The Daughter Trilogy Bundle

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The Daughter Trilogy Bundle Page 93

by C. M. Owens

  Devin flashes up to hold my hand, and the huge ranch on the Montana landscape brings back a calming. The tall grass dances beneath the graceful winds, and the flowers pop up randomly to further prove their wild growth.

  “You sure you want to do this?” he asks softly.

  “No. I don’t want to do this at all, but it was eventually going to come up at some point. I’m sure they would start wondering why I never look any older. I’m just out of time for procrastination, and I’m worried they’re going to choose option number two,” I choke out slightly.

  Jace flashes up to my other side, but he keeps his silence. I can see Clara scowling at Henry, and then I hear her yelling.

  “What the hell? You said you’d tell me later. What’s going on?” she growls.

  I huff at the impending conversation I’ve dreaded for a while now. Clara sees me, and her eyes widen in disbelief as she rushes over.

  “You too?” she gasps, and her arms wrap around me.

  I slowly return the embrace, and I just nod to answer her question.

  “Do you know why we’re here? If this is some surprise vacation, I’m not amused,” she gripes at Devin, and then her eyes widen again. “When did the two of you reconcile?” she gasps.

  “A few days ago, sorry. It’s been hectic,” I answer. “And I’m the one who had everyone rounded up. The men were just doing as they were told,” I vaguely explain.

  “Adisia, what the hell?” she grumbles.

  “I’m sorry, but-”

  “Adisia? Oh thank goodness,” Mom yells, and then she jerks me up in a hug.

  “Hey, Mom,” I say gently, and then I see Jane leaning against Jake without question.

  Damn honeymooners.

  We all head into the house, and everyone chatters with Devin’s parents and Persia and Kahl - though they don’t yet know their true identity. Mom walks over to pull me out of Devin’s embrace so she can speak to me privately.

  “When did this reconciliation happen?” she giggles excitedly.

  “A few days ago. It’s a long story, but I promise a few things will make more sense in a minute. Or, it could make less sense, depending on how you feel about it,” I worry.

  Her giddy eyes downshift quickly to anxious as she pulls my hand in hers.

  “Honey, what’s wrong?” she asks softly.

  “More than I care to discuss right away. I’d rather you see it,” I murmur.

  “See what?” she insists.

  “Mrs. Titan?” Jace interrupts. “I think I can answer that, but I need your hand,” he continues.

  She looks at him suspiciously, and then I nod to tell her to go. Devin walks over to pull my hand in his as Jace begins working solely on my mother.

  Kahl and Theia take a deep breath, and take the hands of the others to begin the process.

  Mom gasps as Jace enters her mind to show her the world as it truly is. Tears streak her face, and I quietly caution Jace.

  “Just the highlights. Keep the gruesome omitted.”

  “I am,” he soothes, and then my mother cries a little more.

  One by one they finish up, and each of them look catatonic after their awakening, all but Clara.

  She’s been through this once before, and now her memories have fully returned. She slaps me on my arm$ and then grabs her aching hand that struck me.

  “Why did I do that? I knew it was going to hurt,” she growls.

  “Why did you do it at all?” I muse.

  “You didn’t show me this whole thing again after you somehow rewound time? I’m your best friend. You’re like a sister to me,” she scolds.

  “She is my sister, and this is the first I’ve heard of it at all,” Jake murmurs with a shocked stare.

  “How are you feeling, big brother?” I ask timidly.

  “Like someone stuck my head in a vice and sucked the sanity right out of it. Is this true?” he murmurs with a baffled touch.

  “It’s true,” I chirp.

  “Is that all of it?” he asks while grabbing his pounding head.

  “Not even a tenth of it, but it’s what you need to know to understand why you have to stay here for a while. You have to hide, and you have to stay safe,” I assert.

  “So is this why the two of you split up?” Mom asks when she walks over.

  “That’s a whole other twisted story I won’t burden you with. We’re back together now,” I mutter softly.

  “And it will stay that way,” Devin adds adamantly.

