Haunted General ePub

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Haunted General ePub Page 9

by Shirleen Davies

  His brows flickered, but he remained silent.

  “We know you two have been seeing each other for at least five years. Five years, Dad. You’re a widower. She’s a widow. You’ve both been alone for years. Why are you keeping it such a secret?”

  Hands dropping from her shoulders, Sully glanced away. “Wasn’t what I expected.”

  “What did you expect?”

  Giving a quick shake of his head, he stared into the distance. “Not that.”

  “Am I wrong about you and her?”

  A sigh escaped before he returned his gaze to hers. “No. Kim and I have been seeing each other close to six years.”

  Reaching out, she touched his arm. It was hard to see her strong, always in control father appear vulnerable. “That’s wonderful.”

  “You don’t mind?”

  “Seriously, Dad? You deserve to be happy. If it’s about Mom’s memory…” She inclined her head.

  “I’ll always love her, Dani.”

  “I know that. I’ve always known the two of you had a love few couples experience. But Mom is gone. Has been for a long time, Dad. Do you love Kim?” When he didn’t answer, she stepped closer, offering a supportive smile. “It’s not a hard question.”

  “Yes. I love her.”

  “And she loves you?”

  He nodded.

  “Well, that’s the first good news I’ve heard in days.” Wrapping her arms around his waist, she hugged him, then got on tiptoe to kiss his cheek.

  Clearing his throat, Sully’s normally stoic features softened. “Glad we got that out of the way.”

  The door opened, Ghost walking toward them. “Are you ready?”

  Sully placed a hand on her back, propelling her forward. “She’s ready.”

  Gritting her teeth, Dani let the frustrated glare she shot each man speak for her. “I’ll be right back.”

  Ghost watched until she’d reached her cabin before looking at Sully. “Wrath called. Feds have examined the scene, took what they needed, and left. Nothing fancy about the bomb. Attached to the truck. Remotely detonated. Clean, simple, and tore apart the onsite repair shop.”

  “Bikes or weapons?”

  Ghost responded with a wide smile and lift of one brow. Dragging keys from a pocket, he lowered his voice. “Wrath doesn’t believe the two attacks are connected.”

  “A coincidence?”

  “We’ve been having problems with a couple other MCs in the area. Wrath’s brother, Ethan, is the sheriff. He’s doing some investigating on his own.”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard about him. Special Forces, right?”

  “Wrong decision by a good man.” Ghost snorted, watching Dani approach.

  “Let’s go so we can get back, Ghostman.”

  Ghostman? “I’ll give you one free pass on that one.”

  Walking away, she glanced over her shoulder, sending him a make me stop look. He could definitely get into that challenge.

  First, they had Raider to bring home and a terrorist to take out.

  Chapter Eleven

  Kamal Durrani Rasul hid in the trees bordering the WETC complex. Behind him, a fence at least ten feet high reminded him of how little time he had before taking off.

  Increased security and an additional search of his truck kept Rasul at the entry gate longer than when he’d hustled in the initial set of explosives. His coveralls, fake beard, and dyed hair had been the same disguise he’d used for months. Just another regular visitor who tested their utility systems twice a month. A service Sully had initiated months ago.

  Chuckling to himself, Rasul thought of his incompetent adversaries. His job required the use of materials common in bombs. Not once had they questioned him. Checked his ID, did a cursory tour of the vehicle, and waved him through. Too simple.

  Zahir hadn’t been pleased with the outcome of the planted canister bombs. One injured and no deaths. It didn’t matter that the main administration building had been shut down, requiring weeks to repair. He also didn’t care about sending a clear message to WETC about their weak defenses. Zahir expected more casualties.

  “Not my fault,” Rasul mumbled to himself.

  He’d used the schematics Zahir provided. Set the bombs in the locations marked. Detonated them as planned at the time Zahir ordered.

  Unfortunately, no one had been inside. The casualty came when someone checked the building for those who might’ve been injured. In Zahir’s mind, the outcome had been far from a success.

  The reason Rasul had been ordered to return. The reason he silently moved among the trees now, seeking easy targets with the possibility of multiple casualties.

