The Daughter Trilogy Bundle

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The Daughter Trilogy Bundle Page 105

by C. M. Owens

  “It doesn’t work that way,” she chuckles. “I’m afraid you’re stuck with the title, but it appears you have a wonderful team willing to take on the tedious tasks that come along with it. Everyone has stepped up to fill the places of Deidra’s old team, and Lana has been quite instrumental in our procedural planning, and-”

  She stops short when I rudely let out a gigantic yawn. Aster yawns in her sleep as if my reaction was contagious, and Persia and I both grin at her adorable little face trying to grin once she finishes.

  “I suppose I can bore you with the details later,” Persia continues with a smirk.

  “Sorry. I shouldn’t be tired,” I murmur guiltily, and Devin’s body tightens around mine.

  “Yes you should. I’m surprised you’re awake so soon. Rewinding time in an impossible timeframe is unheard of. Just seeing through your eyes exhausted me for days,” she breathes.

  “So is my family still here?” I say distractingly.

  “Yes. They’re in bed. It’s almost three, and mortals tend to need more rest,” she says softly.

  “I need a shower,” I groan while running my fingers through the greasy texture of my hair.

  “You need to stay in bed. I can wash your hair for you.”

  “Not necessary. I think I’ve been in bed for long enough, and a shower sounds pretty amazing.”

  She steps over to take Aster back, and I kiss the angelic baby on the head once more before I try to wiggle free from the impossibly good grip of my resting husband.

  Persia disappears out the door, and I finally slide free to head into the gloriously huge bathroom adjacent to the room. The shower spews its divine warmth, and then I eagerly climb under its cleansing flow.

  Just when I’m almost finished, the curtain slides back, and arms curl around me before whipping me around and pulling me into a desperate kiss. Devin’s soft lips, perfect body, and relief tangle me up in his love.

  “I’ve been so worried,” he breathes into my mouth. “Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “I wanted you to sleep. You looked tired,” I answer softly before his lips stroke mine more.

  “I love you, Adisia Cole. I’m not too tired to see the wife I’ve been desperately missing,” he almost whispers, and the water begins wrapping around us.

  His lips graze mine just barely before pulling them into a fiery, smoldering kiss. It feels as though it has been years since he kissed me, and in my mind it has only been a day. For him though, it has been three months, and it feels so damn good right now.

  Our daughter is home, the biggest threat is gone, and now we can just be together… or at least I hope.

  His grip tightens around me as he pulls me to his body, and the water around us begins to boil violently. He grins against my kiss for the scorching passion exuding from me, and then his hands cup my face as he stares into my eyes.

  “You’re all mine now,” he smolders.

  “That sounds pretty damn perfect,” I giggle out, and a full-flashing smile spreads over his face as he lifts and presses me against the shower wall.

  A tiny crack emerges from behind me, and I laugh at his forceful conquest. His lips consume mine more fervently, and the humor melts to desperate desire.

  His bare, perfect body presses firmly against mine, and his eyes promise to never let me go.


  I can’t help but beam with true elation while finishing up my hair. Devin smiles as he walks over and takes my hand in his, and then we walk out to see the eager audience who has been awaiting my awakening.

  “Angel,” Nadia squeals, and then I feel her precious arms wrapping around me first.

  “She wouldn’t leave until she knew you were okay,” Gloria, her mother, says gently while stroking the long, golden locks of her daughter.

  “I’m okay, and now so are you,” I murmur to the child with too much burden to bear.

  “I haven’t had any more nightmares since you beat the shadow,” she gleams, and I offer her another affectionate smile.

  “You’ll have to come visit me when you can,” I insist, and her smile only grows.

  Gloria offers me a nod in acceptance for my offer, and then she and the other finless mermaids move to the far corner just as Kry swings me around. I laugh at his jubilation, and then Ther sambas over to me with a glass of vodka I willingly take.

  They all look as if they’ve had anxiety ripped from them and replaced with pure joy. My mom and dad rush down the stairs in front of Persia and Kahl to hug me too tightly for their mortal arms to withstand.