  Mom grins a little, and then I sigh when my dad, Henry, and Jane join us.

  “If you don’t want to know this, there’s a way to wipe your memory clean of everything. You’ll never know I even existed to help with the transition,” I whimper.

  “So it’ll be like you were never our daughter?” Dad asks with a heartbreaking tune.

  “Exactly. You’ll be able to live your lives somewhere safe with no recollection of me at all,” I murmur while doing my best to hold back my tears. “Jace can wipe your memories right now.”

  “Honey, we can deal with this. It’s not like you’re really all that different. You just have a few special attributes we would have never guessed,” Mom says compassionately, and then her arms embrace me to pull me to her as I let free the parading tears of relief.

  “What about the rest of you?” I whimper.

  “I think it’s pretty cool, actually,” Jake says with a casual shrug.

  “You know I’ve already made peace with it,” Clara says with a scolding tone still etched in her voice. “Even though it’s going to suck when we’re eighty, and I look like an old prune while you’re still piping hot. I might let you erase my memories then,” she teases, and I laugh through the tears.

  “So, wow,” Jane stumbles out.

  “Indeed,” Henry exasperates while still struggling with the shock of it all.

  “Daddy? Are you okay with all this?” I worry.

  “It’s certainly a load of information, but I would never lose one memory of you. I actually would like to meet your biological parents more formally,” he says softly, and I look over to Persia and Kahl.

  “They want to speak to you,” I prompt, and they act as though they weren’t already eavesdropping when they join us.

  “Wow. You’re absolutely stunning,” Mom pops out while gawking at Persia.

  “Thank you,” Persia murmurs shyly.

  “You’re very… tall,” Dad says awkwardly to Kahl, and I giggle quietly when I see him standing up a little straighter to match Kahl’s impeccable posture.

  “So you’re totally loaded,” Jake murmurs to Devin.

  “More than you could ever imagine,” he chuckles.

  “Awesome,” Jake gushes. “I want a demonstration,” he prompts, and Devin snickers a little.

  “Of my money or my power?” he teases.

  “Power. I’ve seen a demonstration of the money,” Jake spouts while man-crushing on my husband.

  “Let’s head outside,” Devin proffers.

  Everyone stumbles outside as Devin walks out with me hand-in-hand. Jake hops up on the railing and eagerly awaits the show like a child.

  Clara takes Nadia’s hand, and they lean over to watch as well. Jane props against her enamored husband, while Mom and Dad stand with Persia and Kahl.

  Devin gives me a smirk and a wink before he throws forth his ripple, and the fence on the far side shatters into pieces while ripping free from the sturdy ground.

  I hear gasps and gushing coming from all around, and then Devin smiles as the small pond in the distance rises into a funneling cyclone of water. It dances around for a minute before he releases it.

  Again, everyone is shocked and in awe as the water climbs back down to an undisturbed stillness.

  “Your turn, sis,” Jake prompts, and I smirk as I force a wind to directly push him off the railing.

  He squeals a little as he bounces to the porch with a thud, and everyone bursts out laughing while he stands back up to dust himself off.

  “Funny. Real funny. What else you got? And don’t aim it at me, please,” he gripes.

  “I have a few tricks,” I murmur vaguely, and the sky thunders overhead.

  Jake leaps backwards as the first crash of lightning strikes the ground at a safe distance away, and then Devin walks in front of me for the real display of power.

  I bring down a second bolt, and it splits around him to show everyone how perfectly intertwined we are.

  “Oh my gosh,” Clara squeals.

  Nadia is smiling ear to ear as she watches, for to her, this is nothing new. She’s the only one amused rather than in awe.

  “Is that all you can do?” Jake teases while trying to seem unimpressed - though I’ve already seen his jaw hit the floor.

  “Adisia can do much more, but I think it’s safer for you if she doesn’t demonstrate,” Devin chuckles.

  “I’m not scared,” Jake dares. “Show me.”

  I had intentionally requested Jake’s memories from before the rewind not be restored. I didn’t want him to know he had been possessed by Safina, so he has no clue at all the things I can do.

