Haunted General ePub

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Haunted General ePub Page 4

by Shirleen Davies

  Although they had both been strong individuals with distinct personalities, the two had forged an inseparable bond, which continued until the tragedy that left him bitter and jaded. From that day on, he’d done all in his power to build a life without the need of a woman’s love. Ghost had done quite well until Dani walked into Robbie’s, the walls he’d so carefully erected over the long years weakening more each day they were together.

  Forcing her out of his life had been for the best. For about a day. Then he’d begun cursing himself for how he’d hurt such an amazing woman, destroying a relationship which might have been the road to his redemption.

  Before the mission which left him with a broken rib and nicked femoral artery, Ghost had convinced himself resuming a life of brief encounters with willing women would sustain him. Instead, those nights had drawn attention to all he’d lost and would never have again.

  Staring at Dani’s closed door, seeing the light inside her cabin dim, he vowed to find a way to get her alone. Even if she’d never allow him into her life as more than an acquaintance, she would listen to his apology. Whether she accepted it would be up to her.

  “Again.” Dani’s features tightened, brown eyes darkening at Ghost’s amused caramel ones.

  They’d been practicing the same move for ten minutes, her displeasure with his progress obvious. The punch-kick move strained the muscles of his thigh, but Ghost thought he’d done well. The taskmaster before him thought otherwise.

  Sucking in a breath, he repeated the move, landing on his back when his foot slipped.

  “Again. This time, concentrate, Robertson.”

  Levering himself up, he ignored the snickers from the men watching. Forcing his resolve on the series of moves, he raised his arms.

  Until that moment, he’d been secure in his ability to complete the exercise and move on to a more challenging one. The look in Dani’s eyes, the lack of emotion on her face, erased his own smug opinion of his skills. In her mind, he fought as well as a young boy.

  Focusing only on the enemy before him, Ghost punched, then kicked, moving forward to repeat the motions two more times before Dani relaxed, raising her hands.

  “Excellent.” Her gaze shifted to Rock. “Walker. You’re next.”

  Steeling himself so as not to show the limp in his left leg, Ghost made it to the side of the mat, blowing out a breath.

  “Your lady’s a dragon.”

  Irritation building, he shot a menacing glance at Raider. “She’s not my lady,” he ground out, wishing it weren’t so.

  “Your own damn fault, man.”

  He had no retort for the truth. Raider didn’t know much about what had happened between his teammate and Dani, but it was enough to rile Ghost.

  “Leave it alone.” This time, the icy look in his eyes stalled whatever else Raider might have been too stupid to say. His attention moved to Dani and Rock.

  They’d always had an easy friendship. At the time they met, Rock had been doing everything in his power to ignore his strong attraction to Dr. Tessa Clarke. To assuage his desire for the woman, he’d once thought of turning his attention toward Dani. It never materialized, allowing Ghost to make his move.

  Watching them go through the series of exercises on the mat, Ghost couldn’t miss the friendship between the two. The sight split him as surely as the slice of a scimitar.

  “Excellent, Walker.” Dani’s gaze slashed across Ghost to land on Raider. “DeWitt.”

  Ghost felt a good-natured punch to the arm. “Watch and learn.”

  He couldn’t help the bark of amusement at Raider’s cocky words. They didn’t seem so cocky a few minutes later when his teammate left the mat after a perfect set of moves.

  Rock shot Ghost a disgruntled look. “Fuck. I need to up my game. Can’t let that geek do better than me.”

  Not responding, Ghost studied the last three students, all Delta Force. All did better than the one before. Of the six men, he was the weak link, the one none of them would want on a mission. Not in his current state.

  According to Grayson and Wrath, this was his last chance to keep his place as the vice president of Eternal Brethren. They’d make a place for him if he didn’t. Compared to what he had now, it would be an insignificant position to wait out the rest of his military career.

  Ghost knew he’d leave the service before allowing himself to suffer such an end.

