Haunted General ePub

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Haunted General ePub Page 12

by Shirleen Davies

  “This isn’t a negotiation.”

  “Everything’s negotiable, sweetheart.”

  Closing her eyes, she drew in a deep breath through her nose to stop from cursing. “You only have one pain med.”

  “See. You’re perfectly capable of negotiating. Now, about the time…” The cocky grin appeared again.

  “You’ve been awake for almost thirty-six hours already.”

  “Is that all? Hell, I sometimes don’t bed down for close to seventy-two.”

  Her eyes widened. “Seventy-two? Are you insane?”

  Twisting his mouth, he nodded. “That’s under debate all the time. Ghost thinks maybe. Rock believes I am. Wrath—”

  “Enough,” she interrupted. “I vote you are, and right now, I’m the only one who counts. Two hours max or so help me, I’ll flip the master electrical switch. And don’t think I won’t.”

  “Damn, Ali. You are one cruel woman.” Blowing out a defeated breath, he gave a grudging nod. “Fine. Two hours. Now, move it. We’re burning daylight.”

  Tossing aside her book, Ali peered out the large window to the gorgeous view. For all his faults, Raider had built a stunning home and garden. Who’d have thought the rough-edged mechanic, gaming aficionado, and motorcycle club member would have such a homey side to him.

  Standing, she walked to the window. It took a great deal of work to get the garden to look so natural, as if every inch hadn’t been planned.

  Turning, she stared toward the hall. He’d been asleep for three hours, ever since she’d made good on her promise and flipped the switch. It had been a long time since she’d heard so many expletives at one time. She hadn’t been able to stop a burst of laughter, which set him off a second time.

  Ali had never known anyone like Jace “Raider” DeWitt. He hit every hot spot, as if he knew which buttons to push to set her off. Her father had always said how easy she was to read. All her emotions visible on her face, in her body language. It hadn’t taken Raider long to figure it out.

  With some effort, she could handle his teasing. What became increasingly difficult was handling the rush of heat even his most innocuous look sparked in her.

  Each time Ali stepped over the threshold to his bedroom, she steeled her response. If he had any idea of her attraction to him, Raider would be relentless in his teasing. It would be a humiliation she had no intention of facing.

  Worse, he didn’t even like her. Definitely didn’t want her in his home, ruining his routine. “Ruining his gaming,” she muttered. Heading to the kitchen, she stopped at the sound of her phone. Seeing Dani’s number, she grinned.

  “Hey, girl. How are you and your hunky roommate doing?”

  “No more hunky than Raider, Ali.”

  “Believe me, the man knows it.”

  “How’s he doing?”

  Plopping down on the sofa, she relaxed. “He’s obstinate, obnoxious, testy…” Ali’s voice trailed off at Dani’s choked laughter.

  “We all know he’s all those things and more. What about his recovery?”

  “I had to shut down the electricity in the house to get him to go to sleep. Does that give you any idea of how he approaches his recovery?”

  “You actually flipped the switch on him?”

  A victorious grin spread across her face. “Yep. You should’ve heard his response. Good thing he’s miles from any neighbors. Anyway, he finally fell asleep. Been out about three hours. Three wonderful hours of peace. I take him to the burn center tomorrow. I’m pretty certain it will go well.”

  “Yeah?” Dani asked.

  “Yep. He has mostly first degree burns. A few second degree, but they appear to be healing well. The pain doesn’t affect him at all and there’s no sign of infection. Still, I’m bracing myself for a battle.”

  “Do you think he’ll argue with you about going?”

  “Girlfriend, the man argues about everything. And I mean…Every. Damn. Thing. I’m praying he’ll stay asleep until morning so I can get some rest.”

  “How about Ghost and I come over and help you out? Maybe take him to the burn center for you?”

  Ali thought about it a second before answering. “Thanks, but it’s part of my job. Plus, I need to hear what the doctor says.”

  “Okay, but call if you change your mind.”

  “How’d your day with Ghost go?”

