Love Me Like No Other

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Love Me Like No Other Page 9

by A. C. Arthur

  He’d gone to his bedroom last night with the express purpose of making love to her but she’d had other plans. Her touch soothed him, her closeness lulling him like a baby. Never had he been in a bed with a woman—naked—and nothing happened. Well, something had happened. Something that greatly contributed to today’s decision.

  Those frown lines were on her forehead again and he knew instinctively that he’d made the right decision. She stood, stretched, and his gut clenched as he remembered rolling over last night, pulling her closer to him, reveling in the warmth her body exuded. Sleeping and waking with her had felt right.

  Breakfast had further proved his point. Jade had blended in with his aunt and uncle and cousins just as she had the rest of his family, just like she belonged there.

  And it was along those lines that he been thinking all morning. He wanted Jade and while he wasn’t sure for how long he knew undoubtedly that seven days and six nights was not enough.

  She’d done a few laps and he’d finally decided to join her when that back door opened and in through it walked Trent. It didn’t take him long to notice someone already occupied the pool and with a grim expression he confronted his brother. “She’s, ah, something, huh?”

  Linc’s hands tightened on the ends of the towel he held around his neck. “Yeah, she’s that.”

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you, what’s she been doing for the last eight years?”

  She had perfect form, her body cutting cleanly through the water. “I don’t know. I didn’t keep tabs on her.” Although he’d never stopped thinking about her.

  “Really? It seems to me like you’ve given her a lot of thought.”

  She was on her back now, those plump breasts surfacing as she moved throughout the pool. “What makes you say that?”

  “You wouldn’t have brought her here without giving it some thought. That’s not who you are. And the way you’re watching her…I don’t know, it makes me think you’re considering more than just a week’s stay.”

  “Is there something wrong with that?” Linc asked, unable to deny that Trent’s words were true.

  Trent shrugged. “Only that you don’t know very much about her. And why did she agree to spend the week with you after not seeing you for eight years?”

  “Why is that any of your concern?”

  Trent continued to watch him. “It’s not. But you are. I know you’re quite aware of women’s habits to manipulate wealthy, successful men. I simply want you to be careful.”

  “She’s not after my money,” Linc said vehemently. That was the last thing he’d accuse Jade of.

  “How do you know that for sure? You haven’t seen her for eight years, then she magically appears and you invite her home for the celebration. Could be she knew about the anniversary, knew about your success with the casino and decided the time was right.”

  “What are you saying?” He really didn’t want to know. His reunion with Jade was purely coincidental. After all, who would purposefully lose five thousand dollars in his casino just to get a chance at him? That didn’t make much sense…and all of a sudden it made a lot of sense.

  “I’m saying don’t be fooled by the gorgeous body and the pretty smile. Think about what you’re doing and find out exactly who you’re doing it with.” Trent sighed. “Look, I like her, too. I didn’t want to but she sort of grows on you.” He gave a wry grin toward the pool. “But the fact remains that you don’t know diddly about this woman or her motives. So I’m telling you to watch your back.”

  Although Trent had definitely given him something to think about Linc wasn’t about to admit it to him. Instead he laughed it off. “I thought that’s what my kid brothers were for.”

  “Hey, that’s what I’m doing here. I’m watching your back because that little lady is in the process of wrapping you around her little finger and I wanted to be sure you were aware that you were being reeled in and that you’re prepared for it.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m prepared for whatever comes my way where Jade is concerned.”

  The cookout had been a blast except for one minor incident. Jade remembered the afternoon soiree while she dressed for the evening.

  She’d arrived on Linc’s arm prepared to smile and exchange small talk with his parents, family and friends for a couple of hours. Lawn chairs were spread from the terrace to the garden entrance and then again near the outside pool. There were at least seventy-five people there, mingling and partaking of the generous food laid out for them.

  They bumped into Ben and Adam first, who immediately borrowed her for the fourth in a card game. Linc hadn’t seemed too crazy about the idea of her going with them, but then again Adam and Ben hadn’t asked his permission.

  That began an enjoyable afternoon except by that time she hadn’t seen much of Linc. The few times she’d spotted him he was with a group of men looking serious as they talked. She’d seen him again, this time being approached by a pretty woman. Startled at first by the sight of Linc with another woman she quickly surmised that they did not look good together at all. That was a strange thought. It seemed petty and too much like a jealous or jilted lover. She felt possessive and longed to go over and tell the trick to get lost. That’s when she remembered that Linc was not her man. She had no business trying to block another woman’s shot at him.

  Then again, she did. The terms of her employment stated that she was his date for the week. That gave her full possession of him—for seven days at least. Here she was in a fake relationship and already losing her man. With a spark of anger growing she moved in the direction where the traitorous male stood. She was damned tired of being the fool in this game of love. And she had absolutely no intention of letting another man get the best of her. Charles had done a good enough job of that.

  She approached just as the woman threw her head back and laughed at something Linc said. Her manicured nails glittered as she ran her hands over Linc’s shoulders. Except for a twitch of his jaw, Linc seemed to be quite comfortable with the exchange. Jade, however, was not.

