Wild Irish Heart (The Mystic Cove Series Book 1)

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Wild Irish Heart (The Mystic Cove Series Book 1) Page 9

by Tricia O'Malley

"I must be losing it."

  Too much talk of power and magic was making her a little nuts. She laughed as she imagined what Margaret would make of all this. She made a note to call her mother later that day.

  Ronan let out a warning growl, his hair on end. Fiona approached from the path and, recognizing her scent, he let out happy barks and raced to meet her, upending himself and rolling over as he got to her. She laughed like a girl and ruffled his ears. Ronan was good for them both, Keelin thought.

  "Where were you?" Keelin asked.

  "I was gathering some special herbs that were ready to harvest. I have a tincture that I am making for Mrs. Sullivan in the village. Her arthritis is acting up."

  Keelin realized that she had been so focused on her own stuff that she hadn't thought to ask Fiona about her "practice."

  "Do you do this a lot? Provide remedies for people on a regular basis? I got the impression that people only came to you in serious times of need."

  Fiona stretched her lower back and looked out at the water before answering.

  "It depends. Some people fear me. They make the sign of the cross as I pass, as though I was something evil and not a God-fearing Christian such as themselves. Little do they know that there is more than just God out there and they need to open their minds. However, there are plenty of people that see me for what I am – a healer. Most assume that is through potions, tinctures, and herbal ointments that I create. Some suspect magic. Very few have seen the physical effects of what I am able to do with my hands. Those that have say nothing, as it is usually done only in the direst of circumstances. Only when people are pushed to the threshold of pain for themselves or a loved one are they willing to suspend their beliefs on what works. Only then will they believe that healing can come in many ways not prescribed by modern medicine."

  "What do you say to people when they see you heal?"

  "Nothing. I'm not required to explain myself, nor do I think I could accurately do so. I can no more tell you why I have this gift than I can tell you how many stars in the sky there are."

  Keelin supposed it made sense. From a scientific standpoint, there was no logical explanation for healing through touch. The closest thing she could think of was massage or acupuncture, but to close wounds or to pull sickness from a body? That was a whole different realm. She wondered if studies had been done on this.

  Keelin looked down at her hands. Small, with rounded nails cut short, and no nail polish, they hid the power they held. Was it time to step into her own and accept that she would never be normal?

  "I want to learn. All of it. I'll start taking my lessons seriously. On one condition."

  Fiona turned and looked at her, a smile hovering on her lips.

  "I want you to take me into the cove. I promise that I won't take anything out of the cove. But I need to see it. I need to know what is in there. Something is pulling me there."

  Fiona's hands continued to adeptly tie the bundles of herbs she had picked. She was silent for a long moment as Ronan raced across the yard, chasing a butterfly. The cove spread out before them. It beckoned to Keelin.

  "Yes. I can no more keep you from the water than you can keep me from the hills. It's in your blood. We'll begin today."

  Satisfied, Keelin called for Ronan. They both had some growing up to do.

  Fiona packed a bag lunch for the both of them. She gathered the worn leather book, various jars, several crystals, and shears to harvest herbs. Keelin packed her snorkeling gear and put together a bag of toys and water for Ronan. Fiona surprised her when she pulled out old, yet serviceable, snorkel equipment.

  "You dive?" Keelin asked.

  "Of course, my dear. You can't live on the water and not know the water."

  Impressed, Keelin picked up Fiona's gear and carried both as they made their way to the edge of the cliffs. It was one of those perfect summer days. The sun warmed the Kerry green of the grass that carpeted the rolling hills behind them, and the stark edges of the cliffs hugged the gentle waters of the cove, and the waves lapped invitingly on the empty sand beach. Keelin inhaled the sea air, a deep breath that she dragged into her core, and exhaled, allowing the tension to fade from her. Purity of purpose, she thought.

  They carefully picked their way down the path on the ledge, Ronan running excitedly ahead of them.

  "Will Ronan be harmed here?" Keelin asked.

  "Most likely not. A dog's purpose is to love life and to serve its master. They care little for harming the cove. The cove knows that," Fiona said.