  Eternal Brethren Clubhouse

  Rubbing his brow, Wrath read the report from Sully. Unsurprising, Rock and Raider were performing well, perhaps a little above the three Delta Force students. Ghost, however, continued to struggle.

  His skills with an arsenal of weapons surpassed the other five students. At least in a stationary position. Reaction and accuracy during exercises requiring movement weren’t as successful. Combat tactics were excellent, but close quarters combat exercises weren’t high enough for a passing mark. Ghost improved a little each day, but had a ways to go to achieve what was required.

  Shoving the report toward his brother, Wrangler, who sat across from him, Wrath leaned back in his chair, staring at the ceiling. “Tell me what you think.”

  Reading it through twice, Wrangler set it down. “Two weak areas. Weapons exercises requiring movement and close quarters combat. You want my honest opinion?”

  Raising a brow, Wrath shot him a disbelieving look.

  “Right.” Wrangler sat forward. “He’s been there less than a week and is improving in the areas of weakness. At this point, I don’t see a problem with his progress.” He pointed at the report. “Does Grayson already have a copy?”

  Wrath nodded. “He passed it on to me.”

  “Did he comment?”

  Wrath shook his head. “He considers it a progress report only.”

  “Then what’s got you worried?”

  Standing, Wrath walked around the desk, resting a hip on the edge. Crossing his arms, his expression turned solemn. “I have responsibilities to only allow the best to lead men into combat.”

  “And you’re saying Ghost isn’t one of your best?” The derisive tone in his brother’s voice caught Wrath’s attention.

  “You don’t?”

  “Hell no. I’d follow Ghost into battle right now without question. He may not be back to where he was before the injuries, but he’s still a better warrior than most of the men out there.” Wrangler pointed toward the central area of the clubhouse.

  Pushing up, he walked to the door, settling his hand on the knob. “He’s still got over a week to bring his scores up, Wrath. Knowing Ghost, he’ll blast past the scores on similar exercises he completed prior to his last mission.” An arrogant grin appeared on his face. “That sonofabitch isn’t going to allow his position to pass to someone else.”

  Chuckling when Wrangler closed the door behind him, Wrath considered his brother’s words. Ghost and Rock were his two closest friends. The three had been through hell together, lost comrades, and founded Eternal Brethren. He couldn’t imagine not having either one by his side during future missions.

  But Grayson was an indomitable force, expecting well beyond what most men could deliver. He wouldn’t allow Ghost to resume his leadership role unless he performed to the admiral’s vaulted expectations.

  All Wrath and the rest of the team could do was wait and hope when Ghost returned, he’d be the vice president they all remembered.

  “It’s Friday and you men have deserved a night away.” Sully stood before them, Kell and Dani a few feet away. “You passed through the only town for miles when you arrived. There are bars, restaurants, anything you want. Remember, we resume your training tomorrow, so go easy on yourselves.”

  Kell stepped forward. “We’ll have food for those who decide to stay here. Dismissed.”

  Standing, Ghost stretched, hoping Dani didn’t notice how he watched her. She hadn’t left the center since returning from her date, which provided a small amount of satisfaction.

  Several times he’d been tempted to approach her. He�
�d shoved the urges aside, deciding to put it off until his time at the center was almost over. Feeling a hand on his shoulder, Ghost turned to see Rock.

  “Let’s get out of this place for a few hours. I’ve already asked Dani to join us and she agreed.”

  Ghost worked to keep his jaw from dropping. “Does she know I’m going?”

  Chuckling, Rock dropped his arm. “Yes, and she offered to have you ride with her. Says you’ve never been inside the Jeep.” He leaned closer. “Seems she’s offering to smooth things over between the two of you.”

  “Or she wants to get me alone and finish me off.”

  Rock cocked his head. “There is that. If she does, I promise to say nice things at your funeral.”

  “Fuck,” Ghost mumbled, shoving him enough to get a grin from Raider.

  “Are you good with it? You can always ride with us.”