  “Wow,” Mom cries happily. “I have to remember how rock solid you are these days,” she chuckles out. “I’m so glad you’re okay. They said you saved everyone.”

  I wipe a tear from my eye as I look up at Devin and then over to Jace who is sitting silently in a corner with his eyes turned down.

  “I didn’t do it alone,” I almost whisper, and then everyone senses the tension I need to relieve.

  “I think there’s a party we’ve been waiting to have, so we should go get it set up since our guest of honor has finally woken back up,” Devin says to the room, and then he leans over to whisper in my ear. “Just join us when you’re done.”

  He kisses my forehead before they all leave the room and I dig deep to find my big-girl courage.

  Jace refuses to meet my gaze, and I sit down in front of him to pull his hand in mine.

  “I’m sorry, Adisia,” he chokes out unexpectedly while fighting his tears.

  “You shouldn’t be. You did exactly what your mother told you to. You stood beside me, and you were there for me in a way no one else could be. If you hadn’t done what you did, I wouldn’t have ever been able to save him. His death boosted my powers to a whole other level as you saw, and everyone should be thanking you instead of me,” I very softly spew - though, I doubt I would have been so gracious if I hadn’t been able to restore Devin’s life.

  He looks up with tears wavering, and then he stands to pull me into an embrace. I affectionately return his hug, and then more of my tears dampen his chest through the thin fabric of his shirt.

  “I’ve been worried you’d want me dead,” he says with morbid humor.

  “Never,” I sigh. “I had the three most powerful entities beating around inside me at once, and no harm ever came to you,” I explain, even thought the thought did flash through my mind.

  “They’re not the most powerful entities,” he adds while pulling back to look me very sternly in the eye. “You and you alone are the most powerful. They’re just a part of you.”

  I shed a few more tears, and then he kisses my forehead just barely before hugging me again.

  “We should go party. Everyone has been on edge waiting on you to wake up, and now we just want to get drunk,” he laughs out.

  I join his laughter while wiping away my tears, and then he leads me out to the brilliantly lit patio area sitting on the beach. Everything is set up for a queen’s arrival, and I can’t help but swoon when I see the beautiful man I love staring at me with a come-hither grin.

  Faith rushes over to jump on Jace, and their lips intertwine with more affection than I’ve seen him show her in the past. I smile lightly when I see he’s been freed from the hold he thought I had on him, and then Devin slowly struts over to me with all of his smoldering dazzle.

  “Whoa,” Clara whispers. “I think you two might spend an eternity in the bedroom.”

  I smile a little and then shrug as her arms wrap around me from behind.

  “Maybe after we’ve raised Aster,” I murmur lightly, and I can see Devin’s devious smirk growing.

  “He can hear us, can’t he?” she sardonically rolls out.

  “Yep,” I giggle, and she rolls her eyes while being unable to stifle a grin.

  “I suppose I should give you two a moment. I’ll catch up with you later,” she says with a wink, and I just smile at her before returning my eyes to the smoky ones calling to me.

  “I love you, Mrs. Cole,”
he murmurs with a seducing gush when he finally reaches me.

  “I love you, husband.”

  His lips claim mine as the clinking of a glass brings everyone to attention.

  Hale is standing on top of a table, and his glass breaks when he uses too much force to propose a toast. Everyone giggles out, and then Ambora blushes while handing him another glass to replace his shattered one.

  “Anyways,” he grumbles. “We’ve all been waiting on this day for more centuries than I can count. It was never thought to be possible. I was there the first time Safina and Rhea were brought down with a temporary solution. I remember praying for someone to be strong enough to finish the job we weren’t strong enough to do so long ago, and those prayers were answered when Devin Cole fell in love for the first time- imagine that,” he scoffs playfully, and everyone giggles lightly at his mock frustration.

  “In all seriousness though, every one of us knew she was special, and she’s proven us right over and over again. Now, we have a chance to do something we’ve never been able to do, and that’s live freely. No one would be crazy enough to take on our Emperian, and I’d like to be the first to pledge my unwavering alliance,” he announces while raising his glass.