  They reached the base and stopped. Fiona pulled out several small crystals in varying shapes and colors. She held them in her hand and drew a circle in the sand around them.

  "Oh sacredest of sacred waters, we come to you today to learn and grow. Anything we take from here will be for the purest form of healing and nothing more. We pay our due respects by offering you these stones. We ask that our angels serve as protection as we enter these sacred waters in the most humble of manners." Fiona handed Keelin some crystals and they gently threw them into the waters of the cove.

  "That should be good. Let's get Ronan set up in a spot."

  Fiona and Keelin spent the afternoon snorkeling in the waters of the cove. Fiona knew all of the nooks and crannies and soon Keelin found herself immersed in the varying coral formations that lined the length of the cove.

  As the shadows began to deepen, Keelin and Fiona sat on the beach, Ronan running in circles around them. Fiona laid out their finds for the day. Before them lay piles of rocks, corals, and crystals, some of which Keelin couldn't classify. There was a pile of kelp, seaweed, sea urchins, and mussels. Sand and deep clay lay damply in several large mason jars. A pile of moss scraped from the rocks further out in the cove lay out, drying in the sun. Fiona spent time explaining the various uses for the seaweed, the mosses, and how different crystals used different healing energies. Keelin made notes in her book and tried to look at it like a chemistry class. She was worried though. She'd never been a good cook and a lot of this sounded like recipes. What if she screwed it up and hurt someone?

  Fiona seemed to read her mind, and laughed.

  "Practice. You'll learn all of this. And, ultimately, it is learning to trust your own intuition. Your own power will tell you if you are doing something wrong or if you are using the wrong potion or wrong ingredient. It is very different than following recipes to a T. There is no exact science with this. These are the ingredients. Your potions and ointments will be different than mine. Yours will work with you better than they will with me. You just have to trust in yourself."

  "What if I screw it up? What if I hurt someone?" Keelin blurted out.

  "We all make mistakes. How do you think a doctor feels when they first start out? You have to learn to listen to yourself and believe in your own power. Start there. Start small. It will build."

  As the sun began to dip low, they gathered their supplies and turned to head home. Keelin caught a faint blue glow in the cove.

  "There! See, look, look!" She grabbed Fiona and turned her just as the light faded.

  "You've seen it!" Fiona said.

  "Yes, what is it? I can't figure it out."

  "I've been researching for years. The best that I can piece together is that the cove will light up for its own. I also know that it glows in the presence of love."

  Keelin blushed as her thoughts flashed to Flynn sending her over the edge the other night. The cove had definitely glowed blue then. But, love? No way. She barely knew this enigmatic Flynn. Which, she reminded herself, was why she shouldn't be kissing him, let alone letting him underneath her clothes.

  As they approached the cottage, Ronan growled and let out some warning barks. A late-model sedan was parked in front and Keelin recognized blond Shane from the pub the other night.

  "Hmpf," Fiona said as she nodded to him and sailed past him inside.

  "Um, sorry about that. She's had a long day," Keelin said. Shane walked around the car as Ronan stood in front of Keelin, bar
king at Shane. He was dressed in business clothes today, his tie pulled loose and his top button open. His white shirt was crisp and tucked into Irish-wool pants. He bent over to let Ronan smell his hand. Ronan approached him and gave his hand a tentative lick, then backed up and sat on Keelin's feet.

  Shane grinned down at him and then looked Keelin up and down. She knew she was mussed and sandy, and blushed a bit. Her tank top clung to her wetsuit and her shorts had sand on them.

  "Where'd this little guy come from?" he asked.

  "Um, a gift from a friend." Keelin wasn't sure why she didn't say it was from Flynn.

  "Looks like one of Flynn's. He has some of the best dogs in the country. You're lucky to have one."

  Keelin hadn't know that Flynn bred dogs. Chalk it up to another thing she didn't know about the man. She preferred to think of him as a surly, uncommunicative fisherman. The picture of him lovingly nursing a mama dog flashed into her mind and she softened a bit.