  He pretended to consider the options before shaking his head. “I’m man enough to face whatever fate Dani has planned.”

  Rock’s face sobered. “Don’t expect too much.” Turning to leave, he cast a look over his shoulder. “We’ll meet the two of you in thirty minutes.”

  Ghost shifted toward the front, thinking over Rock’s unnecessary warning. He’d already decided any crack in the ice between him and Dani would be welcome.

  Over the last week, his respect for her had grown as he’d witnessed an unexpected side of her. Cool, detached, and deadly. Words he hadn’t associated with her during their time in Liberty Lake. Then, he’d thought her a teacher. A woman who spent her days working with children, not training men and women to battle terrorists and enemy combatants.

  Noting he and Dani were the only two left in the room, he approached her. “I understand I’ll be riding with you.”

  Crossing her arms in what Ghost considered a defensive stance, she offered a curt nod. “Assuming you can stand to be near me for more than a couple minutes.”

  His mouth edged up, but he didn’t dare grin. “I should be asking you the same.”

  Shrugging, she took a step closer. “You did what was needed.” She missed the grimace passing quickly over Ghost’s face. “It’s done. No sense being enemies the rest of our lives, especially with us knowing each other’s true professions. I believe it would be much better to form some sort of tolerable friendship.”

  He quirked a brow. “A tolerable friendship?”

  Lifting her chin, she dropped her arms on a resigned sigh. “Yes. Unless you’d rather leave things as they are.”

  Snorting, he shook his head. “No. I’m tired of the distance between us, Dani. I never should’ve acted the way I did or asked you to leave.”

  “It no longer matters. I’ve moved on, as I’m certain you have. If we have a chance to salvage something, then I’m willing to give it a try. Do you need to get anything from the cabin, or are you ready to meet Walker and DeWitt?”

  Glancing down at his jeans, t-shirt, and boots, he grinned. “I’m ready.”

  “I need to grab a jacket and my purse.” She reached into a pocket, pulling out keys, handing them to him. “I’ll meet you at the Jeep.”

  Watching her leave, Ghost wondered what it would take to get past how he’d treated her, soothe the pain. Perhaps persuade Dani to give them another try.

  Chapter Five

  The short trip down the mountain had been uneventful, their conversation centered on future training exercises. They’d touched on Ghost’s progress, and Dani’s recommendation for a few one-on-one classes and physical therapy sessions with her. Both were offers he didn’t intend to refuse.

  Reaching the only steakhouse in the small town, the four were seated at a long table with benches on each side. When Kell walked in alone, Dani’s wave had him joining them, wedging himself between her and Ghost.

  The action irritated Ghost, but he said nothing. After all, he and Dani weren’t together. They hadn’t even made the transition back to being friends.

  “I’m surprised you aren’t out on one of your infamous dates, Kell.” Dani smiled over the rim of her beer glass. “Aren’t any of your women available?”

  The other men laughed, Kell groaning at her question. “I’m not in the mood for a clinging female tonight. Too much work for too little pleasure.”

  Setting down the menu, Raider lifted his glass. “Maybe you aren’t doing it right.”

  Kell shot him a quelling look before laughing. “Could be.” He shifted his gaze to Dani. “I thought you’d be out with one of your friends. I heard you met Ali for drinks earlier this week.”

  Ghost’s brows rose at the comment, believing she’d been on a date. The knowledge she’d been with a girlfriend pleased him.

  Dani narrowed her gaze on Kell. “How’d you hear that?”

  “From Ali. She called earlier today, asking for you. The message is on your desk.” Taking a sip of beer, he smacked his lips together. “I invited her to join us tonight.”

  Before Dani could respond, Raider’s gaze moved to the door, landing on a tall, exotic woman standing in the entry. “Please tell me that’s Ali.”

  Turning, Dani waved to her friend. “That’s her.”

  Raider put a hand on Rock’s shoulder and shoved. “Move over.”

  He grumbled, but moved down the bench far enough so the new arrival could sit next to Raider, across from Dani. Standing, Raider indicated the space next to him.

