Twisted Fate (A Twisted Fairy Tale Book 1)

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Twisted Fate (A Twisted Fairy Tale Book 1) Page 2

by Ace Gray

  And yes, big, beautiful, art-covered, five o’clock shadowed Cole was still a stranger to me. I’d approached him on a whim in the terminal then we’d spent a flight rubbing on each other, teasing and tormenting each other. I hadn’t even seen underneath his shirt. He was supposed to stay that way.

  So I kept walking. Up the gangway, out through the gate, down the terminal then toward the exit. Each step created delicious friction below my waist and reminded me there was still signs of what we’d done coating my skin. It made my internal temperature sky rocket.

  And become desperate for an orgasm.

  I tucked into the bathroom, fully intending to rub one out while I pictured his cat tattoo inside me all over again when I noticed a cocktail napkin shoved into my purse. As I smoothed the crinkles, big bold letters bled across the flimsy white paper.

  Send me a souvenir



  I swallowed hard as I stared at his request. Of course I knew what he was asking. I’d used the word after all.

  For a moment, I considered balling up the napkin and chalking the whole thing up to a one-time sex checklist item. I mean, a man like that was absolutely zero good in real life. Right? But then I pictured him gulping whiskey out of an impossible to make with your tongue shape and decided good things come in bad and beastly packages and slipped into a stall with my phone at the ready.

  When I pulled up my skirt, little crystalline patches ran like the Nile Delta across my skin. The moment he came flashed vividly back to mind. My finger was reaching toward the slick folds of my sex before I even gave it full thought. The second I laid the pad of my finger to the tiny nub of nerves my body twitched and jerked. An orgasm was waiting just around the corner for me courtesy of Cole No-Last-Name-But-Hulking-Shoulders.

  I flipped the camera to video and positioned myself so the screen was filled with cum covered flesh, hiked up skirt and a glistening, slick sex. One finger pressed the big red circle on my phone while the other pressed on a very different button.

  My hips bucked up into my hand and I had to keep my feet from sliding out into another stall. I couldn’t help but watch as my most intimate bits tightened, twitched and trembled. Two of my fingers dipped inside me, following their far too familiar path and crooked up into my G-spot.

  Cole wouldn’t be able to see but my head rolled back against the wall and shook side to side. When my eyes fluttered shut it was all him, my fingers weren’t mine anymore. He stroked me. He teased me, circled me, caressed me and swirled around in the arousal thick between my legs.

  It took me almost no time to come, though I almost bit off my tongue trying not to shriek, and even less time to send the video via message along with the text:

  you did this to me.

  Almost immediately the telltale three dots appeared in response. But then just as quickly, they vanished. I gulped hard on the lump in my throat, feeling regret seep into my pores. A stranger had a video of me orgasming and he didn’t even appreciate it. Or worse, didn’t want it. There could even be a girl threading her hand into his that still had me all over them.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  What had I done? Not only sending the video but on the plane. I’d spread my legs like it was some pervy game of Getting To Know You. Like it was no big deal. Like I did that, did guys casually, on the regular. Where was my dignity? Where were my walls? Why hadn’t they contained me? My skin flushed to rosy pink.

  But then the dots picked back up.

  I’m turning the car around. meet me in arrivals. Ihaven’t kissed you yet. this isn’t remotely over…



  I’d almost wrecked my fucking car when that message popped up.

  Good Christ.

  I was going to send that smug smile emoji in response to Elle’s perfect pussy shot but then the pic started moving. She’d gone and sent me a video. It took me all of ten seconds to turn around after watching, cutting in front of cars and listening to blaring horns as I made sure I could circle back. Wherever Elle was, her pussy was still coated with me. I needed that wherever she inhabited to be significantly closer to my face. I wanted to bury myself underneath that skirt.

  The first time I’d said her name, it tasted good on my tongue. And now I couldn’t stop imagining tasting her. Every goddamned inch of her. With any luck, she’d have that hint of sweetness.

