Love Me Like No Other

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Love Me Like No Other Page 11

by A. C. Arthur

  Linc’s heart filled at her admission. His idea of keeping her longer than a week firmly cemented in his mind. No way was he giving up something this special, this intense.

  “I don’t like seeing you with other men,” he admitted as he left a trail of heated kisses down her torso.

  “I don’t like seeing you with other women,” she whispered.

  He pulled her dress down past her hips and off her legs. She wore another bikini and he wasted no time ridding her of it along with her shoes. She was naked and beautiful. “I can’t think of another woman. I’m so captivated by you.”

  He covered her again then dragged his lips over hers, his tongue snaking out to leave a heated trail along her mouth. She gasped and he dipped inside letting the warmth of her engulf him. For endless moments he kissed her, trying to explain what he was feeling in that one fevered motion. She didn’t move, only participated in the kiss. Then her arms came around his neck and he stroked his tongue against hers with slower, more deliberate licks.

  He was more than captivated. Her arms held him captive, physically. While her actions held a tight rein on his emotions.

  Chapter 7

  There were no slow songs playing in the background. No candles and no preamble. Each touch of his hand meant one thing and she understood him implicitly. Pulling him closer Jade sank into the kiss, welcoming each stroke and moan as if it were air. His hands were on her hips now, sliding up her sides until he brushed her breasts.

  “Linc,” she whispered by way of consent.

  Suckling on her bottom lip he answered her plea and reached for her breasts, palming them each in his hands, toying with their hardened crests.

  Her head lulled back against the pillows and his tongue traced a hot path down her throat until she quivered beneath him. Grasping each breast firmly he pushed them up until they cradled his face and then groaned his pleasure. Forcing himself to slow down he lifted his head slightly, needing to see her, to know her every reaction to his touch.

  She still held his head and when he found her face, her eyes were only half opened, her tongue snaking out to slide over her lower lip. His groin tightened and he moved his hands seductively over her hips. “You’re beautiful,” he moaned. To emphasize his point he kissed her all over, his temperature rising steadily. How was he ever going to go slow with her? He swore and closed his eyes, resting his forehead against her stomach. “What are you doing to me?”

  Without waiting for an answer he kissed along her thighs until they shook beneath him, then lifting one leg and planting it firmly on his shoulder he set out to taste her in the one way he hadn’t all those years ago. From the moment he’d seen her again he’d known that this was something he couldn’t let her walk out of his life again without experiencing. He quivered as he inhaled her intoxicating scent then moaned as his tongue came out to stroke her moistened folds.

  Surely he had died and gone to heaven. That’s exactly what she tasted like, all that was sweet and pure and tantalizingly blissful. He needed her so badly. Her leg tightened around his back, thrusting his face deeper between her legs, and he continued to devour her. He’d skipped dinner tonight but this would certainly satisfy his appetite.

  Jade was in another world, her desire for Linc surpassing anything she’d ever thought to be true. In his eyes she’d seen something that he was usually careful about revealing. Linc was vulnerable. To women, to relationships, to the world, and her heart ached for him. For whatever reason he’d convinced himself that he couldn’t love unconditionally and couldn’t be loved the same in return. It was ridiculous, a coward’s way out that she admitted to being shocked that he would take.

  So tonight, if only for this one night in his life she would give him everything, all that she had would be his. Even the love that she’d kept inside for all these years. His hot mouth scorched her center and developed a rhythm, one that she freely picked up and ministered to. Inside her a storm built from small flickers of desire to lightning-quick flashes that threatened to singe her skin.

  Her breasts were swollen and hot and while he was otherwise occupied she cupped them in her own hands. From his scorching kisses she’d known that Linc had a very skillful mouth but right now, as he mastered her center, pulling every drop of desire from her core, she thought what an understatement that had been. Sinuously, wickedly, she ground her center against him again and whimpered with delight.

  As they said in a hurricane, she was in the eye of the storm, twisting and turning against the ravaging winds he elicited. When his tongue entered her it was the end. She screamed his name as her essence poured from her in a steady tide.

  He’d stared down at her, propped up on his elbow. When her body had stopped quivering she’d searched for him, alarmed by the thought that he may have left her. Again.

  “I’m right here,” he said, tracing a finger along her swollen bottom lip.

  She took a steadying breath and smiled up at him. “Yes, you are. But you’re way overdressed.”

  He chuckled as she pushed his jacket over his shoulders. He finished the job for her while her fingers hastily undid the buttons on his shirt. Pushing the material quickly she couldn’t wait to taste him. Her lips grazed over one tight pectoral, then took the pert nipple into her mouth. He sucked in a breath and she put her hands on him, massaging the rigid contours of his chest, his abs.

  Linc ripped the shirt from his arms, groaning as she kissed him. Her tongue stroked his navel as she unbuttoned his pants and pushed them and his boxers over his thighs. He lifted and reclined as she undressed him.

  When they were both naked he pushed her back onto the bed then propped up on his elbows and stared down at her. “You are beautiful,” he said as he brushed errant strands of hair from her face. “I don’t remember you being this beautiful before.”

  “Make love to me, Lincoln. Not like you did back then, but like you want to now.”

