The Daughter Trilogy Bundle

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The Daughter Trilogy Bundle Page 66

by C. M. Owens

  Now my face flushes crimson, and I bury it in my hands.

  "Wow. That's so embarrassing and a little gross when you put it that way," I grumble.

  He laughs a little and flashes over to pull a pair of trunks from his bag. There's no distracting me from the reverse striptease he's offering, and I roll my eyes when he catches my drooling gaze.

  "I love it when you look at me like that," he seduces.

  "I never look at you any other way. Sometimes I just hide it better," I foolishly admit.

  He pulls me against his body, and I feel the heat consuming me once more. His lips glide against mine, and his tongue dares mine to join its game.

  His hands threaten to shred the two piece bathing suit, but he reluctantly draws back.

  "I could spend all day doing this with you, but we really should rejoin the others. The heads of the houses think they run things, but it's us that actually do all the heavy lifting in case you haven't noticed. We just let them think they're in charge," Devin gloats.

  I laugh a little, and he takes my hand in his.

  "Perhaps I should discuss acquiring such a bold marking with Hale," he murmurs as his eyes catch the tattoo peeking out from under the ring. "I wouldn't mind the world knowing I'm with the most incredible woman they can never have," he boasts.

  I blush from his adoration for me and look away from his sincere gaze that only makes me want to toss out the idea of ever leaving this room.

  He smirks as we leap from the balcony and flash toward the others.

  Hale is sunbathing - ironically enough - and Jace is in the middle of a bunch of women ogling his body with no discretion.

  "I expected you to be in the center of the desperate females here," I murmur as I sit next to Hale.

  "I think better when I'm basking in the true sun," he utters with all seriousness as his eyes stay closed.

  "What's giving you a reason to think?" I chuckle out.

  "You," he says very sternly as he rises from his meditation.

  Devin sits down beside us, and he looks out to sea as he speaks.

  "She doesn't know anything about him. You've seen Kahl, and you know in the end his father died doing something completely out of character. We only knew the worst." Devin cautions.

  "Asteria and he had a child. That child bore a daughter of Aphrodite. Do you realize the magnitude of this? I'm worried about Adisia. I can't believe I'm saying this, but the sooner the two of you get married the better. She could use that power boost to control the powers that could destroy her. You know how dangerous this all is. It's like mixing dynamite, anthrax, and radiation all in one tiny vial and hoping it doesn't explode," he says too panicky while motioning to my body.

  "Who is it?" I blare.

  I'm tired of everyone talking about me and no one talking to me… again.

  "Kaos," Devin murmurs softly.

  "How do you know so much when you weren't even born during all this?" I gripe.

  "I've seen the past, the present, the future. It's really easy to see the past. I've seen more than I ever should have looked at. After your father spoke of Kaos's sacrifice, I looked for it. It was hard to find because I never knew him, but I found it. He's telling the truth," he explains.

  "Who is he? Why is everyone so scared?" I insist.

  "Do you remember the story of Pandora's box?" Hale asks hesitantly.

  "Yeah. Supposedly Zeus gave Pandora a box and her husband a key. Of course she swindled him out of the key and opened it. It was yet again another dig against women being too curious just like Eve and the forbidden fruit," I exasperate.

  "It wasn't Zeus who gave her the box. It was Kaos." He stops for a minute as he waits on the reality of the impossible myth to set in as a truth. Then he continues, "The contents were downplayed in the childhood story everyone uses as a cautionary tale.

  "Mortals were infected with the most toxic air of hate, envy, greed, and so much more. Hope really was in the bottom of the box, but it was such a faint speck of it to counter the epic destruction the little box had unleashed.

  "The havoc it wreaked was named after its maker, and we now know all hysterical disruptions as chaos. Kaos enjoyed the game of mortals killing each other. He was pretty vicious and too powerful to go against. He reminded us of his power every time he got the opportunity.