  “If you say so,” and I pull Devin to a fiery kiss to bring forth the sleeping goddess within.

  His hands grip my sides when he feels the desire for the passion I’m pleading for. I feel him smirking when Jake grumbles a little.

  “That’s not what I was expecting. I’ve seen that crap,” he scoffs.

  “That’s just how I get it up,” I crudely tease, and I see all four of my parents shaking their heads from the corner of my green eyes.

  I turn to face him, but he can’t see the green in place of my blue. I smirk as I stare him directly in the eyes, and he falters slightly for footing.

  “Dance,” I command, and he instantly does as I say.

  Everyone starts laughing, including his wife.

  “Walk like an Egyptian,” I order, and his arms take their silly position while following my command.

  “Unbelievable,” Dad gasps, and then I see Persia smiling proudly.

  I smirk a little and close my eyes to release Jake from his embarrassing bind, and he stammers around like a drunken fool for a minute while trying to recompose himself.

  “That’s not cool,” he growls.

  “You asked,” I tease.

  “Be glad it was that and not her newest power,” Kry snickers. “You’d be in far worse pain.”

  I frown at his remark, suddenly realizing how dangerous it is to play with my untrained powers.

  “I wouldn’t do that even if I knew how to,” I seriously interject, and Kry suddenly feels guilty for his morbid joke.

  “Sorry,” he murmurs.

  “New power?” Persia chimes in curiously.

  “We can discuss it later, not here,” I assert.

  “So you two really do get to be married for all eternity?” Clara sighs dreamily.

  “It’s our eternity,” Devin murmurs adoringly.

  I turn to face him and his thumb strokes across my pulsing lips. It’s unfortunate all eyes are on us because my passion is still lingering from the piping hot kiss.

  “What are you going to do?” Mom worries.

  “Eliminate the threat. Then you can return to your lives,” Devin answers very matter-of-factly.

  “Define eliminate,” Dad says anxiously.

  “I’d prefer to leave some of the specifics out,” Devin mutters, and I can see Dad shifting uncomfortably.

  “It’s a lot to digest, I know,” I utter to comfort him. “I promise I’ll call when I can, but for the most part you don’t need to contact us unless absolutely necessary. Please take care of Nadia,” I say gently, and the bouncing, golden-haired beauty comes bounding over to me.

  I kneel to hug her gently, and she strokes my hair with her hands.

  “Be careful, Angel.”

  “Let them know any time you need something,” I urge, and she grins while nodding.

  “We’ll take good care of her, sweetie,” Mom murmurs while hugging me.

  “Thanks,” I sigh out, and I smile when Devin kneels to hug her as well.

  “Take care of our girl,” Dad says to Kahl, and I smile when they shake hands.

  “You did a fine job of raising her, and I can’t thank you enough for giving her the life we never would have been able to,” Kahl says appreciatively.

  “Don’t thank me, please. She’s my daughter, and I’ve loved every minute I’ve ever had with her. She’s an incredible girl, and I’m still struggling with all this, but I’m having a harder time dealing with the fact she’s married to be honest,” he chuckles out.

  Devin smirks a little, and then he walks over to shake my dad’s hand.

  “Whatever happened between you two, don’t let it happen again. You may be immortal, but I’ll still find a way to inflict some sort of damage,” he threatens, and Devin’s eyes glaze over with guilt.

  “I can’t promise what happened won’t try to happen again, but I can assure you we’ll be prepared if it does,” Devin murmurs vaguely.

  “If it had been something he could have avoided, I would have already dealt with the matter,” Kahl interjects.

  He almost did deal with the matter… several times. Persia had to keep distracting him to keep him from showing his merciless side.

  Dad’s curiosity is piqued, but I insert myself between them before Devin reveals too much.

  “I’m staying with him regardless. We were meant for each other. I didn’t show you everything because I was trying to keep it a kid-friendly sort of viewing, but there’s more to us than meets the eye. I love you, Daddy,” I murmur encouragingly, and tears stain his eyes while his arms wrap around me.