  Scanning the area, he crossed the drive to his truck. Rasul took one last glance over his shoulder and stilled. Two people headed toward a truck. Their backs were to him, both wearing jackets and caps. His breath caught when he realized their destination.

  Sliding his hand into a pocket, he pulled out a remote detonator, jumping behind the steering wheel. One shaky hand held it while the other, equally shaky hand grabbed for the truck door.

  Heart seeming to jump from his chest, Rasul’s nervous gaze checked the rearview mirror again. The two were climbing inside.

  Not much time. Finger trembling as it hovered over the button which would send them to hell, moisture built in the palm of his hand. The detonator slipped, falling to the floor.

  Ghost watched the man he’d been informed checked WETC’s utility systems twice each month dash across the road to a truck. He’d seen the vehicle at the complex before. Rubbing a finger across his brow, he tried to remember when.

  Opening the passenger door, he waited until Dani slid into the truck. Interest piqued, he walked around the front, his gaze still intent on the man. He could see him checking his rearview mirror, as if keeping track of them. Warning bells began to chime in Ghost’s head.

  Slipping behind the steering wheel, something more than curiosity kept him focused on the man. For an instant, he disappeared, then came back into view. His gaze once again returned to the mirror.

  Ghost’s instincts moved to high alert. He narrowed his gaze, trying to get a better look through the back window of the truck. The man’s hand rose. That was when he saw it.

  Leaning over, he shoved Dani’s leg. “Get out. Now!”


  “Now, Dani!” The worry on his face got her moving.

  The instant he saw her throw open the door, he lunged out of his own, hitting the blacktop on a roll. Stopping in a crouch several feet away, he drew his 9mm, aiming at the silhouette inside the truck. A split second later, Ghost’s truck blew.

  Arms protecting his head, he flattened on the rough ground. Debris flew past, hitting his body, littering the area around him.

  Lifting his head, Ghost cursed when the service truck took off, tires screeching as the driver hit the gas.

  Shoving up on his knees, he aimed and shot. One, two, three bullets careened off the vehicle before the truck burst out of sight.


  Running around the smoking remains of twisted metal, his chest heaved at what he saw. Her motionless body sprawled on the ground, legs askew, arms above her head. Growling in anguish, he lunged toward her. Buckling at the waist, he dropped to his knees.

  Not again. Please, not again.

  Ghost’s frantic hands roamed over her. “Dani…”

  Sully skidded to a stop beside him. Features drawn, his fingers stroked down her cheek. “Dani, are you with me?”

  A groan blew from her lips. Rolling onto her side, she drew both legs into a fetal position. “I can’t breathe,” she choked out.

  Slipping an arm under, Ghost lifted her to a sitting position. “You had the wind knocked out of you. There aren’t any broken bones or blood.” Rubbing her back, he leaned close. “Take slow breaths and relax.”

  “What the hell happened?” When she tried to stand, Sully pushed her back down.

  “Take it easy, sweetheart.” He glanced over his shoulde
r before looking at Ghost. “Kell sent several men after the truck. We were clear across the compound when we heard the blast.”

  “If you’ve got her, I’d like to see what I can find in the debris.”

  An incredulous smirk appeared on Sully’s face. “It was a damn truck bomb, Robertson. Besides, the site is still hot as hell. You won’t be able to do much until it cools.”

  Scrubbing a hand down his face, Ghost nodded, sucking in a deep, slow breath. He needed to get away, put the image of Dani sprawled on the ground out of his mind. “Too much like Kylie,” he muttered.

  Sully raised a brow. “What’s that?”

  “You’re right about it being too hot. I’ll see if Kell can use my help.” Standing, he gave a quick shake of his head. Gaze landing on the burnt rubble of what had been his truck, he stalked away.

  “Who’s Kylie?” Dani asked, rolling to her knees before standing.

  Sully had hoped Dani hadn’t caught the muttered name. He watched him storm out of sight, recalling a portion of the background report on Ghost. An incident Sully had read several times, concluding what happened had been the catalyst creating the hardened warrior Ghost had become. Hardened and jaded.

  “You’ll have to ask him. I’ll get my truck and drive you to the hospital.”