  "He raised an army of dead more than once until he died. They won more wars than they lost, and he didn't hesitate to take out anyone that stood against him. You already know how capricious Asteria was, and on her downshifts, she was just as vicious. It's a little scary," Hale shivers out.

  Devin's hand tightens around mine, and I can see the sheer terror beaming from Hale's eyes.

  "You're scared of me," I assess.

  "No. I'm scared of what you could become if we can't help you find a way to control your darker halves," he counters.

  "I'm immune to her powers when they're in strike," Devin proudly interjects. "I can help her find control."

  "All of them?" Hale gasps.

  "All of them. We can demonstrate," he offers.

  "Devin, I'm not sure I want to test our theory unless we have to," I grumble with reluctance.

  "I want to. It’ll give everyone piece of mind to know I can be there for you if you get out of control," he promises.

  I sigh a little. "I hate knowing you have to control me. It's a little degrading actually," I gripe.

  He smirks a little. "It's pretty hot if you ask me. I love knowing I'm your trigger, and I love knowing I can be there when you need me. It might sound a little smug, but I've never felt so good in all my life. I need you, and I love knowing you need me," he smolders, and I can feel my body trembling beneath that intoxicating gaze.

  "You're too sexy when you talk like that, and I can't think straight," I mumble as my lips find his.

  "I'm contending with an Aphrodite at all times. I have to stay on my game in the seduction department," he jokes.

  "You two are so gross," Hale says while mocking a gagging sound.

  "We'll get married when Adisia wants to," Devin adds to comment on the earlier, desperate request from Hale.

  I smile affectionately at Devin, and he kisses the hand that tells the world I'm his. He smiles playfully as he steps back, and I laugh a little as he hops around like a boxer preparing for a fight.

  I love it when he's playful - even if the world is threatening to close in on us.

  "I'm ready when you are, babe," he playfully provokes.

  "What's going on?" Jace asks curiously as he walks out of the water, and the entourage of eager women flocks behind him with their giggly demeanor.

  "Devin is about to prove he's invincible to Adisia's powers," Hale answers distractedly as he sits down closer to where I'm standing.

  "Is he? I thought he was just immune to her Aphrodite stare like I am," Jace almost whimpers.

  I see a smug smirk appear on Devin's face now that he has one-upped Jace.

  "Apparently I'm immune to all of her deadly strikes," he gloats.

  "Theoretically," I caution.

  "Let's put the theory to the test," Devin prompts, and the smug smirk remains proudly on his face.

  I roll my eyes and stifle the grin I don't wish to produce under these circumstances. I can see the others emerging from the house to inspect the clambering outside.

  I take a deep breath before the wind starts to stir. I force it outwards, and it rushes toward him. It splits just before it reaches him, and he walks toward me effortlessly as the wind continues to separate a path.

  He reaches me, and his lips cover mine to prove the theory right.

  "It worked," he breathes, and I can feel his seduced excitement.

  "You're enjoying this far too much," I giggle.

  "It's by far the hottest thing I've ever encountered, besides you," he teases.

  I roll my eyes again and laugh at his near slip. He laughs and shrugs innocently.

  "Step it up a notch. Bring out the lightning," Hale insists with
his very uncharacteristic, businesslike air.

  "That could kill him," I caution.

  "Not if he's immune. It's important to test this theory. If Devin can cut through all of your attacks, we have a better shot of not repeating history," Hale cautions.

  He's talking about me imploding and destroying the world before time reset itself. Devin's eyes don't lose their playfulness despite the heaviness of Hale's last remark.

  "I'm game, baby," he jokes before hustling back down the beach.

  I'm less enthusiastic about this attack. I feel the clouds crackling overhead, and I close my eyes and pray this works as the lightning crashes down with dreadfulness in its glare.

  I open my eyes back up just in time to see the lightning splitting around him just as the wind had, and I sigh out in relief as it strikes beside him on each side without so much as flickering to him.

  "Amazing," Theia gasps as she joins us. "He's completely protected from and by her power. I've never witnessed such an incredible display. It's as if they were created specifically for each other."

