Love Me Like No Other

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Love Me Like No Other Page 7

by A. C. Arthur

  He took a deep breath and looked as if he were contemplating what to say next. “I didn’t want a relationship,” he said in a quiet tone. “I had plans.”

  His dark eyes were nondescript. There was something strangely consuming about his response, about the quick shift in direction, the hint of emotion he’d let slip. Was he angry with her or with himself? “I don’t recall asking you to marry me, Linc.”

  He let out a deep breath and dropped her reins as they came to a small creek. Both horses bowed their heads to drink. Linc glanced up at the sky, then toward the trees. He didn’t speak and neither did she. Around them birds chirped and the light rustle of water soothed even as emotions ran hot and swift between them.

  “I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors that I’m not marriage material,” he began quietly. “I never have been. I’m self-centered and ambitious. Those things keep me from actively participating in a healthy relationship.”

  “Only you can keep yourself from being in a relationship. Being self-centered and ambitious aren’t totally bad traits. I mean, without them you wouldn’t be where you are today.”

  He looked at her quizzically. “I never thought of being in a relationship with a woman, especially not back then.”

  Jade shrugged. “I had no idea what I wanted out of life eight years ago.” Again a partial truth. She’d known without a doubt that she wanted to be with him.

  Silence hung between them again.

  “Do you have regrets?” she asked quietly.

  “I don’t regret what we shared together.”

  Jade turned away from him, her horse taking a small step as she nudged the reins from his hands. A part of him wanted to go to her, to tell her the things he’d held back. But how could he explain that she’d scared him, that the intense emotions he’d felt as they’d lain together that night had threatened his entire future. Clenching his fists at his sides he swore under his breath. He hadn’t meant to hurt her and yet realized that’s exactly what he’d done. He’d called it protecting her, protecting them both from the ultimate disappointment. Instead he’d made an awful mistake.

  A mistake he badly wanted to rectify now. He would take this week to make it up to her, to reassure her that he had wanted her then but their timing was wrong. Linc wondered if now was any better.

  He was about to move toward her to calm the tension now lingering between them when he felt something whiz past his ear and land with a loud splash into the creek. Both horses jumped but he quickly steadied his. Turning in his saddle he realized that Jade hadn’t quite handled her mare and was now trying to wrap the reins around her wrists as the mare started an uneasy trot. Linc turned his horse to help her when another object, a golf ball he now realized as he heard a voice yelling “Fore” in the distance, hurtled toward them landing against the hind quarters of Jade’s horse. The mare took off into a wild gallop.

  Jade’s ponytail swayed and bobbed as she was jostled by the horse’s erratic running. Linc followed her trying to catch up to the frightened mare. Jade looked like a rag doll being tossed about as the horse tore through the grass up a small hill and around a bend. She was just a few feet away when he saw the reins slip from her hands. Everything shifted to slow motion as fear clawed at Linc’s chest.

  Time stood still as he watched her body being tossed from the saddle, landing on the ground with a loud thump that had him swearing a blue streak. Pulling on his own reins Linc jumped down before his horse could come to a complete stop and ran to her side. His heart pumped wildly in his chest as he watched her curl up into a ball and whimper in pain. Without another thought he lifted her into his arms and began walking back toward the house.

  Jade groaned. “I can walk on my own.”

  Thankful that she was at least conscious Linc dropped a chaste kiss on her forehead. His own heart still hammered in his chest as the sight of her falling to the ground replayed itself repeatedly in his mind. “You took a bad fall. I’m not letting you go until you’re checked out by a doctor.”

  “I don’t need a doctor,” she protested.

  He ignored her. “You’re seeing a doctor.”

  She looked up at him and rolled her eyes. “I don’t need a doctor,” she mumbled.

  Linc swore. Had he ever known anyone as stubborn as this woman? With a heated concession he realized he did. Himself.

  Looking down at her he said with finality, “It’s not an option.”