  His entire body rocked with emotion. Had she read his mind? He’d just been thinking that this would be like their first time because now he saw her in an entirely new light. He saw them in a new light. She wanted him still and he wanted her, more than he’d ever wanted another woman before or since.

  So with slow, deliberate movements he leaned in closer to take her lips. He took his time savoring her mouth, building the passion between them until it emanated from her every pore. She squirmed beneath him and ran her hands over him communicating her need, her yearning for him. He continued to kiss her all over, to drink in her responsiveness and claim it for his own. He kissed her breasts, loving the feel of the plump globes between his lips most. The he kissed her stomach, her thighs. The backs of her thighs, her fingers, her palms. He wanted every part of her, every nuance to be touched by him and never forgotten by her.

  His arousal lengthened and stiffened, and burned for her. He wanted to go slow, to draw this mating dance out for as long as he could but knew that he’d never make it. Then she whispered, “Now.” And he was saved.

  He reached toward the nightstand and retrieved a box of condoms. Quickly retrieving one foil packet he ripped it open and sheathed himself. With one hand he spread her thighs wider then stroked her already damp folds and moaned. “Yes. Now.”

  And without another word he slipped inside her. In one long, torturously slow movement filling her completely. For endless moments they stayed perfectly still, joined as one.

  When he began to move, taking deep, soul-shattering thrusts Jade lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist. Her hands held him close by the back and she closed her eyes as his thick erection moved in and out of her. She was slick and he was hard. She was open and accommodating and he was demanding, yet sensual. They were perfect together, just like he remembered.

  He was whispering in her ear, saying things he hadn’t known existed in his mind. She was holding him so tightly, both with her arms and within her sweet walls. With each dive in and reluctant pull out Linc felt something slipping from inside of him, something he’d bee
n holding on to for far too long. She kissed his ear, her tongue lathing his lobe and beneath. She told him how good he was, how good he felt and while he’d heard all this before, coming from her it made him feel like he was on top of the world. He realized then that her opinion of him mattered. Whether it was of him as a lover or of him as a man, it simply mattered.

  She rocked her hips to meet him until he thought he’d go crazy with lust. Placing his hands on her hips he held her still and plundered into her with the rising fury of a volcano about to erupt.

  “I missed you,” he said with each fierce movement. Then he paused as if his words had shocked even him. “From the moment I left you eight years ago until the second you walked into my office I’ve missed you.” He stared down at her and wanted to hear her response, to see her reaction.

  Her eyes fluttered open even as he slammed his length into her again. Her head thrashed on the pillows as she felt that magnificent wave of pleasure threatening to take her again. “Linc,” she said breathlessly. “Don’t.” She couldn’t take the intrusion. This time was special. It was a homecoming of sorts, a cherished moment that she didn’t want blemished. He whispered the words again in her ear and she felt the tears begin to fall.

  Lifting a hand he kneaded her breasts then toyed with her nipple until she moaned. “How does it feel, Jade?”

  She moaned.

  “How do I make you feel?”

  Jade sighed, knowing the minute she said the words it would be all over. Lincoln Donovan would have her heart once again. She hadn’t wanted to take this plunge, to surrender her heart so quickly. But again, this was not a choice. His hips circled, he pulled back then thrust forth again and there wasn’t a force on this earth strong enough to stop it.

  “You make me feel cherished,” she said, riding that glorious wave until it splashed and crashed with urgency against the shore. “And that scares me.”

  Linc heard her words but before he could process them completely he was overtaken. He plunged inside of her one last time before exploding.

  Moonlight danced across the bed as Jade rolled over and rubbed her eyes. She’d been in a deep sleep, the kind that wakes you up to a feeling of disorientation. She wondered where she was then lifted a knee and felt the hardness of a male body beside her. He was lying on his side with his back facing her. It only took a second for her memory to come back. She’d slept with Linc. Again.

  With a deep sigh she recalled how good it was. Again.

  To her surprise he stirred then reached for her. When her head was settled on his chest and his arms wrapped tightly around her she sighed in contentment.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you owned a spa?”

  His question came from out of the blue, startling her with a dose of reality. “It never came up.”

  “It did but you deliberately omitted it. Aren’t you proud of your accomplishment?”

  She was more than proud. She’d beat the odds and come out on top. She’d followed her dream and seen it to fruition. Of course she was proud. She just hadn’t thought he’d care. “I didn’t think it mattered either way to you.”

  His fingers massaged her scalp and he leaned forward to kiss her forehead. “You matter to me, Jade. You can tell me anything.”

  She thought about his words for a minute then decided he was simply speaking in the afterglow of lovemaking. He really didn’t care to hear about her life.

  “You can tell me why you were really at my casino. And before you do you should know that I don’t believe for one minute that you’re irresponsible or foolish. The claim that you lost five thousand dollars that you can’t afford to repay is not logical.”

  Damn, he’d picked a fine time to hit her with all this. But Jade felt a flood of relief. She wasn’t good at all these stories and misconceptions. She prided herself on her honesty and her integrity. But these last few days she’d let herself down. “I have a younger sister who’s impulsive and carefree. I’m the responsible one, the oldest and the caretaker. If you met Noelle I’m sure you’d have no problem placing the irresponsible cap on her head.”