  I turn to face her, though I'm still a little rattled from this spontaneous expedition.

  "We were," Devin smolders from directly behind me as he spins me around to face him.

  His perfect lips play against mine, and I smile against the exciting kiss he's delivering. He really is very enthused by this whole thing.

  "It's possible she's just aware of what she's doing, and she's subconsciously handling the powers to keep him safe. He may not be immune," Gemma chimes in.

  Her effort to douse Devin's delight fails miserably when no one accepts her explanation as a possibility.

  "No. Adisia hasn't gathered the control to split lightning, and Devin walked right through her storm when she was geared against Slash. Nothing she's done has ever inflicted the slightest bit of harm to him. Anyone else in such proximity to her during these strikes might have been injured. I don't know why I haven't noticed it sooner," Theia muses.

  "It's by far the most extraordinary thing I've witnessed as well," Persia breathes with complete surprise.

  "And I," Kahl adds. "I didn't know such things were possible. This is the boy she's marrying, correct?" he asks with a deeper tone.

  "Yes, dear. He's the one who kept her safe numerous times. He loves her very much, and I suppose you can see how much she loves him as well," Persia comforts.

  "I spoke to Adisia's adoptive father the first time around. I would've asked for your permission as well, but I wasn't aware you were still alive," Devin says fearlessly.

  "Well, now you know I'm alive," Kahl leads.

  "And you don't really have a say or the right to be asked," I chirp with a little agitation for his intruding fatherly rights he hasn't earned.

  Devin smirks, and Kahl continues staring expectantly at Devin despite my scolding.

  "I'd love nothing more than to marry your daughter, and I hope you give your blessing for our union,” Devin cordially offers.

  Tears threaten Kahl's eyes the moment Devin asks, and I think it might have caught him off guard despite the fact he had essentially demanded it.

  "I suppose I can bless it since the two of you are apparently meant to be together, but you'd better be good to her," he almost chokes out.

  "I plan on it, sir," Devin says before turning back to me.

  His thumb strokes across my lips, and I can tell he's fighting the arousal that has claimed both of us captives. His being immune to my threat, and my being meant for him has completely fed his ego to no end.

  For some twisted reason, it's completely provoked my lusting desire for him, and now it's all I can do not to repeat the incredible moment we shared not too long ago.

  "I love you," he murmurs softly.

  "I love you," I murmur through trembling lips.

  "We should probably get back to the strategizing session," Theia mumbles to break apart the awkward moment we've forced everyone into.

  Devin stifles a grin, and he scoops me into his arms. I'm certain he's taking me back to the room, but we walk toward the ocean instead.

  "Are we going to visit the ocean floor?" I giggle excitedly.

  He laughs a little at my less than seductive squeal.

  "No. We're going to play with the others and blow off some steam," he chuckles out.

  "I have a much better way to blow off steam," I seduce, and then I uncoil from the bridal style carry to strap my legs around his waist.

  His eyes widen, and then he shakes his head.

  "We'll pick this up later. I never got to engage in the fun activities while at my family's place. I want to be out here with you, and I want to see you laughing with me the way you did the others," he pouts.

  "You think I just want you for sex?" I tease.

  "I'd be perfectly fine with that arrangement," Hale chirps jokingly.

  Devin actually laughs a little, and he whispers to avoid any other eavesdropping ears.

  "No, but I still want to enjoy our relationship on different levels. I want to play," he snickers out.

  "I'll play," I seduce.

  His eyes start to swirl, and then he forces a disapproving gaze.

  "Fine, I'll play nice," I say in a reluctant huff.

  "Better," he rolls out with a grin as he kisses me without letting his lips linger for too long on mine.

  I'm almost throbbing now. Why does he want to play but not play? Oh this is so frustrating.

  "Chicken?" Ther prompts.

  "I'll be Adisia's partner this time," Devin says menacingly.

  "Who am I going to play with then?" Ther pouts childishly.

  "I'll do it," Gemma chimes in.

  Devin grumbles lightly, and I can see the fun leaving his eyes.