  "Yes, he is quite a sweetheart. So, what brings you here today?" Keelin brushed sand from her arm and tried to stop herself from peeling her tank top from her suit. She felt like she was on display.

  "I stopped to see if I could take you to dinner." Shane stared at her very directly, his intentions clear.

  "Me? What about..." Keelin stopped. She was about to say, "What about Cait," yet she had no idea what their relationship was, nor was it any of her business. It wasn't like she had heard from Cait since she had been here either. Still, she knew small towns and didn't want to start the gossip mill running. That being said, she was certain Flynn would hear of it. That decided it for her.

  "Sure, I would love to go to dinner. But! Just as friends," Keelin said sternly.

  Shane's smiled broadened. "Sure, friends it is. I'll wait while you change."

  "Okay, I need a little time to shower."

  "That's fine, I'll enjoy the sunset and talk to Ronan."

  Keelin dropped her gear inside and went to shower, passing Fiona muttering at the kitchen counter.

  "I'm going to dinner with Shane. I'm not sure when I will be back. Do you need anything from the village?"

  "No. And you be careful with that man."

  Keelin stopped at her doorway. "What is your problem with him? You sailed right past him and barely said a word. Yet you treat Flynn like he's God. What's the deal?" Keelin hissed at her, hoping her voice didn't carry.

  "He's not for you," Fiona said enigmatically, and turned back to knead her bread. Conversation was over, apparently. Keelin threw up her hands and went to shower.

  In deference to the warm evening, Keelin pulled her hair back and let it flow down her shoulders, curling mildly with the sea air. She pulled on a navy blue linen sundress that complemented her hair color and deep brown eyes, and put on some thin silver necklaces. She pulled out a flat pair of strappy silver sandals and a small bag. The sun had touched her skin with color so a little lip gloss and mascara was all she needed. It would be nice to go out and learn more about the town.

  Keelin left her room and stopped by Fiona's chair.

  "I told him it was just as friends. Just so you know."

  "Mmhmm. I know what you're doing. Be careful the games you play."

  "Oh, stop. This isn't the 1900s. Girls can have guys as friends, you know. I have several in Boston," Keelin said definitively.

  Fiona nodded and didn't say anything. Sighing, Keelin picked up her purse and stroked Ronan under his chin. She let herself out of the cottage and caught a glimpse of movement up on the ridgeline. She could have sworn she saw the shadow of a man but it could have been a sheep for all she knew. Or cared. Shane straightened from his perch on the front bumper of his car and whistled. Keelin laughed.

  "Oh, stop."

  "I'm telling you, Keelin O'Brien, you are a knockout."

  Keelin blushed but enjoyed the compliment. Though she knew the Irish were famous for their charm, it was still nice to get compliments. It was so different in the States. She caught herself giggling and realized she would have to be careful around Shane. His good ol' boy routine housed a wolfish interior. Laying low on the liquor tonight would be smart.

  Shane took the sea route into the village and they laughed and talked of local gossip as the sun set and the color of the water deepened. The breeze fluttered her hair as it dried and Keelin relaxed into the seat. It was a beautiful night.

  Shane took her to a local seafood joint right on the water. It was a small place, painted a cheerful red, with its brown shutters thrown open to catch the sea breezes. The scents of seafood soaked in butter made her mouth water.

  They were shown to a small table in the corner. A chunky candle sputtered in a mason jar layered with sand and seashells. Sea nets hung around the restaurant, framing walls with photos of the water. It was charming in its simplicity.

  "I know it doesn't look like much but the food here is first class," Shane said as he put his napkin in his lap and pulled out the wine list. "Would you like some wine?"

  "Sure, I'll have a glass." Keelin made a point of reminding herself that this would be her only glass of the night. She saw a few waitresses whispering to each other in the corner and looking curiously at them. She groaned.

  "I think we are stirring up gossip already," Keelin said.

  "Does that bother you?" Shane said as he openly assessed her. Keelin looked at him. It was clear his intentions hadn't changed.

  "Hey, I said just as friends," Keelin reminded him.

  "Friends go to lunch or on a walk. A candlelit dinner says more. I think you are sending mixed signals, Ms. Keelin," Shane said.