  “We need to get going. If we stay too long we’ll attract attention,” Devin whispers softly.

  “I’ll call you when I can,” I murmur again, and everyone waves as we disappear into the cars.

  Chapter 11

  New Life in an Old World

  “We’ll meet up back at the house in a few hours,” Persia says with a wink, and I’m not sure why she’s winking.

  “Where are you guys going?” I muse.

  “We have some plans to shop. We’re probably going to be in San Diego for a while this time, and we’ll need some more variety for our wardrobe selection,” Theia murmurs with blushing cheeks.

  “Okay,” I mutter. “Where did Devin go?”

  “He went on to the house. He needed to sort through some things, and he had Camara do a sweep of the house before anyone even went in.”

  Sheesh. All I did was go grab something to eat, and suddenly he’s gone. What the crap?

  “Are you okay?” Persia worries.

  “Just tired. It’s been a long day,” I grumble. “A lot of plane riding, strategizing, emotional roller coasters, and heavy changes. I just need a minute to regain my bearings.”

  I feel so off, and my balance has suffered severely. How long is Aphrodite going to punish me for the four months I took off?

  “We’ll see you soon,” Persia says gently, and then she kisses my forehead.

  “Yeah,” I murmur softly, and then I turn the corner to head to the massive home Devin has brought us to.

  It’s not a large apartment, it’s a beast of a house, and I’m so exhausted.

  My eyes widen as I step into the gallant parlor, and then I smell the velvet air full of lavender, roses, and champagne. I smirk slightly when I see the roses I first smelled lining the room and I giggle a little when I see a display of petals lined up to form a dove.

  I flash up the winding staircase to follow the sound of sensual music playing dully in the background.

  I gush a little when I walk into the enormous room with a four post bed dressed with golden fabric. The curtains puddle in the floor, and the windows are shut tight. I can tell the room is padded, and a small gust of homemade wind closes the doors behind me.

  Two champagne glasses sit eagerly on the silver tray in front of the bed, and a note is
propped up against them.

  The house is ours for an hour or two. The teasing game has come to an end.


  Your husband.

  I giggle a little, and then I feel lips burning against the back of my neck as his hands slowly glide down my arms to add to my building suspense. His body presses against my back momentarily before he spins me around to meet his eyes.

  “Any last words, Mrs. Cole,” he seduces.

  “Take me,” I murmur breathlessly, and his lips consume mine completely as his savage hands rip me free from my weighted clothing, leaving me in only my lacy underwear.

  I feel my body sliding up the cool, satin sheets, and his teeth scrape across my stomach. His hands cuff mine above my head, and his grip on them tightens when I squirm beneath him.

  I can taste the champagne on his breath, and it’s the first time alcohol hasn’t disgusted me in months.

  “I love you, Adisia Cole,” he murmurs into my mouth.

  “I love you,” I moan, and his hips press against mine while his one hand still cuffs my two.

  His free hand trails up and down my body until he uses it to undo his complicated belt. The zipper’s descent echoes in my ears and the throbbing in my lower half becomes all too powerful.

  I thrust my hips up to meet his, but he bears down on them to keep them at bay.

  He smirks against my neck while his lips play carelessly on my pulsating host, and then his eyes burn into mine for seconds before his lips forcefully take mine once more.

  His strength is surreal, and he continues binding my hands effortlessly with only one hand. Then his teeth tug at my lower lip, and he finally releases his grasp on my hands.

  I wrap my arms around his neck, and I feel the cold metal of his undone pants as the flopping belt hinders my access.

  I can only imagine how much this room cost to furnish, and I almost feel guilty considering my twisted mind is picturing the destruction I wish to cause.

  We can start with destroying the bed.

  His eyes stare into mine as he traces his finger up and down my arm. His small smile is so endearing, and it’s hard to picture life without him ever again.

  The bed beneath us has been thoroughly shattered, and the rest of the devastated room shivers in terror as it prays we’re finished.


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