  “No need. I’m fine. Just a little winded. I wonder what caught Ghost’s attention.” Taking a couple steps toward the charred metal, she scanned the area.

  “What do you mean?”

  Biting her lower lip, Dani tried to recall what happened. “We’d just gotten into the truck. I saw Ghost take several glances toward the truck about ten yards ahead of us. I saw nothing. No sign of a threat of any kind.” Running fingers through her hair, she recalled the panic in his voice. “He shoved at me, yelling to get out. I’d gotten a few feet away when the blast occurred. But what was it that warned him?”

  “Good question. When he gets back, I’ll ask him, then you will go to the hospital.”

  “It isn’t necessary, Dad.”

  “Maybe not, but you’re going anyway.”

  “The hell I am. I’m staying here with you and Kell.” Dani felt as if the walls closed in around her. Three men stood around her. An enclosure of solid granite. “Ghost can take Raider home, but I’m not leaving WETC.”

  “Robertson will be taking DeWitt back to Liberty Lake, and you’ll be tagging along.”

  Shoving between her father and Ghost, she paced several feet away. Murmuring to herself, Dani whirled around, her eyes blazing in anger.

  “I’m part of WETC and deserve to be part of making sure it’s secure.”

  Sully took one menacing step toward her. “You are an employee of WETC and will take orders like everyone else. You are also my daughter.” He took one more step toward her. “I will not allow you to stay where you’re in danger.”

  Ghost watched in fascination as father and daughter confronted each other, both with arms crossed and feet spread in a combative stance. Sully, Kell, and Ghost knew Dani wouldn’t win this battle. She didn’t. As Ghost’s mother would’ve said, God bless her.

  Neither flinched for several long moments, nostrils flaring, features drawn in determination.

  Not taking his searing gaze from Dani, Sully called over his shoulder. “Get the SUV. Make the back into a bed for DeWitt. Stock it with water and protein bars. When that’s done, pack Dani’s clothes.”

  “Like hell,” she bellowed, breaking her lock on Sully. “This isn’t right and you know it.”

  “Fine. I’ll take the blame. Make a decision, Dani. Kell packs your belongings or you do. Either way, Robertson will pull out in thirty minutes and you’ll be with him.”

  Her arms dropped, signaling defeat. “For how long?”

  “Until I’m certain you’re safe and the threat is neutralized.”

  Fidgeting in the front seat of Sully’s brand new SUV, Dani felt waves of anger ratcheting through her. He’d been immovable. No matter her logic, he had no intention of her staying anywhere near WETC or Pine Glen.

  Worse, instead of her staying with one of the friends she’d met in Liberty Lake, Sully expected her to stay with Ghost. For no other reason than he trusted the fellow Navy SEAL.

  Once again, she’d argued, threatened, spewed a few expletives generally avoided. Dani left WETC wondering how a twenty-something, competent, well-trained woman had allowed herself to be ordered into a situation not close to her choosing. She knew the answer. Sully Sullivan.

  So she sat in the front of the SUV, Ghost driving, Raider laid out in the back with his own personal nurse. A passenger Dani hadn’t imagined joining them when leaving the compound.

  One bit of good news had come from Sully’s intractable stance. He’d insisted Raider have a private nurse.

  At first, Ali Kasey had firmly declined the position, already having her fill of the rude, impatient, arrogant, demanding patient. The man she’d thought charming and funny turned into a grizzly when confined to a hospital bed. Fierce, yelling for someone to get him out of the hospital, Ali had done what she could, but it never seemed enough to placate the disgruntled pain in the ass patient. In the end, she couldn’t refuse the ridiculous amount of money Sully offered.

  Along with Wrath’s wife, Cara, Rock’s wife, Tessa, and a couple others she’d grown close to, Dani began to see the benefit of staying in Liberty Lake a few days.

  It was harder to form any enthusiasm for staying in Ghost’s house. Crossing her arms, she glared across the open space between her and Ghost.

  “Why didn’t you support my argument about not staying at your place? Sully would’ve listened to you.”

  Staring at the empty road ahead, a grin tilted up the corners of his mouth. “Why would I?”

