Uncrushable (Forehead Kisses #3)

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Uncrushable (Forehead Kisses #3) Page 7

by Abby Reynolds

  Now I felt horrible. I wasn’t seeing clearly when all that happened. I couldn’t explain how Adrianna knew about my dark past. Liam was the only answer. “I’m sorry…” I didn’t know what else to say.

  Liam brooded silently for a while, staring out the window in silence.

  I knew our magical day was over. It would take him a long time to move on from what happened. Now the warmth was gone from his eyes. His hand didn’t touch mine.

  “I need to get to class.” He stood up then grabbed the trays.

  I sighed in sadness. “Okay.”

  “Bye.” He didn’t kiss me goodbye or acknowledge me. He just left.

  Back to square one.

  When I was finished with my last class, I went straight home. After the way Liam got upset earlier today, I knew our date was over. He didn’t want to see me and he needed his space. I knew it would take patience and time to put our relationship back together.

  Scotty walked inside and slammed the door.

  I practically jumped out of my seat. “What’s wrong?”

  He stormed to me, a pissed look on his face. “I don’t want you waiting on Liam anymore.”

  Not this again. “Scotty—”

  “If he’s hanging out with some girl and refuses to tell us why, I know he’s up to something. Remember, I’ve known Liam a lot longer than you. He’s a pig just like the rest of us.”

  “I trust Liam,” I said simply. “I should have trusted him before and I lost him. I’m not going to make the same mistake twice.”

  Scotty growled in frustration. “Why the hell was she at his house?”

  “I don’t know. But I’m sure he has an explanation.”

  “And why won’t you ask what that explanation is?” he demanded.

  “Because I don’t need to.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Scotty, just stay out of it. I’m not a broken girl anymore. I can take care of myself. You don’t need to look after me or stick your nose in my personal life.”

  “Stick my nose in?” he spat. “I’m just making sure my cousin isn’t getting played. That’s all.”

  “I’m not,” I said firmly. “If you knew Liam at all, you would know he isn’t the kind of guy to play games. And he isn’t a liar. If he said he wasn’t with anyone, he wasn’t.”

  “You seem certain,” he said darkly.

  “Because I am.” I held his gaze.

  He raised his hands in the air. “Fine. I’ll back off.”

  “Thank you.”

  “But if he is fucking around, I’ll kick his ass.”

  “I have a feeling it would be the other way around…”

  He glared at me before he marched to his room and shut the door.

  I sighed while I stayed at the table. I turned to my laptop and checked my email. When I saw a message from the support group I opened it quicker than I could process. After skimming through the lines, my heart beat in my chest.

  I got the job.

  When the sun was about to go down, my phone vibrated. I was planning my first session so I stopped checking myy phone to see if Liam texted me or called. I knew he wouldn’t. He was really upset that afternoon.

  You still coming over? It was Liam.

  Did he want me to? I assumed the date was off by the way he blew up and stormed off. I had the impression you didn’t want to see me.

  He didn’t type a response for a few minutes. Adrianna got me upset and I took it out on you. I’m sorry. Of course I want to see you.

  He did? Phew. I missed him desperately and wanted to spend time with him. Okay.

  Are you coming soon?


  Don’t forget your bag.

  I couldn’t help but smile. I was excited for my first class but I was more excited to see him. After I packed my things, I drove to his place as fast as I could.

  When I pulled into his driveway, he was standing outside. His hands were in the pockets of his dark jeans and he wore a gray t-shirt that highlighted every muscle of his body. He was a powerhouse with a gentle soul. That’s what I loved about him most; that he was more beautiful on the inside than the outside.

  I shouldered my bag and walked to him slowly. “Hey…” I searched his eyes for the aggression I saw earlier.

  His blue eyes were bright and clear. There was no anger in his limbs or the tightness of his muscles. That was a good sign. “I’m sorry I yelled at you earlier.”

  “You don’t need to apologize. I know I hurt you and you can’t just move on from that overnight.”

  “You’re right, I can’t. But that doesn’t give me the right to make you feel bad about it all the time. If I said I wanted to work on this relationship, that’s what we should do, not live in the past.” He grabbed my bag and put it over his shoulder. “Do you forgive me?”

  “Of course I do.” I still didn’t feel like he did anything wrong. It was natural to still feel hurt by the past. And he didn’t yell at me. He calmly told me he was still upset about what happened. And frankly, he should be.

  “Thank you.” He grabbed my hand and led me inside his house.

  Once I was inside, I breathed the scent of his home. I missed living here. His smell was in every hallway and every room. I miss showering with him when we both finished our workout. I missed snuggling on the couch while we watched TV. I missed everything.

  “It’s not the same without you.”

  He could read my mind. Sometimes I swear he could.

  He placed the bag by the door then walked in the backyard. I followed him then took a deep breath, inhaling the smell of the garden. The California Poppies were upright out of the ground, and the rest of the garden was in full bloom. Bees buzzed by and the watering can sat beside the house, ready to be filled.

  Liam stared at me before he got to work.