  “Good. Fine. Better than I expected.” Dani had no intention of sharing their close brush with death. “We went on a ride on his bike. It was a beautiful day. Clear, warm. You know?”

  Ali’s brows scrunched together. “Um, yes. What aren’t you telling me?”

  “Nothing. Really. But I did call for another reason.”

  “Don’t think I’ll forget you danced away from my question. We will talk more about it.”

  Dani hesitated a moment. “Fine. The important part is a few of my friends are meeting for drinks and dinner tomorrow night. Please say you’ll come with us. Ghost and I will pick you up and bring you back.”

  “Ghost’s going?”

  “Yeah, but all the guys hang out separately. The girls get a fun night out and a group of very dedicated drivers. It’s a good deal, Ali. Say you’ll join us.”

  “It sounds wonderful. Especially after the week I’ve had with Mr. Charming. Wait. I need to be here for Raider.”

  “Put a tray of food and water next to the bed, turn on the electricity, and let him game all he wants. We won’t be out late. Plus, I really want you to meet this group of wonderful women. You’re going to love them as much as I do.”

  “If I make certain Raider has my number entered in his phone and get his promise he’ll use it, then yes, I’d love to join you and your girls.”

  “That’s great. We’ll come by around six. That will give Ghost and Raider a chance to talk. We’d make it later, but a couple women have young kids.”

  “You don’t need to say more. Six is perfect, Dani. Please tell me it’s casual.”

  “As casual as it gets. We’re going to Robbie’s, a bar owned by the Eternal Brethren.”

  Ali thought she’d heard wrong. “Wait. They own a bar?”

  “Yep, and a lot of other businesses. You’ll learn more about them tomorrow night. Might give you a better perspective on Raider.”

  “Trust me. My perspective on the man is spot-on. See you tomorrow night, Dani.”

  “Looking forward to seeing you.”

  Ali stared at the phone. So many things she didn’t know about Raider, his friends, his world. For one night, she’d get out and party with a group of girls. Women who might have the answers to questions burning through her. Answers about the much too handsome, obnoxious, funny, and stubborn man asleep down the hall.

  Smiling, Ali grabbed a pen and piece of paper from the table, writing down the first of her many questions.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Dani tapped a finger on the phone a few times before setting it in her lap. Something in Ali’s voice had her replaying the conversation over in her mind.

  No matter the patient, her friend treated each with respect, doing whatever she could to make their recovery easier. Never had Dani heard her complain about one. A slow, knowing smile curved her lips.

  Ali had lots of complaints about Raider. Granted, the man could be a handful. All of them could. But for her to voice irritation was new.

  “Here you are. It’s not gourmet, but it will fill the void.” Ghost handed her a bowl of tomato soup and a plate holding a grilled cheese sandwich.

  “Thanks. Where’s yours?”

  “Just need to fix my sandwich. Then you can tell me how Raider is doing.”

  Absently, she set the plate and bowl down, a shiver running through her while recalling the events of the day. She’d never been involved in a real shootout. Well, not a shootout exactly since she hadn’t fired a shot.

  Tense and scared, Dani had wondered if she would’ve been able to kill someone. All her experience had been as either a student or instructor. Never in a s
ituation involving life or death.

  When Ethan and his deputy returned, the entire crew had spent almost an hour analyzing the attack. They’d lost the truck on the winding mountain road. With dozens of places for them to pull off and hide, Ethan made the tough decision to call off the pursuit. Something the ex-Special Forces member hated doing.

  Staring at the sandwich next to her, she recalled the outcome of their impromptu debrief. A lot of conjecture without any substantive answers.

  The shooters could be part of a criminal MC, such as the Night Devils or Demons Blood, going after Ghost, the VP of Eternal Brethren. Or they might’ve come after Dani because of her association with WETC. Perhaps part of the same group who’d attacked the training center. They could also have been going after both since they’d been the two in the blown-up truck.

  Everything depended on the shooters’ affiliation. Who hired and paid them? Were they part of another MC, a sleeper cell, or something else? Lots of possibilities. Nothing giving a concrete path to a solution. There was one firm, unanimous decision. Ghost wasn’t to let her out of his sight.