  “My mother always told me to take care of Noelle,” she interrupted him. “I got her up in the morning, made sure she washed and fed her breakfast. I combed her hair and helped her with her homework. I walked her to school and I picked her up in the afternoon. I’ve taken care of her all her life.”

  “That wasn’t your job,” Linc said sternly.

  “It was my purpose. Mommy could barely take care of herself let alone two kids. My father left when Noelle was born. I was only two-and-a-half years old then. He broke Mommy’s heart and only alcohol could mend it.”

  “Jade, I’m so sorry.”

  He’d opened the door and now things that she hadn’t spoken about in years came pouring out. “It was only a temporary mend though. Mommy died when I was sixteen. Noelle was fourteen and Grammy sent for us. We moved here to Las Vegas. But Grammy wasn’t like Mommy. She taught us to be independent, to stand on our own feet, to pull our own weight. Somehow I don’t think Noelle paid as much attention as I did.”

  “So it’s Noelle’s debt you’re repaying?”

  She nodded. “You don’t have to say it. I know I can’t keep bailing her out and I told her that this was the absolute last time. She’s a grown woman and I don’t have time to continue taking care of her.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. But I feel like an ass now for making you repay a debt that was never yours.” He took a deep breath. “We should call this off.”

  Jade sat up so quickly a wave of dizziness hit and she had to wait a moment before she spoke. “No!” She turned to him and steadied her breathing. “I mean, I told Noelle I would handle this one last problem for her. I can’t go back on my word. Besides, she doesn’t have the money to pay you back. I have more money than she does. And I do not want my sister to go to jail.”

  Linc lifted a hand to smooth down her straying hair. “I won’t have your sister thrown in jail, Jade. But it’s not fair that you’re taking the fall for her. It’s not fair that you’re here against your will because of her.”

  “I’m not.” She loved the feel of his hands in her hair. “Here against my will, I mean.”

  He smiled up at her. “Now you’re not. But a few hours ago you were. You were doing a job, working off a debt that’s not yours. Your sister is grown. She should be handling her own business.”

  Her gaze fell from his momentarily. “I know. She wasn’t thrilled to hear about our little arrangement so I think she’s feeling a little guilt now.”

  “Why wasn’t she thrilled? You’re fixing her problem, something I presume you do for her a lot.”

  “I do it too much. But that’s not what she had a problem with. She knew how hard spending a week with you would be for me.”

  His hand had fallen to her shoulders and now the small of her back where he traced little circles, slowly, repeatedly. Her bones turning to mush with each passing second.

  “And has it been hard for you?”

  She looked at him and couldn’t help but smile. He was so handsome and so tempting. She stroked his cheek and prayed that the love swelling inside her for him wasn’t written all over her face. “You were a part of my life that needed to be reconciled. I needed to know why you’d left.”

  “And now you do.”

  She nodded. “Yes. Now I do.”

  They were silent.

  He pulled her down on top of him, hugging her tightly, inhaling the scent of her hair. “Do me a favor?”

  Anything, she wanted to say but instead said, “What?”

  “Make love to me one more time before you go.”

  Jade didn’t speak but lifted up from him. She reached to the nightstand and plucked a foil packet from the box he’d discarded last night. Taking his already erect penis into her hands she slipped the condom on him.

  He sucked in a breath but was otherwise quiet.

  She straddled him keeping her eyes on
him as she slid slowly down onto his shaft. His hands came to her hips and he gripped her.

  “Thank you,” he whispered then thrust his hips up into her to seal their joining.

  Blissful sensations moved through her and she bit her bottom lip to keep from crying out. “Don’t thank me. My job’s not finished yet.”

  Then they found a rhythm and no further words were spoken. The only sound echoing in the room was that of satisfied lovers finding their mutual release through a sensual dance as old as time.

  Beside him she slept, silent and content, words he never thought he’d use to describe Jade Vincent. She had the type of personality that made anybody like her. She was smart. She was spirited. She was caring and conscientious. And she was damned pretty—animated at times and pigheaded at others. She was a variety of things all rolled into one very attractive package.

  The most recent trait he could add to her repertoire was loyal. He was still trying to get his mind around the fact that she’d agreed to this week with him to save her sister. His thoughts on that matter were conflicted. On the one hand he was angry with her sister for being selfish enough to let her agree to something like this to save her ass. On the other hand, he was glad her sister was irresponsible enough to lose the money, otherwise he would most likely have never run into Jade again.

  Still, it wasn’t right. She wasn’t here of her own free will. Even though he’d offered to release her from the deal she’d refused, stating that she’d given her word and she wanted her sister’s slate wiped clean. She loved her sister an awful lot, there was no question about that. But was her sister worthy of that love? He was determined to find out.

  Chapter 8

  Linc was late for breakfast. He’d left Jade still sleeping in the bed and gone to the den to make a few calls.

  By the time he entered the dining room everyone was talking and enjoying the meal. Everyone except Jade, that is. This was unusual and he was sure he wasn’t the only one who noticed it.


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