  All the best pussies reminded me of French fries dunked in milkshakes; sharp salt assaulting the tongue first, then a perfect hint of sweetness weaving underneath to drip down my throat. I lived for the moment I found out if a woman was vanilla or chocolate, strawberry or peach.

  I caught my reflection in the rearview mirror and a bolt of inspiration struck. Elle had propositioned me for sex shortly after I sat next to her in the Seattle terminal. I’d gravitated toward her small figure topped with beautiful breasts and sunshine locks, then she’d just asked, wanna join the mile high club? If that was her game, why couldn’t I play a little too? My smile grew and my dimple deepened where it showed in the mirror.

  Elle was easy to spot on the curb despite the thick rope of cars between us. My eyes found the spot of glowing gold as if they already knew where to look. She couldn’t stand still and her eyes darted from side to side searching, but they never settled. Her knees knocked together, then shimmied, drawing her thighs even closer together.

  Her cum covered thighs.

  From my vantage point, I watched as she bit her lip, threw her head back and shuddered. She was hypnotic.

  I couldn’t help but rev my engine, letting the loud, throaty snarl of my vintage Dodge Charger startle the people lined along the curb. Almost all of them jumped, including Elle, and my smile tugged all the wider on my cheek.

  Even after the other eyes fell away, Elle’s raked over the car. My tint was dark enough she couldn’t see me, but she was still appreciating the machine. A girl devouring my car was almost as tempting as a girl devouring me. The things I wanted to do to her…

  I shook my head and maneuvered my hot-rod to the curb, smoothly pulling up in front of her. When I glanced over, I swore I saw the lines of her fuck-hot body through the slightly transparent white cotton dress I’d shoved up around her hips just an hour or two ago. She was small with dangerous curves, delicate but the way she’d knocked against the bathroom sink while I fucked her told me she was strong, too. I blew out a deep breath as I pushed the button to lower the window.

  “Wanna ride?” I asked as I leaned over and quirked my eyebrow up.

  Elle’s eyes lit up, twinkling in the same way they’d done when I told her we got away with it. She bit that full bottom lip of hers and I inwardly kicked my ass for not sucking on it earlier. My dick agreed, twitching against my fly.

  “I don’t bite…hard.” I intentionally loaded sex into the sound of my voice.

  Her head rolled back and her body automatically arched toward me. The graceful curves of her neck lengthened, accentuating the hollows above her collarbones. I couldn’t help but picture the ink coating the back of my hand wrapped around the pale creamy skin of her throat. My hands flexed inadvertently at the fantasy of choking her just enough that she gasped for air while I climaxed.

  Before I came from daydreaming alone, I popped the trunk. Her breathing hitched up at the sound but she otherwise stayed frozen. I was half tempted to get out of the car and kidnap her like a savage caveman when she snapped to, swiftly grabbing her suitcase and easily hauling it into the trunk. I watched as her chest jiggled in the mirror when she slammed the door.

  Fuck. Yes.

  The moment she whipped open the passenger door, I shoved my hand across the seat to keep her from sliding in.

  “Elle, see that lever there on the side, near the bottom?” I gestured as I asked.


  Goddamn her voice was like caramel, warm, sweet, rich and sultry as hell. I shifted in my seat, hoping to alleviate a little of the pressure on my now raging hard-on.

nbsp; “Flip it.”

  She followed my command without hesitating and the seat jutted forward. I reached across and pulled, helping to slide it forward.

  “What the…?” Her voice had a sexy rasp as she trailed off, her eyes shifting from me to the backseat.

  “You gave me an idea. Get in before I get in trouble for idling.” I jerked my chin toward the backseat.

  Her beautiful brow furrowed but she squared her shoulders and slid in. I shoved the seat into place, locking her in, and revved the engine as I pulled away. She gasped when the car snarled and vibrated beneath us. I couldn’t help my husky chuckle or that I revved the engine all over again.

  “I liked the video, Elle. A lot.” I caught her eye in the rearview mirror.

  “Oh yeah?” She arched her eyebrow and a small but proud smile crept across her face.