  Chapter 5

  “Shh.” Linc clapped a hand over Jade’s mouth and settled her back against the numerous pillows on the bed in their room. He had a private suite in the house, as did his brothers. The doctor had left them just moments before. Thankfully Jade was just bruised and nothing was broken. His heart had only resumed a normal rhythm after the doctor’s diagnosis. He’d stood right beside her during the examination ignoring her heated looks. There was a particularly harsh bruise on her upper thigh that bothered him immensely, hence the reason he was going to run her a hot bath. But if she didn’t stop fighting him at every turn he was going to hog tie and gag her!

  He returned from the bathroom to find that she hadn’t gotten up from the bed as he’d fully expected she would, but she had adjusted herself and the pillows so that she was sitting up. Her eyes were still shooting flaming arrows at him. “I am not a child. The doctor said there are no broken bones so there’s no reason for me to stay in this bed.”

  Linc decided it was best not to argue moot points with her. She wouldn’t listen anyway. Instead he took purposeful strides toward the bed and pulled down the covers. “Fine, since you are not a child, I’ll give you a choice. Either you can undress yourself and get into the tub or I’ll do it for you.”

  Her eyes closed to mere slits as she folded her arms over her chest. “Are you planning to watch?”

  He gave a sarcastic grin. “Would it bother you if I did?” Truth be told he was looking forward to seeing her naked again—perhaps that was his secret motive to running her a bath. But she was hurt. In fact, her fall had scared a good five years off his life. He would not take advantage of her now…no matter how tempted he was.

  Chin jutting forward and one elegantly arched brow rising, Jade smirked. “Of course not. If it’s a show you want, a show you’ll get.” She slipped her legs from the bed slowly and when her feet hit the floor stood while her eyes remained fixed on his.

  She’d changed from that sexy tank top she’d worn to lunch earlier to a fitted V-neck shirt that had been tucked securely in her jeans until the doctor had stripped them from her to inspect the damage. Grabbing the rim of the shirt she pulled it over her head, slowly, so as to draw out every painful second.

  Linc’s breath caught at the sight of her wearing only her underwear, which was in defiant contrast to the feisty woman standing before him. A subtle, almost virginal, ivory-colored lace bikini and bra set lay against her bronzed skin. Her breasts all but spilling over the rim of the bra, the bikini riding low on her hips, he felt a familiar constriction in his pants. So she wanted to play with fire. Maybe he’d reconsider how hurt she really was.

  Arching a brow of his own he asked, “You planning to take a bath in those?” He nodded toward her body. To her credit and his extreme pleasure she did not flinch.

  She was stubborn and bold and self-assured, all traits he confessed to possessing himself. He was liking her more and more.

  With an agility he didn’t see often she reached behind her back and unclasped her own bra then let the silky material fall to the floor. High breasts stood erect, their darkened center drawing his attention. This time, he was the one to flinch. He’d felt them in his hands, remembered them from years ago but now seeing them bared before him rendered him speechless. He took a step closer and she took one backward. With a finger in the band of her bikini she pushed the wisp of lace down over her hips.

  His chest constricted, air—something he often took for granted—leaving the vicinity so that he was left gasping. She was perfect. From her sleek shoulders to her gr
aciously rounded breasts. Her narrow waist spanned out to supple hips, the triangle of dark hair between her thighs…and then that bruise. He frowned, reached out to touch her only to have her push his hand away.

  “I’m taking a bath, remember?” And with that she sashayed into the bathroom, without an ounce of modesty.

  Her heart hammered in her chest as she crossed the threshold into the bathroom that she could easily fit her living and dining rooms into. She’d just performed a striptease for Lincoln Donovan! She must be out of her mind!

  No, she’d been challenged and if there was one thing she never turned down it was a challenge. So she’d undressed herself. Besides, what was the alternative? Having Linc undress her? She was about to go into cardiac arrest now; she would have simmered and spontaneously combusted if he’d put his hands on her!