  “And I second,” Kry announces while adding his glass to the lifted position.

  “Third,” Camara proudly exclaims.

  One by one the pledges continue, and Devin’s arm tightens around my waist while he leans over to whisper into my ear.

  “I think it’s rather obvious where my alliance lies, but I’ll pledge or further prove it if you wish. I happen to know a spot on the ocean floor that is perfect for proving such a thing,” he seduces, and I cover my grinning mouth.

  “I don’t think you need to prove anything, but I’ll let you do it anyhow… later that is,” I snicker out.

  My eyes widen as the toasts finish, and then everyone starts kneeling to me just like they’ve done before.


  “Don’t you dare,” I scold, and everyone stifles a laugh. “Rule number one, no one bows… ever,” I growl, and then the suppressed chuckles roar free from the rising bodies.

  Persia smiles as she brings back an awake Aster.

  Her precious little lips bubble as she plays with a string on her dress. Devin kisses her head and then mine. The music starts playing, and the immortal show-offs capitalize on the chance to show off their dancing skills again.

  I smile when I see the less grieving version of Gemma dancing with Ther. Deacon and Camara cozy up on the dance floor despite the fast paced beat, and Devin’s arms wrap around me.

  “I’d like to dance with both of my girls,” he smoothly requests.

  “It would be our honor,” I say with a mock proper tone, and he smirks as he pulls us to his body.

  “What now?” I ask softly while looking around at the joyous room devoid of the angst that has plagued some of them for centuries.

  “Anything we want, baby,” he coos, and his lips call to mine.

  Our daughter’s life will be one of stability, peace, and more love than she’ll ever understand. At long last, we can just breathe.

  It’s our eternity now.


  Devin’s lips still feel like heaven against mine, and I know that’s one thing that will never change no matter how much time passes by. He grins as he pulls on his pants, and his perfect, defined, and eternally glorious body still puts me in awe.

  “I love that stare, Mrs. Cole,” he seduces.

  “It’s a good thing, considering it’s the only one I can possess around you,” I smolder back.

  He lies back down and pulls me to his body for a more passionate kiss.

  “Round three?” I muse with playful seduction.

  He laughs a little while shaking his head.

  “Oh, how I wish, but the others are getting here right now.”

  “Well, hell,” I gripe with mock frustration, and his playful lips tease mine once more before standing back up.

  “I suppose I should wear clothes to our daughter’s birthday party,” I giggle out while pulling on my premeditated dress.

  “Definitely. I’d prefer it if no one saw the full glory of the beautiful creature I get to spend eternity with.”

  “I hope they didn’t buy her a car,” I grumble while ignoring his blush-worthy comment.

  Devin’s laughter roars free.

  “I’m sure they all did, but she’s not driving until she’s immortal,” he counters with more seriousness etched in his protective tone.

  “She’s growing tired of hearing that,” I giggle out.

  “She’ll understand one day. Let’s go greet our party guests,” he murmurs softly while pulling my hand in his.

  We flash down the stairs, and I gasp when we walk out the door. The yard is littered with brand new cars and smug immortals proudly tying bows to each one.

  “Damn it,” I growl, and Devin laughs that much harder.

  Aster is standing beside Hale and Ambora, and I smile as I see her long, dark hair swaying in the wind.

  Another dark-haired Aphrodite.

  Her deep blue dress emphasizes the eyes she got from her father, and her beauty astonishes me still. I wipe a tear from my eye, and Devin kisses the back of my hand as we make our way over to them.

  “Mom, Dad, they got me cars… plural,” she squeals, and I roll my eyes while wiping more tears from them.

  “I see that,” I almost choke out.

  “Please let me drive one. I swear I’ll be super, extra careful. I’ll wear my seatbelt and everything. Please, please, please,” she begs, and I can’t help but let out a whimpering laugh.