  "We're trying to enjoy ourselves and take a break from the bullshit. Please don't do this right now," Devin pleads.

  "I'm just offering to be Ther's partner. I'm not running after you at this moment. After Slash's little act, your face isn't exactly as tempting as it was," she lies.

  I roll my eyes at her obvious load of crap, but the excitement in Ther's eyes is priceless. I turn to whisper low enough so only Devin can hear.

  "Give Ther this one."

  He looks to his lovesick friend and then frowns before nodding to me. Then his eyes swirl before the water beneath me churns wildly and lifts me to his shoulders.

  I laugh a little, and his hands smoothly run up my legs to my thighs in an effort to steady my balance.

  Mmm, his touch is so incredible.

  "That sounds like a laugh, Adisia Titan. I dare say you're having a good time already," he snickers.

  "I dare say this is far hotter than last time," I giggle out.

  "Hey," Ther gripes.

  I shrug innocently, and Gemma uses the outstretched arms of the palm trees to lift her to Ther's shoulders.

  She gives me a threatening grin, and I give her one right back. The green surges to my eyes, and the winds instantly stir.

  Kelp shoots up from the ocean, and it tries to restrain my wrists. I feel the strength in me brewing and the wind snaps the kelp in half to free me from her grasp.

  Devin's hands tighten on my legs as the wind picks up harder, and she falls with a shrill scream from her place on Ther's shoulders.

  She surges to the top while I giggle triumphantly. She slaps the water in disgust, making me laugh harder.

  Suddenly, Devin launches me from his shoulders, and I splash against the water. The ocean rushes up my nose - though it doesn't burn like it did when I was mortal.

  Damn water lover.

  Slowly, I rise to the top to give him a glare of disapproval, but he's laughing so hard I can't keep a straight face. I love him so much, and I love seeing him this happy.

  He swirls me around in the water, and I wrap my legs around his waist when he slows his twirling motion. He grips me to his waist as his lips fold over mine, and I feel us resting up against the side of the dock.

  He draws back to speak with his sultry

  "This isn't a private island. There's a town about sixty miles from here. Do you want to go out tonight?"

  "Really? Is that a good idea? We've only got six more days until the army of dead return," I worry aloud.

  "We can't spend every minute worrying about them. I want to be with you right now, and I know we'll be ready when the time comes. I think best when I'm not trying to force it," he comforts.

  "I'm game for a nighttime excursion," Hale interjects.

  "Here, here," Jace adds as he climbs out to plop down on the dock.

  "I could use a minute of reprieve," Slash whines.

  "Well?" Devin urges, his grin growing as his eyes stay fixated on mine.

  "Yeah. I'll see what else Persia has in my closet," I murmur hesitantly.

  He tilts my chin up so my face meets his.

  "Don't worry about immortal things, baby. That's my job," he soothes while gauging my hesitance.

  His lips find mine, and I can feel the water around us starting to boil.

  "Ah, hell," Hale gripes.

  "Let's go get ready," a girl prompts.

  "We'll meet you guys at eight," Devin says menacingly as his eyes swirl mischievously.

  My body heats more and the boiling bubbles begin to spread. Devin's lips return to mine, and as soon as the last person flees our sight, my bathing suit is no longer blocking his body from mine.

  I feel the water wrapping around me as he holds me to his perfectly toned masterpiece. My head falls back as his lips scour my chest, and the salt water courses against my bare skin.

  I moan as my lips reconnect with his, and the water rushes around me more with a swirling force. The rain slips free from above, and adds to our wet seduction.

  I feel his lips chartering new paths against my greedy body as I claw for more, and I only pray Kahl doesn't walk out of the house.

  Chapter 13

  Trouble in Paradise

  "You ready, babe?" Devin murmurs with a completely sated tone to his delicious voice.

  I smile as I step out of the bathroom to reveal the one-sleeved dress that rises to be just below my rear so that it shows off my legs. The daring heels offer more seduction to the sleek ensemble.


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