  Oh well, that was over and done with. She’d shocked him speechless, a fact that pleased her immensely. She wasn’t used to playing the wanton but found she was thoroughly enjoying it. Linc was very responsive and she toyed with the idea that this would be the ultimate payback for what he’d done to her eight years ago. The thought of revenge brought Charles to mind and how she’d love to repay him for his betrayal. Then she spotted the huge tub and couldn’t wait to sink her tired bones into it.

  Being thrown from a horse was no joke. Her body hurt all over, bringing to light the fact that she could use more riding practice. A puff of bubbles floated above the chrome moldings of the deep tub and she quickly bent over to turn the water off.

  “The view just keeps getting better and better,” Linc said in a deep voice.

  Jade had used all her composure after the stripping incident so his voice startled her and she slipped on the rim of the tub. As if it had been scripted Linc appeared by her side scooping her naked body into his arms with the pretense of saving her from another fall.

  “Funny, you weren’t that clumsy a few minutes ago.”

  Flattening her palms against his chest—against that massive chest that she longed to stroke her tongue over—she tried to push him away. “I wasn’t being spied on a few minutes ago.”

  His features were rigid, his eyes much darker than they had been in the bedroom. His body was like a wall against hers and no matter how much pushing she did against it, it didn’t budge. He grunted. “Keep squirming, darling, and your bath is going to grow very cold,” he drawled.

  Jade suddenly realized that another part of his anatomy was rather hard as well. Her center moistened with the knowledge and she stilled. His erection was pressed against the juncture between her thighs, hard and persistent. “Let me go.”

  He shook his head slowly. “I’m trying.” His voice was strained even as his head lowered toward hers. “Can’t you tell I’m trying?”

  He was a whisper away, her breasts swelling against him. God, she wanted him to kiss her. Apparently he wanted the same thing. “Put a little more effort into it,” she whispered, lifting her lips to his.

  Jade’s arms went around his neck and she clung to him, hungrily accepting his kiss, ignoring the warning in the back of her head.

  Stop him before he goes too far, the faint whisper spoke. Instead her hands tightened at the base of his neck, pulling him closer even as she tilted her head for better access.

  He’ll hurt you again. Not as long as I’m in control, she answered herself then thrust her tongue deeper into his mouth causing his hands to tighten around her then slip lower to grip her bottom.

  Don’t trust him. She couldn’t trust any man after Charles, least of all a man she had nothing in common with. Still, she melted against him, loving the feel of his commanding lips, his dominating tongue that savored and caressed, retreated and demanded then blurred her senses completely. Instinctively and because she wanted to be as close to him as humanly possible Jade lifted her leg, wrapping her thighs around his waist.

  His response was a deep, guttural groan creating a surge of ravenous hunger that would not quickly be appeased. His erection was now dead center with her arousal and she whimpered with the sweet sensations it evoked. That little voice was now lost, to be replaced by the stronger voice that said take, indulge, enjoy. She’d dreamed of him for countless nights, remembering his touch, his body, the man. And now she had him back. Sure, it was just for a week, but if right now were any indication, what a wonderful seven days this could be.

  She was on fire, her breasts growing heavier by the minute, her essence dampening her core. He sucked her tongue and she thought she would simply die on the spot. He nipped her lip and she moaned. His tongue moved sinuously over her chin, her jawbone, her ear, down her neck. She held on tight for fear she would completely fall apart. Dropping her head back gave him more access and her infinitely more pleasure. His tongue was hot and masterful as it explored her collarbone, her shoulders. Had she ever had her shoulders kissed?

  Erotic tingles shot throughout her body and her fingers tensed on his shoulders. His lips hovered just inches above her breasts and he paused, seemed to think about his next action, then returned to her mouth, ravaging her with a brazenly tempting kiss. “More,” he grumbled.

  And she obliged by holding him tighter, opening her mouth wider, thrusting her tongue quicker. When strong hands squeezed her bottom her blood pressure soared. And when two fingers slipped between her crease to find her creamy center her head fell back and a catlike moan escaped.