  Afterward, Ethan and his deputy left. Wrangler, Fuse, and Rock took point on their motorcycles, the rest of the Posse climbing into Wrath’s SUV, Ghost and Dani sandwiched between the two groups.

  Lunch had been quick with little conversation. After a stop at the grocery store, they came back to Ghost’s, still not talking about what happened. Since then, she’d felt tense in a way she couldn’t describe. Definitely didn’t like.

  “Don’t like your food?”

  “What? No. I’m sure it’s fine.” Dani picked up her sandwich, taking a bite. “Oh, yeah. Very good. Thanks.”

  Ghost finished his two sandwiches and soup in a few minutes, while Dani’s appetite slowed partway through the meal. Studying her face, he took the plate from her hand, setting it alongside the half-eaten bowl of soup. Settling himself next to her on the sofa, he placed an arm around her shoulders, drawing her close to brush a kiss across her lips.

  “It’s been a hard day for you, babe. Maybe you should hit bed early.”

  Being next to him, cuddled against his chest, felt good. Much too good, almost perfect. It had always been that way for Dani. Ghost had become her kryptonite in a couple short weeks. Their time apart had done nothing to change his impact on her.

  “I’d rather sit here with you a while. If that’s all right?” She glanced up at him.

  “It’s perfect for me, sweetheart.” Brushing a kiss across her mouth, he hesitated a moment, waiting for her to pull away.

  Instead, her hand wove a path up his arm to rest on his shoulder. “More.”

  A small smile tugged at his mouth before lowering it against hers.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned. With the slightest contact, the touch of his lips to hers, heat exploded low in her abdomen. Arms encircling his neck, she drew him down to deepen the kiss.

  Responding, he splayed one hand against her back, the other gripped the back of her neck, holding her in place. Growling, his tongue plunged inside, circling and tangling with hers. Grabbing a fistful of her hair, he tilted her head back, ravaging her mouth in a primal assault he had no intention of slowing.

  His other hand slipped under the fabric of her shirt, moving up until fingers brushed the underside of one breast, then the other. Shoving up the restraining bra, his large, calloused hand covered one soft, round globe, his thumb strumming over the peaked nipple.

  The hot, torturous kiss continued, his hand moving to the other breast. Lifting his head, he shoved up her shirt, mouth latching onto one taut nipple. Within minutes, she vibrated with need, her breathing uneven.

  “Ghost.” Her whispered plea wafted through him, causing his own need to spike to an almost painful degree.

  Standing, chuckling at her groan of disappointment, he bent, lifting her into his arms. “Bed,” he breathed before crushing his mouth against hers.

  Holding her tight against his chest, he made it down the hall and into his bedroom. Sliding her down his body, he set her on the floor, making short work of removing her clothes until she stood naked before him. His gaze moved slowly over her body, his breaths ragged, dark brown eyes blazing with need.

  “Every damn time,” he whispered, bending to kiss the sensitive spot below her ear.

  “What?” Her breathy response ignited another flare of passion to ripple through him.

  Lifting her, he placed her in the center of his bed, lungs burning at the glorious sight she made. His smoldering gaze missed nothing as he stared down at her gorgeous body.

  “Your beauty never stops amazing me.” Stretching out beside her, his rough hand moved over one thigh, lips nibbling the corner of her mouth. Sliding his hand over the slight roundness of her stomach, he cupped a breast, lowering his mouth to suckle the strained peak.

  Gasping at the intense sensations, she arched into him. His mouth and tongue were insistent, skilled, the sensations explosive, increasing when his hand moved to the juncture between her legs.

  “Tucker, please…”

  He stilled for a moment, warmth spreading at her use of his first name. Feeling her squirm against him, his fingers parted her soft, damp folds.

  A wave of molten pleasure racked her trim body when he plunged one, then two fingers inside. Continuing to suckle her breasts, his fingers moved in and out, stroking in a slow, wicked pace.