  "Hey, that's not fair. I told you this was just as friends." His intentness was beginning to irritate her.

  "I think you knew exactly what you were doing when you went to dinner with me. The question I wonder: is it because you are attracted to me or is it because you are using me to send a message to a certain gentleman who gave you a puppy?" Shane's directness shocked her.

  Never one to back down, Keelin stared right back at him. She opened her mouth to speak but the waitress interrupted her.

  "Good evening, then. Can I get you something to drink? A pint, perhaps?" The girl's eyes shone bright with interest.

  "We'll have a bottle of the local chardonnay." Shane ordered for them quickly and sent the waitress on her way.

  "Listen, pal. You don't know me." Keelin felt her emotions building.

  "No, but I'd like to." Shane grinned wolfishly at her.

  Keelin thought she would smack him. And then she caught something else in his eyes. Loneliness glinted there. Remembering Fiona's instruction to listen to her intuition, she reached out and grabbed Shane's hand and let herself read him. Feelings assaulted her. Sadness, attraction, loneliness, and a deeper layer of kindness. Taking her hand off of his, she looked at him quietly.

  "So this is all an act." Keelin stated matter-of-factly.

  "What are you talking about?" Shane was flustered for the first time since she had met him.

  "This. This whole thing. Your pretend attraction to me. The rich, successful guy sweeping women off their feet. The wolfish grin. All of this. That's not really you. You're a nice guy," Keelin said.

  Shane sighed. He pulled at his necktie and accepted the wine from the waitress. He didn't say anything else as they both ordered the local mussels. He took a long drink of his wine and stared out at the sea before answering.

  "First, I am attracted to you. You're a knockout. Those curves, lips made for nibbling on, and all that hair. I'd love to see it spread across my sheets."

  Heat burned through Keelin. So, she wasn't totally immune to him after all. Shane had his own seduction, it seemed.

  "That being said, I know you aren't attracted to me. It was just that you are new in town, and, and, well you're right. I'm lonely. It isn't easy being in the position I am in. Most people prefer not to get too close to me as I can be the one who will evict them or close their business down if they don't make rent. I love being successful,
but it is lonely at the top."

  Keelin gave him her first unguarded smile of the night.

  "See, this is good stuff. I think we can be friends after all. Let's talk."

  Shane stared at her and a delighted laugh barked out of his mouth. Once the tension eased a bit, Keelin was surprised to find that they had much to talk about and the evening wore on as they learned more about each other's families, mutual likes, and the local gossip.

  "So, what are you going to do about your brother and sister?" Shane asked over dessert.

  "I don't know. I haven't been into town much. Just, um, been building my relationship with my grandma. I don’t really know how to handle this situation with my brother and sister."

  "I admire both your sister and brother, though they seem like they are not even related to each other. Colin is uptight and very serious. He is very devoted to his wife though and his young son. Aislinn on the other hand is a dreamer. Her artwork is stunning."

  "Wait, I have a nephew?" Keelin took a deep gulp of her wine. She laughed a little. Of course she had a nephew, why wouldn't she have? She shook her head.

  "Yes, Finnegan. He's a delightful child. Colin is protective of him. You might meet some resistance there," Shane said frankly.

  "I think that I may start with my sister. She sounds like the easier going of the two. I'll talk to Fiona about it and maybe I'll stop by her store. I've been meaning to stop in and have a pint with Cait anyway." Keelin watched Shane closely. He lifted his chin stubbornly and didn't say anything as he signed the check.

  Keelin sighed. "Come on! Aren't you going to tell me what is going on with you two? If you and I are going to be friends and all?" she prodded.

  "Are you going to tell me what's going on with you and Flynn?" Shane retaliated.

  Shit, Keelin thought. She wasn't prepared to think about that herself let alone hash it out with someone else.

  "Fine. I won't ask you about Cait. On one condition. Tell me everything you know about Flynn."

  Shane smiled as he walked her to the car, his hand on the small of her back. He opened the door and leaned in to brush her hair back as she got in the car. She looked at him questioningly.


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