  “Hello,” she said brightly.

  The woman turned, her smile slipping ever so slightly. Jade extended a hand to the crooning minx. “I’m Jade Vincent. And you are?”

  Reluctantly, the woman shook Jade’s hand. “Leslie Kindle.”

  “Nice to meet you, Leslie. And it’s been very nice of you to keep Lincoln company while I was away.” With that she moved to stand beside Linc, ignoring the bemused expression on his face.

  “Vincent? The name isn’t familiar to me,” Leslie said.

  Jade didn’t miss the woman’s subtle hint. She wasn’t a part of their social circle and she wasn’t trying to be. But she would not be disrespected.

  “It wouldn’t be since I don’t know you. But thank you again for keeping Linc company.” Jade gave her a bright-as-white smile that secretly said “your trick didn’t work so keep it moving.”

  Leslie Kindle didn’t quite know what else to say and when Adam suddenly appeared whisking the woman away to retrieve a cool beverage Jade felt a moment of relief that was replaced again by an aura of disdain the moment Linc spoke.

  “Candy-coated sarcasm. I never would have guessed you had that in you,” he said with a fabulous smile.

  Jade looked up at him, hating the hint of pleasure she saw on his face. “I never would have expected such blatant rudeness from you. But then you are one of the Triple Threat Donovans.”

  After his mention of his reputation the other day she’d made a point to find out the details. It hadn’t been hard. In fact, Adam had been more than eager to fill her in. The fact that they’d lived in the same city and she’d never heard these rumors only served to prove they were from different worlds.

  But for right now, for this week, they were together and dammit he was going to act like it!

  His amusement slipped as he now glowered at her. “I see you do have some knowledge of my reputation.”

  “That doesn’t bother you, does it?”

bsp; “What? The fact that you’ve heard the rumors?” He slipped his hands into his pockets and momentarily looked away.

  That twitch in his jaw was back and for a moment she was tempted to touch him there, to smooth the tension away, but she refrained.

  “I have no control over what people say.”

  “You have control over your actions. You asked me here to be your date. I didn’t know that included being one of your harem.”

  “I do not have a harem,” he said tightly.

  Jade didn’t like the way this conversation was going. It was as if she were a jealous girlfriend, when, in fact, she should have been the exact opposite. Another woman with Linc would keep him away from her. This would definitely keep her from entertaining foolish thoughts of a future with him. Ironically, that bit of knowledge didn’t make her like seeing him with another woman any more. “Be that as it may, I would appreciate you holding up your end of the bargain until this week is over.”

  “Me? Hold up my end?” he bellowed.

  Jade noticed a number of curious glances turning their way. She pasted on a fake smile when she really felt like cursing his arrogance at the top of her lungs.

  “You’re the one laughing it up with my cousins and my brothers.”

  “Well, at least they were willing to pay some attention to me,” she said, trying to keep her voice low.

  Exasperated and just a tiny bit pleased at the prospect that she really did want to be with him, Linc took her by the arm and led her through the crowd until they were alone at the edge of the bushes leading to the garden. He wanted to shake some sense into her, to tell her that he wanted nothing more than to get rid of all these people and shower her with his brand of special attention. She’d invaded his every thought for the past two days but for the last few hours he hadn’t had a moment alone with her. Each time he’d seen her with one of his brothers or his cousins he’d wanted to yell and pull her away, but he’d refrained. But that was over now. He was going to make damn sure she knew that her place was with him.

  He pulled her just beyond the garden entrance where they could no longer be seen by the guests. His hands cupped her face and he watched as shock overtook her moments before he captured her lips with his own. With an urgency he’d never experienced Linc kissed her, pouring all his jealousy, all his arousal into that one passion-filled action.

  She grasped his arms, tried to hold herself aloof then succumbed.

  Breathless seconds later he rested his forehead on hers trying to calm his erratic breathing. “Never doubt that you have my full attention. Always.”

  “I…” She took deep breaths. “I’m not used to this.”

  He kissed her temple, the tip of her nose then the outline of her cheek. “You’re not used to being kissed?” he whispered.

  “No.” She smiled, her hands relaxing on his chest. “I’m not used to this togetherness charade. Your family expects us to be a happy couple.”

  Linc pulled back to look at her. “Haven’t you ever been part of happy couple, Jade?”

  She didn’t answer, but tried to look away. Touching a finger to her chin Linc turned her back to face him.

  “Where’s your boyfriend? Your husband?” he implored. “Tell me why a beautiful woman like you is still alone?”

  She shrugged. “Apparently beauty’s not such a hot commodity anymore.”

  “Maybe the population of foolish men is growing.” He stroked her cheek wondering if that population included him.

  “It doesn’t matter.” She moved out of his grasp to stand near a bush with huge yellow flowers.

  Linc had never been an outdoorsman, but could not deny the beautiful landscape and the way it perfectly framed this alluring woman. “How did he hurt you?” he asked without crowding her.

  She didn’t face him. “He didn’t.”

  “Are you sure?”

  There was a pregnant pause.

  “He disappointed me. He was just one in a long line of men who disappointed me.”

