her abdomen and her ankle. I'll prescribe her some pain medication to go along with the anti-inflammatory. She'll also need some antibiotics. Keep her leg elevated, and try to keep her off of it as much as possible. She'll need crutches or a wheelchair for travel, and be gentle with her side."

  I grimace as he tightens the bandage around my ankle and waist. He applies some medicine to my cuts, and then he checks my eyes and ears.

  "Did you suffer any hearing problems after the accident?" he asks curiously.

  My mind flashes back to the wet liquid oozing from my ears when the sirens concentrated their shrieks. I cringe noticeably, and Devin's hand squeezes mine. It had been blood.

  "Yes. It's a little better now though," I offer.

  "Do you see something wrong?" Devin worries.

  "It looks as though something tried to rupture her eardrum, but if she's not experiencing any problems, then I suppose it's not a threat," he murmurs with a little distraction. "Well, I think that just about does it," he says while standing and buttoning his bag back up.

  "Thank you," Devin says as he shakes his hand.

  The elevator doors open again, and Hale steps off with crutches. I hadn't even noticed that he left.

  He props them against the wall, and Kry walks over to take the prescription paper from the doctor's hand before disappearing into the elevator. The doctor follows in behind him, and Devin returns to my side.

  "I figured you'd need something to help you get around," Hale says with a proud tone.

  "Thanks. I prefer crutches to a wheelchair," I murmur appreciatively.

  "Ah man. I didn't even think about a wheelchair. That would have been awesome," he teases.

  Devin rolls his eyes, and then bends to kiss me on the forehead as Gemma and Camara return with my plate of food.

  I scarf it down as though I haven't eaten in years. Jace leans up on his elbows as he speaks with a less antagonistic tone.

  "I should probably stay here and try to clean up some of the sirens before they get too strong."

  "You'll be killed if you try to take them on alone. I'm already working up a plan of attack," Devin counters.

  "I've got electric bursts. I'll knock their numbers down," Jace pops off smugly.

  "We've got a son of Helios," Devin retorts.

  Jace's eyes widen, and Hale smugly plops down and puts my feet in his lap. Devin narrows his eyes, and Hale gives him a playful shrug.

  "You heard the doc; she has to keep her foot elevated," he teases.

  Devin just rolls his eyes and heads over to pour a glass of scotch.

  "You're a son of Helios?" Jace finally releases in disbelief.

  "In the flesh," Hale releases proudly.

  "I thought you were supposed to be some sort of irresistible thing to women," Jace argues suspiciously.

  Hales eyebrows dance menacingly as he arrogantly replies, "I am."

  Camara laughs a little and Deacon’s eyes narrow at her when she blushes noticeably. I just roll my eyes, and then cringe when Gemma does the same thing - rolling her eyes at the exact same second.

  “So, are you keeping your mojo locked up right now?"

  "No. Why?" Hale asks c

  "Because the women aren't exactly clawing each other's eyes out to get to you," Jace observes.

  Devin lets a smirk slide out, and Deacon bursts out laughing.

  "I hate this guy a little less now," Kry chuckles.

  Hale's eyes glare at Jace, and he doesn't hide the offense he's taken to his comment.

  "For the record, Camara is teetering, Gemma is just a bitch, and Adisia has to be broken or something."

  I roll my eyes again, and Devin's smirk grows.

  "So it's a slow burn then? You gradually seduce them into your web," Jace pokes.

  Hale's eyes narrow further as Deacon doubles over in laughter. Hale shakes his head before throwing his hands up at me.

  "Why did you bring him along? I catch enough hell from these assholes," he gripes.

  I laugh a little, and then I offer him a sympathetic smile.

  "Don't be so mean to Hale. He's sensitive," I tease.

  "You too, eh? Unbelievable," he grumbles as he mocks a sulking pout.

  He flashes me a grin before carefully maneuvering my feet out of his lap. He puts a pillow where he had been sitting, and props my damaged foot up along with my good one.

  I smile as he leans down to kiss my forehead and pats me on the shoulder.

  "Glad you're back to give me hell," he says with a little more seriousness.

  "I'm glad I'm back too," I say with a stinging tear trying to break free.

  Devin returns to me and sits down to wrap his arm around my shoulders. I lean against him, and a girly grin slides over my face.

  His phone buzzes in his pocket, and I huff when he has to withdraw from me.

  "Hey… Great. We'll be there as soon as we can," he says to the other person on the line.

  I look up, and he pulls me back to him. "The jets are ready now, and you're clothes are on their way up."

  "Thanks," I murmur while trying to stand.

  He flashes up, and he scoops me into his arms with swift gentleness.

  "What do you think you're doing?" he lightly scolds.

  "I'm going to go borrow someone's makeup and change clothes. I'm tired of looking like a slab of warmed up death," I chuckle.

  "You don't look like death. You look like someone who has had the shit beat out of them, and I promise there won't be an ash left of a siren when we find them," he growls.


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