  “You can,” I sigh reluctantly, and her squeals hit an even higher note as she violently throws her arms around me in an excited, jumping embrace.

  She moves over to demonstrate the same excitement to Devin, and he laughs a little at her over-exaggeratedly, giddy reaction.

  “Only during the day,” he adds.

  “No problem,” she chirps. “I’ll take what I can get.”

  “How does it feel to be eighteen?” Jace asks as he and Faith walk up.

  “Awesome!” she blares while stroking the steering wheel of one of the cars she’s already hopped into.

  “Any boyfriends?” Kry asks with a teasing smirk.

  Her grin turns to a scowl, and I have to stifle my grin while Devin’s jaw clenches.

  “I’ll take that as a no,” Kry says with a suppressed hint of laughter.

  I cover my mouth again, and Devin’s eyes glare at his best friend who knows Devin’s stance on the dating game.

  “Dad won’t let me,” Aster gripes from the driver’s seat.

  Deacon walks up laughing and showing his love for the conflict in play.

  “Let that girl date,” he teases.

  “Absolutely not. Not until she’s immortal,” Devin growls, and now my laughter rings free.

  “Mom was mortal when you two started dating,” Aster counters with a surly teen’s tone.

  “Mom was twenty-five, not eighteen,” he retorts.

  “Mom dated mortals,” she grumbles, and this is an argument that has raged on for over a year.

  “Mom didn’t know of her destiny,” he says to repeat the same exact words he has repeated in mantra.

  “No, but you didn’t either, and you were willing to date a mortal,” she snips, and I see Devin’s jaw clenching tighter.

  “Does that mean she can date an immortal?” Deacon pokes, and Camara elbows him in the ribs to end his taunting chuckle.

  “Hell no,” Devin snarls.

  “There’re going to be mortal boys from her school here today, so play nice,” I tease, and Devin stifles a mischievous grin.

  “No water play, Dad,” Aster scolds. “No fire either.”

  “I remember the last party,” Kry chuckles.

  “That guy still doesn’t speak to me,” Aster huffs.

  “Did his eyebrows ever grow back?” Deacon teases.
  “In patches,” she gripes.

  Devin can’t hold back his laughter anymore, and the mortals begin pouring in by the multitudes, along with my older mortal parents.

  Unlike Kahl and Persia, they actually look like a sweet couple of grandparents, and Clara rushes over to me with her beauty still intact.

  “You still look good,” I quickly say.

  “So do you,” she sighs. “I have to pay good money to look like this though,” she scolds.

  I just laugh a little, and then a group of boys from Aster’s school walks over to investigate the beautiful selection of birthday presents on wheels.

  “Holy badass cars,” one boy screeches, and I can tell he’s spent quite a big amount of time with our sneaky daughter.

  She has the holy habit the other immortals have, and I find it a little amusing to see Devin’s jaw back to the clenched position, proving it wasn’t lost on him either.

  “She’s an Aphrodite,” I whisper. “Give her a break.”

  “The fact that she’s an Aphrodite is all the more reason to not give her a break,” he pouts.

  “Let her enjoy the party,” I giggle, and then my lips console his pouting ones.

  He grips me tighter while pulling me into a melding position, and I hear whistles erupting from all around.

  “Aster’s mom is smoking hot,” one boy quips in a mortal whisper, and I see Devin’s eyes swirling with menace once he overhears it.


  “Don’t,” I caution, and I can hear several of our people starting to laugh when they feel the pressure under the ground promising to cause a soaking fiasco.

  The sprinklers burst free and drench the group of teenage boys, and I can hear the instant huffs exploding from our disgruntled daughter.

  The guys run away from the watery assault, and Devin shrugs off all the scrutiny as a cute smirk spreads on his perfect lips.

  “That should cool down their teenage hormones,” he says so casually.

  “I swear you’re the teenager,” I playfully scold.

  He pulls me back to his lips, and everyone rushes up the hill to start the party, including the dripping wet boys. Reluctantly we pull back to join the party as the pile of presents calls for our eager daughter’s attention.


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