  Her words were soft yet they sliced through him like a hot blade. He was one of those men, he knew without asking. Eight years ago he’d left her in that room and hadn’t returned.

  “I’m sorry,” he said for lack of any other words.

  She turned to him then. “Don’t be. It’s my fault. I made myself vulnerable. It’s only right that I accept the consequences of my actions.”

  Was carrying around a disdainful attitude toward all men a consequence? Was holding herself at arm’s length her fate in life to keep from being let down again? Linc couldn’t bring himself to accept that. She deserved so much more.

  But could he give it to her?

  He moved to her side, slowly took her hand and brought her fingers to his lips. “Don’t blame yourself for the stupidity of others. If they disappointed you, then they weren’t worth your time.”

  She stared up at him quizzically.

  “That includes the younger, immature Lincoln Donovan.”

  She smiled then and Linc felt a grip on his heart he was sure should have caused some type of pain. Instead it invigorated him. It confirmed that being with her was right.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He nodded but realized he didn’t want her gratitude. What he wanted from Jade Vincent he wasn’t so sure she was willing to give.

  Jade had the suite to herself as she showered and now slipped into her evening gown.

  Fastening diamond earrings to her lobes she reminded herself again that Linc was simply her employer. That she had no right to be angry with him for spending time with those other women this afternoon. However, her little display of jealousy had ended quite pleasingly. Never would she have guessed that such simple words could mean so much. But when they’d come from Linc they’d meant more than she could explain.

  “It’s just business. Just business,” she repeated until the knock at the door stopped her. “Come in,” she bellowed.

  The door opened and in a swish of lavender chiffon Beverly entered. “Good. You’re dressed. Lincoln is busy so I’ve come to take you downstairs.”

  Jade turned to face her. “You look great,” she said honestly.

  Beverly smiled, did a little turn in the middle of the floor then went to Jade, taking one of her hands. “Thank you, dear. You look wonderful, too. Your complexion is perfect for jewel tones.”

  Jade looked down at her sapphire-blue dress and reluctantly agreed. This was one of her new dresses. One the clerk in Saks had picked out for her. She wasn’t overly fond of the plunging neckline and non-existent back, but she had to admit it made her feel sexy. And if you just looked at her you’d think she really belonged in this house with these people.

  “Lincoln is going to love it,” Beverly said.

  Her heart fluttered at the thought. “Do you really think so?”

  “Child, please. I know my son and if there’s one thing he loves as much as business, it’s a beautiful woman.”

  “I’m sure he does love beautiful women, of his own class,” Jade murmured and continued to stare down at her dress, rubbing her free hand down the front of the dress.

  “Pardon me?” Beverly moved a step closer.

  Had she said that aloud? Jade looked up into the older woman’s face and stammered, “Ah, I just meant that I’m, ah, sure Lincoln loves all beautiful women.”

  Beverly looked at her questioningly and Jade prayed she hadn’t just screwed up the charade she was hired to portray. She hadn’t meant to verbalize her apprehension about being the kind of woman Linc liked. That was a point of doubt she’d kept strictly to herself all these years.

  Beverly reached out and touched Jade’s chin, lifting her head up. “Lincoln is really taken with you, with or without this dress.”

  “You think so?” Why did her voice suddenly sound so needy? Jade wondered.

  Beverly studied her another moment. “Is there something wrong, Jade? Something between you and Lincoln?”

  Jade turned away and changed the sub
ject. She wanted so badly to confide in someone, to tell just how confused she was on the inside. On the other hand she knew that the only reason she was here with Linc was because she owed him money and he viewed this as a way to be repaid. She hadn’t dared entertain the thought that she was still in love with Linc. And wasn’t fool enough to believe it was impossible.

  In the span of a few days she’d turned into a liar and a thief. The fact that Beverly stood in front of her speaking about a fake relationship made this even worse. She liked Beverly. If truth be told she liked all the Donovans. And she felt like a colossal jerk for betraying them this way. But what other choice did she have? There was so much more at stake here than her feelings.

  So as the two women made their way down the stairs and into the main ballroom Jade squared her shoulders and swore she’d get it together. She had four more days to go. She could do this. She had to do this. Next week, when she was in the comfort of her own home, her own world, she’d allow herself a day or two of sadness.

  His tie was too tight.

  That’s the reason Linc gave for being agitated the moment he walked into the room. A majority of the guests had already arrived. He blamed that on the conference call he was forced to take an hour before the party began.

  His mother would most certainly have his head, but decorum would warrant she wait until after the meal.

  Oddly enough, she wasn’t the woman who preoccupied his thoughts. They’d returned to the cookout, hand in hand. What just last week had been an enigma to him was slowly revealing itself. For the first time in his life Linc admitted that he wanted something more in his life. Jade was that something.

  She’d been hurt and apparently it was so bad that she was determined not to make the same mistake twice. He could understand that and viewed gaining her trust as a high priority. At the same time he also acknowledged that clearing a five-thousand-dollar debt was a big deal to her. He had lots of questions as to why, so he’d finally given in and done a preliminary background check on her. He could have just asked but was fairly certain she wasn’t willing to tell him.


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