  All conscious thought fled from her mind and she held her breath waiting for the dam to finally break. She wanted him inside her right now! She prepared to shift, slipping an arm between their bodies until she felt the snap of his jeans and just when she was about to pull them apart…there was a knock at the door.

  They paused, hearts beating rapidly against each other. Linc rested his forehead against hers as they tried to regulate their breathing.

  “Lincoln? I heard about Jade’s fall. Is she all right?”

  It was Mrs. Donovan, her voice having the effect of a bucket of cold water being dropped on them.

  Linc swore then reluctantly eased her down. “We are not finished,” he said in a tone that left no room for argument.

  No, she had finally admitted to herself, they weren’t finished. Whatever had been between them years ago still lingered at the brink waiting to be set free. Jade only wished she had a better understanding of what it was. She wished, as she had all her life, that her luck wasn’t always so bad.

  She watched him leave wondering if these same thoughts were going through his head. On shaky legs she turned and as fast as she could—without falling, that is—she stepped into the tub and leaned back against the rim.

  He’s not the marrying kind. That pesky little voice was back. This time she didn’t totally ignore it.

  Despite Linc’s reservations Jade appeared in the dining room for dinner that night. After her bath he’d watched her take the pain pills the doctor had left for her then ordered her to stay in bed until he returned. He had some calls to make and didn’t want to disturb her rest by making them in the room.

  Who was he kidding? He needed to get away from her before he forgot that she was recovering from a pretty nasty fall and ravished her, again. After his mother’s interruption and calming Beverly’s concerns he’d stayed in the bedroom, sitting on the couch near the window instead of the bed for fear he’d want her to join him there. But that was simply logistics. His mind was filled with Jade and not just the woman who’d driven his desire meter way past its normal rate. No, these thoughts were different. Protectiveness and possessiveness had swarmed him where she was concerned today.

  He’d been close to telling her why he really left and the pain he’d endured as a result of his actions. But he really wanted to put that behind them. He wanted to focus on the here and now.

  He had no idea what Jade wanted.

  In fact, he didn’t know much more about Jade now then he had eight years ago. That bothered him. Just as her reason for agreeing to this charade concerned him. He couldn’t convince him
self that Jade was reckless and irresponsible enough to gamble with money she didn’t have.

  For the first time in his life Linc was baffled by a woman. Since the moment she’d walked into his office he’d thought of nothing but her and Linc wasn’t used to putting this much thought into a woman. But Jade wasn’t any woman. He’d known that years ago and it was even clearer now.

  He’d just taken a sip of his wine when he looked up to see her walking through the entryway. She wore an ivory dress, fitting over those magnificent breasts and flowing from her waist, down those long legs to her ankles. But all that paled in comparison to the look she gave him—resolved and sensual was the only way to describe it.

  “Jade, dear, are you okay?”

  Linc frowned as Adam rose to meet her, dropping a kiss on her forehead. He was going to get real tired of his chivalrous brother, real quick.

  She smiled. “I’m fine, Adam. It was just a little fall.”

  Linc’s frown grew as he noted the exchange. Her high cheekbones had lifted, her hazel eyes glistening as she looked at Adam. Had she ever smiled at him that way?

  “Lincoln said you were taking dinner in your room? Are you sure you’re up to moving around?” Beverly asked as Adam led Jade to an empty seat.

  “Those pain killers the doc gave me worked wonders,” she said with another smile. “I feel just fine now.”

  “Horses can be very dangerous creatures. You should be more careful,” Trent offered with a scowl of his own.

  For a minute she only stared at him. Then, because he was sitting right next to her, she reached out, placing a hand over his, and grinned. “I’ll keep that in mind next time, Trent. Thanks for your concern.”

  And when Linc thought his forehead would remain in that crunched up-position Trent’s face softened. “Maybe big brother should keep a better eye on you.”

  Linc’s teeth clenched. Since when did his brothers, of all people, turn on him for a woman? “She said she was fine, didn’t she?” he growled.


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