22 . Kennedy-Pipe, Russia and the World, p. 196.
23 . Kirpichenko, Razvedka, pp. 190-92.
24 . Ibid., pp. 201-3. Details of Mengistu’s chairs in Hartley, The Zanzibar Chest, p. 138.
25 . Orizio, Talk of the Devil, pp. 144ff; Hartley, The Zanzibar Chest, p. 138. See above, p. 457.
26 . Article by Leonov in Sovetskaia Rossiia, 26 April 1991. Leonov wrote this article as head of KGB intelligence assessment and made clear that it summarized detailed warnings sent by his department to ‘the leadership of this country’. Andrew and Gordievsky (eds.), Instructions from the Centre, pp. 219-21.
27 . Andrew and Gordievsky (eds.), Instructions from the Centre, pp. 218, 221-2. Among those taken in by the conspiracy theories was Gorbachev’s chief of staff (formerly his assistant), Valeri Boldin, who took seriously Kryuchkov’s claims that the KGB ‘had intercepted certain information in the possession of Western intelligence agencies concerning plans for the collapse of the USSR and steps necessary to complete the destruction of our country as a great power’. Boldin, Ten Years that Shook the World, p. 263.
28 . Remnick, Lenin’s Tomb, p. 448. See above, pp. 135-6.
29 . See above, p. 10.
30 . Jeffrey Sachs, quoted in Gary Duncan, ‘Economic Agenda’, The Times, 10 Jan. 2005.
31 . Clapham, Africa and the International System, pp. 153-4.
32 . Ibid., pp. 155-6.
33 . Szulc, Fidel, pp. 533-4.
34 . Andrew and Mitrokhin, The Sword and the Shield, pp. 496-7.
35 . Andrew, For the President’s Eyes Only, pp. 425-6.
36 . Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom, p. 379.
37 . Cherkashin, Spy Handler, p. 146.
38 . Interview with Leonov in Pravda, 21 March 2002.
39 . Primakov, Russian Crossroads, pp. 92, 111. Primakov claims that Gordievsky came ‘close to confessing’ before his escape from Russia but makes no mention of the fact that Gordievsky, who had not been told he was under suspicion, was invited for a strategy meeting in a KGB dacha, given a drugged Armenian brandy, then suddenly subjected to aggressive interrogation and repeatedly told, as his head reeled from the effect of the drugs, that he had just confessed. The use of the phrase ‘close to confessing’, however, amounts to an admission that, even in these circumstances, Gordievsky did not in fact confess. On Gordievsky’s interrogation and escape, see Andrew and Gordievsky, KGB, introduction, and Gordievsky, Next Stop Execution, chs. 1, 14.
40 . Interview with Kirpichenko, Vremia Novostei, 20 Dec. 2004.
41 . Andrew and Mitrokhin, The Sword and the Shield, pp. 330, 546-7.
42 . Kalugin, Spymaster, pp. 287-98.
43 . Andrew and Mitrokhin, The Sword and the Shield, ch. 5.
44 . Ibid., chs. 19, 20.
45 . See above, ch. 12.
46 . Andrew and Mitrokhin, The Sword and the Shield, pp. 559-60. Korchnoi lost the championship by a single point.
47 . Ibid., pp. 248-9.
48 . Ibid., ch. 15.
49 . See above, ch. 21.
50 . Andrew and Mitrokhin, The Sword and the Shield, ch. 30.
51 . See above, pp. 270-72.
52 . Andrew and Gordievsky, KGB, ch. 9.
53 . Andrew and Mitrokhin, The Sword and the Shield, p.561.
54 . Andrew and Gordievsky (eds.), Instructions from the Centre, ch. 1.
55 . See above, pp. 38, 135-6.
56 . Andrew and Mitrokhin, The Sword and the Shield, pp. 215-20, 556-8. On similarities in the East German case, see Macrakis, ‘Does Effective Espionage Lead to Success in Science and Technology?’
57 . Unlike Putin, Andropov had no background in foreign intelligence; he was a Party apparatchik and diplomat before becoming KGB Chairman in 1967.
58 . A list of thirty-three influential former KGB and FSB officers in the Putin administration was published in Novaia Gazeta in June 2003.
59 . Nick Holdsworth and Robin Gedye, ‘Putin brings back the Cold War spy system’, Daily Telegraph, 15 July 2004.
60 . Interview with Kirpichenko, Vremia Novostei, 20 Dec. 2004.
61 . See above, p. 471.
62 . Elkner, ‘Spiritual Security in Putin’s Russia’.
63 . ‘Senior Whitehall and security sources’, cited by Jason Bennetto, ‘Carry On Spying: Russian Agents Flood UK in Revival of Intelligence Cold War’, Independent, 26 Oct. 2004.
64 . US Department of State, Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, 2003: Russia; Anna Badkhen, ‘Democracy on the Brink: Spy Mania’, San Francisco Chronicle, 7 March 2004; Kathy Lally, “‘Spy Mania” Strikes Russia’, Baltimore Sun, 4 Jan. 2004.
65 . ‘Senior Whitehall and security sources’, cited by Jason Bennetto, ‘Carry On Spying: Russian Agents Flood UK in Revival of Intelligence Cold War’, Independent, 26 Oct. 2004. Recent reports of the all-party Intelligence and Security Committee refer more discreetly to concern at the level of ‘significant Russian activity in the UK’ and the problem of allocating sufficient resources to deal with it; Intelligence and Security Committee, Annual Report 2003-2004, pp. 29-30. According to Primakov, though post-Soviet Russian intelligence ‘has never hesitated in respect to [S&T] espionage’, political intelligence has remained its ‘top priority’; Primakov, Russian Crossroads, pp. 97-102.
66 . See above, pp. 246-50.
67 . Interview with Lebedev, Rossiiskaia Gazeta, 20 Dec. 2002.
68 . RIA Novosti report, 20 May 2004. A year earlier the FSB had hosted a meeting of intelligence agencies from forty-three states to discuss terrorist finance.
69 . Samolis (ed.), Veterany vneshnei razvedki Rossii, pp. 3-4.
70 . Primakov et al., Ocherki istorii rossiiskoi vneshnei razvedki, vol. 3, conclusion.
1. Mitrokhin’s Archive
Mitrokhin’s notes and transcripts are arranged in four sections:(i) k series: handwritten notes on individual KGB files, originally stored in large envelopes
(ii) t series: handwritten notebooks containing notes on individual KGB files
(iii) vol. series: typed volumes containing material drawn from numerous KGB files, mostly arranged by country, sometimes with commentary by Mitrokhin
(iv) frag. series: miscellaneous handwritten notes
For details of the methods by which Mitrokhin collected and stored his archive, see Andrew and Mitrokhin, The Mitrokhin Archive, vol. 1, ch. 1.
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