  “Right here, pretty lady. I’m Jace. These scoundrels are Travis and Tucker.” He held out a hand, which she took, grinning at him.

  “Ali.” Taking the spot offered, she tried to create space, which Raider closed by scooting closer. She glanced around the table, already knowing the three men were part of the newest group of students. “How’s the training going?”

  “It’s going,” Raider replied before anyone could talk. “Would you like a beer?”

  “Thanks. I’d love one.”

  Raider signaled a waitress who took their drink and food orders. When she left, Dani caught Ali’s attention.

  “The training is going fine. Travis and Jace will be staying through the weekend.” She glanced at Ghost. “Tucker will be staying another week.”

  Ali grinned at him. “So you’ll get to experience Sully’s and Dani’s specialized form of torture a few extra days.”

  She studied his face, already putting the pieces together. It hadn’t taken her long to realize the man sitting down the table was Ghost, the same man who’d feigned affection before discarding Dani without a backward glance.

  Oddly, it had been Ghost’s brutal dismissal that wounded her far more than the breakup with Alan. They’d been drifting apart for months. He’d been distant and indifferent, which made sense after he’d confessed to seeing another woman for quite some time. Dani’s pride stung for a few days, but she’d recovered quickly.

  Ali knew Dani hadn’t planned to move in with Ghost during her stay in Liberty Lake, nor had she intended to fall in love with the gruff biker. She’d done both, and was still dealing with the fallout months later.

  Ghost stared down into his beer, considering Ali’s words. She wasn’t as far off as she might think. How he performed next week would decide his future, whether he stayed with his brothers or left to start another chapter of his life.

  When Ghost didn’t respond to Ali’s comment, Dani stepped in, flicking her hand in an unconcerned gesture. “Tucker will be going through some highly specialized training. Personally, I expect him to do quite well.”

  The unexpected support caught him off guard. “You can always expect my best, Dani.”

  Leaving the restaurant, Ali threaded her arm through Dani’s, guiding her away from the others. “So that’s Ghost.”

  Pursing her lips, she nodded. “I was afraid you’d put it all together.” Dani glanced behind them, her features somber. “You must not speak of this with anyone else, Ali.”

  “You mean the part where Ghost is the vice president of a motorcycle club but is also in the elite training classes at the
center?” Her brow lifted. “So is he Delta Force, a SEAL…” Ali’s voice trailed off, waiting for Dani’s reply.

  “Please don’t ask. You know I can’t say, and I’ll feel bad keeping it from you.”

  “You know I won’t press you, Dani. However, I’d love to know more about Jace.”

  Her features brightened. “That will cost you a cocktail next week. But I can guarantee he’d like to know more about you, too.”

  Glancing past Dani, Ali saw the men standing near the Jeep, talking. “Next week? Isn’t he leaving soon?”

  “I expect him and Travis to take off late Monday. They train tomorrow. I believe Sully plans a barbeque on Sunday. Why don’t you and your father join us?”

  Before Ali could answer, a familiar voice startled them.

  “Hello, Dani.”

  Moonlight washed over the man’s features, causing both women to take a step away before Dani recovered.

  “Why are you here, and what do you want, Alan?”

  He shot a look at Ali, hoping she’d leave.

  “Ali stays. Tell me why you’re here, then leave.” She knew her voice rose enough for the others to hear, but she didn’t care.

  Stuffing his hands into the pockets of his pants, Alan focused on Dani. “I’ve missed you.”

  Crossing her arms, Dani snorted a laugh. “Missed me? What about your lady friend? You know, the one you were seeing behind my back.”

  She felt Ali’s hand on her arm. “I think you two should talk alone, Dani. I’ll be with the guys if you need me.”

  Waiting until she left, Alan moved closer. “She’s gone. She left a few weeks after I broke it off with you.”

  Her features contorted in disbelief. “So you decided you didn’t want to be alone and came to me?”


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