  I rolled up my sleeves and got my hands in the dirt. Feeling the soil under my fingertips reminded me of my childhood. It would take days until every speck was gone. Earthworms would rise up, moving around as they darted through the dirt. I used to be grossed out by them as a child, but now I thought they were interesting creatures.

  I checked the vegetable patch and marveled at the size of the cucumbers and tomatoes. They were big and juicy, ready to be picked. “You did a good job, Liam.”

  “Thank you,” he said as he pulled a few weeds out with his bare hands.

  I’d neglected my garden at the house, but Scotty still took care of it for me. Whenever I tried it made me think of Liam, which made me depressed and hopeless.

  Liam and I worked until the sun went out, leaving the garden in darkness. I finished watering the plants then sat on the bench. After Liam wiped his hands on his jeans he sat beside me.

  Feeling adventurous, I rested my head on his shoulder, just the way I used to. He didn’t move, letting me relive the past. Then he leaned his head against mine and listened to the crickets with me. Liam was the strongest person I’d ever known, but he was also the most gentle and compassionate. Sometimes he seemed older than he really was, wiser than most college kids I knew. He’d already had a terrifying experience, making him age prematurely. But his state of mind matched mine. We both preferred the quiet instead of the loud noise of people. We both understood real loss and knew what a gift life was. We were old sould just in younger forms.

  I wanted to tell him how much I loved him, but I didn’t want to put too much pressure on him. Being in this garden always made me treasure the beautiful relationship we had. It made me more emotional than usual. I knew he felt the same way.

  “Dinner?” he whispered.


  He stood up and pulled me with him. When he walked into the kitchen, he opened the oven and pulled a pan out. I sniffed the air and realized he prepared a lasagna.

  “That smells good.”

  “It does.” He pulled off the foil then cut it into sectionals. Then he piled it onto the plates before setting them on the table. “What would you like to drink?”

  “Water is fi

  “Coming right up.” He poured the glasses then set them on the table.

  Quietly, we ate, not saying much.

  Liam looked at me every few minutes, watching my face. Then he would look down at his plate so I could look at him. I picked at my bread and tried to think of a conversation to have, but I came up with nothing. Liam and I didn’t talk much. In fact, we talked very seldom. But that’s how comfortable we were with each other. Unnecessary words didn’t need to fill the silence.

  Once we were finished, Liam dropped the plates in the sink.

  Normally, I would wash the dishes when I lived here, but since I was a guest I knew he wouldn’t let me. I decided to stay back and let it go.

  “What do you want to do?” he asked as he stood in front of me.

  I wanted to roll around in his bed and feel his mouth pressed to mine, but I couldn’t suggest such a scandalous idea. It was too early for that. “I’m a little tired…”

  “You want to go to bed?”

  In so many words… “Yeah.”


  I got my way pretty easily.

  He grabbed my bag then walked up the stairs. I got a nice view of his ass so I enjoyed the sight as long as I could. Once we were on the second landing, I averted my gaze.

  He placed my bag on his dresser. “Do you want to shower?”

  “I’m okay.”

  “Do you mind if I shower?”

  Not if I get to watch. “No.”

  “Okay.” He walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

  I sighed in disappointment then opened his drawer to grab a t-shirt. When I pulled one out, I noticed the black box stuffed under his clothes. I knew what it was even though I’d never seen the lid open. It made my heart squeeze. If I hadn’t messed up so many times, I’d probably be wearing it right now.

  With a deep sigh, I closed the drawer and turned away. I checked to make sure the bathroom door was still closed before I pulled off my clothes and put on his ridiculously big shirt. It fell to my knees and almost slipped off my shoulders. Then I crawled into bed, loving the scent of him on the sheets. It made me feel special knowing I was the only woman who slept in this bed, that I was the first to stay from night to morning. And no one else had been here since the day we met.

  Liam turned off the shower then walked out with a towel around his waist. Beads of water dripped down his chest, and the lines of his chest and stomach made my lips part. He was as thick as a tree and as defined as the Grand Canyon. I knew Liam was primarily sought after because of his looks and it was hard not to feel just as lustful toward him, especially when I saw the beauty on the inside at the same time.

  He grabbed a pair of boxers then pulled them on under his towel. Then he tossed it on the floor. When he turned toward me, I averted my gaze quickly so he wouldn’t know I was blatantly staring at him, wishing he would drop the towel without the boxers on underneath.

  It was only eight in the evening, so neither one of us were tired enough to sleep. But I wanted him to hold me, to feel him snuggle beside me. His large chest rose and fell with a constant cadence, making me relax. The quiet sighs he made in bed always kept me asleep. The silence that stretched between us always made me feel like we were the only people in the world.

  He lifted the sheets then slipped inside, making his side of the bed dip slightly. The warmth that accompanied him seeped into the mattress, acting as a personal heater. When his leg touched mine, I shivered.

  He hooked his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him. Then he gripped my thigh and pulled it over his hip, bringing us closer together. Due to limited clothing, I could feel his hard-on against my stomach. It was thick and long, just the way it used to be. I missed making love to him. It was so passionate and gentle, full of love and trust. The commitment we had was always strengthened when we joined our bodies together. Since our conversations were minimal, it was the perfect art of communication for us. Just feeling each other and reacting to the goodness of the other. Thinking about it made me miss it like crazy.