  “I want to watch in person this time.”

  She shivered and my balls tightened automatically. How I was going to deal with my near painful erection, I had no idea, but if she said yes, I’d figure it the fuck out.

  She blew out a deep breath. “Like now?”

  I reached up, grabbed the rearview mirror and angled it down. The fold of her hips was perfectly framed by the thin black line circling the mirror. I gunned the car for the third time and watched a little too enrapt as she pressed her knees together in response.

  “Now would be fantastic,” I practically growled at her.

  Elle didn’t need more convincing. She bent down as best she could in the tiny space, her long locks brushing my forearm, and making it my turn to shudder. Thank God only a heartbeat passed before she sat up, bringing her skirt with her.

  I should have been prepared for the sight but I wasn’t. At all. The car swerved and horns wailed in the next lane when her dripping slit appeared in my mirror. I stared unabashedly at my jizz where it mixed with her wetness and only blindly tried to right the car.

  “You’ve been inside it, Cole. If you wanna get near it again, I’d suggest not wrecking the car.” Elle gracefully rounded down to meet my gaze in the downcast mirror.

  I nodded quickly, my eyes still wide and my mouth still slack, as she sat back up. She artfully draped herself across the upholstery of the bench seat and her head rolled back, putting her throat on display again. The same filthy vision of choking her flew through my mind and my hand clenched the wheel so hard my tattoos speckled.

  But then her gentle gyrations started and I was instantly snapped back to the action in my backseat. Her fingers danced on her clit and any thoughts besides watch and don’t die left my mind. My eyes flitted more frequently between the road and her reflection as she circled herself. She was tracing her slit, stopping only to rub smaller circles at the apex of her thighs. Her hips themselves started rocking in tiny circles in time with her hand. If I’d thought she was hypnotic before, watching her tease herself was absolutely bewitching.

  I didn’t know if she was watching me watch or surrendering fully to her long, dainty fingers. Honestly, I didn’t fucking care. When I looked away for a split second to check the dotted lines of the Kennedy Expressway, she groaned.

  If her voice was caramel then her groan was the rest of the sundae—ice cream, chocolate, whipped cream, jimmies—and damn did she have my nuts in a twist. It was guttural and unashamed while still being her sticky sweet tone. My gaze automatically snapped back to her.

  Elle had pushed her finger inside, slick skin now swallowed it almost whole.

  My breathing hitched up when she left it there and let it swirl. A horn blared beside us and I barely looked to see if it was directed at me. She started thrusting, swiveling her hips to meet her hand as she slowly dragged her finger out then curved it back up in. In and out, in and out, in and out. Over and over and over.

  Shallow, ragged breaths pulled far too much air into my throat and my lips started to crack. I tried to wet them but my tongue wasn’t much better. Elle had me panting like I was a dog in heat.

  She groaned again, this time her voice was strangled, breathy, like she was already close to orgasm. I took a good look at the cars surrounding us and the lane in front of me. There was space. I let the Charger snarl and as I shot off, my eyes fixed on the mirror.

  Just as I hoped Elle reacted to the car. Wildly. She planted her feet on the floor, the backseat so small she was probably wedged under the seats, and shoved her hips up to full on grind her hand. Her groans shifted into nonsensical whimpers.

  Even when I slowed the car, she kept her hips up. I could tell she was crooking her fingers up to stroke her G-spot.

  “Good God, Ladyface. I’m so hard it hurts.” My voice was a reflection of her pained whining.

  “Do you want me to come?”

  “You’re asking?”

  She was giving me the chance to deny her. Or make her wait. My dick twitched painfully hard at the idea. I’d been oh-so-right when I said we weren’t remotely finished. She’d let me control her the way I wanted, she’d let me take from her in all the ways I pleased.

  “Cole.” Elle made the O of my name so long and agonized, every single muscle in my stomach tightened.

  “Yes, Ladyface. Come. Come hard and fast. But for the love of God come now.”