  “You know why, Ghost.” Anger crept into her words. “We’re no longer together because you kicked me out of your house.” She ignored the way his jaw visibly clenched. “And your life. A few explosions don’t change our history or the way you couldn’t get rid of me fast enough.”

  A deep chuckle from the back had Ghost glaring into the rearview mirror. “Stow it, Raider.”

  “Ali is staying at Raider’s place. He told me it’s not far from you and he has plenty of room. I’d rather stay there.”

  “Sorry, man,” Raider called. “Guess I should’ve checked with you first.”

  “Damn right you should’ve.” Ghost shot an irritated look at Dani. “I promised Sully I’d keep you safe. That’s impossible if you’re staying at the invalid’s house.”

  “Now I’m an invalid,” Raider groused. “I can lift a gun just fine.”

  “Too bad you can’t get to the toilet on your own.”

  Raider answered with a few mumbled expletives, then fell silent.

  Dani shifted to face Ghost. “You promised Sully. Fine. He doesn’t need to know where I’m staying. I’ll return to your house each morning and go back to Raider’s at night.”

  “Not happening, sweetheart.”

  She shoved aside the growl begging to be let loose. “I’m not your sweetheart and I’m not staying at your place.”

  “That so?”

  “Of course it is. A couple nights of…” She glanced behind her, seeing Ali’s lips pinched together. Dani lowered her voice. “We had a few hours of fun. It’s over. Let’s just get through this so I can go back home.”

  It wasn’t what he wanted, but Ghost could deal with it. For now. “You’re right about having fun. But you will stay glued to me until Sully and Kell identify the attackers and they’re found.”

  Lifting a brow, she scowled. “Glued to you?”

  “That’s right, sweetheart. You go where I go, and you stay where I stay.”

  “You’ve got two guest rooms, Ghost. I’ll stay in one of them.”

  “Nope.” He lifted a hand, crossing two fingers, illustrating his point. “You and me. Inseparable. Tangled together until you’re cleared to head back to WETC.”

  Dani had thought he’d be anxious to get rid
of her. Instead, the arrangement didn’t seem to bother him. Not even a little. Casting a furtive glance at Ali, getting a slight shake of the head, Dani felt defeat choke her. She hated losing. Especially to the one man who still owned her heart and didn’t care if he stomped all over it a second time.

  “I’ll sleep on the floor.”

  “You’ll sleep in bed with me, darlin’.”

  Shifting again, she stared at the road ahead or out the passenger window. Anywhere but at Ghost. “It’s not a good idea.”

  Hearing the quiver in her voice, Ghost glanced over, but her face was turned away. “Afraid you can’t keep your hands off me?”

  Whipping her head toward him, he immediately wished he’d kept the thought to himself. A flash of pain claimed her features before glancing away, refusing to answer.

  The chilled silence was all the answer he needed. “I’ll keep you safe, Dani, and nothing will happen that you don’t want.”

  Dani had no doubt about the first. The second didn’t provide comfort or soothe her agitation. Months ago, over an incredibly short period of time, he’d become her Achilles heel. Dani had thought perhaps she’d become his. The notion had been dead wrong.

  She’d been his nothing. Ghost would protect her from harm and deliver her home. But he wouldn’t stick around to ease the ache of a heart shattering all over again.

  Chapter Twelve

  Frustration ripped through Ghost. It had been the wrong thing to joke about. When alone together, neither could keep their hands to themselves. It had been the same from the day they’d met at Robbie’s.

  Rock had met Dani first, during one of her infrequent vacations. Traveling to Liberty Lake had been a lark, resulting from an order by Sully to take a break and clear her head. Since Ali couldn’t get away, Dani had traveled over the mountains to the other side of the state. Once she entered Robbie’s, it hadn’t taken her long to fit in with the Eternal Brethren’s bar of choice.

  At the time, Rock hadn’t gotten his head straight about Tessa. He’d set his sights on Dani to clear his own confused mind, but both he and Ghost knew she wasn’t the woman for him. Rock’s interest had always been directed at a beautiful, green-eyed doctor with deep red hair. The woman who was now his wife.


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