  Since he could read my mind, I knew he shared the same thought. The desire burned in his eyes while he looked at me, but he didn’t act on it. Instead, he stared into my eyes then moved his hand to my hip. His thumb caressed the skin gently. I knew it was his favorite place to touch.

  “How was your day?” he whispered.

  “It was good. Yours?”

  “It’s better now.” He pulled down the sheets then lifted up my shirt, revealing the black thong I was wearing. My heart skipped a beat at his sudden movement. Then he leaned down and kissed my hip, using his tongue while he did it. The kiss was long and slow. His finger dug into my skin. My hand immediately moved into the strands of his dark hair, my lips parting. Seeing the desire he held for me got me excited instantaneously. Then he pulled away and returned to my side, pulling the blankets back up. “The urge overwhelmed me.” His hand returned to my hip and caressed it softly.

  “Let it overwhelm you,” I blurted. I can’t believe I just said that. The need I had for him was taking over the control center of my brain.

  He stared at me intensely, his eyes hooded and dark. He must miss me as much as I miss him.

  Going out on a limb, I cupped his face then gently brought my lips to his.

  His mouth was immobile at first, but within a few seconds, his lips responded to mine. His kiss was gentle and loving, purposely feeling my lips with his mouth, treasuring every inch of them. His hand gripped my hip then pulled me hard against his chest, keeping the kiss going at the same time.

  I breathed into his mouth, spinning so fast I couldn’t control myself. He tasted so good, felt so right. I loved him with my whole heart, and I silently confessed that truth with every move of my mouth. His breath filled my lungs, and he moaned quietly after every few kisses. His cock got bigger and pressed against me hard, telling me how much he wanted me.

  Then he slipped his tongue into my mouth, lightly playing with mine. I moaned louder than I meant to as the kiss became more heated. When I felt myself being rolled to my back, I knew the heated moment just went to a new level. He separated my legs then moved between them, his cock pressed against my center through his boxers and my thong.

  My legs squeezed his hips and I ran my fingers through his hair, wanting more than he could give. I loved feeling the physical and spiritual connection to him. The quiet sounds of our moving lips filled his bedroom, and I found myself wanting all of him even more. Finding the courage through my need for him, my hand left his hair and moved to the brim of his boxers, slowly pulling them down. I wanted to feel him inside me, to feel his soul touch mine.

  Liam grabbed my hand and steadied it while he broke our kiss. His face was still pressed to mine, and we both breathed heavily. The rejection circulated through my veins. I knew it was too soon to be intimate, but I couldn’t help it. I wanted all of him all the time.

  He took a few more breaths before he looked me in the eye. “It’s not that I don’t want to…”

  “Then what?”

  “I’m just not ready,” he whispered. “But I want to keep kissing you.”

  I was disappointed that was all I was getting from him, but I understood his reservations. “Okay.”

  “But I’m struggling to stay in control,” he confessed. “I need your help.”

  “Just kissing—I got it.”

  “Thank you.” His mouth moved back against mine and he gave me the same heated kiss as before.

  My ankles locked around his waist and I pulled him closer to me. Our bodies were touching and we couldn’t get any closer. My fingers glided through his hair as the passion took over. Our tongues danced together, lighting on fire with every touch. Liam moaned while he caressed my hip, loving the sensual kissing as much as I did. I wanted more than he was willing to give, and I could take advantage of him if I wanted to. Making love to him so many times showed me what he liked and didn’t like. But I would never do that to him. If he needed time, I�
��d give it to him. Because I’d give anything to be with this man.

  Chapter Seven


  I couldn’t stay away from Keira anymore, so I just gave into my heart’s desire. We still had a long way to go, but we were taking it slow and making progress. After she came to my fight, I knew something had changed within her. And when she didn’t assume I was sleeping with Theresa I knew she was proving she really did trust me. She still hadn’t asked how I knew Theresa or what I was doing with her. And that meant the world to me.

  When I was heading to Keira’s calculus class, that cunt approached me.

  “Liam.” Adrianna caught up to me and stood in front of me.

  Keira’s class was going to get out soon and I wanted to make sure that guy knew Keira was taken. It was childish and lame, but I didn’t care. She was mine and I wanted the entire class to know. Shit, I wanted the world to know. “Get the fuck away from me.” I sidestepped her but she jumped in front of me.

  “I’m sorry, okay? I wanted to say I was sorry.”

  Sorry? “I didn’t know you even knew that word.”

  The sadness was in her eyes. “I don’t want you to hate me…”

  “Too late.” I stepped around her again.

  She stood in my way, blocking my path. “When I said I loved you, I really meant it. I still think you and I make more sense than you and Keira do.”

  “How do you figure?” I snapped. “There’s no one in the world who is more perfect for me.”

  “Which is why you’ve broken up twice?”

  My eyes narrowed. “Because of you.”

  “I understand what you’ve been through. I can help you.”

  No one would ever understand me but Keira. “Get out of my way or I will move you.” I wasn’t bluffing.


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