  Her hips were still up off the seat. One or both of us should have been worried about someone else seeing but in reality, we were both too fixated on the crashing wave of orgasm about to splash over and consume Elle. Her legs bunched, highlighting toned thighs and hinting at a plump little ass. Every inch of her started to quiver.

  I barely remembered to check traffic and looked out just in time to see stopped cars in front of us. I swerved as I slammed on the brakes, but it wasn’t enough. I pulled the steering wheel and headed for the off ramp I was lucky enough to be near, all to the sound of furious horns.

  None of it fazed Elle. Her shoulders slid across the seat making her look even more frantic, but she just continued fondling in, out, and around her sex. The way she worked her body reminded me of an artist laying paint to canvas in wide strokes, small detail, large splatters, beautiful and wild.

  After I was done, she’d be some sexual Jackson Polluck.

  I slowed at a stoplight letting the car rumble beneath us. I felt each and every shake in my bones, and double in my now-throbbing cock; it threatened to unhinge me. If the vibrations were this painful to me, I completely understood why Elle had shoved herself up off the leather and into a makeshift bridge. My hips shuffled, instinctually drawn to hers. I hit the steering wheel instead and howled when I did. My sounds mixed in with hers, so animalistic, so hot, that I didn’t care if I’d bruised my dick.

  My eyes snapped to the mirror in time to catch Elle’s quivering spread like wildfire and envelope her body head to toe. Every muscle trembled, her hips raised and lowered with no rhyme or reason. A small foggy patch appeared on the glass above her lips.

  A horn blared, another chimed in, then two more followed from further back, all in rapid succession. The sound tangled up with Elle’s mewling cries. I didn’t give a fuck. I sat at the green light, relishing the gift of sight as I watched every inch between her thighs start to clench and release.

  Her orgasm was infinitely better in person.

  I could get the finger from every driver on the ramp, a ticket for obstructing traffic, even a massive dent in my fender, but nothing was going to stop me from watching the way her pussy grabbed onto her fingers and pulled them in deep. Or from imagining that magic little slit was milking on my dick rather than her fingers.

  Elle came crashing back to earth and my upholstery right when the light flipped red. Her hand fell away from her body leaving an unobstructed view of her perfect pussy that had gotten even prettier. It was now a lovely shade of dark pink glistening in the last bit of daylight and swollen where it was framed by the untamed folds of her skirt. Every inch of her frame shook with labored breathing and her hair was a tangled nest of just-fucked waves.

  And it was that panting, wrecked woman in the
backseat that did me in.

  The second the light turned green again, I slammed the car into gear and spun out around the corner. I found a space on the side of the road and all but drifted my car into it, letting the machine screech and squeal as it pleased. I slammed the stick shift into neutral and yanked on the emergency brake. My fingers fumbled with the seatbelt but only for the briefest moment. The second it was off, I turned and lunged at her. My body barely fit between the seats but I managed. I would have torn the interior to pieces if it meant getting to her at that point anyway.

  My hands wrapped around her thighs, my tattoos stark against her pale skin just as I’d imagined. I dug my fingers in and yanked her down the seat toward me.

  Every bit of me was shouting taste her. My tongue wanted to play all its tricks to make her drip. I licked my lips at the thought. Elle’s hooded, fuzzy gaze was locked on my mouth and my smile crooked up automatically in response, my dimple hollowed my cheek. She tried to press her legs together but I kept them wide.

  “I told you I wanted to kiss you,” I rasped and Elle squirmed beneath me. “And I know you fucking want me to.”

  She tried to arch her neck up to meet me, sneaking a squeeze of her thighs inward as she went. My smirk broke into a full-blown smile as I eagerly moved to meet her. At the last minute, though, I redirected and planted my lips on her overly sensitive clit.

  A pained cry filled my ears as my tongue wove in all its best ways against her. I made a point to make out with her pussy before my slow and steady thrusting. And when she dripped, I couldn’t pay attention to the sound anymore, my other senses were far too enrapt.

  Elle tasted like cherries. Fucking perfect cherries.



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