  She moaned, sensations spearing through her as her internal muscles clamped down on his fingers. A wild, primal groan burst from her throat as a blinding orgasm hit. Pleasure beyond any she’d ever experienced exploded before her body went slack, nearly boneless with sated satisfaction.

  Reaching over her, he yanked open a drawer and retrieved a condom. Rising on his knees, he tore the packet open, rolling it on before settling between her legs. A moment later, he buried himself deep inside, feeling her pulse around him.

  “You’re so damn tight and ready for me, sweetheart.” He lowered his mouth to hers.

  Feeling her legs wrap around his hips, he began to move, thrusting in and out. Increasing the rhythm, his control crumbled at her low, breathless cries of pleasure. Driving deep, his hips slammed into her. Slipping a hand between them, he rubbed lightly over the tight bud of her clit, getting an immediate response. Hearing her gasp his name as another orgasm rushed through her, he thrust once more. His own release rushed at him. On an almost agonized growl, he let go, allowing the pleasure to take him over the edge.

  “You need a direct, full attack on the clubhouse if you intend to eliminate them. And soon. One car bomb and a couple shooters trying to take out their VP isn’t going to gain you anything. The logistics and execution are your strength. My job is to pass along intel, nothing more.” Dave sat on the sofa a little after midnight.

  Scrubbing a hand down his face, he shot a look down the hall to his bedroom. His wife slept like the dead. It was why it had been so easy to keep his girlfriend from her. He often worked late, making an excuse simple. The affair wasn’t complicated, as long as he returned home before dawn.

  “This was your fucking idea from the beginning. Ever since you told me their military affiliation, I’ve been considering ways to get them off our track. Taking them out will open up the entire territory for our shipments.”

  “That’s what I’ve been saying for months. Ever since I learned their true backgrounds. It was your decision to execute small tactical attacks, ones that wouldn’t bring much blowback on you. What you need to do is hit them fast, hard, leaving nothing behind. Even if you eliminate Wrath, they’ll bring in a new leader.”

  Pressing a finger to a temple, Dave lowered his voice. “Even if you destroy the men and clubhouse, there’s always the risk they’ll be replaced with another team. Their record is exemplary. It’s the reason another team was approved in the south a few years ago. Effective, efficient, and under the radar of most locals. Just the way the government wants it. There is another option.”

  “What the hell would that be?”

  “Forget about them,” Dave said. “At least for now. Wrath will have his men on high alert. They’ll be expecting you, and no matter how you plan it, you’re going to have casualties. Big ones.”

  “That’s your fucking solution?”

  “Think about it. They’re distracted. While they hunker down to protect further attacks, you make as many runs as possible. Find new distribution channels, ones they know nothing about. Right now, they don’t know who’s after them. Take advantage of it.”


  “That’s right,” Dave said.

  He waited. This would be the cleanest solution after the two botched attempts to go after the Eternal Brethren. There’d been two casualties when the truck bomb exploded inside their compound. One man was out a day. The other doing well after being moved from critical care. He was expected to rejoin the team within a week.

  “You might be right.”

  Dave felt a rush of relief. It meant he didn’t need to move his family so soon. “Is that your decision?”

  “For now, it’s the best way out of our predicament. This will also give me a chance to get rid of my VP.”

  “Good to hear.” The sooner the better, as far as Dave was concerned.

  “I need to go.”

  “Let me know if you need more from me.”

  Ending the call, Dave stood, checking the time. Six hours before he had to leave for work. Several more weeks of peace before things would blow up again. The same as they always did.

  Ghost’s gaze landed on Dani standing in the living room, ready to leave for Raider’s. Staring out a large picture window, her tight jeans, fitted blouse, short boots, and silky, golden brown hair cut to just below her chin created a vision. His vision of the perfect woman.

  Last night had been incredible. More than he expected or deserved. They’d made love for hours, sleeping little, never mentioning the past. She hadn’t pushed him away or tried to put distance between them. To his surprise, she’d curled into him, draping her body over his chest, his legs pinned under hers. It had been an incredible feeling. One he didn’t want to lose.


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